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Tue, 11/03/2009 - 13:46 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

OMG, you really are very ignorant about the racian diversity in India. Let me enlighten you!

Ordinary Kashmiri faces on Google. BTW, Kasmir is in India.(lol)



Tue, 11/03/2009 - 13:42 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

*natural white hair(with generally bright features)

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 13:40 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"How is white hair attractive? It's the color everyone gets as they age. White hair to me is associated with old age, as are eyes that are so light they seem worn out. I like bright vivid colors. Like BRIGHT blue eyes or bright blonde hair. Not colorless hair and eyes. Thank you. I am sure the majority of people can agree with me."

Well the whole hollywood agrees with me. Girls in general and moviestars love to colour their hair white blonde. It's more of a greyish tone to it when you age and naturally white hair(which generally bright features) REALLY looks beautiful on kids, teens and grown people and I know many people agree with me. "the majority" lol that's just bullshit. Just because you are an ugly "indian-fetisch"(to use your own word lol) indian who can't accept the fact that brighter is much often SO MUCH prettier.
And the eyes are not colourless. Again, we are not talking about albinos, people with white hair most often have colourful bright blue eyes and there can often be some yellow/blonde tones in people with white hair's heads. In Sweden I have even known girls with natural white hair, very white skin and dark brown eyes and it's actually a alternative look, not a mixup of races.

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 13:26 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


How is white hair attractive? It's the color everyone gets as they age. White hair to me is associated with old age, as are eyes that are so light they seem worn out. I like bright vivid colors. Like BRIGHT blue eyes or bright blonde hair. Not colorless hair and eyes. Thank you. I am sure the majority of people can agree with me.

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 13:11 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Visitor wrote:

After posting the cute Korean girl's photo, now I'm going to educate you about Indians!

The only person who needs to be educated about indian is you.

The reality looks more like this:

The actual Indian man

The actual Indian woman

Bollywood is just a dream. Wake up.

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 13:06 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Visitor wrote:

After posting the cute Korean girl's photo, now I'm going to educate you about Indians!

The only person who needs to be educated about indian is you.

The reality looks more like this:

The actual Indian man

The actual Indian woman

Bollywood is just a dream. Wake up.

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 11:46 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

We obviously don't have the same taste because all of the pictures you post of ugly/average/dull looking people saying "so attractive" "pleasant to the eye" and comparing them to pretty people or people with pretty features are not beautiful. And if you had read more carefully what I said, I said that certain traits disappear when mixing races, such as having natural white hair which is uncommon in the world enough as it is. I posted pictures of random people with white hair. I didn't try to find the most swedish-looking or good-looking people, I just wanted to show you how beautiful white hair is and how mixed races can never get these bright types of hair and bright looks.

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 11:29 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 11:27 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Cesilia, do you honestly believe that you can impose your worn out appearance as an aestetic ideal? LOL.


Beautiful mixed genes sisters

Gorgeous Japanese girl

Mixed genes hotty

Wow, it's a beautiful world, indeed!

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 11:05 Apollyon Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


Your points make sense. I've noticed when individuals point to various ethnic women as beautiful, they invariably appear more 'European'. Halle Berry is a case in point. She is smaller boned and has finer facial features (I believe she had a nose job as well). She is also light coloured and clearly has white blood in her. Asians that are considered attractive tend to be light coloured with smaller noses, more 'oval' shaped faces, longer limbs and more 'round' eyes.

Similarly for Indians. The ones featured (Bollywood) are light skinned, have small noses and have a 'white' look to them (as if one parent was white).

I never thought of it too much before and simply assumed that I thought they were more attractive due to being white. However, I've noted recently that ethnic groups themselves will put these types of looks forward as examples of beauty and I was suprised. It seems to point to an ideal that is largely unacknowledged but nevertheless very real.

I live in an area with a large number of Asians and Persians. Many of them are attractive, but they are typically more 'European' looking...and certainly not representative. Travel the Toronto subway and you'll soon discover the average is not too great. That is not to say I think the average 'white' woman is great either but they are generally more appealing. I do enjoy the change in mood when a good-looking blond (natural) steps on the train...the haughty attitude of the 'good-looking' Persian/Asian (or even Italian) changes...they know the score even if they pretend otherwise.

If Blonds weren't on top, you wouldn't have so many 'colour-me-blonds' out there...nor would there be so many 'dumb-blond' jokes...

Just my two cents...

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 01:36 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Cesilia, The Swedish girls on those photo do not look 100% European. Apart from that, their facial features are unproportional. You need to learn to accept the facts and deal with it- huge heads,wide jaws, puffy faces and boulbous nasal tips are not European traits.

Straight,fine noses and deep-set eyes are.
Have a look at these attractive faces:
(look at the photos he posted)"

"The Swedish girls on the photos you posted above, are all examples of: huge head with protruded forehead, plus fleshy face with wide noses and epicanthic folds. In other words, Asiatic looking blondes. By doing that, you have just proven my point. Please, post more photos like this(lol). Thank you in advance!

If we make unbiased analyses of the facial aesthetic proportions of the couple on this photo, we'll have to agree that both the male and the female have better facial proportions than the Swedish people. I don't know how they got their flawless look, but their appearance is very pleasant to the eye."

Look at our conversation you will understand this.

To Visitor(without your quote)
"It's funny how you argue against youself by posting those bullshit pics that you know? Saying those traits are so beautiful and that I secretly love them as well so I post pictures of "asian-like" swedish girls or "blonde asians" LOL while you post pictures of korean girls who have removed/are missing THOSE EXACT TRAITS.

Beauty=The truth

You like the lie."

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 01:24 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Btw how pissed of were you? O_O.

Tue, 11/03/2009 - 01:21 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I thought Visitor posted the message from you (Visitor posted the pictures) so it was to him, not you. I only wrote that becuase of his pictures and saing the girls I pick look like blonde asians etc.
So I didn't mean it when I posted it to you(I haven't seen any pictures from you).

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 22:54 david Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Oh by the way, I found this site because I searched sexy Albino men. And I found this hot muscled man and looked at the site it came from. Man who ever who that picture up send me a link where I can find more cause DAMN!

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 22:39 david Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Race is Arbitrary along with the idea of beauty which is often defined by a culture. Stereotypes like Asian and White are also arbitrary. I don't know if there is such a thing as white DNA and Asian DNA, don't we all share the same DNA with a little genetic variance? Aren't we all part of the same race, Homo Sapien? (excuse me for the misspelling)Can't we all interbreed to make children that are also capable of making children? Making generalizations like that are offensive. If you want to say someone is pretty look at the individual, not the race that you think that person is a part of.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 21:23 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"How come YOU only post pictures of photoshoped pictures,"

I haven't posted that many pictures to begin with. All I've really posted are feminine asian women with large jaws and cheekbones to prove the idea that either can be correlated with femininity is wrong. Do show how they're photoshopped.

"plastic surgery"

Show me that they had plastic surgery.
"and mixed-race asians"

HAHAHAHAHHA! Man, either you really are Emily or stupid-ass, flat out RETARDED arguments like this really are endemic to nordic fetishists!

How could I be posting so many mixed-race asians when they are an EXTREME MINORITY in their own countries?

"if you think their real traits are so beautiful?"

Since you, by now, are obviously a complete idiot, even moreso than Emily, I have said TIME and TIME again that virtually EVERY SINGLE RACE has their own ethnic extremities. It's just hard to quantify, at this point, a number of those, and for what it's worth, lend little credence to nordics, or even whites in general as being the epicenter of it all.

"It's funny how you argue against youself by posting those bullshit pics that you know? Saying those traits are so beautiful and that I secretly love them as well"

What a crock of shit. I have NEVER accused you of "secretly" loving those traits. You and Emily and other like-minded nordic fetishists are the only ones who have done this. NOT ME. You're the only who thinks I'm jealous because I'm not falling head over heels for the swedes you spam. (some of them I dislike probably due to DIFFERING TASTES, others because I genuinely find them not that attractive or not attractive at all, and genuinely am baffled you do yourself.)

But I won't deny I think you and Emily feel the same way about, well, virtually all asians that have been posted. You seem to be revolted or barely attracted to anything posted so far. They're undeveloped fetal dwarves with downs syndrome and the only good looking ones have hardcore plastic surgery or white admixture. Such extreme judgements about such a huge variety of asians posted indicate a few things:

-You're sickeningly insecure and think its heretical to like anything that falls even slightly outside of your nordic ideals.
-You genuinely do have such narrow perceptions of beauty, but instead of keeping it to yourself, feel the need to pollute the study of human aestethics with revolting biases, tinged by nationalistic outlooks, with that kind of filth.
-A combination of the above.

"so I post pictures of "asian-like" swedish girls or "blonde asians" LOL"

I've pretty much never done this.

"while you post pictures of korean girls who have removed/are missing THOSE EXACT TRAITS."

I haven't posted korean girls- only japanese ones. You don't seem to deny that the removal of those traits is pretty slight, though, do you?

"Beauty=The truth

You like the lie."

I'm not even gonna touch this one at this point. Fuck you. Go wall off Sweden so it can be free from the polluting influences of anything non-swedish because some trashy little girls who hate everybody non-swedish say so.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 20:02 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"like all people(even Swedish Mongoloids like you), but people of mixed races are amongst the most attractive people on the world and that is a fact!"

Yeah I look soo mongoloid :). Duh, many mixed people are attractive but seriously nordic people are the most beautiful on their own even though the result can turn out well. And bright and beautiful traits disappear, like white hair for example is very, very pretty and it can never be found among mixed races(if the child isn't an albino. It can't be found anywhere else than in Scandinavia and some other areas anyways.

Very cool and pretty. =)













Swedish legends mixed with famous and random people.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 18:52 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Oh shit, I thought you, Visitor posted the last message at fist(he posted the pictures) so it was to you(without the quote of Violetcorpus of course :))

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 18:52 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I like all people(even Swedish Mongoloids like you), but people of mixed races are amongst the most attractive people on the world and that is a fact!

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 18:48 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Ooops linked to the wrong person. It was mainly to you Violetcorpus.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 18:47 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Cesilia, that girl you talk about has clearly Mongoloid eyes. Her face is puffy, and she appears to have underdeveloped breast. She is not even avarage attractive. In fact, her facial features look a lot like this man's face:

Find something better than that, please.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 18:46 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"That korean plastic surgery series doesn't show too much of a change from their previous portraits. Some facial feminization, eyelid reduction, maybe some partial jaw and cheekbone reduction (certainly a relativistic trait) and tooth correction. (which is largely non-genetic.) That's about it. Still look strongly asian, and good looking, I might add. (but not particularly attractive. Wait, how can I have an asian fetish when I don't find those korean women highly attractive?)"
How come YOU only post pictures of photoshoped pictures, plastic surgery and mixed-race asians if you think their real traits are so beautiful?

It's funny how you argue against youself by posting those bullshit pics that you know? Saying those traits are so beautiful and that I secretly love them as well so I post pictures of "asian-like" swedish girls or "blonde asians" LOL while you post pictures of korean girls who have removed/are missing THOSE EXACT TRAITS.

Beauty=The truth

You like the lie.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 18:31 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Cecilia commented before me.

That korean plastic surgery series doesn't show too much of a change from their previous portraits. Some facial feminization, eyelid reduction, maybe some partial jaw and cheekbone reduction (certainly a relativistic trait) and tooth correction. (which is largely non-genetic.) That's about it. Still look strongly asian, and good looking, I might add. (but not particularly attractive. Wait, how can I have an asian fetish when I don't find those korean women highly attractive?)

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 18:31 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Cesilia, The Swedish girls on those photo do not look 100% European. Apart from that, their facial features are unproportional. You need to learn to accept the facts and deal with it- huge heads,wide jaws, puffy faces and boulbous nasal tips are not European traits.

Straight,fine noses and deep-set eyes are.

Have a look at these attractive faces:

...and bodies


Wow, what a beutiful world!

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 18:27 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Cecilia 1:

"Seriously, you have problems. Why are you here btw? You just post pointless stuff which doesn't prove anything and nobody agrees with you."

Godis doesn't say much more of anything substantial, sadly. But to say "nobody agrees" with her is BS.

"Anybody could see I'm not Emily, I post diffirent types of pictures and I write in a VERY diffirent way since I'm younger than her.(also we may write in diffirent ways becuase WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON :P)"

You both act very similarly. The only difference I see is less of a nationalist tone and more a ditsy outlook. You both make strikingly similar remarks. Ridiculous comments about european history, extremely elitist outlooks on other european ethnicites, profoundly narrow-minded sense of beauty etc.

"Emily's Biggest Fan!,

Haha those guys where so ugly, it that the best India can do? Did you see the pictures of swedish men Emily posted? C'mon they are so hot. As a response, you post 2 pictures of ugly/average looking indians who look like whites."

Some of those swedish men were good looking, others were average, others were homely. Please, for the love of god, do not argue male beauty. That is freakishly more variable than female beauty.

I do wonder what unattractive swedish males are doing in the home of the nordic gods, though. I wonder what kind of woman it took to produce them.

Callmewhateveryouwant 1:

"Her nose isn't excesivaly high; the girl standing to the right has a nose as high as she. Instead her nose is fleshier, hooky and droopy."

It looks rather high to me. Fleshier, sure, but hooky and droopy? Not in the least.

"Actually this kind of nose approachs the dinaric nose largely found among women from South Germany, North italy and Balkan Peninsula. As long as you agree it doesn't fit beauty, you comply with Emily. For sure it's a caucasoid nose; however, it's not a kind of nose commonly found among nordic populations."

HAH. That barely complies with Emily in the least. I'd be complying with Emily if I outright reviled anything that falls even remotely outside of her ideals of nordic noses. And just because it's not a nose commonly found among nordics doesn't mean it's not a typical ethnic extremity of europeans and perhaps caucasoids in general.

You commit the same fallacy of treating physical traits common to one population as the end result of their normal phenotypical expression and nothing else.
By the way, that trait would indicate a more prominent, higher nasal bridge is more prone to extremities involving overtly rough looking nasal bridges.

"Excuse me. You know it's not true and you are making this up. Some isolate cases of aversion are possible, mainly among those very pround and chauvinist asian MEN which are angry because white man grabs the cream of the crop of asian women."

Bullshit. I am NOT making that up. Those kinds of references are widespread in pre-modern accounts of east asians in their encounters with europeans and other groups. Here's a fun example:

"It is well known, as Huc repeatedly remarks, that the Chinese of the interior think Europeans hideous, with their white skins and prominent noses. The nose is far from being too prominent, according to our ideas, in the natives of Ceylon; yet "the Chinese in the seventh century, accustomed to the flat features of the Mongol races, were surprised at the prominent noses of the Cingalese; and Thsang described them as having 'the beak of a bird, with the body of a man.'""

You'll find the anthropological and historical literature replete with comments like that on europeans. In fact, this link has an amazing selection of quotations of non-whites on white beauty prior to substantial contact and cultural influence. I can't say all of them are highly valid- you have mistranslations as a possibility, some of it being exagerated due to these being small populations who'd be more accustomed to more attractive women in their populations, who, relative to an objective standard of beauty, would be rather removed from it, along with very specific forms of fethishizations (IE fuegians plucking their eyebrows and eyelashes) etc. But much of this is consistent, and highly repliclable.

It's especially more significant in large populations like the chinese, as opposed to small tribal populations whom the most attractive female would probably be only marginally feminine- because that's the best their tiny populations can produce.

"Usually asian simply adore the european phenotype. It's a very known fact."

It's only really the koreans that "adore" white beauty. And even then it's not a full blown admiration. They certainly don't like how whites age much more poorly compared to asians, the greater facial masculinity of white women, the greater body hair and more prominent brows etc. It's more of a specific form of white female beauty combined with their own phenotypes. (but again and again, I'll say that aging is related to a myriad of genetic factors unrelated to skin color, facial femininity is primarily related to testosterone, much of the differences in body hair is due to testosterone and can be a component of masculine beauty, the same holding true for brows etc.) The chinese and japanese are significantly more ambivalent. I wouldn't deny that some the "admiration", though the vast majority of it focused in the nasal area, is simply a reflection of an intrinsic preference, but then again, this goes in line with the insane assumption that whites don't have their own ethnic extremities.

A clear-cut ethnic extremity of whites and similar groups is an overtly long, narrow, tall face, which is more prone to development in populations with small jaws and cheekbones.

"I have and I remember. As you can see "Visitor" agrees with me. Anyway I don't hate asians simply because they are ugly. They are simply ugly; it's not their fault."

Good. I'm glad you remembered. So why did take some smarmy-ass position of deriding him for supposedly comparing them downs syndrome patients?

"Actually some few swedes do have a pseudo-asiatic appearance due to admixture with lapps. It's mainly seen among northern swedes. Finns do have it even more."
I genuinely doubt it's "few."

"Anyway lapps are not mongoloid."

Not fully, but much of the recent genetic evidence suggests them being about 50% central asian on average:

Still, some evidence- albeit this is older- suggests these phenotypes to be purely european:

If that's the case, one must wonder how they got such asian traits with a lack of admixture from them- even the model of central asian admixture makes the high frequency of asian traits too much to account for admixture alone, especially with clear asian features among icelandics, and the lack of asian features among many finns.
I bring this up in face of Emily's sick little nazi-esque tirades about asians looking like a genetic experiment gone wrong, something being wrong with them evolutionarily etc. I know full well of how stupid it is to tag anybody with racially inclusive ideals as a nazi. But the sick crap she's said about asian traits perfectly echoes theories espoused by the nazis and the like.

And again- WHAT is your racial background and ancestry? Stop beating around the bush. You say you're not nordic. Then what the hell are you?


"No, it is not hard at all, actually, since the variation is much smaller due to the limits of the mongoloid race."

It's true that there's less phenotypical variation in east asians (not mongoloids AS A WHOLE, though, which encompasses such incredibly diverse groups as southeast asians, central asians, pacific islanders, amerinds etc.) than europeans, sure, but to make judgements upon them based on the same pictures you keep spamming, which are, in many cases, aren't even true to their ethnic traits, is ridiculous.

1.5 billion people, Emily. Try to compare the few hundred or so you've screeched about to that staggering number.

"Even though there are so many asians their physical variation is STILL within the mongoloid mold. STILL within the mongoloid mold.... There is no denying that. The mongoloid race itself sets the limit to variation."

Which isn't anywhere near as how ugly you paint them as.

"They don't come anywhere near the variation of the white race and the huge numbers of them don't change that at all."

In terms of averages, no, but in terms of gross numbers, then yeah, it's probably more diverse.

"There is for example very little variation of hair and eye colour, which is something that is hugely important to looks. I love all the different colour combinations you see in white people."

This is such an insanely stupid argument made by nordic fetishists, and even people much less inclusive than about white beauty as you. If you're going to argue much of these colors are relative (they don't seem to be to you), then just HOW does that make whites more attractive? HOW do relative physical traits make whites more beautiful, other than some vague notion of uniqueness? It doesn't.

But even this level of diversity isn't enough for you. You don't like black hair. You don't like anything outside of pale nordic white. You don't like brown eyes, ESPECIALLY dark brown eyes. You don't even like olive green eyes. The only traits you like are blonde hair, red hair, MAYBE brown hair, and blue eyes, grey eyes, and classic green eyes. Whites have all of the other traits you revile, in many cases higher than the traits you adore. So what the hell is special about diversity when your standards exclude alot of it?

Non-whites, and populations farther away from the extremities of human skin color distribution (IE the pale white seen among nordics and the dark black seen among sudanese, senegambian, and central africans) usually show far more diversity in skin color than whites. Under your standards of uniqueness, most non-whites should be more attractive in that regard.

But wait, no. You revile even skin colors outside of pale nordic white.

"It is drab and boring beyond belief to just stare at blackish eyes and hair all the time."

Man, it sure makes people more attractive to be more diverse, even if this diversity is purely or heavily relative when you get right down to it.

"Already in Southern Europe this wonderful colour variation declines rapidly and then it is only downhill from there."

What the hell does this mean? Light hair and eyes have always been in lower frequencies than the rest of european even before the incursions of middle eastern populations. (which has made marginal effects on their phenotypes)

Lovely. Emily has finally trashed on southern europeans. Nobody is exempt from your screwed up nationalist politics.

"If there were ten times as many people in this photo above the look of these people would still be pretty much the same since the limit is set by the mongoloid race."

On a relative continuum, of course. But then you still have more skin color diversity and eyelid structure diversity than whites.

Those pictures are another repost, by the way. From one of your meltdowns. When you compared them to a genetic experiment gone wrong.

"Either you find mongoloid traits appealing, or you don't. Many asians themselves don't. That's why they exit the plastic surgeon's office looking like half-asians."

Again, it's primarily koreans. This also assuming all the asians who get plastic surgery look like half asians (they don't. why aren't they looking as white as possible if they hate themselves so much?) and all of this is entirely unrelated to culture.

Cecilia 2:

"So Emily's right about that(and also that asians want to be as white as possible). But that's common knowledge."

Emily is right about almost nothing, and it's a sick exageration that asians want to look as white as possible. (why aren't asian women getting brow implants or collagen reductions or testosterone injections?)

As I've said many times before, east asians primarily get partial reductions of the epicanthic fold. (which in many cases, looks marginally to no better than before.) And how this preference seems to have been non-existant prior to substantial western contact.

Godis: "I think Emily has many other identities on here for many reasons. It's becoming more and more obvious that she is resorting to faking different identities because no sane person will agree with her so she has to invent people that will."

As much as I revile Emily, I really think this is an inane idea, and I have to question your reservations as to why you'd make these kinds of accusations. Cecilia seems ridiculously similar to Emily, but callmewhateveryouwant and Barbarella are alot different and have made themselves clear. I don't think it's hard for people with their mindset to find this site when, for some reason, alot of google image searches relating to physical features discussed on this site bring this site up at some of the top image results.

Callmewhateveryouwant is definitely strange, though. I don't think hes "retarded", but his thought processes seem very skewed, at times, and is grossly incosistent with his speaking abilities. He could likely be some kind of south asian with a nordic fetish, which isn't too uncommon to see. (and why he's so put off from telling us what his ethnic background is)

At the end of the day, it's sad to say Emily's views aren't uncommon. The kind of white fetishism she pushes off is endemic to many racialists, white nationalists, supremacists etc. (who also sadly aren't that uncommon) But I admit I rarely, and I mean RARELY see someone as extreme as her. You know, someone who trashes on the looks of anyone outside of her tiny little ethnic group and shows outright disdain to even fellow whites.

I wonder how she looks upon and treats all the finns that live in Sweden?

"The girl on this photo has huge head,protruded forehead (a birth disorder characterized mainly by brain abnormalities- large head and facial anomalies?),wide jaw, fleshy face, and a bulbous nose! If she faces the camera, her epicanthic folds will show off too.
Her features are far from fine and feninine."

These are inane, crude remarks to make from such a poor profile image. You're using the same exact tactics as Emily is with her judgements upon even attractive, ethnic looking asians posted. But whoever you are, I doubt your perceptions of beauty are as bad as her's.

"Look at this beautiful Korean girl, isn't she cute? Now you see Emily, why you are loosing your men to Asian females."

To act like fetishes of racial attraction are so strongly due to another group simply finding another more attractive is stupid as hell. Stereotypes of their personalities and behaviors can play a strong role (which sometimes are true, but are exagerated nonetheless), such as the idea of asian women being so much more submissive and less domineering than white women, or how people act like most asian women are the ideals of feminine beauty. The same holds true with how so many white women like black men. (and vice versa)

At the end of the day, though, a sizable portion of this IS due to them simply finding them more attractive.

Although I think the author of this article is a total jackass, it's dead on in many regards about interracial attraction:

But, there are some flaws with it, still:

The general message holds true though- a good deal of interracial attraction, such as white men liking asian women or black men liking white women is simply due to them finding them more attractive in certain regards than women of their own race.
Emily, awhile back, argued that its almost entirely due to old pedophilic loser white men going for asian women.

Cecilia 2:

Oh god. You really are trying to argue for the looks of white men.
I'll repeat again- standards of male beauty are far more ambivalent than those for women. Few populations "adore" the looks of white men. It's only really a good deal of indians, and some koreans. Nobody else really gives a shit, especially blacks.
And to the indian guy who's posting your pics, you're pretty good looking, I'd say. (do you have dark green or olive eyes? Hey, what's that doing in a non white?)
