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Mon, 11/02/2009 - 17:44 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Alternative swedish head shape(btw her THICK hair contributes to her big back head and the other girl's hade also made their hair "big"):

You can see her evolved cheek, thick lips and nordic nose clearly.

Not at all like REAL asian heads:






Mon, 11/02/2009 - 17:09 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Hi guy-too-much-of-a-coward-to-post-your-real-name. :P

"The Swedish girls on the photos you posted above, are all examples of: huge head with protruded forehead, plus fleshy face with wide noses and epicanthic folds. In other words, Asiatic looking blondes. By doing that, you have just proven my point. Please, post more photos like this(lol). Thank you in advance!"

1. They don't have pretruded foreheads.
2. I haven't proven your point. It's you who is a jealus person who never seem to have seen white people before and calls them asins unless they have long and extreamly thin heads. You obviously don't know how people in the world looks like. When viewing them from the side, you can easily see that they don't have the mongolian head shape. It's just a illusion created by you.

Yo can have a big head and still look swedish or american or whatever as long as you don't have the mongolian features and the EXACT asian head shape stupid.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 16:40 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Those guys are not hot at all. "

That sounds like sour grapes, LOL.

The guys you posted are not even half as good looking. Come on, was that the best you could get? Next time try to find some really good looking guys, not worn out faces please!

The Swedish girls on the photos you posted above, are all examples of: huge head with protruded forehead, plus fleshy face with wide noses and epicanthic folds. In other words, Asiatic looking blondes. By doing that, you have just proven my point. Please, post more photos like this(lol). Thank you in advance!

If we make unbiased analyses of the facial aesthetic proportions of the couple on this photo, we'll have to agree that both the male and the female have better facial proportions than the Swedish people. I don't know how they got their flawless look, but their appearance is very pleasant to the eye.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 14:43 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Those guys are not hot at all.

Here's some other pictures of swedish people and their noses:
The girl on the left and the girl in the middles are good examples of nordic noses









Mon, 11/02/2009 - 13:24 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

After posting the cute Korean girl's photo, now I'm going to educate you about Indians!

"it that the best India can do?"

Well, the guy who posted his own photo here is not ugly at all, and obviously he feels very comfortable and confident about the way he looks, unlike you.

Here are some more guys from India, enjoy the view and if you are planning to post Swedish men, make sure they are at least as good looking as the guys I post. Deal?


If you need some prove for any other race, don't be shy and let me know. I will gladly satisfy your curiosity. So, feel free to be my guest!

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 13:08 Emily's Biggest Fan! Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


You don't know whats going on here so stay out of this!
I don't have an ego...maybe you are ignorant enough not to understand that i was being "sarcastic" and/or what i was trying to say. You have no right to address my looks or use my pictures.
/default/files/imagepicker/others//DSC01971.jpg" alt="Image" />
"image picker" wow!

Only my sadistic queen Emily can :)
I await your highness :*

Stick to your East Asian "debate"

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 12:39 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


Uploading fail.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 12:35 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Those pictures are of the same guy - ME."

Hahahaha I feel sorry for you. It's even more funny how you wanted to prove some point about some Indians(or whatever you are) being more masculine than nordic men and Emily's examples using YOUR SELF as an example :D. What's up, ego?
1. Jesus, you do not look more masculine than nordic men.
Compared to your pictures.
Image/default/files/imagepicker/others//DSC01971.jpg" alt="Image" />
2. You are ugly if that's what you mean with robust features.
3. LOL, dude, I can't believe you called swedish people swedens.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 12:15 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The girl on this photo has huge head,protruded forehead (a birth disorder characterized mainly by brain abnormalities- large head and facial anomalies?),wide jaw, fleshy face, and a bulbous nose! If she faces the camera, her epicanthic folds will show off too.

Her features are far from fine and feninine.

Look at this beautiful Korean girl, isn't she cute? Now you see Emily, why you are loosing your men to Asian females.

That is my answer to the question"Do you hate mongoloids?"

And no, I have no Mongoloid, nor do I have African admixture. I am not even South European but please keep guessing, that make me feel so important in your lives, LOL.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 11:45 Emily's Biggest Fan! Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"Emily's Biggest Fan!,
Haha those guys where so ugly, it that the best India can do? Did you see the pictures of swedish men Emily posted? C'mon they are so hot. As a response, you post 2 pictures of ugly/average looking indians who look like whites."

That message was directed at Emily. Those pictures are of the same guy - ME.
I don't look like "whites" and i didn't post those pictures for comparative purposes.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 11:44 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"visitor above=Godis"
Yes we already had that one figured out. ^^...

Well if you weren't as stupid as you are you would see that I for example make spelling mistakes and call people stuff while Emily is speaking english better that your ordinary british native speaker and never calling anybody names. I say what I think is right and sometimes name calling is just what I mean. I only say "stupid" etc. anyways. I also speak about diffirent things than her and I only speak when I know something and since the discussion in here can made on a very professional level about things I don't know, haven't seen or haven't got thories about I just jump in every now and then. Emily on the other hand is in the discussion and gives examples for her arguments, so she obviously understands it.
Anybody could see this.
Also, I share many of her thoughts but I have a few of my own as well.

You're just paranoid because you know making up people is what YOU do. What was her name again? Was it Emma?

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 10:29 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

visitor above=Godis

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 10:28 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Here is something callmewhateveryouwant wrote a little bit ago:

"Hi, visitor

What mongoloid admixture has to do with this topic?

You are simply saying that mongoloids resembler people with alcoholic syndrome. How you dare? Do you hate mongoloids?

Why should us hate asians? We are just saying they are not blessed concerning beauty. No reason to hate them.

Say whatever you want. Mongoloids will continue to be ugly and swedes better looking than greeks.

You are just an angry southern european.

Stop your off-topic."

Here is something more recent:

Her nose isn't excesivaly high; the girl standing to the right has a nose as high as she. Instead her nose is fleshier, hooky and droopy. Actually this kind of nose approachs the dinaric nose largely found among women from South Germany, North italy and Balkan Peninsula. As long as you agree it doesn't fit beauty, you comply with Emily. For sure it's a caucasoid nose; however, it's not a kind of nose commonly found among nordic populations.

East asians frequently spoke lowly of the higher nose bridges seen among whites.

Excuse me. You know it's not true and you are making this up. Some isolate cases of aversion are possible, mainly among those very pround and chauvinist asian MEN which are angry because white man grabs the cream of the crop of asian women. Usually asian simply adore the european phenotype. It's a very known fact.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 10:19 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I think Emily has many other identities on here for many reasons. It's becoming more and more obvious that she is resorting to faking different identities because no sane person will agree with her so she has to invent people that will.

CallMeWhateverYouWant: In some of your posts you sound retarded or as if you can't speak english and process other thoughts at the same time. Than in other posts you sound as if you speak English fluently and are very educated. Like Emily.

Cecilia: You essentially argue the same thing as Emily. You sound exactly like her because you are her.

Barberella: Might be Emily. She argues the same arguments and has the same annoying catty whiney tone Emily has. However, there is a small chance Barberella is legit meaning that unfortunatley there is someone else on the planet that is as crazy as Emily.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 08:40 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose (the link to the videos missing in the other message)

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 08:36 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose, check it out.
"Stuff Asian People Like:
Written By Asians, About Asians.

#41 Eye Enlargement

Posted March 20th, 2008 by everydayasian · 1 Comment

Fact: Asian women think that their eyes are ugly. They will go to many lengths to change the appearance of their eyes, from high-maintenance temporary alterations to more expensive and permanent options. So much so, that every Asian person has at least one sister, mother, aunt, grandmother, or friend who has tried to change their eyes.

Big EyesThe most common things Asian women change are their “lids.” Asian eyelids usually have a single fold (otherwise known as a monolid), whereas Caucasian eyelids have “double folds.” It is this “double fold” that Asian women spend most their lives coveting.

Young girls often start off with cheap and easily accessible apparatuses for achieving double-fold eyelids: tape or glue. Using these tools, asians, with the help of some adhesive and plastic tools, make possible this “pleat” in their own skin. During their teenage years, Asian girls learn about this from an older sister or cousin. They will also develop the asian stare at this age, which will allow them to strike fear into the hearts of people everywhere. The Asian Stare heavily contributes to the enlarging of an asian’s eyes because it requires asians to expose as much of their irises as possible. It will also prepare them for motherhood, where the asian stare will keep their children from going out with friends *gasp*. With repeated use, the Asian Stare will cause a noticeable increase in iris radius, bringing asians one step closer to having eyes as wide as wet noodles.
These days, there is a relative newcomer in the world of Asian eye fake-outs: the circle lense. Circle lenses were made popular in Korea before the trend spread to other Asian countries and is slowly making its way to the United States. “Circle Lenses” are like colored contact lenses, except the colored portion is larger than a person’s actual iris. The reasoning is that making their irises appear larger makes asian eyes look bigger. The effect is more dramatic than folding their eyelids, and can sometimes be rather cartoon-like (look at all the anime characters). Asians may even freak people out by getting designs on their lenses, much like Michael Jackson did to the world when he turned white.

Does eye enlargement sound ridiculously strange to you, or are you a woman who finds this so appealing that you have to try it right now? Click Here to check out the many Youtube tutorials about how to glue your eyes. As asian women approach their 20’s or their high school/college graduations, they opt for plastic surgery so that they don’t have to use glue or tape everyday. Eyelid surgery is probably the most common plastic surgery for Asian women for this reason.

So why do asian women spend so much time and money trying to change their eyes? Somewhere along the way, they were given the message that Caucasian is what’s normal, and that it is preferable to have more White features. Flip through an Asian beauty or fashion magazine and if you look closely, the majority of models have done something to their eyes or noses to make them look more White. This is true whether the magazine is for Asian Americans or for old timers. Compact that with the globalization of Japanese cartoon characters, who all have eyes the size of tennis balls (sometimes even larger). School girls live their lives dreaming that they can become the next Sakura (cardcaptors) or Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon).

White beauty standards put pressure on Asian women even when they’re in their home countries (which is sad and doesn’t make much sense). For you Asian-American women who read beauty mags and never understand the part where they say “apply eyeshadow to the crease” - I suggest you check out the book Asian Faces where you can learn makeup techniques that show, not hide, your differences. Until then, there is no denying that Asians love to make their eyes look bigger.

Image "

So Emily's right about that(and also that asians want to be as white as possible). But that's common knowledge.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 08:00 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"THERE'S ABOUT 1.5 BILLION EAST ASIANS ON THIS PLANET. It's FAR harder to make judgements on their average physical appearance compared to the tiny fraction nordics"

No, it is not hard at all, actually, since the variation is much smaller due to the limits of the mongoloid race.

Even though there are so many asians their physical variation is STILL within the mongoloid mold. STILL within the mongoloid mold.... There is no denying that. The mongoloid race itself sets the limit to variation.

They don't come anywhere near the variation of the white race and the huge numbers of them don't change that at all. There is for example very little variation of hair and eye colour, which is something that is hugely important to looks. I love all the different colour combinations you see in white people.

It is drab and boring beyond belief to just stare at blackish eyes and hair all the time. Already in Southern Europe this wonderful colour variation declines rapidly and then it is only downhill from there.

If there were ten times as many people in this photo above the look of these people would still be pretty much the same since the limit is set by the mongoloid race. Either you find mongoloid traits appealing, or you don't. Many asians themselves don't. That's why they exit the plastic surgeon's office looking like half-asians.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 05:57 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

You've compared asians to downs syndrome/FAS patients before. You once made some nice little comment about that crowd of koreans, asking if it was a "downs syndrome parade". Leave your sick little sarcastic remarks elsewhere, you cretin.

I have and I remember. As you can see "Visitor" agrees with me. Anyway I don't hate asians simply because they are ugly. They are simply ugly; it's not their fault.

(they don't, obviously, but I find it highly doubtful it's a "rarity" considering their strong historical contacts with finns and baltics.)

Actually some few swedes do have a pseudo-asiatic appearance due to admixture with lapps. It's mainly seen among northern swedes. Finns do have it even more.

Anyway lapps are not mongoloid.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 05:29 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"but I can affirm that there is a correlation between a higher nose and beauty."

Perhaps, but what if the nose is too high, as seen with a woman like this?

Her nose isn't excesivaly high; the girl standing to the right has a nose as high as she. Instead her nose is fleshier, hooky and droopy. Actually this kind of nose approachs the dinaric nose largely found among women from South Germany, North italy and Balkan Peninsula. As long as you agree it doesn't fit beauty, you comply with Emily. For sure it's a caucasoid nose; however, it's not a kind of nose commonly found among nordic populations.

East asians frequently spoke lowly of the higher nose bridges seen among whites.

Excuse me. You know it's not true and you are making this up. Some isolate cases of aversion are possible, mainly among those very pround and chauvinist asian MEN which are angry because white man grabs the cream of the crop of asian women. Usually asian simply adore the european phenotype. It's a very known fact.

Mon, 11/02/2009 - 02:14 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


Seriously, you have problems. Why are you here btw? You just post pointless stuff which doesn't prove anything and nobody agrees with you.

Anybody could see I'm not Emily, I post diffirent types of pictures and I write in a VERY diffirent way since I'm younger than her.(also we may write in diffirent ways becuase WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON :P)

Emily's Biggest Fan!,
Haha those guys where so ugly, it that the best India can do? Did you see the pictures of swedish men Emily posted? C'mon they are so hot. As a response, you post 2 pictures of ugly/average looking indians who look like whites.

Sun, 11/01/2009 - 22:27 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"You are simply saying that mongoloids resembler people with alcoholic syndrome. How you dare? Do you hate mongoloids?

Why should us hate asians? We are just saying they are not blessed concerning beauty. No reason to hate them."

You've compared asians to downs syndrome/FAS patients before. You once made some nice little comment about that crowd of koreans, asking if it was a "downs syndrome parade". Leave your sick little sarcastic remarks elsewhere, you cretin.

Sun, 11/01/2009 - 22:14 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

By the way Emily- I'll never get enough of how you try to generalize asians with pictures like those. Let me repeat-

THERE'S ABOUT 1.5 BILLION EAST ASIANS ON THIS PLANET. It's FAR harder to make judgements on their average physical appearance compared to the tiny fraction nordics, ESPECIALLY swedes comprise.

Sun, 11/01/2009 - 22:12 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


You haven't the slightest bit of evidence to support the idea that romanians themselves have heavy gypsy admixture. None.

"As for feminine men Swedish men don't look feminine, even if the women look feminine. They may be less masculine and coarse than South European and Middle Eastern men, on average, partly due to their more gracile features that also the women possess, but to call them feminine is an exaggeration.

There may be more guys of the "cute" type in Scandinavia, but feminine, no."

I never, ever said Swedish men are feminine. I just keep saying that, for swedish women to be as highly feminine as YOU and others push off, swedish men must be highly feminine as well.

The fact you admit swedish men aren't highly feminine, or even feminine, on average, is truly telling. It's a very simple law of inheritance that would require swedish women to be as feminine as you propose. Is overall facial gracility the only component of feminine beauty? No, but it's an important one.

Ergo, swedes aren't as wonderful as you want them to be and push them off as. I don't think they'd be so wonderful to anybody that lacks such a narrow standard of beauty, polluted by nationalist and ethnocentric tendencies.

"I think Scandinavians are truly blessed"

You can do nothing but invoke weird-ass quasi-mystical arguments to support the ideals you strive to project swedes as.

"as they are such a beautiful people on average,"

Your opinion. Please don't argue for the "beauty" of male swedes, by the way, since male beauty is heavily more relativistic than female beauty.

" and probably the most beautiful one there is since there are so many good-looking people per capita here."

You can assess this pretty well, I'm sure.

"Strange looking eyes can be seen among all peoples since the mongoloid admixture is hard to erace once introduced. I can't help but thinking she would have looked even better without that eye shape. German Claudia Schiffer is another example. "

ALL peoples, even with those with absolutely NO or even very little mongoloid admixture? Considering how there's no evidence of this trait being dominant, how do you account for THAT then?

"These women don't suddenly look asian just because their eyes have an unfortunate shape. They still look gorgeous, but they could have looked even better."

Ah, so not only are prominent epicanthic folds hideous, but even SLIGHT ones are terrible. I love how almost ANYTHING that falls even REMOTELY outside of your insane nordic ideals is unattractive.

Pray tell why most east asians only get partial reductions of the epicanthic fold when they undergo plastic surgery.

"This goes to show that asian/mongoloid admixture should be avoided in white people's gene pool."

LOL, even though NEITHER of these women have asian admixture. What now?

I have to go now. I'll address other comments tomorrow perhaps, even the fools claiming most swedes have an asiatic appearance. (they don't, obviously, but I find it highly doubtful it's a "rarity" considering their strong historical contacts with finns and baltics.)

Sun, 11/01/2009 - 21:45 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Hi, visitor

What mongoloid admixture has to do with this topic?

You are simply saying that mongoloids resembler people with alcoholic syndrome. How you dare? Do you hate mongoloids?

Why should us hate asians? We are just saying they are not blessed concerning beauty. No reason to hate them.

Say whatever you want. Mongoloids will continue to be ugly and swedes better looking than greeks.

You are just an angry southern european.

Stop your off-topic.

Sun, 11/01/2009 - 21:19 Emily's Biggest Fan! Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


My Swedish princess I missed you so much!
My Darling you were right! I am in love with Nordic looks. Please tell me ... are my strange mix of Gypsy, swarthy, ethnic looks acceptable? Please be nice to me. If you say they are acceptable i will be so happy! :D I love you so really opened my eyes! Now i wish i was heterosexual so i could find a blond blue eyed Nordic girl to mix with. Do you think my daughters would be feminine if that happened?

"As for feminine men Swedish men don't look feminine, even if the women look feminine. They may be less masculine and coarse than South European and Middle Eastern men, on average, partly due to their more gracile features that also the women possess, but to call them feminine is an exaggeration.

There may be more guys of the "cute" type in Scandinavia, but feminine, no."

To please you i am posing in a "cute" manner with a big smile...although my nose looks kind of big in this picture lol
This following picture is dedicated to Emily :)


Do you still think i am feminine? I have more coarse and robust features than the Swedish men. So that means i must be more masculine right?


Nordics rule! oops i mean Swedish/Swedens? rule!
