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Sat, 10/31/2009 - 17:11 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"I only defend Romanians from the outrageous claims Emily makes about them (1 in 10 Romanians are Gypsy mixes, I thought this was a joke when I read it, someone has to be really ignorant to believe that). I do not defend the notion or idea that they are more attractive as Nordics on average. This would contradict my honest belief that Nordic women are on average some of the most feminine and attractive women."

Emily was actually saying about 1 in 10 romanians is a gypsy, but she keeps asserting, with virtually no evidence, that romanians themselves are heavily mixed with them.

Like I said, I really can't make judgements upon the average physical attractiveness of all the various european ethnicities. When I go online, I see alot of divergence on opinions. Alot of people have said the english are some of the ugliest whites, but they've never appeared as such to me.

Again and again, as I've said, the issue of one ethnicity, whether it be a large one or a sub-race, being more attractive than another, is nothing controversial, but what is a completely different matter is how much of a group's ethnic traits fall outside of universal beauty standards, however those may be defined, at this point.

The traits seen amongst europeans, in terms of differing physical attractiveness, seem to be either general expression of natural ethnic extremities amongst caucasoids, or, in the case of extreme ethnic traits seen more commonly among, say, middle easterns (IE overtly convex noses- I believe lightly convex ones, like the ones seen amongst Catherine Keener or Aishwarya Rai, (whom I don't find attractive and is insanely overrated) look fine, and convex noses generally look better on small nosers. They're of much more subjectivity on men, though.), is due to general physical similarities between the two populations, and thus, just a little bit of expected overlap.


I wouldn't say those features are "common" among scandinavians- atleast amongst non-finnish groups- but I don't doubt those traits are more common in Scandinavia and the like than in, say, German or the UK.

The same holds true for Baltic europeans, which is right next to scandinavia.

I mean, look at Bjork. Icelanders have very little finnish ancestry but she looks like some kind of eurasian. When I first saw her and heard of her, I thought she was an inuit mix, but then I found out there were never an inuits in Iceland.

She's not attractive, but it's not due to her asian traits.

Another fun thing to note for someone willing to knock on these "asian traits" is this quote from, well, right at the top of this article:

"The following example is of a Finnish woman. Compared to Swedes, the Finns, on average, have wider and flatter noses. The rate of aesthetic rhinoplasty among non-Swedish Nordics was not higher than among Swedish Nordics."

That's a trait typical of asian noses, and falls perfectly in line with the more asiatic appearance of finns. (I'm not 100% of the research on the central asian admixture among finns and baltics, but there's absolutely no denying they look more asian than other europeans. If they really have no asian admixture, then it's just a climactic adaption to the arctic climates scandinavia borders.)

I also kind of doubt Swedes are so much more homogenous than mainland europeans when they've had such close historical contact with russians, baltics, and finns. For what it's worth, studies that purport to show asian admixture amongst northern europeans show it at higher frequencies amongst swedes than, say, germans.

These figures aren't literal, and are just on the Y chromosome, so it's about a quarter of those figures.

On another note, I sincerely doubt

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 15:18 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Gays, Emily won't dare to show you her face which is the asiatic version of blondism.

It is a well-known fact that epicanthic folds are an Asiatic trait and appear in people with Mongoloid admixture. Many Scandinavians(including Sdedish people) possess asiatic features:

1.Epicanthic folds
2.Low nasal bridge
3.Short nose
4.Thin upper lip
5.Flat midface


Have a look at these Swedish women:

Here is an educational link on the subject:

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 15:15 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I honestly don't even understand how the subject of Gypsies is relevant to anything. Nobody here is arguing that Gypsies on average are as attractive as Nordic or specifically Swedish women. So... Why does Emily keep bringing Gypsies up when there is no reason to?

Similarly, not even I will argue that Romanians are as attractive as Swedes on average, so why does the subject of how attractive/non-attractive Romanians are come up when nobody is arguing their attractiveness? I don't understand why Emily posts photos of Gypsy mixed Romanians with hooked noses and slanted foreheads? What is she trying to argue and what is she arguing against exactly, since nobody claimed Romanians are the cream of the crop in terms of attractiveness?

I have only defended Romanians by saying they are not as bad on average and do not display those unattractive qualities at such a high frequency as Emily claims. I have also defended that they do not all appear the same because Romanians from different areas will look different. It is easier to generalize about Swedes than Romanians, because the population of Romania is not homogenous like Sweden's pop.

I only defend Romanians from the outrageous claims Emily makes about them (1 in 10 Romanians are Gypsy mixes, I thought this was a joke when I read it, someone has to be really ignorant to believe that). I do not defend the notion or idea that they are more attractive as Nordics on average. This would contradict my honest belief that Nordic women are on average some of the most feminine and attractive women.

Similarly, other posters on here will not argue that for example Slavic or Asian women are more attractive than Swedish women. The majority of the posters that argue against Emily simply argue against her outrageous and inaccurate claims about those ethnicities and races. They will also argue against the idea that Swedish women are basically Godesses; which really summarizes what Emily claims.

In the end Emily has outrageous claims about any population of people including her own. Her claims about Swedes are outrageous. Swedes on average are awesome, but they are not angels shat out of heaven to embarrass the inferior brown eyed brown haired humans either.

I'd like to add that Emily can't see the "big picture". Just because someone has a bad feature doesn't mean it necessarily ruins their look. An attractive person can have a slanted forehead or eyes that are too small or a convex nose, and still be attractive, because overall they are an attractive person. Emily doesn't understand this. She also doesn't understand that nobody is perfect and I can find at least one large shortcoming on anybody!

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 12:13 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"No one says it is "bad" to have gypsy blood. However, I think it ruins the looks, and that is what this site deals with, and I think Romanians and other women in countries that have very large gypsy minorities would have looked so much better had that admixture not been present the way it is."

"You think" it ruins looks? Why should anyone care what you think? I think you greatly overestimate your importance on this rock kid.

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 08:54 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"There was indeed a mass rape of German women by Russian soldiers after the war. Millions of German women were raped and not all of them would have had access to abortion right after the war, obviously. There really is no point in trying to deny the mass rapes of German women since it is well known."

It's still hard to quantify. I admit I'm too brash at times to criticize points like this made by people like you, but the thing here is that it takes you so long to actually back it up. Plus, in the case of russians, someone then has to go on to quantify what soldiers who raped the women looked like, what the children even looked like, how much social stigma affected them etc.

"Also, regarding German women's noses; there has been more outside genetic admixture in Germany than in Scandinavia due to invasion, occupation etc, and it is true that you will therefore find more non-typical noses such as hooked- or other kinds of Eastern European types of noses."

This is perhaps true, but it's a far cry from saying "germans are well known for having ugly noses".

I also don't see much wrong with these "eastern european" type noses you criticize. The top of this site says russian mail order brides got as much plastic surgery as the middle easterners did, but just how extensive and how much of it was due to the social factors the authors bring up is up to debate. Erik didn't even provide pictures.

Not to mention that nose Erik describes sounds awfully similar to the prominent nose types seen amongst ancient greek and roman female statues, which are well known for being abit prominent.

"Ethnically true Nordic Germans don't have that kind of nose, though, so in that sense there is little difference between a German of true Nordic type and a Scandinavian of Nordic type."

As I've said again and again, an "ethnically true" nose type for swedes is an ethnically true nose type for europeans as a whole due to general ethnic similarities. A middle eastern type nose, with a convex bridge, isn't, but it pops up at such frequencies even without middle eastern influence due to general physical similarities.

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 08:53 crissymai Functions of fat cells beneath the skin

Hi, this is interesting but! I'd be interested to see a piece on why a lot of straight men DO like very very thin and waif-like girls. I have several male friends (who are almost all white) that only exclusively date skinny girls. Just based on the anecdotal evidence these guys are usually pretty feminine and skinny themselves.

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 05:44 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"I still find it odd how, in spite of these "small differences", other nordic people are rarely brought up."

Well, maybe that is because it is easier to talk about your own people. I have posted photos of Danish and Norwegian girls too, but it is true that my focus has been on Swedes, mainly since I live here and it is my country so I feel it's easier to talk about those who are close to home. Anyway, I have posted photos of Danish girls, and some Norwegian girls, and since we tend to look very much the same one could say that whether you use photos of ethnic Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic or Swedish girls you will get an idea of what Scandinavians look like.

Also, regarding German women's noses; there has been more outside genetic admixture in Germany than in Scandinavia due to invasion, occupation etc, and it is true that you will therefore find more non-typical noses such as hooked- or other kinds of Eastern European types of noses. Ethnically true Nordic Germans don't have that kind of nose, though, so in that sense there is little difference between a German of true Nordic type and a Scandinavian of Nordic type.

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 05:31 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

There was indeed a mass rape of German women by Russian soldiers after the war. Millions of German women were raped and not all of them would have had access to abortion right after the war, obviously. There really is no point in trying to deny the mass rapes of German women since it is well known.

No one says it is "bad" to have gypsy blood. However, I think it ruins the looks, and that is what this site deals with, and I think Romanians and other women in countries that have very large gypsy minorities would have looked so much better had that admixture not been present the way it is.

Gypsies are detested everywhere in Europe due to their own anti-social and often criminal behaviour. That goes beyond the scope of this site but there really is no point in denying their lack of adaptation and respect for the countries they live in. The same complaint is heard from every country that has them so that's the reality of it. They are loud, often filthy and lousy, inconsiderate neighbours, and they steal in a way that seems almost compulsory. They often teach their young children to steal, something most people find utterly reprehensible.

I'm sure there are exceptions and good gypsies who lead respectable lives, but there is no denying that the ethnic group as such is a source of trouble in most countries they live in.

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 02:34 To Erik Two non-feminine women

I would like to know your opinion of the film stars Ornella Muti and Barbara Steele. I think they were two of the most striking women of all time.

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 02:31 To Erik Two non-feminine women

I would like to know your opinion of the film stars Ornella Muti and Barbara Steele. I think they were two of the most striking women of all time.

Sat, 10/31/2009 - 02:29 To Erik Two non-feminine women

I would like to know your opinion on the film stars Ornella Muti and Barbara Steele. I personally think they were two of the most striking women of all time.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 22:27 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"You should really just go to Germany because I know you won't ever change your mind about nordic people if someone tells you something and provides you with facts."

Again, this is just YOUR OPINION and you posting pictures of SEVEN WOMEN isn't a "fact" of german women having bad noses. You're honestly the first person I've heard say this.

"Yeah I know it has bad words in it, but it's still fact and I can find so many more sources of this."
Thank you. How many of these children wern't aborted? Do you know the average looks of these soviet soldiers?

"Swedes are most often brought up as the example because it's the country with the most blue eyes and blonde hair in the north(Finland is not taken as a example even though they have a high percentage since they are not fully nordic). As I said before there are small differances between the countries and we basically look alike but even in the north swedes are seen as the most beautiful people and purely nordic people there so they represent the nordic race the best."

I still find it odd how, in spite of these "small differences", other nordic people are rarely brought up.

"It's dark, if you go to Russia you will se mostly dark and brown-haired people. A SMALL percent of the population is blonde and/or look non-slavic and logic thinking is that this might come from the nordic race, the swedish viking which settled there. Genes don't just disappear. They are being passed on from person to person and they are always there."

Dark skin? Why does the average skin color of Russia fall so closely with most other non-southern european countries?

Why is the frequency of light eyes 20-49%?

Why is the blondism frequency at 50-79%?

Mostly dark skinned and dark eyed? Yeah right. Plus, alot of these european phenotypes spread across europe *much* earlier than things like viking incursions. I want you to give evidence of the viking incursions enchancing their looks. (which I kind of doubt, since vikings were, well, pretty masculine.)

"I said NORDIC, stupid. Do you think I bookmarked the sites? I'm not that obsessed with this site but YES I know they are swedish because they are posted from nordic modelling companies, pictures of swedish music artists and swedish websites whith a lot of photos of the same person. I wouldn't post them if they weren't nordic. That would be pointless."

I genuinely ask because people like you on this site having a nasty habit of barely backing themselves up here.

I'm not posting all of her pictures becuase they are too many."

A bit of a reflex there, since that's something Emily thinks is, well, ugly. Sorry.
"Average huh?
Did I double post now? Hmm."
She's average to me. Sorry.

"I agree, you must be."

Whatever you say. Atleast I'm like Emily waving off almost any attractive east asian woman as looking "undeveloped", or, if they don't have any relatively caucasian features, well, just try to drum up such features where they don't or barely exist.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 22:12 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The other post was to you Violetcorpus

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 22:04 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"That's alot different from *you* saying "germans are known for having ugly noses". You know, saying it's common knowledge their noses are ugly compared to swedes or whatever, and backing this up with.... seven photos."

You should really just go to Germany because I know you won't ever change your mind about nordic people if someone tells you something and provides you with facts.

"When did he present this crude theory? How many of those rapes were aborted? Do you have any real evidence that this had an actual effect on their looks"

I agreed with his theory which he presented. I just added another, duh.

"In Berlin stood a charity institution, the Haus Dehlem, an orphanage, maternity hospital, and foundling home. Soviet soldiers entered the home, and repeatedly raped pregnant women and women who had just given birth. This was not an isolated incident. No one will ever know how many women were raped, but doctors' estimates run as high as 100,000 for the city of Berlin alone, their ages ranging from 10 to 70.

On March 24, 1945, our "noble Soviet allies" entered Danzig. A 50-year-old Danzig teacher reported that her niece, 15, was raped seven times, and her other niece, 22, was raped fifteen times. A Soviet officer told a group of women to seek safety in the Cathedral. Once they were securely locked inside, the beasts of Bolshevism entered, and ringing the bells and playing the organ, "celebrated" a foul orgy through the night, raping all the women, some more than thirty times. A Catholic pastor in Danzig declared, "They violated even eight-year-old girls and shot boys who tried to shield their mothers."

"In the Soviet Zone of Germany nearly 90% of females ages between 10 and 80 were raped in what undoubtedly was the largest case of mass rape in history. This included women expelled from the eastern provinces.

Most German children born in Berlin in 1946 were the result of rape. Women and young girls were forcibly dragged from their homes and raped, the drunken Soviet Mongolian soldiers queuing up to await their turn. For two whole weeks these mass rapes of women continued."

"It started as soon as the Red Army entered East Prussia and Silesia in 1944, and in many towns and villages every female aged from 10 to 80 was raped." The author "was 'shaken to the core' to discover that even their own Russian and Polish women and girls liberated from German concentration camps were also violated." He estimates that "a 'high proportion' of at least 15 million women who lived in the Soviet zone or were expelled from Germany's eastern provinces were raped." Until recent years, East German women from the World War II era referred to the Red Army war memorial in Berlin as "the Tomb of the Unknown Rapist.""

Yeah I know it has bad words in it, but it's still fact and I can find so many more sources of this.

"No, you idiot, I was merely wondering why nordic fetishists here almost never, ever, EVER bring up other nordic people. It's always swedes, swedes, and nothing else. It genuinely makes me wonder if you think swedes are strongly removed from people like norwegians in terms of looks, in face of how you people go on so much about them.
"kept on saying "nordic people" when we only meant swedish people. The reason for example Emily takes swedish girls as examples is that swedish people are the climax of the nordic race. Most people here are beautiful."

Oh. So I guess swedes are pretty far removed from other nordics since they're the "climax"."

Swedes are most often brought up as the example because it's the country with the most blue eyes and blonde hair in the north(Finland is not taken as a example even though they have a high percentage since they are not fully nordic). As I said before there are small differances between the countries and we basically look alike but even in the north swedes are seen as the most beautiful people and purely nordic people there so they represent the nordic race the best.

"I technically didn't say that vikings didn't make incursions into Russia- just that they made this massive "improvement" on the looks of slavs. What is this original slavic look exactly? Where do you get it from?"

It's dark, if you go to Russia you will se mostly dark and brown-haired people. A SMALL percent of the population is blonde and/or look non-slavic and logic thinking is that this might come from the nordic race, the swedish viking which settled there. Genes don't just disappear. They are being passed on from person to person and they are always there.

"Post the sites. Are they swedish, by the way?"

I said NORDIC, stupid. Do you think I bookmarked the sites? I'm not that obsessed with this site but YES I know they are swedish because they are posted from nordic modelling companies, pictures of swedish music artists and swedish websites whith a lot of photos of the same person. I wouldn't post them if they weren't nordic. That would be pointless.

Then post them. If you want to make a point, don't post bad photos. (the one with the large jaw and cheekbones was different from the one who appeared to have acne. Why were you posting a "swedish beauty" with traits more typical of an asian?)

I'm not posting all of her pictures becuase they are too many.


Average huh?
Did I double post now? Hmm.

"I don't find either of these women very attractive. They're both rather masculine and the second one even moreso. Especially her puffy lips."

Oh, I must be jealous."
I agree, you must be.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 21:22 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"I still don't get why it's somehow bad to have gypsy ancestry. I've seen some rather good looking people of gypsy "race" in my day."

Oh, simple. In Emily's eyes, anything falling remotely outside of her nordic ideals is hideous, especially gypsies. Convex noses are never attractive, and concave noses don't have extremities either.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 21:11 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I still don't get why it's somehow bad to have gypsy ancestry. I've seen some rather good looking people of gypsy "race" in my day.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 20:27 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Not to mention I wouldn't be taking such contention with that figure if you *actually* backed it up to begin with.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 20:23 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I admit I was too brash when the wikipedia cite says this:

"2002 census data, based on Population by ethnicity, gives a total of 535,250 Roma in Romania. This figure is disputed by other sources, because at the local level, many Roma declare a different ethnicity (mostly Romanian, but also Hungarian in the West and Turkish in Dobruja) for fear of discrimination. Many are not recorded at all, since they do not have ID cards. International sources give higher figures than the official census(UNDP's Regional Bureau for Europe, World Bank, "International Association for Official Statistics" (PDF). Archived from the original on 2008-02-26. . "

So Emily, dare I say, I'm sorry. This is perhaps the only thing you've been remotely right on.

But amazingly, I can admit where I'm wrong. You never can and never will.

And I sincerely doubt you'll be able to back up the idea romanians have so much gypsy admixture.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 20:11 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


""Well, actually she probably is since one in ten is a gypsy over there and they are closely related to Indians. Go figure. It's a small world.""

I love this. You make a crack about someone using one woman to represent all of Sweden, and then joke about doing the same with Romanians, because "one in ten is gypsy".

That's not true at all. Here you go, you sick little liar:...."

And a useless link to Wikipedia citing official Romanian figures. lol

The figure one in ten appears over and over, in fact, so it was not a lie at all, but a figure that most people think is the true figure, apparently. It's OK, I won't expect you to apologize for the insult. Next time check facts before assuming Wikipedia is always correct. Everyone knows Romania wants to keep the figures down.

"UNICEF says they have no idea how many gypsies are in Romania, because they often do not register with the government. A small gypsy home may have 10 people living it. "

Central Europe Review;

"Europe's Beggars, Romania's Roma

Marius Dragomir

Romania has the largest Roma minority in Europe. According to the last official census, roughly two million Roma, representing ten percent of the population, are living in Romania today. They are considered to be "the most disruptive" minority; an opinion supported by statistics from the Romanian police that reveal a high proportion of crimes are committed by Roma."

"There is a sizable minority of Roma people in Romania, 1.8 million to 2 million"

No one believes the official figures released by Romania and for a reason, so if anyone is a sick liar it is Romania.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 19:42 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Oh, it also seems Bulgaria's population is nearly 5% roma too. More gypsy blood in them?

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 19:40 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Emily, I really think you should post a picture of yourself. I genuinely do. You never seem to stop foaming at the mouth of the incomparable average beauty of the swedes. You like to ignore almost any contrary evidence thrown at you. Let's all see if you fit your own standards of beauty. You've described yourself, but we can't make many judgements off that, can we?

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 19:37 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Visitor: Some of those models are blatantly asian, so it's hard to tell if so many of the white ones are swedish.

The girl on the frontpage had a large face, though, and a nose abit too small for it, though- the large face being an asian trait. (how could that pop up amongst swedes??!)


"Swedes are not a Slavic people. Posting photos of Slavs makes no sense. That won't be examples of ethnic Swedes. That girl's face screams Slavic."

You really don't even know much about what slavs really look like. You were once making the claim that slavs have big teeth (which you provide no evidence of except a couple dozen photos, when all of the anthropological evidence is saying europeans all have generally have small teeth- unless slavs are some kind of outlier?), so how can your word be trusted?

You seem to think "masculine white woman with strong cheekbones=slavic", when for all we know, most of those women could be swedish

"Oh, I found this woman's profile. She says she is Romanian, so that makes her ethnically Romanian, then? I thought she looked kinda Indian but since it says she's Romanian she must be ethnically representative too.

Well, actually she probably is since one in ten is a gyspy over there and they are closely related to Indians. Go figure. It's a small world."

I love this. You make a crack about someone using one woman to represent all of Sweden, and then joke about doing the same with Romanians, because "one in ten is gypsy".

That's not true at all. Here you go, you sick little liar:

"Gypsies, who make up 2.46% of the population. By the official census 535,250 Roma live in Romania.[note 4][104] "

And here's the sources:

I guess you're going to have to look elsewhere to explain why romanians have "3 mile long noses", "look like they're descended from vlad the impaler", etc.

This claims there's even more roma in Spain than in Romania, albeit a little less than 1% lower in terms of population proportions:

Spain 650,000
(1.62%) [2]

So do Spaniards have a bunch of that nasty gypsy blood now? You haven't said much about the looks of southern europeans here. Please, trash on them. Trash on every single non-swedish european ethnicity, for the gallery.

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 19:28 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


Gypsy people who envy Scandinavians. Can you blame them?

Fri, 10/30/2009 - 19:22 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Swedes are not a Slavic people. Posting photos of Slavs makes no sense. That won't be examples of ethnic Swedes. That girl's face screams Slavic.

Oh, I found this woman's profile. She says she is Romanian, so that makes her ethnically Romanian, then? I thought she looked kinda Indian but since it says she's Romanian she must be ethnically representative too.

Well, actually she probably is since one in ten is a gyspy over there and they are closely related to Indians. Go figure. It's a small world.

And here we have a pure-bred Romanians (I know, it's an oxymoron).



Fri, 10/30/2009 - 18:54 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

See here too:
