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Thu, 10/29/2009 - 11:52 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The idea that "nordics are blessed" is some mystical thinking that isn't an argument. It's just something insane line of reasoning that you're throwing out to explain away something hilariously incosistent with these near-religious ideals of nordic beauty.

I have brought tons of pictures and comparative examples to show why I stand for nordic beauty.

Yeah, sure. Now you're extrapolating this to germanic people at large? Weird, because I thought it was the nordic subset who had this inhuman beauty.

Germanic and nordic correlate. All germanic people are either mixed with nordic or nordic proper.

Maybe it's because the "beauty" of nordic women is insanely overrated

Nordics are not overrated. Nothing in this world gets more overrated than italians.

If you were merely stating your opinion and giving reasons why east asians appeal to you more and mention why you might see dissent etc. then people would probably not lash out at you, if at all.

I have never heard a person saying that they preffer asians because they have sunken noses and flat faces.

that's why the asian pictures brought by the opposition deviate so much from the average.

Thu, 10/29/2009 - 10:19 Saerain Natural vs. fake tan: which is better for darkening skin?

Europeans and Asians are invariably more attractive to me the paler they are.

Meanwhile, when it comes to Africans, I'm attracted mostly to the darker-than-average. Go figure.

Thu, 10/29/2009 - 08:57 Saerain Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

I can't believe she's 19, though. She doesn't look a day under 30, to me.

Thu, 10/29/2009 - 08:42 Emily (the othe... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

VC, your awesome! Glad your back!

Thu, 10/29/2009 - 08:12 Saerain Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

I want to note to people that one cannot 'look anorexic.' Anorexia nervosa is a mental disorder. Most anorexics are not very thin. That's why they're anorexic.

Using 'anorexic' as a synonym for 'emaciated' is an extremely common and very irritating error.

And this Stephanie Naumoska is not, by the way, emaciated.

Thu, 10/29/2009 - 08:00 Saerain Is the average torso among women the most attractive?

That sketch is very close, indeed, to one of my ideal female figures.

I can't imagine having only one. I find there are many highly complementary combinations in face and body.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 21:23 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Most of the people posting are very Euro-centric. They haven't seen much of the world beyond their own backyard. I chalk most of this denial up to egotism. They need to feel superior to others in some way.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 21:15 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Well, you should be abit clearer then. I agree with you, and I've voiced my opinions on many of these issues before elsewhere here. I've listed a good deal of preferences of beauty amongst pre-western contact japanese, and african opinions on albinos (who, for some reason I'm not sure of, have skin color, the majority of the time, identical to the ligher varieties of normal european skin color) for example, and I get nothing but denial or just ignorance.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 20:39 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"What if people like Emily and Callmewhateveryouwant somehow- and I mean hypothetically- posted pictures of every german compared to every swede and swedes came out on top under some large scale measurements? Poor point to make."

Here's the problem: Whose measurements do we use? Are those measurements objective? Do those measurements simply reflect the view points of the "dominant" culture? "Beauty" is not a construction of nature persay. It's a philosophy in truth. What is beautiful to one is not beautiful to another. There are correlates of good health but these are rather varied. There are certain things favored among human bodies such as symmetry and good proportion but it isn't a zero sum game as I said before. Witness Fabio, by most "measures" quite attractive. Yet he's just the butt of a joke more often than not.

If you could actually show some measures not affected by the dominant culture (anglo-saxon,white, western, whatever you want to call it) then i might buy your argument and eat my crow. But truthfully speaking we've all got bigger problems

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 19:55 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

And in regards to Rawr:

"You can post as many pictures as you want but you can prove nothing."

What if people like Emily and Callmewhateveryouwant somehow- and I mean hypothetically- posted pictures of every german compared to every swede and swedes came out on top under some large scale measurements? Poor point to make.

However, as it stands now, the anthropological data and reasoning is poorly organized to allow for a site like this to allow anything in the way of truly objective comparisons of beauty across ethnic groups and the like. This site isn't done that well either. Considering how Erik virtually never lists his credentials and has some pretty big political biases and does this site on such an independent venture, I don't see how this site was meant to do much. Plus, it's atrociously moderated. People like Emily have this insane urge to turn virtually any discussion on here into something about race.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 19:49 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Rawr: Sorry.


"Because nordics are blessed."

Incredible reasoning. Invoke some kind of quasi-mystical explanation that flies in the face of every single sane measurement of inheritance of physical traits sexual dimorphism.

That male swedish body builder? Yeah, he's gonna pump out a much more feminine looking woman than what would be expected of any other male of any other ethnic ground because goddamn, nordics are blessed!

"When people can't argue against a fact, they start to trash other's english, to call them white nationalist and nordic fetishist."

The idea that "nordics are blessed" is some mystical thinking that isn't an argument. It's just something insane line of reasoning that you're throwing out to explain away something hilariously incosistent with these near-religious ideals of nordic beauty.

Maybe it's because the "beauty" of nordic women is insanely overrated and, while they might be abit better than other european women on the basis of perhaps slightly greater facial symmetry, a lower frequency of heavily projecting or rugged or overtly convex noses, that's nothing special. Plus, one can make much better judgements upon their average physical attractiveness than the vast majority of other populations here because of how tiny they are in number. (only about 3 million women are this attractive on average?)

I haven't debated you much, because you're not as prominent as Emily. Maybe that's why you think I'm resorting to emotional arguments. I criticize your english because that gets *really* obnoxious in online debate when someone only meagerly understands the language they're debating in. And I call you a white nationalist for good reason- you seem to be one, or atleast some kind of racialist with quite a few of the things here, especially when you've made references to Dienekes Pontikos and the parody website Medhammer. As for nordic fetishism, well, I think that should be self-explanatory. And not something you should profess to. (but do)

"I'm not nordic."

Ok, so what are you?

"However, does one has to be nordic in order to worship nordic beauty?"

No, but I don't too often see non-whites saying these kinds of things, unless you're indian.

"I'm honest with myself. Germanic people, on average, are a category apart concerning beauty"

You have much of the same mindset as Emily and you call that "honest"? Yeah, sure. Now you're extrapolating this to germanic people at large? Weird, because I thought it was the nordic subset who had this inhuman beauty. I'm of largely germanic, northern european descent myself, and having lived around white women my entire life, I think their average looks are overrated as hell.

"If I were worshiping japanese "beauty", nobody would pick on me."

....As I've said many times, and as Rawr says as well (albeit I don't follow his views of things being so "subjective") you'd probably be less likely to be picked on if you were saying the same thing about japanese women, but to say not at all? And so much less likely? Yeah right.

If you were merely stating your opinion and giving reasons why east asians appeal to you more and mention why you might see dissent etc. then people would probably not lash out at you, if at all. But if you went on some sick nationalist slant like Emily does, but from an asiaphile perspective, saying white women look like pasty-skinned neanderthals that age like hell, and treat this as some intrinsic feature of their ethnic traits, as a unviersal consideration to human beauty etc. then I doubt you wouldn't get some people shouting you down.

People like Emily, however, go out of their minds when you criticize nordics in the least, even when it's in the most non-biased manner imaginable.

Even you mouth some pretty bizzare beliefs in the cases of things like this. (arabs have kinky hair? arabs have african admixture? uh, no.)

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 17:36 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The problem is not what you like. The problem at hand is your narcissistic mindset that simply because YOU like something EVERYONE feels the same way. This toxic mode of thought convinces you somehow everyone else is deranged because they don't agree with you. You cannot scientifically prove subjective values. it is your opinion nordics look better than germans but you cannot scientifically prove this. You can post as many pictures as you want but you can prove nothing.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 17:28 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I'm not nordic.

However, does one has to be nordic in order to worship nordic beauty?

I'm honest with myself. Germanic people, on average, are a category apart concerning beauty

If I were worshiping japanese "beauty", nobody would pick on me.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 17:14 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

If there was greater selection for feminine beauty among nordics, why aren't nordic males, by proxy, feminine as well? They aren't. Why do nordic fetishists rarely address this?

Because nordics are blessed.

When people can't argue against a fact, they start to trash other's english, to call them white nationalist and nordic fetishist.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 16:53 DK Tyra Banks on honesty

First off, Gemma ward is freaking gorgeous! Second, I think mixed ppl are beautiful. There are some really attractive and good looking whites but a lot of their features are way too prominent, that's prob why they like shaving their nose bones and chins, etc... Think about it, it's just as bad as cutting an extra slit on the eyelids. I mean THEY'RE LITERALLY SHAVING OFF A PART OF THEIR BODY! OMG. Cosmetic surgery is cosmetic surgery, as long as you do something with a needle or blade, it's not natural, which is fine but don't try to justify it. 'Cause other than that it's B.S.

I mean if they want a smaller nose, that to me sounds like they want to be more Asian than Caucasian.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 15:46 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


I genuinely don't understand where you get this idea that having a convex nose correlates with intelligence. You look at a few white male geniuses with hooked noses and extrapolate this. Uh huh."

Wrong poster. I didn't post that. Go look again. I stated most of the noses go with larger skulls and larger brains. This does not equate to higher intelligence. I have nothing invested in convex, concave, flat, nebulous or whatever noses. I have never posted a pictures on this website.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 15:37 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

In a sentence that accidentally got cut off, I meant to say:

If there was greater selection for feminine beauty among nordics, why aren't nordic males, by proxy, feminine as well? They aren't. Why do nordic fetishists rarely address this?

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 15:35 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


I believe it's certain desert climates that produce certain nose types. Plus, those namibians only arrived there in the last couple thousand years. If you really disagree with all of this basic evolutionary evidence that says that having convex nose bridges correlates with certain climate types, take it up with actual scientists. I'd leave your astounding bigotry behind you for that, though.

"Very nice. The problem is the genes for the original noses are the ones they will carry on to their children."

That can apply to trait that undergoes plastic surgery. I don't see why you won't shut up about this.

"It's just a racial trait without any important, meaningful function, a piece of bone that can be easily removed, as Middle Easterners themselves have discovered. Had there been more free and natural sexual selection permitted in the Middle East evolution would have made these noses much more rare."

Many of these theories of sexual selection in relation to humans are really, really spurious. There's little evidence of there being less sexual selection amongst middle easterns than among europ- oops, I mean the nordic goddesses.

If there was greater selection for feminine beauty among nordics, why aren't

"The photos I showed are of ordinary Romanian girls, not of gypsies. The Romanian girls would no doubt be deeply offended at such suggestions. Of course there is gypsy admixture in many Romanian girls. That is the problem.

The truth is that they have had a huge problem for a really long time with gypsy admixture there. That's what you get if one in ten is a gypsy. You can't expect no interference at all of the gene pool. Romania is named the "gypsy country" by Europeans, so it's not exactly a secret here that the people is gypsy-like. As usual, Americans seem more ignorant on the matters."

Less than 3% doesn't even approach "1 in 10". The gypsies only arrived in the central middle ages in Europe. They've frequently been ostracized and despised throughout much of Europe. If possible, show me evidence of their being massive roma ancestry in romanians, who have picked up genes from many other populations, if possible.

Once again, you're completely full of shit. You are a liar, astoundingly close minded and disturbingly elitist and ethnocentric. I really do wonder what went on in your life for you to revile so many people outside of your tiny little ethnicity almost purely on the basis of your disgustingly narrow perception of aestethics, that you love to prove by spamming the same photos OVER and OVER and OVER and extrapolate to the "average looks" of massive populations. Maybe you always have been such a spiteful little troglodyte.

Not a single bit of this would make the slightest impression on you, though.


I genuinely don't understand where you get this idea that having a convex nose correlates with intelligence. You look at a few white male geniuses with hooked noses and extrapolate this. Uh huh.


Can I ask what your ancestry and background is? Going by your nordic fetishism, nationalist slant, and defense of Emily, I assume you're scandinavian yourself, but I find it odd that you'd have such a poor grasp of the english language with such a background. Many scandinavians on the internet are much better educated than yourself. You just remind me of many of these creepy, white nationalist europeans with bad english I see around.

And considering how male beauty is much more variable than female beauty, it's pretty funny for you to extrapolate this so heavily to male middle easterners and the like. No, it's downright hilarious when so many of you nordic fetishists go on about the looks of white males.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 14:54 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I can barely understand a word of what you say. I hope your are attractive because it would seem you are an idiot. If you were ugly i'd have to say you have no redeeming qualities.

Pretty Vs. Ugly is entirely subjective. You will find plenty of people who find a woman with a large nose attractive. Attractiveness is not a zero sum game.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 14:40 beth The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Pro-woman. This site isn't pro woman, it's pro porn star or "glamour model" as you prefer to call them. No every girl looks like a model but not every women looks like a pudgy face porn star. We are born looking all kinds of ways and no one can say that one look is more "feminine" than another. A woman is a woman is a woman. You can't be more of a woman than another woman.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 14:37 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

When people get desperate they all of sudden starts to say that nordics have asian alike noses and that european genius have semitic like nose. It happens when they can't disprove the aesthetically superiority of nordics.

Emily, which I support, isn't aiming on the longness of the nose. She isn't saying that semites and gypsies have ugly nose because they are long, rather because of their ugly shape.


nordic with long nose vs mediterranean men

This board isn't about inteligence. Bring whatever you want. Saying that nordics are blond japanese and less inteligent than semites will not change the fact that asians and jews are pretty uglier. This board is about aesthetic.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 10:19 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"The truth is that they have had a huge problem for a really long time with gypsy admixture there. That's what you get if one in ten is a gypsy. You can't expect no interference at all of the gene pool. Romania is named the "gypsy country" by Europeans, so it's not exactly a secret here that the people is gypsy-like. As usual, Americans seem more ignorant on the matters."

And what is wrong with being a gypsy you racist twat?

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 10:18 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"It's just a racial trait without any important, meaningful function, a piece of bone that can be easily removed, as Middle Easterners themselves have discovered. Had there been more free and natural sexual selection permitted in the Middle East evolution would have made these noses much more rare."

Firstly, you cannot remove BONE from someones face. You don't know anything about plastic surgery either. You really are just stupid. You can't just state "I have a preference" you have to be a narcissistic twat and pretend EVERYONE feels the same way you do. You never addressed the culture argument. The data is quite clear. Most people tend to partner with people like themselves. No, African males are not likely to mate with Nordics. They are more likely to mate with a female from their cultural pool. I gave you a hint, you took no steps to educate yourself. Those huge, hooked noses actually correspond with a larger skull and a bigger brain. As for those being "semetic" noses. You've got to be joking. Have you seen every semetic person on this planet? I've met plenty without the hooked nose. Furthermore I am not confusing race with species and I think it is perfectly fine for a Persian cat to boink a Siamese cat. Either way it's a fucking cat.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 08:26 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"But yes Race by and large is a social construction. All that truly remains are "genetic traits". race in and of itself is no matter as humans of all skintones, nose shapes, hair & eye colors, body types and personalities can indeed mate with each other. It's amazing."

You confuse race with species.

Different races within a species can mate and produce offspring. That doesn't make them the same race.

I suppose you think it is OK for a siamese cat to mate with a Persian cat since there are no races. We should apply the same lies and nonsense to our cats and dogs too, then.

You have provided no proof for the need for a huge, hooked nose. Merely saying there must be a need for it otherwise it wouldn't exist, won't do. You have no evidence that supports the need for it. I have shown you that other peoples that live in similar conditions have small, or smaller noses without hooks.

As for pigmentation that is supported by scientific fact. Less pigmentation will undoubtedly increase the risk of cancer in sunny climates, so there is a point of having darker skin.

Namibia desert;


"Having endured arid or semi-arid conditions for at least 55 million years[2], it is considered to be the oldest desert in the world after the Atacama Desert in Chile. The Namib's aridity is caused by the descent of dry air of the Hadley Cell, cooled by the cold Benguela current along the coast. It has less than 10 mm (0.4 inches) of rain annually and is almost completely barren."

So, the oldest desert in the world. Let's take a look at the Namibian women. Surely they must have huge, hooked Semitic noses by now. After all, the climate and the environment is the same now as it was millions of years ago.

Namibia tribe people (from a BBC program);

Unless you wish to state that these people are so evolutionary backwards that they haven't yet developed the huge, hooked noses they need, you really have no case.

Other types of noses do very well in very dry, arid parts Africa. The hook doesn't serve any purpose. It's just a racial trait without any important, meaningful function, a piece of bone that can be easily removed, as Middle Easterners themselves have discovered. Had there been more free and natural sexual selection permitted in the Middle East evolution would have made these noses much more rare.

Since plastic surgery will make honest sexual selection impossible the problem with the hooked noses is not going to disappear. We see the same thing with mongoloid traits in Asians who undergo plastic surgery. Fooling your partner will instead make the problem permanent.





Very nice. The problem is the genes for the original noses are the ones they will carry on to their children.


The photos I showed are of ordinary Romanian girls, not of gypsies. The Romanian girls would no doubt be deeply offended at such suggestions. Of course there is gypsy admixture in many Romanian girls. That is the problem.


This is what Romanian girls often look like. Those are typical noses you see, not rare exceptions but the standard for a lot of people there.

The truth is that they have had a huge problem for a really long time with gypsy admixture there. That's what you get if one in ten is a gypsy. You can't expect no interference at all of the gene pool. Romania is named the "gypsy country" by Europeans, so it's not exactly a secret here that the people is gypsy-like. As usual, Americans seem more ignorant on the matters.

The truth is that there is no need to go to gypsies in order to find people with huge noses in Romania. Ethnic Romanians will do just fine. It is very tragic, but if one in ten is originally from India that's what you get if you wait long enough. Romania is extremely mixed, and ethnically more or less destroyed by the gypsies, in my opinion.

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 01:25 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Bollocks. There is no need for huge, hooked noses. Look at blacks who live on the same continent with the same heat. They have probably had a little more free sexual selection process. I realize there are differences due to race (oh my, does race exist?) but even so, the smaller more delicate noses will win out in a free selection process since the desire is for the Nordic standard of beauty, whether unconsciously or not, that seems to be what men prefer."

You don't read well do you? Go look up some of the data on those huge noses. Much like dark skin is an adaptation to living in an area which gets full sunlight (Europe gets less sunlight than Africa) huge hooked noses are also an adaptation. It's related to facial structure. As for them having a free sexual selection process....What do you smoke? Can we share? Furthermore, even if they did indeed have that freedom what makes you think they'd want to sleep with "Nordics" anyway? Most of the data I've seen regarding sexual selection tends to show that we as people tend to choose people similar to us in habit and culture. This is not true for all people (certainly not for myself since i choose to marry a white, blonde, blue eyed american male) but for most people it is true. Why would an "African" (I use it loosely since there are several different types in africa) want to sleep with a "Nordic" and father children with her when they have nothing in common? Oh that's right, they don't by and large. They mate with their own kind. Also arranged marriage is the norm across Africa as well.

But yes Race by and large is a social construction. All that truly remains are "genetic traits". race in and of itself is no matter as humans of all skintones, nose shapes, hair & eye colors, body types and personalities can indeed mate with each other. It's amazing.
