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Sat, 10/24/2009 - 15:00 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


This is very contradictory of myself because I myself have been accused of not having blonde hair when I do, etc. etc.
However, I highly doubt you are a blue eyed blonde, simply because you have quite a lot of negativity towards Scandinavian women. However forgive me if I am jumping to assumptions and I know I am being hippocritical.

However, one thing I agree with you is that many Nordic women, particularly those closer to Scandinavian women including Scandinavian women are rather stocky. Erik would like us to believe that Nordic women have finer bones than other women on average. I find this to be untrue. From my own experiences I have noticed that all the girls from Denmark that came to my university this year are giants compared to the French women. The French women are shorter and clearly have finer bones, not finer facial features but actual bones. Although many have fine facial features. The women from Denmark have a tendency to be pear shaped, where their behind is much bigger and their breasts are relativley small. They apear husky even without having too much weight on them, and they are tall 5'6 is the shortest. These women are just bigger on average.

However, looking at German women or those Nordics closer to Central Europe and less in the North, they are not built as stocky. They are much tinier. Now, many Scandinavian women are known for being tall and appearing slender, however the slenderness is often accompanied with just a bigger build. Of course being tall will make anyone appear slender, and having little weight on makes one appear EVEN more slender.

I think that the majority of SOUTHERN Europeans are more slender built, including to a less frequency Eastern and Central Eastern European women. Evolutionarily speaking it makes sense that the stockier built people would be in the North. Erik claims that only a small "tribe' of people in Macedonia or something have a slender built when it comes to South Eastern Europe. This is simply not true. If one were to look in many anthropology articles they would read that for example Romanians are known for being tall, slenderly built, with "eagle' noses, high flat heads, etc. I can tell you right now seeing Romanians they often have smaller bones than Northern Europeans.

Many Northern Europeans have small bones and slender builds, but then again many are very stocky and husky looking particularly those in the far North.

Middle Eastern people in my opinion have extremely slender builds. This in my opinion is why many Middle Eastern women do not have a feminine ankle calf area. It is too thin. Erik points this out. But Middle EAstern people have a high frequency of samll bones. Period.

We don't have a lot of big boned people in my extended family. I would say my German and Romanian family have similar builds. It's not surprising since we all seem to be attracted to people similar to us. Even the "big boned" people aren't even really that way, its nust layers of fat tha make them appear that way. So I would say Germans don't really have big bones on avearge from my experience with my GErman family. The women in my German family are taller however, while the men on both sides equal out in terms of height.

Sat, 10/24/2009 - 06:56 frikkus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Besides, Nordic women have evolved to carry firewood in the middle of a scandinavian winter, they're built like carthorses!. I'd take an earthy sensual middle eastern type over a blocky, angular Nordic woman any day, and I'm as blue eyed and blonde as you get.

Sat, 10/24/2009 - 04:44 Emily Two non-feminine women

Everything is relative. Compared to many high fashion models, for example, these girls (Katya and Laura) seem rather feminine to me. I think some of the photos selected are unnecessarily provocative and suggestive(especially the ones of Laura). Since there are links to pay sites for these women I think it is important to choose photos that not show vulgar or sexually arousing poses so as to not make people question the intent.

Sat, 10/24/2009 - 03:07 frikkus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

After reading through most of Emily's garbage, I'm going to take my icy nordic genes and spread them into as many beautiful asian women as I can. I'll show you muddy genetic waters damn you ^_^

Fri, 10/23/2009 - 12:57 a s s Two non-feminine women

Some say she looks or presents herself unfeminine. I think she is very attractive, tried to post a flattering picture. The women I see on this page all look very feminine, but some fotos are not very flattering.

Fri, 10/23/2009 - 12:55 a s s Two non-feminine women

Some say she looks or presents herself unfeminine. I think she is very attractive, tried to post a flattering picture. The women I see on this page all look very feminine, but some fotos are not very flattering.

Fri, 10/23/2009 - 06:51 Kathy Tyra Banks on honesty

Everybody is beautiful in their own way. So all the racist STFU! There is no pure race. Evolution changes everything. Human is pure.

Thu, 10/22/2009 - 22:53 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Rawr, sorry for my MISSPELLINGS.

You don't have to apologize. I do give idiots some learning curve.

The likes of NOW and RAINN, man-hating organazations that they are, are going to give stats based on THEIR agendas so I'll take those numbers with a grain of salt.

RAINN is the Rape, abuse and incest national network. It aids men as well.

You don't like any RASCIST comments, well, what should this conversation be about? Please, enlighten us. Much of the blogs on this site deal with looks in terms of race.

That's because Eric is an obvious racist and homophobic. Many of the topics have nothing to do with race though you idiots still make it about race everytime.

I can tell by your tone that you think you're gifted with some intellect that is lost on most of us, but I don't see it that way.

I don't care what you feel.

I think you're trolling, stirring up shit because you have ten fingers and know how to type.

My opinion is no less valid then yours simply because I question your motivations. Racism is an outdated mode of thought. Human beings know far more about their own DNA today than in the past. Anyone who still holds on to outdated modes of thought it either a Luddite or intellectually challenged. You biases will color all of your logic. This is why your kind are not allowed in science.

We are all well within our rights to state whatever the hell we want. Your nagging doesn't change that.

And i'm well within my rights to state whatever I wish. But i would remind you as a European you are under EU law were racist statements are indeed hate crimes and can get you tossed in jail along with homophobic statements. Not that i would report you, I'd rather you rot in the loneliness of your superiority but you might want to watch out for yourself eh?

Thu, 10/22/2009 - 00:54 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Other Emily, the photo of the Olympic gymnasts is a great example of the differences in the physiques of Asian women as opposed to those of European descent. I don't know, everytime I go back and look at it, I now see what has been pointed out here. Nobody needs to police this site. If you and Godis think so badly of the nature of mine nor Emily's comments then why are you bothering? I don't have to share your views, and just because I don't doesn't mean I'm wrong. I'm sorry if you think there's no other people in the world "like us" (whatever the fuck that means), because that's wrong and naive on your part. Yes, unpopular as it is, a lot of people still think white women are beautiful.

Godis, of course, poor little Godis, she never says anything wrong. If not about Nordics, you've said things about ME personally, like my boyfriend's gay because he doesn't like girls who look a little overweight. Deal with it. Or maybe he lied because I'd have gotten mad if he'd said you were hot, after saying all kinds of other women on this site were hot (or not). Then we get to your pics and all of a sudden, after years of honesty, he decides to lie right then, because of you? You're a fool.

Wed, 10/21/2009 - 16:03 guest From ape to human – the journey in pictures

You must not be very intelligent if you think comparing an elderly caucasian woman to an obviously mixed asian woman is a valid way of proving asians are beautiful.

Wed, 10/21/2009 - 14:22 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Barabella, It is my opinion that what you and Emily purport is pure BS. I think it is comical that you think me calling it BS some how infringes on your right to have an opinion. From what I can remember, I never said that we should storm Barabella's house and take her computer from her. I am in no way, whatsoever, infringing on your right to say what ever the hell you want, so quite bitching. What I am calling BS is your position and your arguements, not your right to have those. STHU, I am an American too, I know about constitutionality, and I know you have the right to say/feel whatever you want, I NEVER challenged that. I merely disagreed with your opinion. As an American, I am going to express myself once more and reiterate my opinion that you and Emily are full of it!

"I never "cleaned up" Emily's comments."

Seriously, why don't you read all your comments and say that. But I guess if it helps you to sleep at night, you should keep telling yourself that.

"I posted a photo that supported her point and I think it got people all pissed off because one look at that picture proves her right and none of you can stand her being right."

Oh please, give me a break! You really are too much Barabella.

Wed, 10/21/2009 - 06:30 I am a bigot From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Swedish beauty

a href="/sites/default/files/imagepicker/others//blondebeauty2.jpg" title="nordic beauty" rel="lightbox" >nordic beauty

Asian beauty


Wed, 10/21/2009 - 00:41 Richard From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Wow, that garbage you wrote reeks of envy. It must be some kind of weird world record in dishonesty and jealosy. I've been to Sweden and their women are incredibly beautiful.

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 21:39 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Tue, 10/20/2009 - 21:39 Visitor From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"Godis has spewed just as much anti-Nordicism on these blogs but I bet she's not full of bullshit, is she?"

Honestly, if you compare any negative things I have written about Nordics and all the negative things Emily has written about any other race you will clearly see that my negativity towards Nordics at times is nowhere near the negativity that Emily "spews" out about people of other races, any race for that matter. I'd also like to mention that my negativity towards Nordics often came out when Emily pushed my buttons and when her ignorance had repeated itself so often that I couldn't take it anymore at the time. Emily's negativity towards other races has been consistent. I have been negative towards Emily latley more than I have been towards Nordics. Here are some things I have said about Nordics that were negative. Some of them were meant to be insulting observations, others are simply true.

Swedes can be white trash (posted a video made by the Germans that mocked Swedes by portraying them as white trash): I wasn't claiming Swedes are white trash. I was trying to make the point that any country can be portrayed negativley and Emily has been portraying countries negativley by only focusing on their negative aspects. I am not speaking only about physical characteristics either, Emily has said deragatory things about other countries that had nothing to do with beauty. I believe she called all Eastern European women cheap...

Swedes have pig skin: Yes this was meant to be insulting. Let's just say I was getting tired of Emily at that point haha However, I still don't find really pink skin attractive sorry just don't. Although I feel warm rosy colors are associated with femininity and would not be surprised if this skin tone is attractive to the majority of men

Swedes have hair the color of the yellow crayon I used for my cartoon characters with blonde hair because it was the closest color crayon I had to blonde hair. Haha, I am sorry but I still find the "yellow" hair many Swedes display unattractive and prefer other blonde tones. This was not close to as mean as anything Emily has said though.

I believe I might have mentioned something about how Nordic women have angular features at times? This is simply true. Nordic women have high nose bridges(who cares so do I), and defined chins. They just have less rounded facial features on average. This is simply the truth and not negative because I mean it in a good way. Defined chins are attractive, higher nose bridges many times appear nicer than nose bridges that are too low and ill defined.

I might have mentioned or maybe I read it... can't remember... about how Nordic women need light hair to distract attention away from imperfections of the faces that are too angular at times. Well, I do think that blonde hair helps hide imperfections as it acts like a highlighter, the eye, especially the male eye, focuses on the "light" points. Think of rounded objects haha, the male is just designed to see things like that. A male will focus on breasts, butts, etc. objects that portrude and therefore have less shadows on them. Men focus on the positive(white) rather than the negative(black, shadows). Having light hair will attract the eye away from the face or will give the face a nice frame to concentrate on, even subconciously so that the face appears smoother, softer. I have light hair and I love this! haha

Nordic women often appear too washed out. Well folks this is true. Many times Nordic women appear washed out and when they tan they get that unattractive orange tan. I can tell you right now that I often apear washed out and I think my skin has a slight olive tone to it even. This is just the truth. I take care of looking washed out with mascara and I stain my skin with chocolate. Then I still look pale, good ethereal beauty pale, but still have a healthy color and glow. Not washed out.

I think I mentioned that blue eyes often appear cold. This is true. Blue is a cool color. In my personal opinion femininity is associated with warmer colors. Just think of the baby blanket your mom wrapped you in. If you were a girl you were most likely wrapped in rosy colors. If you were a boy you were wrapped in blue. That is the truth, and I believe that rosy colors are softer and more inviting than the color blue. The advantage the color blue has is its calming effect. Since blue is a cool color the eye glides over it easily. However when you pair that light blue or gray color with a small black dot, like an eye, you get a large contrast that can make the eyes appear cold and repitilian like.

That about sums up most of the negative things I have said about Nordic women. Being half German its hard for me to actually insult a part of me. I have family with blue eyes blonde hair washed out and angular features. However, I always root for the underdog because that is my nature. I will be the first to stand up for something wrong said about what is percieved to be the "underdog" by the person doing the insulting. So I have nothing against Nordic women. However I can identify their flaws just as I can identify flaws of the females in other races.

To claim I am as hostile as Emily towards another race is simply illogical. The person making this claim should go back and re-analyze everything.

Most of my hostility has been directed towards Emily, only in response to her ignorance.

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 18:08 Anita Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

I measure 36-28-36, 5'2 and 125 lbs.
What is my shape?

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 17:25 mary Feminine beauty site makeover

Thankyou Erik for bringing back your was a bit sad seeing "go daddy" page show up when typing in your site.I thought you had closed or sold it without telling any of your readers.

PS:everyone-this thread is about a year old.Maybe he has reupdated the site before?

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 14:00 Barberella Feminine beauty site makeover

It does look great, just had time to go through and look at the changes. As Matthew said, thanks for shining light upon the faces of the deep. There's nothing else like this anywhere and I'm glad, so glad that it's back and running. Thank you.

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 13:48 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Bookworm, that woman has had plastic surgery, her eyes, the shape of them, plus her nose SCREAM plastic surgery. I have a really good friend who is, prepare yourselves, Asian, and who also happens to be a plastic surgeon, and what do you know? She saw this blog, mine and Emily's comments and says that she's not quite sure why everyone's up in arms. Asian women are the first ones to notice their own features and are usually her biggest clients.

Yes, folks, I have MANY multi-ethnic friends, and they don't always prefer the looks of whites but I don't accuse them of bigotry, thats absurd. You're all pretty much absurd.

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 13:40 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emily other, BS is it? Having the right to express my opinions is not BS, if I was agreeing with bookworm it wouldn't be BS, now would it? Godis has spewed just as much anti-Nordicism on these blogs but I bet she's not full of bullshit, is she? You know what, persons like yourself, who can't present any worthwhile opinions, like Rawr, but who come on here TROLLING, and trying to police these blogs SHOULD LEAVE. I'm within constitutionally protected rights to say whatever the hell I want, just as you, Rawr, Godis, etc. I never "cleaned up" Emily's comments. I did agree with some things she said, not in the way she presented them at all times. I agree that in the picture of the Beijing Olympics, I posted a photo that supported her point and I think it got people all pissed off because one look at that picture proves her right and none of you can stand her being right. Or me for that matter. Fuck you very much, and that one's for Godis as well.

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 12:35 Barberella Feminine beauty site makeover

I had a hell of a time getting here for a few days, go daddy go kept popping up but I get it now!!!

Glad to be back to arguing as other Emily says ;)

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 08:13 Emily (the othe... Feminine beauty site makeover

Yay! Now we can go back to arguing!

Tue, 10/20/2009 - 05:50 Emily Feminine beauty site makeover

Well, there it is again! Thank you, Erik, for resurrecting your site again. I thought it was sad that it was just gone one day, and I think it is a very valuable and important one so I truly hope you feel inspired and committed to it.

Mon, 10/19/2009 - 23:31 mule Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

and all asians tend to look up to japanese and specially south korea for beauty, and people in that countries are the least likely to mixed with white, specially south korea and asians worshiped them, coincidence? now that's another evidence to prove my point

Mon, 10/19/2009 - 23:14 mule Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I think people that put pictures of beautiful asian-white mixed are a bit ignorance, I'm asian I lived all my life in asia, I have many friends all over asia, particularly southeast asia, a lot of them have european ancestry, and there are A LOT of them...and they are FAR from looking attractive, let alone average, some of them look (sorry) too ugly people will NEVER consider them Biracial, because they don't look like white/european at all, they look like flat face asians, I think the problem is that people see the 1st, 2nd generations of white-asian mixed and think that all their generations will look more caucasian, well I tell you that it is completly WRONG, after the 3rd generations these people turning into flat faced asians, the oppposite of white, and they themselves don't feel like biracial since they look nothing like white, and they feel it is their asian part that gave them that flat face look, it is sad, most of them suffered self esteem issues, while black-white mixed show they are more confident, ex: vin diesel

I really think that asian-white mixed are turning into worse OVERTIME, but white-black mixed turning into gorgeous OVERTIME you can compare the general population where those mixed are concentrated, south america, brazil etc even miami where these people ancestors are black and white mixed, the population are turning hot, while philipines, thai, indonesia, etc. with asian-white mixed ancestors, their population in general tend to look uglier over time and a lot of them suffer mental/psychological issues

i first hand witnessed this myself, and I'm not racist, just give my opinion from my own personal observation, pardon my broken english
