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Tue, 10/27/2009 - 22:48 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Hey Emily,

Who are you calling a fool? If you would know a little bit of something you would know that the ancient Romans were ethnically different than the modern day Italians, even the ones who live in Rome. Who is the fool now? And I am probably not half as educated as you are and I still know that dear.

I'd also like to add that the majority of "Romanians" you see in Italy are in fact Gypsies from Romania, NOT ROMANIANS from Romania. These Gypsies claim themselves solely "Romanian" so that the stigma of being Gypsies is not carried with them in their new country of residence. For you to believe them shows how ignorant you are of the way TRUE Romanians look. You are not the only ignorant one I have come across. I work with a transfer student from England and the first time he found out I was Romanian, he mentioned I did not look like a Gyspy. I told him I was not a Gyspy and he is extremely ignorant to think I was. He then proceeded to ask me out on a date. Haha. He is quite the character. His nickname for me to this day is "Jipsy" as he likes to spell it. It's his way of teasing me and showing me affection at the same time and I don't mind because thats cute:)

Oh the pictures the pictures the pictures. You post photos of women primarily mixed with Gypsy or women with just horrible noses. Although Romania has a higher frequencey of women with hooked noses than Sweden, it does not mean that all the women in Romania have convex noses. I certainly don't and I have to say that out of all the Romanian people I know (which is a lot) only a few have hooked noses and most of those are not even women. That leaves a good 96% of Romanian people I know that do not have hooked noses. These people do not even all come from the same region in Romania and they are quite different. We have some with blue eyes, some with green, some with brown, some with hazel, some who tan well, some who don't,some with blonde hair, some with dark brown, many who are tall, some who are just very short. What can I say? Not every population is as homogeneous as Sweden is.

I just don't understand why you have such a negative view of any other ethnicity besides your own. You even deny that German women have any good qualities now, because compared to Swedish women no one does. I disagree. I think Swedish women are attractive, but it is not like they do not have any faults. Jeez!

But either way

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 21:19 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Hey everybody, VC here again. I decided to stop by the discussion boards once again and noticed Emily dumping more of her nordic worshipping propaganda again.

A few things I'd like to mention-

Contrary to Emily's insane ramblings about romanians being so ugly and swarthy and big nosed and hooked nose due to the influx of those terrible mud people gypsies, gypsies make up only a little under 2% of the population of Romania. And only arrived in Europe in the central middle ages. And gypsies also have a considerable amount of admixture from non-indian populations. Thus, one kind of wonders how Romanians have more projecting noses and a higher frequency of extreme convex types.

Oh, maybe it's just a result of physical similarity between europeans and middle easterners. But apparently dejected nordic fetishists like Emily think relatively more non-nordic traits that appear at a higher frequency in other populations is due to the intrusion of terrible mud people genes. And making full-blown judgements of the attractive value of a population going by purely by their current state and not considering the possibility of certain extreme ethnic traits- IE, looking at swedes, looking at their "gorgeous" noses, and ergo, assuming this is the end result of their ethnic traits and nothing else.

Of course, you have such a raging nordic fetish that you seem to worship any woman from sweden that remotely fits your hilariously narrow standards of beauty.

I mean goddamn, do you HONESTLY think people like these are moderately attractive, let alone highly attractive?:

To me, they have disproportionate, asymmetrical mouths, poorly structured lips, and rather long faces.

I'm not that impressed with the majority of the swedish women you spam the living hell out of, from night clubs, I'll again. Maybe it's just my own preferences. Maybe you need to realize, for once, that humans don't have such a hilariously narrow range of aestethics as you project- IE, reviling almost anything outside of these nordic goddesses you worship.

One of the many reasons why I doubt alot of these theories of sexual selection among humans.

By the way, slavs, going by Erik's post (like, right at the top of this page) have relatively more projecting and thicker noses than swedes, but don't seem to have any higher rate of convex noses than do northern europeans.

And don't seek any more plastic surgeries than do native swedes.

I also have no idea where you got the idea Vlad the Impaler contributed significantly- hell, if at all, to modern Romanians.

"We do know that Vlad later married Ilona Szilagy, who was related to Matthias Corvinus, the king of Hungary who had placed Vlad under arrest following his escape from Wallachia in 1462. It appears that Corvinus made an arrangement with Vlad to restore him to his throne. To strengthen the bond, Vlad was offered a royal bride. After his death, Vlad's wife was left with his three sons. Mihnea, the eldest, was from his union with the Transylvanian noblewoman. He had two sons by his Hungarian wife -- Vlad, and a second whose name is unknown. Only Mihnea succeeded in gaining the Wallachian throne. During his brief rule from 1508-1509, he showed signs that he could be as atrocious as his infamous father; nicknamed "Mihnea the Bad," he is reputed to have cut off the noses and lips of his political enemies. He was assassinated in 1510 on the steps of a church in Sibiu.

According to genealogical research conducted by historians Radu Florescu and Raymond McNally (published in their 1989 book Dracula: Prince of Many Faces), the Romanian male line died out in 1632. As for the Hungarian lineage, the last male descendant died late in the sixteenth century, though a female line can be traced for an additional hundred years. As for indirect descendants, it has been verified that Professor Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici of Bucharest is descended from Vlad Dracula's half-brother, Vlad the Monk. According to researchers at the Institute of Genealogy of the Romanian Academy, other claims are unsubstantiated."

Wow! So as far as we know, he had only THREE CHILDREN and the lineage is virtually DEAD except for one man.

There goes another one of your disgusting lies, like the idea of all these attractive east asians being mixed (a load of bullshit, AGAIN, due to the tiny number of whites in their countries). I also find it funny how you extrapolate his nose to romanian WOMEN, while at the same emphasizing how old men have larger noses.

I also don't see any problems with lighly convex noses, like Catherine Keener, who, ironically, is half-lebanese:

I don't find her that attractive, but I think her nose is just fine. One wonders why she hasn't gotten plasic surgery when the hook to her nose is quite light.

Of course, the same holds true with concave nose extremities, which seem to be a more european trait than convex noses are.

But yeah, at the end of all this, I take it back- you really are an awful person. I really doubt, as Godis has said previously, that your anger could come from anti-white racism when you have this inane urge to voraciously trash on, lie about, exagerate etc. about non-nordic whites, especially romanians, slavs, and czechs.

No, I think it's some disgusting, hideously shallow little girl who reviles almost anything that falls outside of the hilariously overrated looks of her tiny little ethnic group. You can rot.

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 13:41 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Emily, do you realize how redicoulous your claims sound when you post Asian-like Swedish?

And by the way, upward noses are not appealing to me, so stop screaming about what is beautiful and what is not! I'm really sorry if that hurts your feelings.

Look at this gourgeous brunette girl, she's halve Indian and halve English! That is the Nature's reward for sharing your genes with someone different than yourself. The gift is a superiour looking child, benefited from both sides.

Katrina Kaif is way better looking than all those girls on the photos you posted here.

Oh, and for your information the Indian Gypsies look like this:

That will be like a very good looking Swedish girl(according to your own standarts), huh?

...I wonder what is that bright eyed gilr doing in India and why is she called Gypsy?!

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 13:30 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"In other words there is some reason people have big noses. There was something years ago that gave people with big noses an edge for survival."

Bollocks. There is no need for huge, hooked noses. Look at blacks who live on the same continent with the same heat. They have probably had a little more free sexual selection process. I realize there are differences due to race (oh my, does race exist?) but even so, the smaller more delicate noses will win out in a free selection process since the desire is for the Nordic standard of beauty, whether unconsciously or not, that seems to be what men prefer.

Had there been women with smaller, finer noses the huge, hooked ones would be much less common. Israel is an excellent example. There, suddenly, we see blondes with fair skin and small noses. How extraordinary.. I'd say it is a result of North European kibbutz life style of the seventies and eighties. Evolution is happening really fast whenever access to Nordic girls is possible.

There you see what women Middle Eastern men really prefer, and it sure is not their own masculine, swarthy and large nosed women..

..but more like Helga, Greta and Stina.

There is a point, however, to the argument that free sexual selection has been very limited in the Middle East for I suppose a very long time, so that will in fact limit natural sexual selection, and therefore the natural evolution process. We have the unfeminine result in the Middle Eastern nose, I guess.

Godis, almost none of your examples have truly Semitic noses. Not even Einstein had a hooked nose, it seems, even though the tip of his nose grew very large as he grew old. Charles Darwin certainly didn't, so get your facts straight. Photos of an aged man with a nose that gets fleshier and bigger with age. Many Irish men have those types of noses as they are drinkers. Big noses are a masculine trait so that's why they can look good on MEN - not on women. I guess that's why nearly all your examples were of men.

Here Charles Darwin as a younger man.

As for Queen Victoria, she was actually not purely English at all. She had heavy..gasp..GERMAN genetic linkage, as well. As all royals she is ethnically mixed with different European peoples. Perhaps an indication that mixing is not always benefitting physical appearance. ;)

Alexander the Great, as portayed, has a Mediterranean nose - not a Semitic one. Are you suggesting he was Jewish? Are you Jewish, by the way? It sure would explain a hell of a lot since you seem to see a Nazi plot everywhere. You have taunted Erik many times on that issue, and since you are of Romanian and German ethnicity, but living in the US, it is not an unreasonable conclusion to make.

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 10:26 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

You know nothing about Iran. Most women are not seeking to fool their partners as most women are forced into ARRANGED marriages. I doubt their looks play a very important part in the arrangement of a marriage. And "Iranian" isn't a race. It's a reference to a country in which different races of people live. Once again you are just posting pictures. Bring some data or stop acting like you have facts.

"Evolution is to a large extent based on sexual selection, and since men usually prefer delicate and smaller Nordic type noses it doesn't take Einstein to figure out that the huge and hooked Romanian- and Middle Eastern style noses would be less common."

You have once again proven you know nothing about evolution. Traits are as a matter of course "mutations" suited to the environment. In other words there is some reason people have big noses. There was something years ago that gave people with big noses an edge for survival. As for their noses being less common. Don't be stupid Emily. There are many factors which influence population. If you can't ensure the survival of yourself or your child then what does it matter if you have the perfect nose? Dead is dead honey. Europeans by and large are having less children than the rest of the world. There's actually a negative birth rate for your country. So soon your noses will be less common. It's not some crazy conspiracy concocted by brown people either. Your kind just don't want kids anymore and I hope you are one of them.

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 08:29 Emily (the othe... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Hey Emily, doubt you looked at this vid the first time, but watch it! It is pretty good!

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 07:50 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


I never said the Middle Eastern type of nose is less "evolved". Nice strawman and attempt to shift the focus of the argument. I said it is unattractive and unappealing, which is something most people happen to agree with, also many Middle Easterners themselves. Iran is the nose job capital of the world. Coincidence?

Insofar as it is hardly the type of nose that would stand the test of sexual selection if Nordic girls were present in the Middle East in any larger numbers, one could in fact call it less evolved.

Evolution is to a large extent based on sexual selection, and since men usually prefer delicate and smaller Nordic type noses it doesn't take Einstein to figure out that the huge and hooked Romanian- and Middle Eastern style noses would be less common.

Middle Eastern women know this and seek to fool their partners by faking it, aquiring a smaller, straighter, and more delicate nose than what nature gave them. It is all about making yourself more attractive to the opposite sex. Of course, their children will have the original type nose since plastic surgery isn't fooling evolution.

Iranian woman. A more and more common sight in the Middle East as more and more people want the Nordic nose. Erik's entry is spot-on.

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 07:35 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

And since Godis likes to bring up historical figures here is Romanian Vlad the Impaler (1431 -1476), the cruel ruler that was the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula, of course.

Things haven't changed much, huh?;

Swedish girls;

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 07:04 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"I have to add that most Romanians resemble ROMANS."

You mean ROMAS - not Romans, of course.

I have lived in Italy and Romanians look too gypsy-like and Middle Eastern to be compared to Romans, and by the way, use the modern term Italians. Using the word "Romans" make you seem like a fool. This is 2009 - not 100 AD. lol

The Romanians do closely resemble the Roma people, another name for the gypsies, and in fact, Romania is full of gypsies.

When you go down South in Italy you will see more Middle Eastern admixture, so in that sense Romanians will look like those Italians who look less Mediterranean and more Middle Eastern/Arabic.

Romanians have noses that also bear close resemblance to the Arabic/Semitic nose you see in the Middle East. The swarthiness is also typical.

Again, posting photos of people that are not truly representative for the population shows your desperation, Godis. The level of over-sized and hooked noses further North in Europe is not any way close to the one you will see in Romania, or for example Hungary.

There really is no limit to the size and mis-shape of the Romanian nose, and this phenomenon can be seen in the Middle East and India, too, which of course would explain why Romanians look the way they do.

The gypsy-related Indians;

They often have the typical very unflattering lower part of the nose that looks like a beak, not to mention the hooked shape.

To the left we see the Romanian nose that is so common there - three miles long and too large - on an Indian girl. The gypsy link.

Compare to Romanians;

Compare to Swedes;

Then we have the Romanians. There we see a more mixed bag, but the giant, hooked, and extremely long noses are so prevalent and common there that we must consider them part of the standard for Romania, rather than the exception.

You see them often in other countries with a large gypsy influence, like Hungary, for example.


Compare to Scandinavian girls;

More Romanians. There is no size limit when it comes to Romanian noses;

Compare to Italian woman. The swarthiness can be found in the South of Italy, but the huge, hooked noses seem to be more common in Romania, so the South Italian look is not as gypsy-like, even though the Middle Eastern style noses can be seen all over the Mediterranean;

Swedish girls;

Good-looking noses is the standard for both men and women in Sweden and Scandinavia.;

Swedish girl next to Middle Eastern type;

Swedish girl next to Eastern European type;


Iraqi woman;

Iranian woman;

Iraqi women. Feminine? I don't think so. The make-up only makes them look like transvestites. Middle Eastern women are very masculine.

Iranian women demonstrating;

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 06:39 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Most of the Swedish girl's photos posted on this site, actually show that they have Asian-like noses, not European.

Here are some more examples:

Some one on here is trying to make us believe that Swedish noses look better or different than other people's noses when in fact Swedish noses,and often their eyelids, rather recemble Asians. Targeting Asians makes no sense.

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 20:34 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I have to add that most Romanians resemble ROMANS. It is not surprising because Rome and ROMANnia mingled quite a bit. The dinaric elements and similarities in Romans and Romanians are overwhelming. I can see firsthand the resemblence within my family in bone structure. Now to look Roman doesn't require a "Roman" nose or Dinaric nose as you seem to think. A Roman nose can be a variety of noses, but it is usually what I think of a high bridged nose that juts out of the face, instead of curving upward. It doesn't always have to be "hooked" like you think.But...

I would also like to add that the people that you claim appear to have "less evolved" "semitic" ugly nosed ugly faced features are the ******KEY******geniuses of the frikkin world. Let me point out:

Bill Gates (Irish,English,Scottish,German):

Nerd Pictures, Images and Photos


Nikola Tesla (Serbian): BTW did so much more than the more "evolved" looking by your standards: Thomas Edison

Nikola Tesla Pictures, Images and Photos

Nikola Tesla Pictures, Images and Photos

Isaac Newton(English):

Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727 Pictures, Images and Photos

Sir Isaac Newton Pictures, Images and Photos

George Washington(English):

george Pictures, Images and Photos

George Washington Pictures, Images and Photos

Charles Darwin (English): THE FATHER OF EVOLUTION

Charles Darwin Pictures, Images and Photos

Albert Einstein(Jewish):

Albert Einstein Pictures, Images and Photos

Albert Einstein Pictures, Images and Photos

Alexander the Great(Greek):

Alexander The Great Pictures, Images and Photos

Alexader The Great Pictures, Images and Photos

Pythagoras (Greek):

Unsized pythagoras Pictures, Images and Photos

PYTHAGORAS Pictures, Images and Photos


Galileo Pictures, Images and Photos

galileo Pictures, Images and Photos

Napoleon Bonparte (French):

NAPOLEON BONAPARTE Pictures, Images and Photos

Napoleon Bonaparte Pictures, Images and Photos

Queen Victoria (English):

Queen Victoria Pictures, Images and Photos


Socrates Pictures, Images and Photos

Plato (Greek):

πλατωνας Pictures, Images and Photos


mozart Pictures, Images and Photos

The Ancient Mayans:

mayan Pictures, Images and Photos

The Ancient Egyptians:

09 Pictures, Images and Photos

Then we have geniuses at the other end of the spectrum. Ones that do not appear Semitic or Nordic but have rather large broad heads:

Beethoven, Ghengis Khan, etc.

You have no idea what evolution is Emily and how that relates to the way a person looks. It is well noted in literature even that the more prominent people in history tended to have concave noses as opposed to convex noses. No one really knows why this is a trend.

I just find it funny how you think Swedes are "more evolved" because they look a certain way. Two people can play that game Emily.

So stop bringing up "semitic" noses. You try to insult personally by claiming I have one. You also insult whole populations of people that are well known for having these noses.

Well the Ashkenazi Jews are well known for their prominent semitic noses, but they are also well known for their IQs.

So don't tell me how "ugly" and "unevolved" certain features are. Phrenology is a joke and I can twist your words against you. I have some of the most important geniuses in history have quite the opposite of the "evolved" Nordic looks, thank you.

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 19:18 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


You are so stupid seriously. The area I come from in Romania is close to Hungary and the Ukraine. I am not swarthy and you can tell by the photos I posted. I have really pale skin, in fact I WISH I could be swarthier so I wouldn't be so washed out. Most Southern Romanians heavily resemble the French, Spanish, or Italians. They seem closest to Italians though. Someimtes they have a slavic element to them. The Romanians closer to the North and West more closely resemble Russians actually, just like Rawr mentioned. They are very close to the Ukraine and so its kind of common sense.

I don't resemble a Gypsy. Nor do I really look Slavic, although I can be mistaken for Russian at times. I have shown you my face type, it is not broad as you claimed it would be. It is actually pretty much a very NORDIC face shape, which is not surprising because I am 50% German. When I ask people what I look like, the first thing they say is German. I am very fair, and I have very German facial structure. It throws people off. From my Romanian side I got my body. I have my mother's body and it is an hourglass. I also have green toned or olive skin, althoug it is very pale. I have ash blonde hair and hazel eyes. I don't think these are typical Gypsy traits.

Romanians are do not resemble Middle Easterners. The only Middle Eastern type resemblance they could have is from when the Ottoman Empire took over. The Turks are EURASIAN. They have a lot of different features. The majority of Romanians really don't resemble Turks. You can find Italians that you can claim look "Middle Eastern". You are just picking up on certain features that are similar between these populations, but you are making ridiculous statements and conclusions. The way a Romanian looks depends on their geographical location. The Northern Romanians can be strikingly different from the Southern ones. Stop being so ignorant!

You make no sense. The subject brought up was body structure not FACIAL structure. You did not argue anything that had to do with the original argument which focused on body structure. Bringing up photos of middle eastern noses did not have anything to do with the original argument!

Middle Eastern women have thinner frames. Period. Haha. German women are not stockier than Scandinavian women. Scandinavian women live farther up North, where the winters are CRAZY! It makes no sense that they would not be stockier. They are tall and big boned. They evolved this way to survive the harsh winters that only a country THAT North has. There are exceptions. There are many Scandinavians that are not tall and stocky, but tall and lean. The Halstedt type fits this description, however from my readings and experience very few people actually qualify as Haldstedt type. In fact the majority of the women in your photographs do not qualify.

This video is an example of what some SOUTHERN ROMANIAN women will look like. Just because you post photos of Gypsy mixes does not mean they represent the whole population of Romania. Fewer than 8% Romanians are Gypsy mixed. Have you already forgotten by the way that Scandinavians are not 100% European? Are you still in denial that this is clear in their facial structure as I have noticed it and it has led me to further investigate?

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 19:18 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


You are so stupid seriously. The area I come from in Romania is close to Hungary and the Ukraine. I am not swarthy and you can tell by the photos I posted. I have really pale skin, in fact I WISH I could be swarthier so I wouldn't be so washed out. Most Southern Romanians heavily resemble the French, Spanish, or Italians. They seem closest to Italians though. Someimtes they have a slavic element to them. The Romanians closer to the North and West more closely resemble Russians actually, just like Rawr mentioned. They are very close to the Ukraine and so its kind of common sense.

I don't resemble a Gypsy. Nor do I really look Slavic, although I can be mistaken for Russian at times. I have shown you my face type, it is not broad as you claimed it would be. It is actually pretty much a very NORDIC face shape, which is not surprising because I am 50% German. When I ask people what I look like, the first thing they say is German. I am very fair, and I have very German facial structure. It throws people off. From my Romanian side I got my body. I have my mother's body and it is an hourglass. I also have green toned or olive skin, althoug it is very pale. I have ash blonde hair and hazel eyes. I don't think these are typical Gypsy traits.

Romanians are do not resemble Middle Easterners. The only Middle Eastern type resemblance they could have is from when the Ottoman Empire took over. The Turks are EURASIAN. They have a lot of different features. The majority of Romanians really don't resemble Turks. You can find Italians that you can claim look "Middle Eastern". You are just picking up on certain features that are similar between these populations, but you are making ridiculous statements and conclusions. The way a Romanian looks depends on their geographical location. The Northern Romanians can be strikingly different from the Southern ones. Stop being so ignorant!

You make no sense. The subject brought up was body structure not FACIAL structure. You did not argue anything that had to do with the original argument which focused on body structure. Bringing up photos of middle eastern noses did not have anything to do with the original argument!

Middle Eastern women have thinner frames. Period. Haha. German women are not stockier than Scandinavian women. Scandinavian women live farther up North, where the winters are CRAZY! It makes no sense that they would not be stockier. They are tall and big boned. They evolved this way to survive the harsh winters that only a country THAT North has. There are exceptions. There are many Scandinavians that are not tall and stocky, but tall and lean. The Halstedt type fits this description, however from my readings and experience very few people actually qualify as Haldstedt type. In fact the majority of the women in your photographs do not qualify.

This video is an example of what some SOUTHERN ROMANIAN women will look like. Just because you post photos of Gypsy mixes does not mean they represent the whole population of Romania. Fewer than 8% Romanians are Gypsy mixed. Have you already forgotten by the way that Scandinavians are not 100% European? Are you still in denial that this is clear in their facial structure as I have noticed it and it has led me to further investigate?

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 19:18 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


You are so stupid seriously. The area I come from in Romania is close to Hungary and the Ukraine. I am not swarthy and you can tell by the photos I posted. I have really pale skin, in fact I WISH I could be swarthier so I wouldn't be so washed out. Most Southern Romanians heavily resemble the French, Spanish, or Italians. They seem closest to Italians though. Someimtes they have a slavic element to them. The Romanians closer to the North and West more closely resemble Russians actually, just like Rawr mentioned. They are very close to the Ukraine and so its kind of common sense.

I don't resemble a Gypsy. Nor do I really look Slavic, although I can be mistaken for Russian at times. I have shown you my face type, it is not broad as you claimed it would be. It is actually pretty much a very NORDIC face shape, which is not surprising because I am 50% German. When I ask people what I look like, the first thing they say is German. I am very fair, and I have very German facial structure. It throws people off. From my Romanian side I got my body. I have my mother's body and it is an hourglass. I also have green toned or olive skin, althoug it is very pale. I have ash blonde hair and hazel eyes. I don't think these are typical Gypsy traits.

Romanians are do not resemble Middle Easterners. The only Middle Eastern type resemblance they could have is from when the Ottoman Empire took over. The Turks are EURASIAN. They have a lot of different features. The majority of Romanians really don't resemble Turks. You can find Italians that you can claim look "Middle Eastern". You are just picking up on certain features that are similar between these populations, but you are making ridiculous statements and conclusions. The way a Romanian looks depends on their geographical location. The Northern Romanians can be strikingly different from the Southern ones. Stop being so ignorant!

You make no sense. The subject brought up was body structure not FACIAL structure. You did not argue anything that had to do with the original argument which focused on body structure. Bringing up photos of middle eastern noses did not have anything to do with the original argument!

Middle Eastern women have thinner frames. Period. Haha. German women are not stockier than Scandinavian women. Scandinavian women live farther up North, where the winters are CRAZY! It makes no sense that they would not be stockier. They are tall and big boned. They evolved this way to survive the harsh winters that only a country THAT North has. There are exceptions. There are many Scandinavians that are not tall and stocky, but tall and lean. The Halstedt type fits this description, however from my readings and experience very few people actually qualify as Haldstedt type. In fact the majority of the women in your photographs do not qualify.

This video is an example of what some SOUTHERN ROMANIAN women will look like. Just because you post photos of Gypsy mixes does not mean they represent the whole population of Romania. Fewer than 8% Romanians are Gypsy mixed. Have you already forgotten by the way that Scandinavians are not 100% European? Are you still in denial that this is clear in their facial structure as I have noticed it and it has led me to further investigate?

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 16:47 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"The ones who do the crying are those who cry racism when the arguments on looks fail."

Because "looks" are not confined to one race. Facial traits and body structure are not race specific. Certainly there are some trends but there is not rule that says a white person can't have a fat ass and a black person can't have a thin lips. "Swarthy" is an adjective which has no objective definition. It does have a definition in that it's a word but it doesn't have some kind of scientific meaning. You are trying to say Romanians look like Arabs. Well that's your opinion. Bring some actual science to the table. Do you have any studies showing that in face Romanians have similar facial and bone structures to Arabs? Or are you going to keep posting pictures and claiming it is science? That is not science. That is still your personal opinion because I can look at that picture and see something else. Come up with some data or quit crying when people call you what you are. You use insults to describe people of other races. Of course I'm going to call you a racist. it's a dead give away.

"I know Iranians are not "technically" Arabs, but as you people love to point out they are all mixed. So, there, your argument is turned right back at ya. Iranians are very mixed and look a lot like their Arab neighbours."

Firstly you need to educate yourself concerning "Arabs". Arab is not a race. It is a term slapped on people who live in that area of the world because dumb people in Europe and America can't be bothered to learn about anything. It's an entirely social construction. Some "Arabs" are light, some are dark, some are blue eyed, some not. Why? Cause it's not one race. No, they don't all look the same. If you think so it's because you are ignorant. You've never been the the middle east, you've never viewed each and every single "Arab" on this planet. Once again, come up with some actual data or quite spewing out that you have facts. You have no facts without hard data.

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 14:53 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Romanians do not look like arabs. If they look like anyone else it's Russians."

Romanians look a lot like Arabs. They don't look like Russians since they are much swarthier and have much more gypsy- and probably also Semitic blood than the Russians. In other words, they look much more Middle Eastern than Russians do.

"Most white people are mixed. What are you crying about?"

The ones who do the crying are those who cry racism when the arguments on looks fail.
I know Iranians are not "technically" Arabs, but as you people love to point out they are all mixed. So, there, your argument is turned right back at ya. Iranians are very mixed and look a lot like their Arab neighbours. Swarthy and very manly. They even have to shave off that moustache they have. Or maybe they bleach it, but I doubt it since it's almost as thick as Burt Reynolds'. lol Don't bother to put up the usual boring photos of rare exceptions, trying to disprove the reality of what they typically look like.

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 10:39 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

1. Iranians are not Arabs. They are Persian. They speak Farsi not Arabic.
2. Afghans are generally not one race. There are several different tribes found in Afghanistan. You cannot say there is an "Afghan Arab" Race. There are over 5 languages spoken in that area.
2. Romanians do not look like arabs. If they look like anyone else it's Russians. Do not say a Russian looks like an arab. You might punched in the face by a very angry person. Russians do not take kindly to that sort of thing (I am not a Russian).
3. Most white people are mixed. What are you crying about? I doubt most people in your beloved country are purely of one race. Unless you can trace back your family for generations i seriously doubt you are of pure blood. Certainly there are cultural considerations that differ among Europeans but to get on a high horse and proclaim you are all separate races is quite silly. There's been so much intermarriage in Europe for hundreds of years it's impossible to proclaim to be pure-blooded anything.

Arguing with you is pretty pointless though, like Barney Frank said "it would be like having a conversation with my dining room table". Although I think the table might have better cognitive reasoning capabilities. It's obvious to me you are a nationalist and a racist. Why you are a nationalist I don't know. It's rather stupid to be proud of where you are from. It's all a matter of being born to the right people. Otherwise you probably would have been born somewhere else and you would be proud of that place. Racism is an outdated mode of thought. All of this points to someone who is just a little bit too in love with their person and not too bright. One day you'll get knocked off your ivory tower. I'd like to be around to see that, i bet it would be an enjoyable moment.

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 07:29 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Swedish girl with girl probably of Middle Eastern (Iraqi) origin. The Swedish girl is gracile and feminine compared to the other one. Middle Eastern women are often manly.;

In Iran nose jobs are getting more and more common. There is an entire documentary that deals with the subject. "Nose: Iranian style".

"Iran: Nose Job Capital Of World

Iran's strict Islamic dress code has backfired in at least one big way.

Some young Iranian women are more obsessed with their appearance than their counterparts in the West.

And, as CBS News Correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports, they're lining up in record number to improve on the look nature gave them with cosmetic surgery.

The most popular form of plastic surgery in America is liposuction, but in Iran, where the female form is kept largely under wraps, women prefer to spend their money where they can show it off.

So Iran, where the morality police used to confiscate eyeliner and lip gloss, is now the nose job capital of the world.

"A Western nose is more beautiful," says one young woman in Farsi.

At a medical center, where a group of women wait for their friend to come out of surgery, portraits of classical Iranian beauties hang on the wall. But the Persian nose, it seems, is out of style.

Inside the operating room, Dr. Hossein Heidar lifts and shortens.

"The hot look," he says, is inspired by Hollywood.

Women shopping for new noses, Heidar says, arrive with photos of Jennifer Lopez.

A picture perfect nose costs around $1,500.

Photographer Newsha Tavakolian is planning a book on Iranian women. The nose craze, she says, started with satellite TV from the West.

"Everyone saw how the Western women, they have very small nose and look almost like Barbie, and the Iranian women, they see them and they say, 'Oh, I want to look like them,'" says Tavakolian. "They want to make their nose small."

But it's not only women. There are lots of bandaged men on the streets too.

"Iranians in general have big noses and that's one of the reasons why this surgery is so popular," says Ali Bahrami in Farsi.

Bahrami insists he had the operation for medical purposes, but the before and after pictures tell a different story.

And best of all, Heidar says, all this nipping and tucking is not un-Islamic.

"Plastic surgery is better appearance for people, and I think God like this," he says."

It's funny how they try to work out complex, difficult explanations for the popularity of nose jobs in the region such as "identity problems of the youth" or " self-hatred", when the obvious answer is that they prefer the fine Nordic nose because it is more beautiful. Everyone wants what is more beautiful, and if they don't have it they can either be envious like Romanian Godis, or they can do something about it.

Of course envy is a complex issue, so even if you dye your hair blonde like Godis, in an attempt to look less Romanian and more Scandinavian, it will always be bitterness at having to resort to this, so plastic surgery and other comsetic prosedures that don't give the desired effect will often create even more envy and resentment, and can easily turn into an obsession, as we see with Godis.

Sometimes these nose jobs turn out less than successful since the rest of the face can look even manlier and coarser than before with a small, fine nose in the middle that doesn't really fit the face. Not making the size and look of the nose too Nordic is the key to success, I think, as a harmonious face is more important to the overall impression.

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 06:40 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Romanian women. Could there be Semitic admixture as well as gypsy admixture (or are they the same thing, originally. I know the gypsies are closely related to the Indians, but this typically Semitic nose may be of Middle Eastern origin far back in time).

Romanians. The Arab/gypsy influence is rather obvious, actually.;


Romanian women sometimes secretly wish they were Scandinavians ;);

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 05:44 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Godis, just because you have admitted you use different usernames it doesn't mean other people do too only because they agree on something. You did the same with Barberella. Since vagabond actually LIVES in Europe he or she can tell when you write nonsense, just as I can since I live here, and that is why you are corrected. You're just an American who is totally clueless.

If I start to write nonsense about the looks of Americans, showing I have no clue what I'm talking about, for instance saying Americans are on average much slimmer than other people, you will see and recognize it for what it is - nonsense, and so will other Americans, who obviously know better than I do what you people look like over there.

Germans are on average much heavier built than Scandinavians, with a larger, heavier bone structure. This tendency is continued in Eastern Europeans who have typically heavy Slavic traits. Vagabond is right about that. I know since I have been to Germany many, many times like many other Scandinavians. It's not exactly a secret that they are heavier built, and that's one reason German men love Scandinavian women. It's not a big deal for us actually living in these countries. You make it a big deal since you have an agenda.

I know you have a hatred and deep-seated envy of Scandinavians, anybody can see that, and that is the underlying reason for these false things you write, but you see, no matter how many times you make false claims they are still false, and yes, Erik got it right, apparently since he is more educated and informed on the matter than you are.

The things you wrote about Middle Easterners were ridiculous. More masculine and unattractive women can hardly be found among caucasians. Their bone structure is hardly of interest, I think. Their purported gracility (which I doubt) doesn't exactly make them feminine. Many look like men and even have a moustache and monobrow, not to mention their infamous hooked noses.

Vagabond was also right about Romanians. They really are among the ugliest of the Europeans, but unlike him/her I know why you brought it up. You are predominantly Romanian, and wish your people weren't an ugly mix of a lot of unattractive people such as gypsies, but you are, and there is nothing you can do about it. Making false statments about Scandinavians won't help your case. It only makes you look like a desperate fool.

And since this entry IS about noses I can also say that yes, the noses of Scandinavians are on average much nicer and more refined than the noses of other people, and that is the reason for this entry.

Romanians for example, have enormous "nose problems" and try to emulate the Nordic nose type, and who can blame them. I haven't thought about it but now when I do it really strikes me that there is a semitic resemblance there. Many Romanians are probably related to them so some kind of Middle Eastern admixture is probably present. That would explain their unattractive and overly large noses, I think, but it could also be due to the gypsy influence alone, but it is probably a case of both semitic and gypsy influence.

Sun, 10/25/2009 - 21:44 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Most people are mixed race. What are you trying to prove?

Sun, 10/25/2009 - 19:20 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

ITs funny how Emily argues THE SAME things:

jealousy, Scands are the best EVEN compared to GERMANS and then she tries to pass herself off as another poster as if it isn't obvious.

It's not taht someone can't agree with Emily, its the fact that its obvious that when they have the same tone of voice, writing style and use the exact same words to argue the exact same thing is kind of obvious.

And also Vagabond I mean Emily,

I mentioned that Middle Eastern European women have smaller bones. Look at a middle eastern Woman's ankles for once! They have slender builds and so do the males. This actually makes the women look MORE masculine, I mentioned this so learn how to READ!

And I am sorry but the far North Northern Europeans do not have finer facial features than the Germans. I am SORRY!

And stop mentioning how mixed Romanians are. Less than 8% are mixed wiht Gypsy. Fuck off with that.

Sun, 10/25/2009 - 16:46 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Visitor: The last girl looked arab or afghan, not mixed.
Here's some examples of european-looking afghans:


I agree with you vagabond, but I wonder, where in Euroupe are you from? :)

Sun, 10/25/2009 - 15:00 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I think everybody is entitle to his/her own opinion. Some people are attracted to feminine facial feature, others are attracetd to masculine. Personally, I tend to like people with well-balanced facial features, and especially if they also posses mixed genes. I find their appearance superior to all the others.

Look at this girl, that is a 100% natural beauty!

She's also of mixed genes.

Sorry Emily and vagabond, but facts talk for itsel! Plain looking people are not exciting enough and you both need to get over it.

Sun, 10/25/2009 - 05:48 vagabond Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I live in Europe and have been to many countries here. What is being said about Scandinavian women is blatantly untrue and most likely based on jealousy. Scandinavians are far more gracile and feminine than German women, and Eastern Europeans are often stockier built due to the Slavic influence. Everything about them is less feminine and gracile.

In my experience the Scandinavians are taller and more slender, and Scandinavians generally have finer bone structure than Germans and most other Europeans. Their facial features are more delicate and more feminine, and their noses are beautiful and not huge and hooked like the ones you see in other parts of Europe.

As for Romanians, please, they don't even qualify so why mention them? They're ethnically very mixed and often have that terribly unflattering and swarthy semitic and gypsy look.

As for middle eastern women they are extremely coarse, masculine and semitic, and don't come anywhere near European women in terms of femininity. Really, some of the outrageously inaccurate remarks here made me laugh. It's kinda like turning the truth upside down and pretend you got it right.
