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Tue, 10/13/2009 - 08:13 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures


people there compare pictures of hideous swedish women to PROFESSIONAL pictures of PROFESSIONAL MODELS


It must be a new category of low self-esteem

If you are trying to prove that there are ugly swedish women, then you are wasting your time. Nobody is saying otherwise.

Why don't you attempt to prove that regular non-famous asian women without photoshop edition look better, on average, than swedish women?

Good Luck!

Tue, 10/13/2009 - 06:11 I am a racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Swedish singer


Non nordic girls

Indian actressImageImageImage

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 22:57 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"There was a conversation about how Asain women were more feminine and more mature looking than Nordic women so in the "spirit of debate" which is all this is, it being a debate site and all, I showed examples I could find that disspelled "notaracsit/bookworm"'s theories. What is wrong with what's being said here, besides the fact that YOU don't like it and YOU'RE offended? Big deal, lots of people are always getting offended by these discussions that talk about LOOKS. The reason that Asian women's looks are being discussed here is because we discuss LOOKS here, it's surely not rocket science to figure out. I did say that those who capitalize on the exploitation of Asian women were deplorable human beings, but that's racsist, ok, sure."

I do not condone the other racist statements either. It's painfully obvious the only reason all of you fools are discussing the looks of other races is to say one looks better than the other. Better than=Superiority. Superiority of a specific race happens to be something a lot of racists spew. Therefore i logically conclude most of you morons are just in denial racist pigs. Yes, I'm going to call you names. After thousands of years of advancement including going to the fucking moon it would appear that some human beings are still so goddamn ignorant they feel the need to quantify and qualify the looks of their race and compare it to those of other races. Well guess what? You looks are arbitrary. They have nothing to do with who you are. Your name, your age, your face, your body, they mean nothing.

Guess what, white people exploit their own women. Go to the United States, it's a white majority and 1 in 4 women have been raped in that country. What you see with Asians is a LONG history of the exaltation of youth. It is no different in western culture. As Lewis Black opined "It's like a bowl of shit staring at itself in the mirror screaming 'It's Shit!'"

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 22:08 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Notaracsist, one more look at your "sexy" Asian women shows me that they have to have surgery or white admixture to approach the standard of beauty that's typical for women of European descent. These women don't look like average Asians. YOU ARE LYING. Thank god, no one's stupid enough to believe you.

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 22:01 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Rawr: "rascist pigs" makes me laugh, if that's your point, or the basis of your points, which is to call others names instead of contributing anything of value besides name calling, then they're pretty weak. There was a conversation about how Asain women were more feminine and more mature looking than Nordic women so in the "spirit of debate" which is all this is, it being a debate site and all, I showed examples I could find that disspelled "notaracsit/bookworm"'s theories. What is wrong with what's being said here, besides the fact that YOU don't like it and YOU'RE offended? Big deal, lots of people are always getting offended by these discussions that talk about LOOKS. The reason that Asian women's looks are being discussed here is because we discuss LOOKS here, it's surely not rocket science to figure out. I did say that those who capitalize on the exploitation of Asian women were deplorable human beings, but that's racsist, ok, sure.

"Notaracsist", once again, your denseness prevents you from seeing the absurdity of posting the most outrageously unattractive photos of Nordic women you can find and comparing it to Asian models. I think I showed what kinds of pics are comparable, but you're so immature and pathetic, I barely expect you to understand. Only your air-brushed models can look even remotely good compared to what appears to be a blonde woman with those fake "costume" teeth in. If that's the best you can do...and apparently it is. The good news is that one day you'll be able to muster up all of that average intellect of yours and try to have a conversation that's worthy of other adults. Good luck to you. By the way, take away the photoshop, and whatever other "enhancements" your models have and you have pretty much nothing.

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 19:00 I am a racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Swedish woman

Beautiful feminine asian woman

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 17:47 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Pedos flocks to asia because there are several countries that do offer up underage boys and girls for sexual sale. It has nothing to do with 16 year olds looking like 11 year olds. They have 11 year olds over there for sale if you want it (not all over asia, very few countries in asia allow this to occur legally. It also happens in all western countries. Get off the high horse.)

I can't even believe you racist pigs are still arguing over asian looks.

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 15:39 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I forgot to mention in the last post that the bottom two pics are of Nordic women....though it's probably obvious, you never know...!

And I wasn't, REALLY, going to touch this with a ten foot pole, but I really do think photos like these are exploitative, in bad taste, and do perpetuate a stereotype that's for some reason, another poster's getting a LOT of flack for mentioning, but, gee, it's all over the page I found the photos of Asian women on....

Japanese School Girl Pictures, Images and Photos

Japanese School Girl Pictures, Images and Photos

Japanese School Girl Pictures, Images and Photos

This to me is just gross, I'd try to be more eloquent if I thought it'd make a difference. I think it's shameless, and the people responsible for representing and exploiting Asian women in this way are as bad as, and comparable to, the people responsible for what's happened to high fashion modeling.

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 15:23 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Sorry about the photos that didn't post, I'll try a few more as examples......

Stupid japanese girls Pictures, Images and Photos

Japanese tattoo girls 15 Pictures, Images and Photos

2 Japanese girls? Pictures, Images and Photos

Swedish girls everywhere!!!  glorious! Pictures, Images and Photos

Swedish girls Pictures, Images and Photos

All these are examples of candid, nonprofessional, un-retouched photos. In order to better make your points (bookworm, not a rascist, etc.), these are what you should be using, in order to keep the debate honest.

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 15:15 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

To "I'm not racsist", that's a joke, right? You're using a picture of a FEMALE BODYBUILDER to argue that they are less feminine than Asians, who once again are represented as professional models. Not a convincing argument bookworm, but you've not had any since the onset of your posts so why should anyone be suprised anymore.

Honestly, your models are not the most attractive ones that you could've used. Let's see, the top row, woman with the lavender bikini, she's a great example of a woman who doesn't have very discernable curves, at ALL!! I'll admit, not all of the women you post are terrible looking, but if you have to make those women look "good" by comparing them to the picture of the Swedish bodybuilder, than what does that really say? That your photos cannot prove your point on their own? Can you try finding photos of attractive, feminine Asian women(on a public photo-sharing site, for example), that are of the "average population"?

Like these, for example,

Japanese School Girls Pictures, Images and Photos

the japanese girls Pictures, Images and Photos

Not THESE, professional, photoshopped photographs of professional models, (I think that might make your point much better).

Japanese Girls Pictures, Images and Photos

Japanese Pictures, Images and Photos

All that's being asked of you is to provide photos that are comparable to photos of other ethnicities that are non-professional, candid, and un-retouched.

Incidently, although each and every person is entitled to his or her preferences in terms of attractiveness, one who LESS prefers a body like this....

Japanese Pictures, Images and Photos

Sexy Japanese Pictures, Images and Photos

To THIS....

Swedish girls Pictures, Images and Photos

Cannot be faulted for having bad taste, or for being rascist.

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 14:41 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I think that one example of how Asian women do look comparitively underdeveloped to white women is at looking at the gymnastics competition in the '08 Olympics in Beijing. There were people who were arguing that there was no way that the girls were 16, but once documents were presented, it appears they were indeed 16, at least according to the satisfaction of the judges of that event.

Compare the looks of the Chinese gymnasts to those of the American gymnasts. They are between the ages of 16-20

U.S. gymnasts congratulate China's gymnasts Pictures, Images and Photos

This is merely a comment regarding the looks of the Asian women in contrast to the American(White) women. I'm not saying ONE WORD about pedophilia. So the person who wants to misinterpret this comment (and I'm sure there'll be plenty), the point was, I repeat, to show the obvious differences in the types of physiques amongst these ladies. As a former gymnast, I wasn't able to pursue the sport much after the age of 14 due to the normal development of my body, and the contradiction to what is "competitive" in that sport. At almost 5'6", and a weight that was (then, at 14) 107 lbs., and the fact that I had larger breasts and hips than what was "acceptable" made me re-evaluate my interest in competitive gymnastics. Very short, small-framed and slender bodies is what is necessary. I was also not interested in the dieting and exercize that my Dr. warned me could effect the development of my young body. This is also not an argument about "femininity"; it is obvious that gymnasts aren't going to be on the more feminine side. Yet another reason I wasn't competitive-body types with hips and a slimmer back and shoulder area inhibits the the development of the musculature that's needed to excell in this sport beyond childhood years.

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 06:04 I am a racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Here you go,feminine asian bodies!


Swedish and caucasian body, feminine my ass ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

feminine swedish woman

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 02:27 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

White (borderline) pedophiles are attracted to the undeveloped, tiny body of the asians because it looks like their preferred sexual object - the undeveloped/developing girl body. That is why they go to Asia. Cheap sex can be found anywhere so there is no need to travel across the world for that. Asia offers something special for the pedophile - an endless supply of lolitas who never physically turn into adult women.

Asian women themselves invite pedophiles to their countries by the very way they present themselves (the deceptively innocent lolita-child look is extremely popular among young asian women, who seem to deliberately play on these types of fantasies). I think there is a mutual understanding that white men who want pubescent girls, or women who look like them, can find them and use them easily in Asia.

So it is true that Asia is a good and welcoming place for the white pedophile, and less dangerous for him than his home country, but the core motive for going there is that he can live out his sexual deviant fantasies there with the endless sea of underdeveloped, tiny, childlike women and girls he prefer. He doesn't even have to use underage girls since asian girls in their teens often look like younger children.

No other race is so undeveloped and childlike as the asian race. Denying that this fact plays a vital part in the white pedophile's special interest in asians is ridiculous.

I really don't think white (borderline) pedophiles are attracted as much to Africa or Latin America since the preferred physical type is not as common there.

A 15-year-old asian girl can often look like a 11-year-old white girl, and I think that is an enormously important factor. The illusion of having sex with a child and not a woman is total, and if society there is also permissive and welcoming all the better.

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 00:15 John From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I'm still wading through this page, but I stumbled on this section, in which a reply was made to one previous poster. I've yet to locate that post, but I thought I'd comment here first, in case I can't find the post, or give up before I find it. The post being replied to is:

"The pedophile argument is a valid one, since it is the truth. I know the truth doesn't matter to you, dear, but that's the way it is. Pubescent, tiny and underdeveloped bodies normally do attract pedophiles who prefer them to adult women with curvy, feminine bodies. That is why white pedophiles flock to Asia. Deny that if you want to, everybody knows it's the truth anyway"

Now I have my suspicions that neotenic preferencs underly the tendency for some males to seek young females, some of whom seek out young girls. However, I cannot claim to have reviewed the scientific literature on this, and at any rate, it is not the purpose of my comment here. My point here, is that the above quote is invalid as an argument for a far simpler reason, which because of its simplicity, takes precedence over more complex arguments which may amount to little more than self-justification. The simple point is this: men embark on overseas sex tourism in countries where people (a) the exchange rate favours their own currency, making the sex resource cheaper than in their own country, and (b) they especially seek countries where life itself is cheap, and fellow humans can be bought very cheaply. That is the reason not just pedophiles, but other sex tourists flock to Asian countries. They also go to other countries, such as Latin American and - I gather - African countries, for the same reason. Further, with regards the subgroup of men seeking to practice activities which are illegal in their own countries, the other incentive - apart from cheap people - has been the likelihood of getting away with it, because life - and people - are cheap. This rationale is no different to any other form of human exploitation in those sorts of countries - it's a very robust principle to be found across a broad range of exploitations. One need not posit neoteny as some sort of rationale, when a far more parsimonious one is available.

Sun, 10/11/2009 - 10:07 Rick Cain Is the average torso among women the most attractive?

That tends to be the basic torso of a woman who is a fitness enthusiast. I personally find female speedskaters quite attractive because of the large muscular buttocks and thin upper body.

Sun, 10/11/2009 - 10:03 Rick Cain Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

Both girls need to simply tone up, not lose weight. A fit girl looks awesome IMHO and they generally weigh more because of the added muscle. I think both are cute but the face will only get you halfway there in modeling.

Thu, 10/08/2009 - 21:37 mary Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling


I know that you are only interested about femininity and your right in that shes too feminine for the fashion industry that seems to go for androgynous,boyish or weird looks.
However your wrong in saying that shes naturally thin here.Here she's clearly anorexic.
If she was naturally thin here and not anorexic then how do you explain these photos of her where she was a healthier weight?
Also your wrong in saying that her skinniness is the result of her being of Macedonian background.That was just a poor coverup by the pageant director that you fell for.
Healthier weight







Pageant Photos-clearly skinnier here.
She might not be anorexic as in not eating but she has clearly gone too far with weightloss or not trying to maintain it




Yes,some people are naturally skinny.Stephanie here though is not naturally skinny.
If that doesnt look like anorexia then i dont know what does.
In these older photos of her she was naturally skinny.
In the pageant photo that Erik has got up she was clearly in the realm of anorexia.


That photo you posted i think is of another contestant not Stephanie Naumoska

Thu, 10/08/2009 - 19:08 Larry David Angelina Valinurova

not feminine????? i fail to see whats masculine about her, she has a nice round bum, tiny waist, a gorgeous face and some of the best and unique breasts i've ever seen.

Thu, 10/08/2009 - 10:46 LazyLeo Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

Erik I've noticed this dimorphism throughout my life, yet seems to contradict pop culture's ideal beauty with both men and women. I'm curious is the cheek bones higher along the vertical plane or are they shorter with the brow reaching lower and nose reaching longer to give the cheek a high effect also, about the arches, if the arches are placed higher then would this cause elevation of the ears and a different mandible/maxilla relationship in regards to bite. I would love to see a frontal comparison of masculine and feminine skull shapes. Any links would be appreciated. Thanks keep up the good work.

Thu, 10/08/2009 - 06:27 Heterosexual male Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

After looking at the women you've labeled as attractive I've decided that you must be doing this site as a joke. Sure, you've got a few bombshells in there like Amy on page 3, but most of the rest are ghastly! Dasha on page 11 looks butch, Silvia on page 3 looks like she's been in the sun too long, and Elkie on page 7 has crooked eyes! It's fine with me if you get into those women, but don't call me 'nonheterosexual' for not being attracted to someone who looks old enough to be my mom!

And another thing, you said Jessica Alba looks masculine? Check out that picture you've got up of Sally Todd! Jawline bigger than any guy I've seen and a shirt that looks stuffed. Sure you're not the one who's 'nonheterosexual'?

Finally, let's humor you for a minute and say that the whole fashion industry really is a giant gay conspiracy to make straight men want to fondle teenage boys. Even if that's their objective, they wouldn't be able to force anything of the sort on the market. A principles course in Microeconomics will tell you that the consumer has far more power over the producer than the reverse. Producers can try to convince the consumer that they want their product (i.e. advertising), but at the end of the day, if no one wants those edible, candy-flavored flip flops they won't buy it and the producer will either change products or go out of business. The public has certain demands and the role of the producer is to meet those demands as efficiently as possible. The same thing goes for advertising (i.e. runway models); producers find out what works and they use it. Using skinny models is simply a reaction to what has worked well in the past.

But if you look at beautiful women and all you can see is adolescent boys, maybe the problem isn't with the fashion community...

Wed, 10/07/2009 - 00:35 Visitor Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

her face looks ok - if someone is anorexic, it usually shows up in their face. I had a friend in high school who was as skinny as this girl, and TRUST me, this girl was NOT anorexic! Some people really are just that skinny. Not many, but some.

Tue, 10/06/2009 - 17:38 Rawr Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Oh shut up "bookworm". It obvious from the way you speak you haven't read a decent book in years. You are just another two bit racist.

Tue, 10/06/2009 - 16:27 bookworm Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

this is a picture of filipino part caucasian girl. I wish I could look like her. I think she has go the best hair and I love the brown eyes and brown hair. they made you look smart and not helpless........what's a cute girl?

Tue, 10/06/2009 - 16:19 bookworm Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I think the biracial of any races are the best because they are the new and improved from both side of their parent genes.
to me white look best when they are younger but they get old really quick and they look very ugly when they are old.

Asians look ugly from a glance but if you look at them carefully they are beautiful they have the best skin.

Latino women some are beautiful some look like a witch most of them is out of shape.

Blacks some people are good looking but in general I don't find their features attractive because they are too much of everything like everything is too big and out of proportion the lips the nose the booty






Tue, 10/06/2009 - 16:03 bookworm Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

example of Alicia keys. ( black-white biracial) yes, she is pretty but not at the first glance. her shape looks slightly mascular. you can clearly see she has got a manish arms and a board shoulders. she is big girl.

ImageMule : I ind the biracial black-white are hot but the biracial asian-white seem to look more feminine.

the example of Asian-white biracial. she is Danish part Thai and her skin looks more soft and delicate than alicia keys.

