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Mon, 10/19/2009 - 23:13 Baalz Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Honestly, I think You should give up...
How many have posted ANYTHING that states they agree with Your view?
And how many have posted the opposite?
No, gay men do NOT rule the fashion industry...
If they did, all we'd see would be loads of naked MALES and not naked females on the catwalk... But the men are mostly what? Fully covered yes, and the females? More than semi-nude much of the time, yes...

Go get another hobby.....
Trying to make people anti-gay this way won't work...
And, I don't give a rats arse what the FAQ says abt this site, Ofc You wouldn't admit to try and spread anti-gay propaganda doh!

Rebecca Romijn-Stamos is very feminine...
Some features would be CALLED *wrongly so though* masculine by some laymen because she has a few angular features aswell as wide cheekbones...
That is in no way anywhere stated as being masculine though...
Either link to where that fact is stated or shurt up about it... Hard is it?

Well, This was fun and all, but I have to go back to real life now... I have one unlike some... ;)

Thu, 10/15/2009 - 12:41 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Oh the person above was me, Godis!

Thu, 10/15/2009 - 12:41 Visitor From ape to human – the journey in pictures


I think you are 100% right, but remember you are not perfect either! It's so easy to judge others, I do it all too often myself in a very hostile manner. The truth is that this site has turned into a toxic dump of silly useless arguments. I could care less who is the better race on average in terms of looks or anything really. I know what I've got and I know who I want to pass my genes on with to create a great human being. Perhaps we should all focus on choosing our mate and why we are choosing them. Is the decision based on their appearance? Their intelligence? Their personality? All those things combined?

Because in the end all this arguing is a big debate about evolution and who is farther along that path. I feel that the evolution of your genes is in your hands. Pass them on with whomever YOU choose but do not force others to do the same simply because it is your way of seeing things.

Therefore Emily do not tell all Nordics that they need to preserve the Nordic race by only mating with Nordics. If a Nordic chooses to have an offspring and pass their genes on with a non-Nordic they are deciding their own evolutionary path. They are shaping their offspring's future with their decision. Who knows! Maybe the path they choose will turn out to be the strongest. Maybe the person their genes creates will be superior intellectually, physically, etc. than any full blooded Nordic.

In the end though its not about that. In the end what matters is that we are all human beings. We should all put our differences aside and work together because bickering over stupid things actually direct us backwards not forwards...

But I still love to debate on this site. Emily is so entertaining, you don't know what she will say next. I mean you expect something shocking but she always outdoes your expectations! Sometimes I think she does it just for kicks...

Thu, 10/15/2009 - 08:43 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Its been a bit since I last posted here, but just want to say, Bravo Rawr! It is good to see someone else who can see throught Emily's/Barbella's BS! It is great to know that this world is not full of people like them. . .

Thu, 10/15/2009 - 05:50 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Babarella : the chinese women that I posted I don't think her pictures have been photoshoped, because they are the screen shots from the movies. plus, I have watched her movie and that's why I can say she looks pretty although on the movies she even prettier than on the pictures. her eyes look like winona ryders and she has got every nice facial features. and I don't think the plastic surgery can be that natural. I also curious, why many people think the non-white can't have beautiful facial features without plastic surgery or white blood admixture?

Thu, 10/15/2009 - 05:27 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I will show you a picture of famous indian celebrities. most of them have got a slightly hook nose, dark complexion sub-sahara facial features and indians find these women look prettier than the white skin indian celebrities.


kajol khan

aishwarya rai

Rani Mukerjee.

and they find this woman lesser pretty because look too white and have got a weak jaw and a round face.her shape is also too delicate for indian beauty standard which requires a buxom shape and a light brown skin.

not that pretty for indian people.




Thu, 10/15/2009 - 04:59 Igor Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

There is absolutely no such thing as biologically defined beauty.
As you should know or promptly ignored in favor of racial biases, beauty is a cultural fenomenon and genetic diferentiation between sexes varies naturally among diferent generations. To say otherwise is (ironically enough) to contribute to the real underappreciation of beauty.

Thu, 10/15/2009 - 03:40 Jason Why are children used to model clothes for women in their 30s and 40s?

But wasn't the best time to pose for Playboy age 18? And women have most libido at age 38-40, 35-40 or something and men want the most sex at 18-20?

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 23:52 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Rawr, sorry for my MISSPELLINGS. The likes of NOW and RAINN, man-hating organazations that they are, are going to give stats based on THEIR agendas so I'll take those numbers with a grain of salt. You don't like any RASCIST comments, well, what should this conversation be about? Please, enlighten us. Much of the blogs on this site deal with looks in terms of race. People will then state opinions based on these topics, thus, people will appear to be RASCIST when in fact they're just stating whose looks they prefer. I can tell by your tone that you think you're gifted with some intellect that is lost on most of us, but I don't see it that way. I think you're trolling, stirring up shit because you have ten fingers and know how to type. What is your take on these issues, besides taking it upon yourself to police people? We are all well within our rights to state whatever the hell we want. Your nagging doesn't change that.

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 22:54 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Rawr, gee, since this is a website that deals with topics conerning LOOKS, and race largely determines peoples LOOKS, then, Oh My GOD, can you believe it, people are racsist because they state their preferences and everyones a rascist because we haven't adopted the whole "one world, one race" motto like you?

Learn how to spell racist and maybe I'll take your opinions on what a racist is seriously.

You very obviously don't understand the nature of this site.

Simply because I called the lot of you raving loonies what you are does not mean I don't know what the intention of this sites creator is.

Besides calling others rascist, what have you contributed to this conversation?

I felt nothing more should be stated. Your motivations are clear and any logical person would know not to take you seriously because of them.

Your facts are incredibly unreal as well as exagerated, no where have I found the 1 in 4 rape statistic you posted,

Here's the stats from RAINN,
Here's some from Now.
The stat I quoted came off the top of my head and comes from the Kiss study commissioned by the U.S. department of justice. apparently the 1 in 4 statistics also include attempted rape. So, that may change it somewhat and I apologize for that. The U.N. has also proclaimed the United States to be the most dangerous place for women in the world to live in a time of peace. There have been multiple studies by the U.N. on that.
and what about this "white majority"? In some places, that's not the case, even if it is a reported national average. and according to the newly released census numbers whites are still the majority in the united states. I don't give a crap where you live. The numbers are pretty damn clear.
Are you even American, or just one of those that hates the US and talks shit about us? I love those people.

Yep, I'm an American. I was born here, raised all over the place in this country since my father served in the U.S. Army (and even lived in Europe too!) I don't care how you feel about Americans. The level of violence, stupidity and hypocrisy in this country is absloutely appalling.
And do I mind your calling me rascist, not knowing a thing about me?
I really don't care how you feel. Spade is a spade kid. Get over it.
No, why should I, it's a word used so much it's lost the power to call out those who really ARE rascist, not people on a website who say they're not attracted to Asians.

I don't give a crap if you want to sleep with Asians or whites. The simple fact of the matter is it's a rather fucked up thing to get on your high horse and scream how Nordic women are more feminine, better looking and 'mature looking' than Asian women. It's not right to exult Asians over other races either. It's not right to compare the features of blacks to primates as some have done here. It's not right to say all asian look like underdeveloped boys. It's not ok to say all white women are fat and shapeless. None of you are right. You are all just spewing intellectual vomit. You also have the nerve to get angry when someone calls you on your lack of humanity. Compassionate Human Beings are not locked in racial battles. Get over yourself.

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 19:57 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Bookworm, the Chinese woman that's been called "ugly" isn't so much ugly as she is riddled with facial plastic surgery. Thank gods for someone like Callmewhatyouwant, who's willing to tell the truth, and who apparently has some knowledge of anatomy and or anthropology. Once again, your pictures are dishonest. The reason you can't/won't post the kinds of pictures I suggested is because you know the difficulty you'd face providing CANDID, NON-RETOUCHED photos of REGULAR WOMEN, WITHOUT PLASTIC SURGERY. It's insulting to my intelligence for you to post photos of these actresses and models and then say that they are an honest portrayal of how ordinary Indians, Asians, etc. look. We all know they don't look like your pictures. For the last time, STOP LYING.

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 15:19 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

the chinese girl you find ugly. I don't find her ugly at all. she looks very feminine.







Wed, 10/14/2009 - 13:43 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

India has many caucasian-looking celebrities but most of the time. they aren't portrayed as the main chracaters on the movies, beside the unimportant characters, in order to decorate the scenes. I think it is applied the same way to the east asian entertainments. the one who look very caucasian or fully caucasian will not get the importrant role on the flims. they appeared mostly in the advertisment posters and the fashion shows.




Wed, 10/14/2009 - 12:54 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I don't find these women to be particularly beautiful but their features are fit the feminine cristeria of this site.
the indian one, I have seen her in some movie. she isn't that beautiful but she looks caucasian. her face reminded me of judy garland while the chinese one has got very beautiful eyes than the average chinese women.

this is the indian celebrity you find ugly. I have been talked to the indian people on the flickr site. many of them don't find this girl is particularly beauty either. because she looks too white and have got too fair complexion and a weak jaw. she was the actress on two movies and never appeared on the movies anymore because the people don't like caucasian-looking celebrities that much. the indians seem to prefer celebrities like aishwarya rai and rida pinto who looks fully Hindus.





Wed, 10/14/2009 - 10:48 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

This woman is ugly

is it supposed to be beautiful?

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 09:21 I am racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Swedish singer, oh lovely!


Swedish beauty smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! sooooo pretty !!

Blonde beauty

Asian beauty!


Indian beauty actress, so pretty !

Minisha lambahindia5india5

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 07:28 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Interestingly, all asians (mongoloids) examples brought so far look somehow out of the norm. They usually have noses that are higher than mongoloid average; have faces which are less flat than their own average; eyes which are bigger than their average; noses which are thinner than the average for mongoloids. The same can be implied to indians too.

All of them somehow try to approach a more european and hence a nordic look.

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 07:12 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I think white women have got the best facial features but asians have more natural beauty than the average white woman which always have a lot of makeup.

Your asian examples have a lot of plastic surgery. Natural?

well, I've been shown the pictures of beautiful caucasian women to some asian guys and they said these women look unnatural. these have got the blue eyes which look like an empty sky and giving the expression of coldness and strangeness. since the majority of humans in this world have got dark eyes.

It's so easy to spot when a person is lying. As if a bunch of men were supposed to use terms like EMPTY SKYS to define woman beauty.

otherwise, the blonde women have light eyelashes and eyebrows, making our eyes appear less intense.

You are also blond and blue eyed lol. Everybody on this board is blond and blue eyed. Tell us more.

You'll probably get more people saying they like darker hair cause people have these assumptions and stereotypes about blondes.

No, we have a bunch of envious women on this board which live between loving and hating nordic people. To sum all this up: you all love nordic people and would like to be part of them; however, because you all are not part of this world you mock them in order to show some pride.

That's what we get.

and now take a look at these asian women? they don't even have a blonde hair and blue eyes or caucasian facial features? but they have got a natural-looking and a warm coloring which made them stand out?

I see plastic surgery. Why do you always use professional models? Why not regular people from school, work place and parties?

and what's make you all think the non-white can't have high nasal or a deep set eyes? why do you think all non-white women with these traits must be the biracial or had done the plastic surgery?

You are trolling there. It's pretty obvious that we've stated that mongoloids have sunken noses, not all asians. Not all asians are mongoloids. Stop trying to draw attention to yourself with comments which you already know make no sense.

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 06:16 I am a racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I forgot to include blonde smileyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy swedish, sooooo pretty !

Blonde beauty

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 06:13 I am a racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Swedish beauty

nordic beautyBlonde beauty

Indian Beauty

Aishwarya Rai

African Beauty


Asian Beauty


Wed, 10/14/2009 - 01:02 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Bookworm, still showing photos of professional models and comparing them to the few unflattering pics you can find of Nordic women. You just don't get it. You're an ass, sorry, no other word comes to mind. STOP SHOWING PHOTOS OF MODELS. STOP SHOWING PHOTOS OF ASIAN OR BLACK WOMEN WITH EUROPEAN ADMIXTURE. MORON. Your Indonesion woman doesn't look pure Asian, which is why she's pretty enough to warrant a mention by you. And you speak and pretty much post the indentical pics that "I'm not a rascist" does, so as far as I'm concerned, you're the same.

Rawr, gee, since this is a website that deals with topics conerning LOOKS, and race largely determines peoples LOOKS, then, Oh My GOD, can you believe it, people are racsist because they state their preferences and everyones a rascist because we haven't adopted the whole "one world, one race" motto like you? You very obviously don't understand the nature of this site. Besides calling others rascist, what have you contributed to this conversation? Your facts are incredibly unreal as well as exagerated, no where have I found the 1 in 4 rape statistic you posted, and what about this "white majority"? In some places, that's not the case, even if it is a reported national average. In the city where I live, for example, that's pretty far from the truth. Are you even American, or just one of those that hates the US and talks shit about us? I love those people. And do I mind your calling me rascist, not knowing a thing about me? No, why should I, it's a word used so much it's lost the power to call out those who really ARE rascist, not people on a website who say they're not attracted to Asians. Misuse of the word RASCIST negates the power it should have, thanks to people like you. Nice going.

Tue, 10/13/2009 - 17:54 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

This is indonesian woman is also very pretty too.


this one is somalian girl I found her pic in flickr. she is pure black but very pretty as well.

Tue, 10/13/2009 - 17:38 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"Rawr : I'm not (the poster : I'm not racist) he is not me but seem we both sharing the same point of view and I sure there are many people in this world agree with us than with you, emily or barbarella and eric. even when I show this site to my husband. he also disgree as well. Im not even asian and I feel like smashing you for talking all these. there's beauty and yes there can be ugly in all races and I can find pretty in every women. I've seen some gorgeous asian and black women. I think white women have got the best facial features but asians have more natural beauty than the average white woman which always have a lot of makeup. I never said the asian women look prettier than the white women nor I said they are ugly. I just find them good-looking and cute that's all. and in the reality life. men do not looking for the perfection beauty which full of glitter and glamour in a women. beside, a natural beauty."

You are still a racist. You can't talk either. Do you have any redeeming qualities?

Tue, 10/13/2009 - 17:36 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

and what's make you all think the non-white can't have high nasal or a deep set eyes? why do you think all non-white women with these traits must be the biracial or had done the plastic surgery?


Tue, 10/13/2009 - 17:31 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Rawr : I'm not (the poster : I'm not racist) he is not me but seem we both sharing the same point of view and I sure there are many people in this world agree with us than with you, emily or barbarella and eric. even when I show this site to my husband. he also disgree as well. Im not even asian and I feel like smashing you for talking all these. there's beauty and yes there can be ugly in all races and I can find pretty in every women. I've seen some gorgeous asian and black women. I think white women have got the best facial features but asians have more natural beauty than the average white woman which always have a lot of makeup. I never said the asian women look prettier than the white women nor I said they are ugly. I just find them good-looking and cute that's all. and in the reality life. men do not looking for the perfection beauty which full of glitter and glamour in a women. beside, a natural beauty.

well, I've been shown the pictures of beautiful caucasian women to some asian guys and they said these women look unnatural. these have got the blue eyes which look like an empty sky and giving the expression of coldness and strangeness. since the majority of humans in this world have got dark eyes. otherwise, the blonde women have light eyelashes and eyebrows, making our eyes appear less intense. You'll probably get more people saying they like darker hair cause people have these assumptions and stereotypes about blondes. And also, remember you are getting answers from all over the world, many countries don't even have blonde women so they probably won't prefer caucasian-looking women or find them attractive?



and now take a look at these asian women? they don't even have a blonde hair and blue eyes or caucasian facial features? but they have got a natural-looking and a warm coloring which made them stand out?
src="/sites/default/files/imagepicker/others//700.jpg" alt="Image" />

src="/sites/default/files/imagepicker/others//200911321343781_2.jpg" alt="Image" />




