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Mon, 09/14/2009 - 09:33 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

You people need to lay off with the "racist" nonsense. Preferring the white race in terms of looks is not racist, it is a matter of taste. Just as you have a right to your preferences, so have others. I know, it is hard for you to grasp, probably.

Crying racist is getting old and fewer and fewer are jumping on cue as soon as you shout it anymore, since you have abused the word too often. It is losing its potency.

It is not anyone's fault that you are unattractive compared to whites. Blame evolution. If you cannot face that without labeling people racist I suggest you choose another site that is more politically correct and less honest. This site deals with physical appearance. Try to understand that.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 05:43 dex From ape to human – the journey in pictures

to the other Emily

to prove the norm of black beauty you have choose pics of pure black women, many blacks in the US are mixed, and many of the examples you used have white admixture in them.

Now i hate to admit it but Emily (the racist) is right that most people regardless of race find white features most attractive, this true is look at Alicia Keys, Halle Berry and TV actress Tamara Taylor.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 02:43 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

More photos of blacks. I was accused of posting unattractive photos, which bothers me since it isn't true. Pure blacks really do look like the ones I posted.

The net is full of photos of African blacks (the true blacks) looking just like them. Most pure blacks look REALLY ethnic and primitive (for lack of a better word), and this is not to be mean in any way. It is just the truth.

I think I see Beyonce's legs there. Do blacks put on weight easily? I get that impression when I browse photos, but I'm in no way an expert on that.

As for feminine and elegant noses here are more examples of Swedish girls. By the way, those are very fine photos you posted, Barberella. :)

First a head-shot of Ekaterina. I don't think her nose looks thin and elegant from the front either. It is just unattractive and very droopy.

Swedish girls:

The one on the left is atypical for a Nordic, but has probably a refined and elegant nose according to some:

And here Natalie Wood, a gorgeous actress. Oh my, what a short, unelegant and unrefined nose! is upturned, too! Horrible. Thank god for Romanian refined and elegant noses. ;)

Terrible "robust" and meaty nose Marilyn got there. I can't believe she made it in Hollywood with that thing.

She should have had a more "elegant and refined" nose, such as Eastern European Kurkova. Her large, hooked, thin and droopy nose is the epitome of femininity, just like her face.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 01:09 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures



I don't understand why you and Erik believe that posting photos of African women that are wearing nothing but bones and skin skirts is going to prove anything."

The black race is seen in its purest form in Africa - not in the US. Their attire has nothing to do with anthropology.

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 22:37 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

To me, with regards to describing the nose, "elegant" is the same as gracile, refined, or even "cute" if you will. "Romantic" is a euphemism for prominant, is it not? Let's just call it what it is.

Here is what I believe is elegant, refined or "cute":

Cute Irish Blondes


Swedish girl

Sweet Mary


This appears simple to grasp, but it is more difficult for some, obviously.

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 22:12 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis, you ramble and ramble and there is no end to it! I have a family member who is a geneticist, educated at MIT. I asked him how certain we are that the male sperm carries the genetic material that is responsible for determining the sex of human offspring? Not suprisingly, he said that we are absolutely certain. Why you cling to these radical notions, that this is "outdated science", must be because sound data and evidence must not fit into your twisted logic.

Your comments are humorous. Not only can you not assess what you see, it appears you don't understand what you read either.

By the way, what the hell is a "romantic" nose? I understand the root word being "roman", but to me, it sounds like a gentile way of saying large.

Sorry, Ekaterina's nose isn't elegant. It is her worst feature.

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 21:52 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis is now trying to pass off Scandinavian noses as being upturned, but robust! In your dreams Godis!

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 17:44 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Oh, my, you still don't get it, do you? I have always suspected that you want to turn almost malformed, too large or simply unappealing noses into something that is "elegant" and "refined", and now you prove it.

No, Ekaterina's nose is not elegant and refined. It has an unattractive shape. Unattractive form is not the same thing as elegance or refinement.

This is elegance to godis. To me it is just an unattractive nose that does nothing for her face.

Scandinavian noses are the standard that everyone tries to emulate, as Erik's well-visited entry about the fine Nordic nose shows.

There are straight noses here, and there are slightly upturned ones, and the thing they have in common is that their form is appealing and feminine, in contrast to godis's "elegant" noses, which is really just a code word for "lack of attractive shape", it seems.

Hooked, bumby, too large and very long noses are not elegant and refined, they are unattractive noses renamed as something they are not. Elegance and attractiveness should not be in opposition to each other.

Calling Scandinavian noses robust and use my photos to "prove" that is hilarious since it flies in the face of what people actually see. Scandinavian noses are very rarely robust. Where you see robustness others see delicate and feminine noses, whether straight or upturned at the tip.

I don't know what kind of noses you are used to, but I can make an educated guess since you are Romanian (home of the huge, droopy and hooked noses). That is probably why you have a beef with slightly upturned, cute and feminine noses.

Kay Francis has a nose that is too large and unappealing. You simply cannot use someone as an example of an elegant nose if it looks unattractive from the most important angle - the front;

Swedish noses;

The girls on the left are ethnically Swedish;

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 16:00 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

The attractiveness of blacks is directly linked to their being able to approach the norm of the white Nordic standard of beauty.

In other words, they seem less unappealing when they look more similar to whites than to their own original race. The more black and less white the more unappealing, as a rule.

The fact is that the black race is the most primitive one - being closest to our primate ancestors - the least evolved one, the coarsest one, and also the most masculine. That is why it is also considered the least attractive one, just as Erik explains, since evolvement and appeal go hand in hand.

My photos show ordinary blacks, not models with white admixture, or tons of plastic surgery and skin whitener. That is why you find them unappealing. On average the black race IS unappealing to non-blacks for the reasons stated in this entry.

By the way, since when is Beyonce considered not attractive? My photos of her at the Oscars are the official ones appearing in every search and in every news publication, so I hardly chose obscure ones that no one used.

She obviously seems unattractive when you compare her to white showgirls, that's all, and this in spite of not even being 100% black! That's why you will more likely see her on stage with these types of women;

Instead of these;

Ordinary, real blacks, probably not suitable as examples of blacks;

White admixture, and sometimes asian admixture, will improve the looks of blacks. Photos of black models and stars who have white genes and plastic surgery only help prove my case in that ordinary, normal true blacks are inadequate as examples of blacks, never mind that the other ones are unrepresentative.

Asians use the same tactic. They always ignore the vast masses and focus on half-asian models, or surgically altered ones, who don't represent most asians at all.

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 14:57 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures


I don't understand why you and Erik believe that posting photos of African women that are wearing nothing but bones and skin skirts is going to prove anything. You can't compare a woman in Africa who has bones for jewelry, to a woman from Australia who has diamonds for jewelry. Are you that dull?

I agree with one thing. Attractiveness is shifted toward European norms. Not African norms, not Asian norms. But... I don't think people of other ethnicities are trying to emulate Europeans in terms of looks because they want to be more European, rather I think they just want to shift their features to the optimally attractive features any human being could have. These features are seen in the highest frequencies among Northern Europeans and so it is easy to assume these people want to look more Northern European, but in fact they just want to appear more attractive regardless of what ethnicity they are shifting their looks towards. Take into consideration that often times people get plastic surgery to "fix" a nose that is too wide or thick. But, they still want to keep the appearance of their ethnicity. This is one of the biggest challenges in the plastic industry. So, these people want to be more attractive, which often means shifting their looks towards European norms, however these people want to retain an element of their ethnicity as well. They want to look good, but ethnic. What does that tell you?

However, I find it hilarious that Erik believes that "fine" features won't necessarily make a Nordic man appear more feminine than a man without fine features. I find it interesting that fine features will do wonders to make a woman appear pseudo-feminine or feminine overall, but GOD forbid fine features have the same effect on Nordic men. Because, of course Nordics are without flaw and everything works in their favor no?

I also LOVE how Emily now uses the word "elegant" to prove her point. Oh, Emily, I thought elegant was a word that really meant "masculine"?

Well, actually when I used the word elegant to describe a certain type of nose I was implying there was a level of masculinization, in the sense that it wasn't an tiny dot upturned nose. Well, anything is more masculine than a nose like that. But this is what I think of when I say elegance. It = simple,graceful,refined,streamlined,black,calculated,flowing,interesting,sophisticated,tasteful,natural,not overdone, not trying too hard,valuable,strong but gentle, not cheap,classic,classy,harmonious etc.

Now, when I think of simple, streamlined, calculated, etc., I think that those are masculine features. I believe that although women should be feminine overall, masculine characteristics will enhance any woman. What man doesn't want an intelligent sophisticated woman?

What I find absolutley hilarious is how Erik calls the women on here "glamour models". There is nothing glamourous about these models. They are cheap and many times almost vulgar. They are feminine, but there is A LOT more to being an attractive woman than being feminine. A woman should be graceful,classy,simple.

Now, I want to go back to talking about the noses. No Emily, I did not CHANGE my words from romantic to elegant because I was trying to "hide" something. I use those words interchangibly because they are closley connected to eachother. What is elegant is always romantic. Period.

I want to show you that an elegant nose can be bumpy and non-Nordic and more romantic,refined,feminine, and ELEGANT than even a Nordic nose.

Compare this Latin woman's bumpy hooked nose to the tiny Swedish nose below and compare even Ekaterina's and Kay Francis' nose IN THAT SPECIFIC PHOTO to a Swedish nose and tell me which nose is more robust and which nose is more refined and elegant:












As you can see the I have selected the photos that you post of typical Swedish women. These women have small noses. The noses are turned up. However, the noses are more robust. Just look at the structure. The cartilage of the nose appears almost thick, even though the nose may be long and straight instead of tiny and turned up. If you look at the Latin woman's nose or Ekaterina's the cartilage of the nose if very thin, not thick, and that makes the nose appear more refined and less robust. What makes the Swedish nose appear more robust than that type of nose is the fact that it appears the cartilage of the nose is stronger/thicker instead of thinner and finer. So, no I don't think those noses are the perfect "fine noses", although many times they ARE feminine or pseudo-feminine as long as the cartilage doesn't seem too robust. I'm not saying all or even the majority of Swedish women have thick nose cartilage. I am just simply stating your examples lack in proving that the average Swede's nose is more elegant, refined, or "romantic" than the type of nose I am speaking of. A bumpy hooked nose will be more masculine than a tiny upturned one, but on the other hand it will be more refined and elegant than a small tiny upturned nose that has a certain element of robustity to it. Of course the robustity is generally nothing like that of the robustity of facial features of other ethnicities. My point is not to claim that Scandinavians (not Nordics, because I am speaking of specifically Scandinavians now) have more robust noses than Latin's on average. No, my point is to prove that a bumpy hooked nose can be more refined and elegant than a Scandinavian nose. So before you post photos of millions of dark women with bumpy hooked robust noses, remember I never claimed all hooked noses were refined, but that hooked noses CAN be more refined than small dot noses in certain cases.

Moving on...

I believe someone commented on how I don't speak English well. Well please take into consideration that English is my third language, as in I learned it THIRD and for the majority of my life I was not surrounded by English speaking people on a day to day basis besides a few hours at school everyday. Not only that, but I could give a care about the overly complicated English language. The rules change every year and there is almost no logic to the language. There are just rules you have to remember. Well I like logic and a system and I find the English language lacks a "system" for the most part. I don't bother with grammar and what not. I can see how these things can enhance an argument but I don't really care so much for this site that I need to go to that extent. I come here to blow steam, to study people, to give my opinion on a thing or two, to learn. So I could care less what you have to say about my grammar. I think you'd be interested to know that most people in other countries learn more "proper" English than we do here in the states thanks to our lovely education system. The Scandinavian countries have some of the top schools and education systems. It's easy for you to criticize less educated people. In part it is my fault I haven't educated MYSELF when lack of education was the problem, however on the other hand I wasn't exposed to what you were exposed to from a young age when I didn't know any better. Those young years make a BIG difference. Anything I am good at today is thanks to what I did and learned as a child, when my neurons were going crazy connecting as they do in any child. So please do not comment on my English or my intelligence. Barberella mentioned I could not possibly be a genius although it was clear I never claimed that but was trying to make a point by using a common expression, "Genius is often misunderstood." The fact that someone can't understand something so simple is more troubling than the fact that I don't write like a "genius". I don't even try. So please bug off! Although I will call you out on your poor skills if you criticize me. Pay attention to my arguments. They are not that hard to follow and if they are illogical call me out on that because that at least is relevant. I often do lack logic. On the other hand I can be an extremely logical person as well. It depends on how much sleep I got, how I feel, etc. etc. Most of the time I just lack the patience to think things through fully or read or understand the whole picture. That is something I should be called out on, not my "English".

I'd also like to add that I am currently interested in hormones and their effects on women. I have always suspected there was a strong correlation between diet and the femininity of certain racial groups. In fact I believe diet played a crucial role in evolution. If you notice the United States and the Northern countries have the highest risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer is directly related to high estrogen levels. The countries that have a low rate believe it or not are the Scandinavian countries. But is this surprising? These countries are often more liberal and embrace vegetarian and low meat diets very easily. Think about it. If you come from a country that eats dairy products and steak opposed to a country that eats bugs, who would have higher hormone levels? Now I always suspected that Scandinavian women were slightly less feminine than other Nordic women. It's not that they don't have big breasts and hourglass figures. It's that they in my opinion have a slightly different form of femininity perhaps due more to genes than actual hormone levels. It's not surprising that these women eat less meat. Although, even the Scandinavian countries had a high dairy and meat diet for generations and generations. Northern countries were washing their food down with hormones for a long time! I'd actually like to add in here that it is testosterone levels that actually caused us human beings to become more gracile over time. I recently skimmed over an article claiming it is not surprising women are becoming slightly more masculine, as this has been the trend for quite some time. However, women with finer structures and hourglass figures are being selected to make up for that. So they still appear feminine but have the benefits of testosterone. I'll try to find that article if I can...

I also would like to add that either Emily or Barberella made fun of my idea that more masculine women tend to have men, feminine women tend to have females, and that inbetween had well males and females. "Everyone knows that it is the male's chromosome that determines the sex of the child" was something like what was said in criticism of me. Well, I refuse to accept outdated science. What we know often has inaccuracies and is missing big pieces of the puzzle. I have observed within my own family that this is the trend. My extended family that is. The most feminie women in my family have all females. The most masculine have all males. Interestingly enough, there are no mixed children in MY generation of my family. Meaning that all our families are made of entriley male or female siblings. I believed this to be slightly more than a coincidence. I noticed what I noticed and I think my family is doing something to bring this about with the mates we select. Also, the girls in our family are very boyish and rowdy at a young age, while the boys seem more social. On the onset of puberty the girls become almost opposite. More reserved, gentle, very motherly, and most importantly their physical characteristics change dramatically. No more chicken legs, big breasts, good hips. I am probably the most "masculine" in personality compared to anyone in my family. The boys also change. They become quiet, and they shoot up really tall. It's a strange phenomenon how these guys go from short to extremely tall in a little bit of time. They have really masculine voices and look extremely masculine. YOu would've never guessed. On the other hand we all retain characteristics. Almost every girl in my family is good at math for example and other "masculine" areas.

Therefore there is so little about hormones we understand. Hormones are complicated and mysterious. Here is the article. In this article the author too notices a connection between hormone levels and the sex of the child. Although this proves true for rats, (a more masculine female rat will have boys or MORE boys) it does not prove true for humans. However, even the author states there is so much we don't know about hormones and there is so much to figure out. Humans are also more complicated than rats as well. Here is the article. This is a scientific article. Before you make fun of my ideas maybe you should see if any respectable scientist is actually trying to figure out teh same thing, despite what "science' tells us already. Science is constantly evolving, and old ideas are constantly being challenged, refigured, or built upon... Oh this article also claims that the highest levels of testosterone produced in a female, are produced in the ovaries... Hmm... would never guess that! Oh the things we still don't know!,+testosterone,+evolution&source=bl&ots=fNxhOyrwOg&sig=KUh72IGd_5LuIraydBADptB959c&hl=en&ei=GHuoSobfH8WpnQecyrmXBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9#v=onepage&q=women%2C%20testosterone%2C%20evolution&f=false

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 11:13 Emily (other Emily) From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Very pretty Asian indian women.

She is masculinized in the face, but she has beautiful eyes and a killer body! I love her skin tone too!

I love this pic:

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 11:08 Emily (other Emily) From ape to human – the journey in pictures

lol lol lol!

Emily, your bigotry never ceases to amaze me! You post pictures of unattractive african women (and women of other ethnicities as well) and try and pass that off as the norm! That I find to be completely, and totally hilarious!

In regards to Beyonce at the Oscars, I agree, she did look out of place. Only because she is chasing after an oscar like a hungry wolf, and she is desperately trying to get there any way she can. She wasn't out of place because she looked bad thought, IMO. I am not even saying that she is the most attractive african-american woman, she most certainly is not. But to compare her to a gorilla is an unfair and untrue characterization. She in no way, shape or form resembles a monkey. You could have said that she was unattractive, that you did not appreciate the performance, that you just don't think she is pretty. Many people say that about beyonce, black and white. But you took a different path, you said she looked like a gorilla, and to me, that shows what is truly on your heart. That shows

I am not saying that nordic women aren't attractive, far from that. What I am saying is that your characterization of people of different ethnicities in comparison to your own is hateful, disgusting, and categorically untrue.

Attractive African Americans:
Meagan Good
Gabrielle Union
Rochelle Aytes
Alicia Keyes
Tammi Terrel

African Women:

There are lots more where that came from!

In my opinion, the most beautiful attributes of African and African American women are their teeth, eyes and skin. They usually have beautiful straight, white teeth, clear white eyes with beautiful brown colors and soft, smooth, mistake free skin.

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 05:39 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures


"The direction of shift in aesthetic preferences with time roughly parallels the direction of shift in shape with time."

I very much agree with this statement and I don't think you could overestimate its importance. We tend to admire what is evolved, refined and developed, and we find primitive or undeveloped forms less appealing and more unattractive.

That is why most people prefer white, gracile and feminine women with refined facial features, slender bodies and fair skin.

These women look more elegant, developed and classy in comparison to others, I think, and the same thing can be said of white men.

This is of course a generalization, but I do think it very much holds true since there are not many exceptions to this unless we talk about race mixed persons who have benefitted from white admixture.

As far as I can see, the alterations to the face during plastic surgery - regardless of the patient's race or ethnicity - seem to always be made with the intent of emulating the beauty standard of the Nordic race.

Sat, 09/12/2009 - 15:03 Emily Maria McBane

Non-whites writing here really are comical. You think you can shut people up everywhere, don't you? Well, if my opinions on beauty are racist all I can say is that nature itself is racist, since it hardly made us equal in the beauty department.

This site is about femininity, and it is also very much geared towards a western/European audience - which Erik has explained - so if you want to see other races represented in spite of their not being on par with whites on femininity, maybe it is best to find sites geared towards those races.

Why you are still here reading this site after all this time is beyond me, since all you can do is complain about it. Doesn't seem very fruitful or intelligent to me.

Erik is under no obligation to show photos of women he finds to be lacking in femininity in comparison to other types of women, and accusing him of everything under the sun only makes you seem petty and envious - which of course you are.

Regarding Beyonce looking like a gorilla, I said that in the context of your president saying "A pig in lipstick is still a pig", which I find to be just as racist as any other similar remark, but of course blacks couldn't care less about that.

Beyonce looked ridiculous and totally out of place in the performance at the Oscars, and her thighs looked like they could smash concrete.

One can only hope that poor Hugh didn't get a permanent backache after his bizarre dance number with her.

In contrast, Hugh and Nicole..

Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:00 Dasha The strange death of Ruslana Korshunova: likely murder by an organized crime group

It is a world problem... There, where the big money and popularity - prostitution and violence always take place.

Fri, 09/11/2009 - 11:11 Emily Maria McBane

I just want to say violetcorpus, you are really speaking truth right now!

Erik's silence on Emily is really telling, it seems that he is silently espousing her ideals and her goals of a 'Super-race'(whatever that means!). I am truly disappointed in Erik because he, like you said, took time to condemn "trolls" (really people who just disagreed with him) for their disruptive behavior, and has said nothing to Emily. She is the one who say Asians look like they have down's syndrome, she is the one who said Beyonce looks like a gorilla in a dress, she is the one who has attacked east asians (who I see in everyday life, and indeed, they are quite attractive). I think that is so wrong of him.

I want to note, I am not the Emily from the Sweden (the bigoted, racists, white nationalist one). I am actually kind of the polar opposite of her. I am black with a substantial amount of caucasian mixture in me, and I find beauty in all populations. Her characterizations of Asians, Africans and African Americans, and the like are really off because I have been to many areas of my country (United States) and have seen the exact OPPOSITE of what she is saying. Granted, Swedish women are attractive (I don't find the men to be that attractive) but to me, to say that they are the most beautiful in the world is a bit crazy. Anyway, I am rambling a bit...

Message to Emily: you bring shame to the name 'Emily.'

Message to Erik: Man-up and talk about what you really believe. Stop hiding behind Emily and come out and be a man, if you even have the balls enough to do so. We know that you espouse what Emily spews, so just come out and say it and stop hiding in the shadows.

Message to all who are going to say that 'I am just Jealous': I believe that swedish women, caucasian women are very beautiful. There is no doubt in my mind. But this discussion, has become less about their beauty and more about putting others down. This discussion has gone from a discussion of beauty to Emily's mantra of hatred! It is disgusting, ridiculous and terribly racist. I am not throwing that term around, I am just speaking the truth.

Thu, 09/10/2009 - 21:03 Violetcorpus Maria McBane

One last thing- at times, Erik hasn't done well to hide his more corrosive beliefs:

"It is not just the Australian aborigines, but here in the U.S., all attempts to educate the West African stock on par with whites and make them comparably intellectually and economically productive have failed."

"The dark Africans are hardly better. The Afrikaners build them a First World society, they demand control, destroy it and allow the international bankers to loot the wealth created by the Afrikaners, but only the Afrikaners are blamed. If the dark Africans have flourished and greatly expanded their numbers, what has made this possible? What if the white man were to leave Africa and all aid to Africa were stopped? Even with the influence of the parasitic international bankers removed, the dark Africans are sustaining a population much larger than what they can maintain on their own."

Thu, 09/10/2009 - 16:57 Cecilia Maria McBane

Sorry for double-posting

Thu, 09/10/2009 - 16:56 Cecilia Maria McBane

I don't know if you mean me or Eric, you complain about him not critizising Emily and critizise him and I got this send to my e-mail as a response to my comment.. so it's confusing. But I'm going to respond just in case;

I never said anything about blonde people, "nordic people being superiour" or anything. I just said I PERSONALLY think swedish people are the hottest people. Is that a crime?
So if I like my people I'm a racist and thick-headed?

I like beauty(men and women) from all around the world, not only nordic people.

I don't like for example russians though. It's partly political opinions but mostly becuase I think russians are EXTREAMLY overrated when it comes to beauty.

Tell me, where are you from?
Because this has nothing to do with discriminating black or dark people, it has to do with beauty.
Drop your political opinions on "racial" questions and THEN look at people from all around the world and you will see what beauty really is.

Thu, 09/10/2009 - 16:54 Cecilia Maria McBane

I don't know if you mean me or Eric, you complain about him not critizising Emily and critizise him and I got this send to my e-mail as a response to my comment.. so it's confusing. But I'm going to respond just in case;

I never said anything about blonde people, "nordic people being superiour" or anything. I just said I PERSONALLY think swedish people are the hottest people. Is that a crime?
So if I like my people I'm a racist and thick-headed?

I like beauty(men and women) from all around the world, not only nordic people.

I don't like for example russians though. It's partly political opinions but mostly becuase I think russians are EXTREAMLY overrated when it comes to beauty.

Tell me, where are you from?
Because this has nothing to do with discriminating black or dark people, it has to do with beauty.
Drop your political opinions on "racial" questions and THEN look at people from all around the world and you will see what beauty really is.

Thu, 09/10/2009 - 16:21 Violetcorpus Maria McBane

Oh, this just does it.

There's alot of idiots and assorted scum who comment on this site, and while there have been some outright worse ones than Emily, there hasn't been a single one as unbelievably voracious, persistent, and thick-headed as Emily.

I'll say it flat out- Emily is a piece of shit. She's a misanthrope. She's a sort of nihilist with her endless disparagement of non-nordics, even non-nordic whites. To have such extreme views on human nature says very little positive in the way of one's feelings of humanity.

She's essentially a nordic fetishist. She thinks nordics, well, atleast women, have some kind of incomparable beauty that not a single other group on the planet can match. East asians? Why, asian women are androgynous and boyish, they look like undeveloped fetal dwarves, kind of like downs syndrome sufferers too. Slavics? Hooked noses abound, huge mouths, huge teeth (kind of an anomaly when caucasoid peoples, as a whole, have the smallest teeth out of any the planet) and look manly as hell. Romanians? They've got all that nasty indian blood in them that gives them 3 mile long noses. Oh, and nothing can compare to northern european skin color either. Obviously, humans evolved in a way where men would despise 95%+ of the skin color variation in our species.

And don't get me started on that nordic hair! Man, fuck how most whites don't have light eyes or blonde hair- non-blode hair and non-light eyes, the vast majority of the time, are felt as innately masculine.

This is just a quick summation of the disgusting little turd Emily is, though. She's also espoused some blatant white nationalist lines of reasoning, and how nordics need to protect their gene pool from all those hideous non-nordics.

You'll tell various generic trolls with poor spelling and crude insults how you want them to leave, BUT YOU HAVE NEVER SAID THIS TO EMILY. You have BARELY criticized her. And yes, I really DO think you have other motives.

I've heard around how some moronic racist friend of your's spilled some info on your true beliefs. You're a hereditarian. You're a racialist. You follow inane bullshit like Rushton's work. You honest to god think "Zionist agents" are following you around. YOU'RE A CONSPIRACY THEORIST. You're a 9/11 truther for fuck's sake! And you also run the pathetic anti-gay site "" or whatever the URL is.

I don't think you're as extreme as Emily, no, but holy hell, all this just manages to line up. You can't hide this trash forever.

Thu, 09/10/2009 - 07:23 Jk Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Emily, am I not mistaken that the site owner mainly shows Nordic women as examples of masculinized femininity? Are we all browsing the same site here? I am white and attended an all white high school and most of the girls had wider rib cages and similar hips. Most of the "beatiful" girls were athletic cheerleaders and didnt have nearly the body type that Scarlett Johansen has; they had more like the soccer women and asian cheerleaders you posted. Tall waify women and hippy, small waisted are rare (and rare outside of the 14 yr old population). It's RARE that a woman have hour glass shapes. A boyish figure with small chest and narrow hips, with more weight is more common among women than a Kim Kardashian body. So for the media to promote this as the "Standard" would be false. So to say that softer, rounder features are more feminine and the gays have distorted femininity is ridiculous, because MOST women arent like the "ideal" women on this site anyway. And Im talking about white women too.

Should femininity be narrowed to only a small group of women that rarely exist, and even then would not fit into the category after childbirth? No, it's ridiculous. If you have a vagina, own a set of ovaries, a womb, youre a feminine woman. Wide hips and stated skull size are optional.

Thu, 09/10/2009 - 03:43 Godis Eva Herzigova

I have soo much to talk about the subject Barberella mentioned. But first I'd like to say I logged into my myspace today, and no I don't use it alot because I think myspace is getting LAME. But anyways, I get a friend request from the Models of the Runway and Project Runway Network with a little message saying,

"We think you've got what it takes to enter the Models of the Runway Casting Challenge. You could win cash and a spot on the new TV show!"

My first reaction was EW! Because after reading everything on this site the last thing I'd want is to be associated with a Runway Model. Then I realized that I never listed my height on my profile and thought geez I hope my face is not that horribly masculine that they thought I'd be a good candidate. Then I actually followed the link and realized that the message was mass sent(I know I'm slow). So anyways, you can vote who you want to appear on the show and so I voted for the most feminine model I found. So if ERIK wants to see more attractive curvier women out there, this is a start. No?

Here's the link:

Tyra Banks is also promoting shorter girls for models on her show America's Next Top Model. I understand short women can be masculine, but this will unintentionally bring forth more feminine women.

In all honesty I feel horribly for masculinized women who are 6'0 tall and have big hands and feet. Because what can they do once anyone ever cares about is softness, femininity, etc.?

Feminine curvy women ALWAYS get what the want. I know because I have used my "assets" to get things before, although that was when I was younger and I have grown up and realized that is not moral. But good looking people, or even people that have a nice thing or two about them appearance wise, have an easier life.

So these poor women only fit into this industry, and now they will just get outcasted as they have been their whole lives before entering the industry.

It truly saddens me as these women have absolutley no control over the way they are. They have higher testosterone levels and appear masculine and nobody will want them because of that. Not "heterosexual" men and soon, if Erik's vision comes true, the fashion industry will reject them as well.

I cannot tell you how many times I truly felt sad for women who are more unfortunate in the appearance area. I have actually tried to act stupid or make myself look worse around my one friend who liked this guy we were hanging out with, because he liked me not her. On the other hand, I have found myself upset when a guy I like will even look at a prettier girl than me.

I have wished so many times that all women can feel and look beautiful. I hope one day we really can achieve that goal in a healthy manner because every woman deserves to feel like a successful beautiful and WANTED woman.

To feel unwanted and perhaps as a result unloved is the worst feeling in the world, especially for a woman...

Wed, 09/09/2009 - 14:54 Emily Eva Herzigova

Eva is actually one of my favorite models as I think she has a cute and unsually feminine and sweet face for a fashion model.

She is often too thin, and since her body is rather straight it doesn't help her appearance. In some photos she is anorexic so I think it's a little unfair to use those for comparison purposes.

Erik is right in that her hands seem to be on the large side, something that is accentuated when she is very thin.

The last photo of Nikki is terrible. Her face is manly, which I think makes her unappealing. I also think Eva's chest area seems less robust than Nikki's, who has a broad and muscular shoulder/chest area in comparison.

Wed, 09/09/2009 - 11:20 Tely From ape to human – the journey in pictures

where did you find all these photos ?? I've been searching for hours and i can't find photos as clean and beautiful as yours !

(sorry for my english)
