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Wed, 09/09/2009 - 00:25 Barberella Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Symmetry is a correlate to attractiveness according to many studies. Most assymetry comes with faces that are too masculine (in males), or too feminine (in females). Faces leaning toward slight (very slight) masculinization in women are almost always preferred. However, the site admin. disagrees and has presented facts in support of his opinions. Only because I have grown accustomed to my own preferences from my occupation, and the exposure I get to faces do I base my opinions. I believe that extreme masculinization in women is odd looking and not complimentary to their looks whatsoever, but some, even slight definition (which is masculinization to a degree) is still preferable.

Tue, 09/08/2009 - 21:47 Godis Eva Herzigova

Honestly Erik,

I see the masculnization in this model. However, your points are very weak. The posing and the photos are clearly biased. Weak weak argument.

Tue, 09/08/2009 - 13:53 Visitor Eva Herzigova

Nikky contact eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%69%72%69%73%73%2e%31%40%73%65%7a%6e%61%6d%2e%63%7a%22%3e%69%72%69%73%73%2e%31%40%73%65%7a%6e%61%6d%2e%63%7a%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))

Fri, 09/04/2009 - 17:35 Visitor The aesthetics of the eyebrows


Thu, 09/03/2009 - 22:49 Sinead Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

this man is an absolute w**k*r!!!!! hes probably fat, hideously ugly, retarded, physically and emotionally incapable of having a relationship with a real woman so he makes up for his own sad life by masterbating to porn 24/7. Only looking at the gross, plastic and airbrushed images of wh**es whose bodies have been surgically altered to fit this so called "stereo type". people like this ignorant man make me feel like a future murderer!! im 19 very petite in build and throughout the years gave myself hell over the size of my what he would label "unattractive" B cup breasts are perfectly in proportion with my frame..there is no way i would let anyone as atrocious as him would make me feel like that again.Most of all..every guy that i have been with has loved them. In addition, i am far from ugly..but do you really think i would get turned down by a guy if i took off my bra. No! they would be revelling and grateful that they even got that far with me. Everyone is different, life would be so so boring if all was the same. you've got it all wrong..and obviously havent got yourself laid enough to even understand deluded!!

Thu, 09/03/2009 - 22:20 Dolly Welcome!

Amen to that. I can't believe this site exists. I'm slowly losing faith in humanity.

Wed, 09/02/2009 - 01:40 Me2 Fashion models with and without make-up

adriana lima is still beautiful without makeup :)

I concur.

Tue, 09/01/2009 - 22:42 ME Fashion models with and without make-up

adriana lima is still beautiful without makeup :)

Tue, 09/01/2009 - 17:31 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Anon32 is about as ignorant as anyone I've seen posting here. Thank you Godis for trying to explain, but I doubt they (he or she) will get it, if they think that Finns are just mutated Asians. That was my laugh for the day!! I don't think that the Asians are really turning into blue-eyed blondes. Such a statement is ridiculous and insulting to the intellegence of those of us here that actually have some.

Remember, Nordic countries, such as Finland or Iceland are not the same as Scandinavia. They are racially different, but still Nordic, which means "Northern" in a couple of languages. It seems as though there is a lot of confusion about what is Nordic, Scandinavian, and what is not. I have learned that Icelandics are more racially similar to Scandinavians than the Finnish are. Once again, and this matters Anon32, A HIGH AMOUNT OF, OR RECENT, ASIAN ADMIXTURE WOULD NOT ALLOW A HIGH FREQUENCY OF LIGHT EYES AND HAIR. Why this is so hard for some to grasp is unbelievable.

I also think that much is being made about 10% DNA, and not about the 90%, which is primarily Northern European. 90% is still a vast majority. The appearance of the Finns, which is primarily blonde and blue eyed, is due to the VAST majority of Northern European DNA. Once again, this is a concept that appears to be lost on a few. Erik did address this on the Ekaterina thread, where someone was making the same claims about the Swedish.

And Godis, those "claims" are mine, not Emily's. As far as I can see, she has not addressed bookworm's "theories". It is me, Barberella, who is in fact saying that the focus on the 10% is not as important as focusing on 90%, which I still stand by.

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 23:01 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Geez, now that I think about it, the last time we talked about evolution was in sixth grade. Talk about crap education here in the U.S.

I don't remember crap about evolution.

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 22:57 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Wow. I have a lot to talk about and address.

But I dont have time!

Either way, Anon what the hell are you talking about?

Asians have not turned into Finns.

Finns, are primarily NORDIC.

The only reason there is Asian DNA is because hundreds or thousands of years ago there was some mixing and Finns evolved a certain way because of the mixing, but Asians did not literally turn into Finns.

In fact 10% is a large number for Emily's claims. No race is pure. There is always a history.

But still, Finns are not Asians. They evolved their own seperate way. Yes they have some ancient Asian genes, but they evolved seperatley.

Take for example Native Americans. The Native Americans are closely linked to Asians as well because they came from that area(like around Russia? I'm not sure) on a straight to North America. The Native Americans today are much different than their orignal ancestors that crossed that straight. Their skull shape, nose shape, and lots of features changed. This is because they evolved seperatley and so they do not resemble the people from the orignal area they came from today.

Similarly, the Finns were Nordics who happened to mix a little with a Asian type people who live close to there. Asians could not have turned into Finns. There had to be SOME mixing along the way, and this mixing was minor really, but it did happen.There is nothing surprising about this. It happens all the time. Put two populations together and you are bound to have some mixing. Why? I'm not sure. Either way, they acquired some genes. Introducing new genes to the gene pool is a form of evolution too. If a tribe sees a desirable feature, say a woman with blue eyes, they would probably kidnap her and take her as their own in an effort to acquire that trait and pass it on in their tribe. Whether they were doing this conciously knowing the gene will pass on, or just because they were simply attracted to that trait and passing it on was the result is unknown. Probably number 2, because back then people knew little about genetics. Either way, then evolution took its course even further. The Finns kept the genes that were desirable and the ones that weren't were discarded. It is an advantage to have light hair and eyes in Finland. Those are better suited for the environment. Vitamin D absorption and camoflauge would help. Maybe all the dark haired people died out, maybe they were not selected for? The Finns kept their blonde hair, but they also kept some epicanthal folds and flatter nose and face shapes in general. They have bigger heads and Asians are known for their big heads. Basically, the Finns evolved on their own. In my opinion they are neither Asian or Nordic. They are their own thing. Although they are significantly closer to Nordics and probably technically Nordics, although I prefer my anthropological classifications to be more specific. The majority of Finns simply do not fit any Nordic descriptions in my opinion except when it comes to coloring. I am no expert on evolution, geneology, family trees, anthropology, history, none of that. So my theory may be a bit whack. I understand. But I can tell you that in no way have Asians turned into Finns.

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 19:11 anon32 The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I think that Finnish women are very lovely as well. Yes, I do see the differences in the features of Finns as opposed to Swedes, but these claims made by persons here that say that the Finnish are really just blonde Asians seems a little far fetched. In the info you posted, the Finnish are still 90% European, which is overwhelmingly EUROPEAN. NORDIC European. A vast amount of Asian admixture would simply not allow a high frequency of light eyes and hair.

Barberella, you are looking at the information all wrong.

Asians overtime become Finns. They have 90% European because that's what they turned into through genetic mutations and variation.

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 16:20 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Since the nose is still the most talked about issue as of right now, I still don't understand Godis' arguments, Emily's pictures show time and time again that the fine, straight, Nordic nose is by far the most attractive. I don't need to find photos myself, Emily's do quite beautifully. By fine, and straight, I mean one that is slightly upturned. Those are the noses that plastic surgeons are most asked to reproduce. A smaller "cute" nose will always be better than a longer nose. Most people do agree.

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 16:11 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, implying that you are a genius is also far-fetched, there are geniuses (real ones) in my family and you don't write or speak like someone with an IQ of 145, or above. Crazy and genius are definitely NOT the same.

By the way, I don't see an overwhelming amount of Asian traits amongst these women, neotonous traits are not one in the same with Asian traits.

the finnish girls Pictures, Images and Photos

1 Pictures, Images and Photos

The Finnish girls Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't see an overwhelming amount of Asian traits amongst these people.

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 13:47 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, are you aware that a ratio of 9 to 1 is OVERWHELMINGLY EUROPEAN? 10 per cent non-European DNA is still not going to affect the 90 per cent that is. If it were that significant, we would see Finns with a lot more dark brown eyes and hair, but we don't, do we? The reason for this is because the admixture isn't significant. It is only observed in the residual features of the common Finns, it is not overwhelming.

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 06:29 mary The aesthetics of the eyebrows

In Godis's photos Kay Francis's nose look attractive.In Emily's photos it looks not attractive.
I actually like the noses on these two women though.Although they are larger it suits them nicely



I like theses swedish girls noses


I don't think we can fairly compare asian looks as poverty and therfor poor diets does make a huge impact on looks and and cause the sort of looks that Emily might be talking about.
Or at least people should use photos of wealthy asians or other who would be getting all vitamins and nutrients because i believe lack of certain nutrients can greatly influence external appearances

There are beautiful asians too




Mon, 08/31/2009 - 03:04 mary Two non-feminine women

Sorry accidently posted one photo twice

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 02:02 mary Two non-feminine women

Jerry:"booty" is an unattractive word and sounds "ghetto",unrefined and disrespectful to women

Both these women are feminine beyond doubt.Femininity isn't about breast or bottom size or even necessarily rib cage size as on one body a person can have both feminine seeming parts and masculine seeming parts-for example Megan Fox had a feminine face before all the plastic surgery,its now still reasonably feminine but less so,but her body is much less feminine then her pre-surgery face.
So a person can have both feminine and masculine parts but a refined eye can tell what is feminine overall.You could go into minor details and say maybe the first girl could have tiny bit of masculinity in her forehead or the second one in her chin but thats petty-overall their both very feminine.

Also Erik it would give your website much more credibility if it wasn't covered with pornography.I know your going to say something like that is the only place you could find nude pictures so that you could make your points regarding femininity/masculinity but most people don't buy that and it really does bring down the quality and credibility of your website.
With a bit of effort and initiative you could have found photos of nude art models-heres one site for example
without having to resort to photos of women bent over with underwear around ankles etc.
Also its almost laughable that you black out the nipple and leave the rest of the breasts showing or black out a tiny dot of labia while the rest of the whole genital area is showing.Why bother at all lol.Either black out the whole area or leave it all.It appears a bit silly.

Here what i consider having some masculinity.I picked women with red or copper hair because the above two also have reddish tone hair





Megan Fox before plastic surgery-feminine face
Megan Fox before plastic surgery-feminine face

After plastic surgery-in my opinion still feminine but less so

Body-more masculinity compared to presurgery face
Maybe just bad photos?


Sun, 08/30/2009 - 18:44 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"I have never claimed Romanians have a high frequency of blonde hair."

In one post you wrote that you could post pictures of Romanians with blonde hair all day long, implying such photos are easily found BECAUSE there are lots of natural blondes in Romania.

Well, you can post as many such photos as you like, and they will still be unrepresentative since the vast majority are brunettes. lol

Personally I think it looks a little desperate to pick women with Nordic genes as examples of Romanians. It's like borrowing the feathers of someone else.

The photo of the Romanian kids was necessary as it gives a good indication of natural hair colour, as do photos of men as they more rarely dye their hair. Romanian women love to beach their hair so pictures of kids, even if blonder than adults, sometimes give a more honest picture. If their kids aren't blonde the women sure as hell are not either.

Regarding the Kay Francis nose it was a poor choice. Her nose is not a "romantic" nose, as you claimed. I noticed you now say "elegant" - ignoring the fact that I said it was not "romantic" - a word you used before to describe it. Even you realize now that "romantic" is a word that would make people laugh when they see her nose.

Kay Francis is a poor example since her nose has an unattractive shape. Elegance is not the same thing to me as unattractive form.

If you choose her I assume you know what her nose looks like, and the fact that it does look Romanian. You introduced that Romanian nose type without showing us the whole truth about her nose.

You also incorrectly used the term "Swedish nose". There are many types of noses here, and the Nordic nose - as seen in Sweden - is regarded as the finest and aesthetically most beautiful one.

Latin and Romanian noses, for example, are often too large, too long, bumpy and/or hooked, and don't come anywhere near the Nordic nose in perfection and femininity.

"Elegant" and "interesting" are sometimes code words for too large or unfeminine, it seems. A nose can be elegant without being very long or too large.

Swedish girls with different types of noses;

Kay Francis, the truth..

So, in order for someone to have an "elegant and romantic" nose from one angle it is necessarly to pick someone whose nose is too large and has an unfeminine and unattractive shape?

A normal-size, straight nose, or a slightly upturned one, is ten times more attractive and feminine than the odd-looking Romanian-type of nose that drops down at the end, or is three miles long, over-sized or hooked. Indians also often have these large, droopy and unfeminine noses.

The photo of the Asian child was used in the context of my explaining that the underdeveloped, mongoloid Asian face often has an uncanny resemblance to children whose adult features are not yet formed. I demonstrated this by showing this photo..

..compared to this one.

There is little development there, resulting in a permanent infant-like, underdeveloped and almost malformed face - lacking the maturity and development of white faces where there is a clear distinction between child and adult. To me, what looks like arrested development is not attractive.

Sun, 08/30/2009 - 14:38 Cecilia Maria McBane

I meant the "I'm sorry that nobody said anything when you got bin bullied etc." to Emily, while it appears in my post I meant it to Erik. :)

Sun, 08/30/2009 - 14:30 das The aesthetics of the eyebrows


Sun, 08/30/2009 - 14:29 Cecilia Maria McBane

Hi, I've read this whole page and I just have to say I agree with everything Brazilian and Emily has said.
They tell the truth and if all of you people would go out travelling you would notice how right they are.
Erik, you have some good points and conclusions unlike 90% of the other people posting here.
And I'm really sorry that nobody said anything when people bullied you. It should never be acceptable.
Btw about why he "hated" the jews; Hitler was mad because the jews in Germany where hard working and talented, so he blamed them for "taking all the jobs" and when the country got into a financial crisis he saw his chance to take over the power. He was increadably ignorant, cold-hearted and hungry for power.

Henrik, maybe it's just your personal taste? Btw since you've grown up in Sweden you're so used to seeing average beautful, so you don't think much it but if you had lived in another part of the world for a few years, you would definatly notice the differance.
I'm not saying all nordic people are as beautiful as angels because there are ugly people in the north as well but if your'e not EXTREAMLY into black or asian women/men or slavic feautures, the north is the best place to see beauty.
And you can't be called "Björnsen" or "Bjornsen" as a swedish person so I think you're lying about being swedish just to tell "the truth". If that in fact is you name, you're not completly swedish.

I'm swedish and I've bin all over the world and seen many beautiful people but also see how "ugly" most people of other countries are comparing them to the people i see every day in Sweden. It's always amusing when I come home, how I suddenly see the beauty all around me.
I'm a girl but of course I can be amazed over the beauty of other girls and women(boys and men too for that matter) anyway.

Take care everyone

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 20:58 Jerry Two non-feminine women

I think the first girl is pretty, attractive and definitely has a nice booty,

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 20:58 Jerry Two non-feminine women

I think the first girl is pretty, attractive and definitely has a nice booty,

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 01:45 Justanothergirl Welcome!

Erik, I found this article quite interesting. I randomly came across it when I was doing a search for "size 8". It's about an Australian designer who used bigger-sized and musculature-skeletal curvier models. Click on the images link and notice something interesting about the models shapes. "Apparently" the reason why there was such an outcry over the models was because their posing was awkward. Isn't that weird, considering the fact that a lot of high fashion models will walk onto the runway with garish makeup, clothing that can't be worn, and clothing that often is ridiculously revealing?

Pay special attention to the last model's figure. It will completely back up everything you've said about the current high-fashion modeling industry.
