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Sat, 08/29/2009 - 01:21 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Mary :

well, I know the reason I posted them as the thumbnail because I afraid it will take a long time for the other users to load this the way, you can click on those small pictures to enlarge the size.

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 00:33 mary The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Theres beauty and femininity in most, if not all nationalities.
It shouldn't be a competition of which countries got the most beautiful people.
Its better to appreciate the diverse beauty of all ethnic backgrounds/looks.
It has to also be taken into consideration the living standards of people in different countries.For example the living standard for poor people in India is going to be a lot worse then people in USA for example so naturally alot of women in India might be less feminine or less traditionally attractive because if your doing alot of manual labour and don't even have showers, toilets or toilet paper to wipe yourself with etc the persons life consists of just surviving day to day and doesn't afford them the time or finances to think about beauty,beautifying themselves,beauty salon,gym etc.

To Bookworm-by the way, you can make photos larger by typing in 400 image size when you got to upload them

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 23:26 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

swedes girlschinese celebrity

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 23:20 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

swedes girlsswedes girlsjapanese singerchinesechinesechinese

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 22:52 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

ImageImageImageicelander womanestonianmiss latviarussianeuropean girlrussianImageEstoniansiberiansiberianFinishImageI will show you the picture of northern European, Estonian and Finish women who look slightly asian.

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 22:05 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Emily, Barbarella, Godis : beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. the Scandinavian, Balkan or Baltic women are feminine through their face are not the perfect. by the way I have got the same kind of nose like the last blonde girl godis has posted. I don't like my upturned nose nor the round face like a helpless little girl. I find the mediterranean, french and arab or the biracial asian-caucasian look more cute and elegant. all in all, it is incrediblely bias to say the northern europeans are the most beautiful women in the world. sincerely, I been experienced of racism from the ( mulatto people) he insulted the northern european women look like the albinism mongoloid with the upturned nose, board face and small eyes. I know how does it feel?

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 20:13 Violetcorpus Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Liz, testosterone is only related to masculinity on average, it's not a universal relationship.

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 12:06 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"Yes, I realize that. I think she seems schizofrenic, creating multiple nicknames and arguing with herself (Karen = godis). I'm not surprised if she turns out to be yet another one on here.."

Yes, genius is often misunderstood. Many people label geniuses as "crazy" simply because they do not understand the intention behind his/her ideas or work.

"She misrepresents Romanians, implying they are not infrequently naturally blonde there."

The truth is this; Romanians are generally a swarthy lot. They have dark brown or black hair and different shades of brown eyes, sometimes hazel. There are other colours but the brown and black dominate overwhelmingly.
Many Romanians are closely related to gypsies with all that this entails."

I have never claimed Romanians have a high frequency of blonde hair. I have only claimed that it IS possible that a Romanian can have blonde hair, even the lightest of blonde hair. You fail to realize that although few, there are Romanians with blonde hair! This is what I am trying to get across to you. I have blonde hair and I am a living testimony to this! Before you claim I got it from my German side, remember that both parents must carry the blonde gene for the child to be blonde. My family is extremely diverse. I have 100% Romanian family members who have blonde hair and blue eyes. I also have family members who strangely enough have epicanthal folds. This is where I get my admiration for eyes like that. My eyes are very wide and round, actually doll like, and I appreciate them, but I always want something more exotic. I have a cousin who has eyes like Suri cruise. They are blue as well. I adore them!

suri 196 Pictures, Images and Photos

Now, I don't want to lecture you Emily but since we have come to the subject of children I have to say that I am absolutley disgusted that you would post photos of chidren on this site and mock them and criticize their looks negativley. The excuse that, "Well then they shouldn't post photos of themselves on the internet" is not an excuse. Children are often innocent when posting photos of themselves, even grown people post photos for specific purposes not the purpose of someone exploiting them! Besides, if a parent is stupid enough to post photos of their children, the child should not have to suffer and be exploited because of people like you that take advantage of that. What you are doing is wrong and I fail to believe you have any moral compass. I am not the most moral person on Earth, I will be the first to admit that. Nor do I ever really lecture anyone on morality except when it comes to children.

I am very sensitive to children naturally, I believe I have strong motherly instincts as I would hope most women would. However, you are clearly an example that is not sensitive towards children. Perhaps you are sensitive to your own kind aka blonde haired blue eyed Nordics, however someone who is caring will not be choosy as to who they are sensitive to when it comes to a child or baby.

The fact that you are this way automatically makes me question your character and even FEMININITY! Do you realize that the only reason men are attracted to feminine quailties is because these qualities are associated with things such as feritlity and a high chance of success that the offspring will live (because they are cared for by a FEMININE caring woman!) and that the DNA will continuously be passed on. This is the whole point! Subconciously we(the human race) want to pass our DNA and survive through generations and generations or ideally "forever". I would think that with your whole "preserve the Nordic race" crap you would understand this concept. Getting to the point, your attitude toward Romanian and even Asian(you posted photos of Asian babies! on here and poked fun at them, it was repulsive) children proves you're personality and outlook is counter-feminine. What man wants a crude woman who is not sensitive? These qualities of gentleness, understanding and a nurturing nature are feminine qualities and attractive to men. A woman is supposed to be nurturing not destructive, at LEAST towards CHILDREN. It doesn't matter how feminine you look, the fact that you are not a very gentle nurturing person specifically towards children is troubling. Not only that but your actions are immoral.

It is so funny how you try to pass Swedish women as the most feminine and therefore attractive women in the Universe, when your behavior on this site represents Swedes in a very counterfeminine light.

Now FINALLY moving on to the nose issues, you are twisting my words. Here is the photo of Kay Francis I posted:


I am only referring to her NOSE in THIS photo at THIS angle. Did you see me post any photos of her nose in any other angle? NO! The whole point being I am specifically referring to the way her nose looks specifically IN THIS photograph. Her nose from the profile in THAT SPECIFIC PHOTOGRAPH (getting it yet?) is similar to the "Roman" nose I posted in reference to my own nose.


Now, yes I believe her nose is more "elegant". The lines are simpler,longer,it is thinner, more refined in THIS photo specifically. If you don't know what "elegant" means look it up. Definitions of words such as romantic or elegant differ among people. So chill the fuck out. It is my personal opinion and if you don't see the point then you can argue it but your argument relating to Romanian noses was stupid and unecessary. It showed that your nature is to bully and put down rather than make a legitimate argument.

Let me compare my point.

KAY FRANICS NOSE and ROMAN nose compared to SWEDISH nose:







As you can see the Swedish nose is adorable. I have never said otherwise. Yes, I claimed it looks stunted. That is what makes that type of nose so feminine and cute for GODS sake! The fact that it is small and upturned what makes it so attractive and cute.

I believe "elegance" has a slightly masculine tone to it. I think of the color black, straight streamlined lines, lean, simple, when I think of elegant. These are all masculine features, look at those descriptions!!!!!! I appreciate an elegant nose. It appears more masculine than a Swede nose, however it is so refined and thin and streamlined it has a whole new type of appeal all on its own. This is more asthetic than based on actual attraction for something feminine or masculine. Many things to me are asthetically pleasing although they are not sexually attractive. It is hard to describe, I believe an artist would have a better understanding of what I am saying. I am trying to say that my pleasure from viewing this feature comes from a place other than a sexual based one. This is what I believe true beauty is, although if you could mix the two, sexual and non, WOW!

So do you understand what I am saying now!??? JEEEZZZ!

I also understand that not ALL Swedes have that type of small "stunted" nose. However, many do according to your photos.

Now, I believe a GREAT nose is one like Nicole Kidmans. It is slightly upturned, however it is still fairly long, thin, and elegant.

Nicole Kidman Pictures, Images and Photos

nicole kidman Pictures, Images and Photos

So there you go!

I don't know why Im even mentioning this but I have the slightest suspicion that you have posted a photo of yourself on here before, mixed in with the rest. Or, if this isn't you I believe you look similar to this:



If that is the case than you have a lovely nose I will admit. See? It's not that I don't think Swede noses are beautiful, its just that I have my preferences. If I had a nose like that I would look like I was 12 years old. All my other features make me look un adult like practically so that wouldn't be much help. My nose is the only thing that makes me look slightly more mature, although not by much.

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 10:55 Godis Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

she does not have an unsymmetrical face

this should be:

she does not have a symmetrical* face

Sorry, I was doing 5 things while I was typing this. I think it is obvious.

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 10:52 Godis Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Looking back on this, I have to say that it depends on how you define intelligence and I would also like to say that hormones affect the development of the brain from before birth.

People who are exposed to more testosterone develop spatial, mathematical, athletic, and musical abilities. I am a living testimony to this actually. I am a good singer and excel in music, I am athletic, I scored off-the charts on a spatial intelligence test, and I can draw anything extremely realistically with ease. I never payed attention in math class as the concepts BORED me, however I excel in economics which is pretty common sense logic so I suppose that I have SOME logic.

On the other hand people who are exposed to higher estrogen levels excel in social behaviors or subjects like reading and even writing.

So it depends on what TYPE of intelligence you are referring to.

The funny thing is that although I excel at what I excel, I am extremely social and a very good salesman actually. I also score HIGHEST in the reading section of any test as I am generally a speed reader and can process information very quickly, although many times I skip too many paragraphs and miss important points.

So I think there is two types of intelligence, and then there are mixes, like myself.

I'd also like to add that I have read on wikipedia(I know not very reliable, but this still intrigues me) women with higher estrogen levels tend to have more unsymmetrical faces, as do men with higher testosterone levels. I find this interesting because today we are so spoiled by viewing on average "symmetrical" faces on magazines, in movies, on ads, etc. So, I wonder if this is why most people are turned off by Erik's "attractive women" section. Those women are more feminine however more unsymmetrical. Perhaps we are so used to symmetrical faces, that even a good looking woman will start to look less good if she does not have an unsymmetrical face. I personally believe a face should have SOME symmetry, but a significant amount is not absoulutley necessary. There are too many other factors that relate to attractiveness, and although symmetry is an extremely important one, it does not hold any monopoly on attractiveness whatsoever.

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 10:38 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


Do you realize that 10% is a large percentage of NON European DNA? Particularly if you want to label something as Nordic. Remember, the criteria for what is "Nordic" is A LOT stricter than the criteria for being ANYTHING else. I fail to see how you can overlook the fact that Finns have Asian DNA. Especially 10% of it.

I am a very observant person when I want to be and I always suspected this looking at their features. They do not appear Nordic to me. In terms of coloring, yes, but in terms of bone structure they generally do not appear Nordic. And believe it or not I recognize some of this in Swedes as well although at a lower frequency. However, I believe on average Finns are equally attractive to any other Nordics. On the other hand I still feel Irish people are extremely attractive, with Germans coming in close.Anyways, I really admire the Finns for their amazing school systems and natural intelligence. Finnish children have among the highest scores in science, mathematics, you name it, compared to most any other country. Finland is doing well!

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 02:04 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Thank you bookworm, for posting all of the genetic info that you did. I've already read it, however. I'm aware of the frequency of blondness in Finland, but I disagree that there are as few blondes in Scandinavia as you claim. I have done some research of my own, and have not found the claims you've made substantiated anywhere else. In Sweden, for instance, I've read that it nearly matches Finland in the number of blonde adults. In Denmark and Norway the numbers of blonde adults are slightly lower, but there still seems to be a significant amount of fair haired persons in those countries as well. Could it also be that there are women in these countries who may tint there hair darker, as a means of fashion? Haircoloring and styling are fashion accessories unto themselves, I personally tint my own hair darker sometimes, so this is not unheard of. If you're stating that all you saw was brunettes in Scandinavia, perhaps this is the reason? I could not say for sure, but my own father, who has visited Stockholm a great many times has said that natural blonde hair is the most common. I'm not telling you what you saw, or didn't, but right off the mark, you seemed to state your personal distaste for Scandinavian women. I believe it is that opinion which is prompting you to say what you're saying. Emily is a Swedish girl, from Sweden, and I'm going to take her word for it, particularly if it is a conversation about the looks of Scandinavians. She is one after all.

I think that Finnish women are very lovely as well. Yes, I do see the differences in the features of Finns as opposed to Swedes, but these claims made by persons here that say that the Finnish are really just blonde Asians seems a little far fetched. In the info you posted, the Finnish are still 90% European, which is overwhelmingly EUROPEAN. NORDIC European. A vast amount of Asian admixture would simply not allow a high frequency of light eyes and hair.

Thu, 08/27/2009 - 23:02 Visitor The aesthetics of the eyebrows


Thu, 08/27/2009 - 00:09 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

russian modelrussian model maria mazikova.leisi palsam victoria azivskaya miss estoniarussian girl

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 23:13 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

here you go.

Asian people turned into the whitest people in the world in Finland

Finns have the highest proportion of blondes in the world.[34] and estnia,latvia, lithunia are close to finland?

Recently, mitochondrial (female lineage) and Y-chromosomal (male lineage) DNA-markers have been started to use in tracing back the history of human populations. For the paternal and maternal genetic lineages of Finnish people and other peoples, see, e.g., the National Geographic Genographic Project and the Suomi DNA-projekti. In essence, the types of mtDNA markers of Finnish people do not differ from those of other European ethnicities.[35] For example, Haplogroup U5, is estimated to be the oldest mtDNA haplogroup in Europe and is found in the whole of Europe at a low frequency, but seems to be found in significantly higher levels among Finns, Estonians and the Sami.[36]

With regard to the Y-chromosome, besides the markers found in other European populations, the haplotype N3 appears in Finland at clearly higher frequencies than in most other European populations. Haplotype N3 is a subgroup of the haplogroup N (Y-DNA) distributed across northern Eurasia and estimated in a recent study to be 10,000–20,000 years old and suggested to have entered Europe about 12,000–14,000 years ago from Asia.[37]

According to an earlier study conducted by four scientists, including Cavalli-Sforza LL:

Principal coordinate analysis shows that Lapps/Sami are almost exactly intermediate between people located geographically near the Ural mountains and speaking Uralic languages, and central and northern Europeans. Hungarians and Finns are definitely closer to Europeans. An analysis of genetic admixture between Uralic and European ancestors shows that Lapps/Sami are slightly more than 50% European, Hungarians are 87% European, and Finns are 90% European. There is basic agreement between these conclusions and historical data on Hungary. Less is known about Finns and very little about Lapps/Sami.[38]

According to recent autosomal (genomewide, 10,000 markers instead of few looked at Y-DNA and MtDNA-studies) give distinct picture of Finnish genes. Finns are a genetic isolate. It could be said that all other Europeans have Finnish genes but Finns don't have all the genes found in other Europeans. Finns show very little if any Mediterranean and African genes but on the other hand almost 10% Finnish genes seem to be shared with some Siberian populations. Nevertheless more than 80% of Finnish genes are from single ancient North-European population, while most Europeans are a mixture of 3 or more principal components.[39]"

Furthermore, Finland has the highest percentage of blonds in the world. Most Finnish males are haplogroup N3, closely related to the type of N-LLy22g, and the Chinese (descended from Uralic-speaking central Asians on the male side). Is it true that Asian people can turn into the whitest people in the world in Finland over about 14000 years?

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 23:00 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Barbarella : the russian celebrity I posted have got a natural platinum blonde hair. I been stayed in russia and there are much more natural blonde in estonia, latvia, Lithunia than the scandinavia. the celebity I posted is kerli koiv. I saw he was blonde since she was a little girl. scandinavian are on the opposit. many have dark hair and the blonde one have got very high nasal and too tall.

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 22:23 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

bookworms point is? He or she says in one sentence that blue eyes and blonde hair are unappealing, but in the next sentence states that it IS appealing, but only on Russian or East Balkans? Whatever. It would appear that bookworm has a bias against Nordic women, which is why no actual, relevant point was made.

The truth is, there are people on this site who are unhappy with what the admin. and some others have to say about Northern European women and their features. There are sites all over the net that give praise to everyone else. I'd suggest visiting those sites. No one's going to change anyone's mind. For some of us, Northern Europe is home to the most beautiful women, and those who disagree are wasting time posting pics of bleach blonde, garishly made up, Russian celebrities to try to disprove this.

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 21:54 Barberella Fashion models with and without make-up

Godis, you are incorrect about what makeup can "do" as far as hiding shadows, flaws, etc. It most certainly can make a woman look feminine, which is why we don't see men openly admitting to wearing it (and some actually do).

Professional makeup artists know this, and watching them work every day, I have seen them transform mediocre faced women into absolute beauties. What makes the difference is the added element of femininity. The right textured concealer, for example, can soften sharp angles, which you and I both know adds femininity. Some of this makeup is considered "professional grade" and isn't the typical drugstore brands that are available to a mass consumer market. Those are lighter textured, and don't do much else except even out skin tone. Colors for eyes and lips add a more dramatic effect, helpful in creating certain "looks". You are correct in stating that they don't do much for adding percieved femininity. However, women are the targeted consumers for cosmetics. It is understood by both men as well as women that the addition of makeup adds femininity, and neither really questions this.

As far as women being "wired" to have babies, well, not all are content to do that. Some don't have a choice either. I'd like to think that when I start a family, there will be a choice. However, with today's horrible economy, a two income family is preferable. I'd also like to add that many models have children. So how is it that they aren't wired for motherhood, or whatever it is that you meant?

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 12:43 Godis Fashion models with and without make-up

I'd also like to add that often with high fashion models makeup is used to make the model more "exotic" or even more masculine. Fashion is often very avant garde, they are not trying to evoke the cute girl next door with nice hair, a nice smile and a nice body. They are trying to evoke something exotic, sometimes strange, sometimes even ugly. Often times makeup will be used to make someone appear morbid looking or futuristic looking, etc., depending on the theme of the show.

Therefore, it is inaccurate to claim that high fashion models need makeup because it makes them appear more feminine. This isn't true. If they were chosen because they are masculine in the first place, then why would someone want to feminize them afterwards? I suppose it fits Erik's "pedophile theory", but NORMAL little boys don't wear makeup. This would deter from the look of an adolescent boy, which is the look Erik claims homosexual fashion designers are attracted to when they select these high fashion models.

I agree that fashion models are disporportionatley masculine. I always noticed that. However, they also often have strange bone structure not seen on common men or women. I believe that the reason the masculine ones are so represented in high fashion is because masculinity and masculine features will always make a woman look strange, and that strange look is precisley what fashion is about these days. Maybe the "homosexual" designers that dominate the fashion industry also choose them for the reason that they emulate what they would want to appear like. That is my theory. I think homosexual men are men who have brains structured more like women. Therefore they think like women, and they like masculinized women to represent "them" and their work because they are attracted to that look, the way they would want to look. A masculine woman is just a feminine version of a feminine man. Think about it. It makes sense. I don't know about the pedophile theory. I haven't seen enough research to conclude that homosexuals have a tendency to be pedophiles. I have seen a lot of research and have observed myself(although for some reason there are few homosexuals around where I live) that homosexual tend to act, look, and think like women. Therefore, I believe my theory is more plausible at least at the moment, until more research would be done on the link between homosexuality and pedophilia. I believe that homosexual men choose masculinized fashion models because they appear strange which translates into "exotic" for them, and also because those women look like them only more feminine. Period.

Why do homosexuals hold a monopoly in the fashion world? Well they think like women, why wouldn't they be good at what women do? Women like clothes, and so do homosexuals. It's simple. I'd also like to add that fashion is a very hard industry to get into. Generally, women are not interested in becoming so ambitious for that field. Women want to settle down and have babies. The women in the fashion industry are rarely family types if you notice. Homosexuals don't have to worry about having babies, they can't. They don't have to stay home and take care of them, they can pursue their careers instead.

So lets see. What type of person would and could pursue a career in the fashion industry?

Women: Yes
Men: Generally no, but ah we have the homosexual man who's brain seems to be wired more like a woman's than a man's

So we have women and homosexual men. But we are not done. We have to subtract women who are more interested in families as a life goal, than a career.

So, now we have homosexual men and women that don't want families. Hmmm... I wonder why homosexual men dominate the fashoin industry? Is it maybe because the majority of women WANT a family over a career? Isn't this the way we are actually wired?

So there you go, that's is my theory. I only thought it up in like 5 minutes but it sounds good to me.

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 12:20 Godis Fashion models with and without make-up

Has makeup honestly made any of these women appear any more feminine?

In all honesty no. People say that make up can make someone look more feminine, but in my opinion that is not very true.

What effect does high estrogen levels have on the face? It largely effects the bone structure and perhaps the skin. Other than that, everything else is due to genetics.

All the makeup did for these women was even out their skin tones. It also made some of their eyelashes and lips to appear fuller. Otherwise it didn't do much.

Fuller lips and eyelashes are rarely drastically changed by high estrogen levels. These features depend more on genetics. For example, a blonde haired blue eyed woman will rarely have extremely full dark eyelashes. Just because she needs makeup doesn't mean she is trying to look more feminine, just more attractive. There are many other factors to being attractive other than femininity.

Makeup will often make someone look more attractive, but not more feminine. I actually think that certain hairstyles have more an affect on making someone appear more feminine than makeup. Hairstyles can cover sharp glonial angles, cheekbones, etc. However, makeup only evens out skin tone and adds color where it needs to be added. Although feminine women will tend to have nicer skin, poutier lips, and rosy cheeks, in the end genetics has a higher effect on this than pure hormone levels. I have met many feminine women with uneven skin tone or acne, and many masculine women with naturally beautiful skin and no acne.

Now, one can argue that certain makeup can hide shadows and "soften" the face up. This is not true. Shadows are shadows. Makeup can appear the skin underneath the shadow to look lighter, however the effect is generally small and not very drastic. It would be unoticable. A woman with sunken in eyes will rarely be able to make them appear less sunken in with some cover up. She would have more success shaping her eyebrows a certain way.

Therefore, my conclusion is that makeup has little affect on making anyone appear more feminine. If you are not feminine, makeup will not make you appear more feminine. However, makeup CAN make someone appear more attractive based on other things. Even if you are masculine, brighter eyes, lips, and rosy cheeks will make you appear more attractive because they will make you appear "healthier". Generally, the appearance of someone healthy is attractive. Features of health may be strong pigmentation in certain areas. For example strong thick hair will always be viewed as more healthy than fine limp hair...what I have:( Similarly full eyelashes will appear healthier than thinned out ones. Slightly tanned skin will appear healthier than pale white skin that looks as if it had never seen sun. Rosy cheeks make someone appear healthy. Clear skin obviously appears more healthy.

Femininity holds a STRONG correlation to attractiveness. But I think that equal to that or soon after comes someone who looks healthy. That is what make up does. It makes someone appear healthy, because it alters someones coloring in certain areas to appear richer and healthier. Period.

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 04:27 helen Fashion models with and without make-up

really, after watching anyhting like that I come to think: thanks god, cosmetic was invented! no wonder these firms are so prosperous: just think how many products are used every day by women NOT to look like the models above. as for the masculinisation, it's really sad, but present time women are really not so feminine as they used to be( and it's sad. forthermore, it has many other negative consequences (have read a lot on the topic at different blogs and books (download mainly from and each piece really gives food for thought

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 00:12 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

indeed, I don't find blonde and blue eyes are that attractive. they look like an unrealistic porcelain doll and I know many blonde scandinavian girls who dyed dark hair because they don't like their look. however, I find Baltic girls with blonde hair and blue eyes are far more attractive than the blonde scandinavians. I have noticed that some Russians and Ukrainians and Baltics have East Asia facial features. Many have round face, and some have almond shapes, small nasal and small body.

Wed, 08/26/2009 - 00:03 bookworm The aesthetics of the eyebrows

ImageImageImageImageKerli Kõiv ImageImage

Tue, 08/25/2009 - 23:00 bookworm Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

most of her pictures look good except the one on this site.

Tue, 08/25/2009 - 22:59 bookworm Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

miss aussie 2009

I've seen her other pictures and she looks good.
