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Thu, 08/20/2009 - 16:29 Violetcorpus Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I think I'll just throw in a few more tidbits:

I don't consider Maxim the most reliable source for male preferences in beauty- it largely appeals to the mouth breathing white college fratboys who think Hollywood actresses are the pinnacles of female beauty- but it's still something to consider, along with the extremely high frequency of brunettes and other dark haired women in the miss universe and miss USA winners:

Thu, 08/20/2009 - 02:27 Minnionette The aesthetics of the eyebrows

You know, ladies, I somehow managed to stumble onto this website, but I have to say by far the more interesting past has been the three of you going at each other (or mostly ganging up on Godis). The chance to see so much prejudice and racism (on top of some bizarre fatphobia) all squished together into this spectacularly condescending wank is not something I get to see everyday.

I am sure that, some day, one or all of you will look back at this and realize just how incredibly silly all of you are.

Bless you all for this wonderfully cheap entertainment!

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 15:13 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis immature rantings;

"I am more attractive than the majority of the photos of the women you post with their fake tans and fake dyed hair."

"I'm saying the photos of the women you post do not look natural. Even in Scandinavia few people have platinum blonde hair past the age of 7!"

"The only thing that makes them look interesting is the bright colors they wear, their bright hair dye, and their bright sunny tans."

This really needs to be addressed. You have more than once made false statements about Scandinavians, which either is due to the fact that you are ignorant on the issue, or dishonest.

This is the truth, coming from a Swedish girl who actually lives in Sweden:

Many Swedes are very blond even as adults. "Platinum" blonde hair is not only seen in children and it is not rare at all. It is common for Scandinavians to have VERY blonde hair, even if it is not THE most common blonde tone.

We do NOT usually need spray tan or any kind of fake tans. We tan very well.

These are two examples of very light blonde Swedes who tan easily in spite of their light colours. They are top athletes Carolina Kluft and Johan Wissman.

People here actually have those qualities. Very fair hair and a tan are not incompatible, and is seen often here in the summer.

Carolina Kluft;

Johan Wissman;

I am not saying there are not Scandinavians who dye their hair. But what I do say is that you cannot interpret very blonde hair and a tanned body as being not genuine.

It is very common for Scandianvians to naturally possess very blonde hair and a natural ability to tan easily.

I know, life's a bitch when you are envious, godis.

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 13:46 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

From this..

to this... a few months. That is some serious food binging or some kind of drug for a psychiatric disorder, perhaps.

Your body is below average for a Nordic girl. Most girls here have more toned and slender bodies than you do, and most importantly, they don't put on weight like that. That's just not normal or common here.

The average girl here is also taller than you are and that often adds to good looks. 5'3 really is very short and more typical for Romanians and Turks, etc. which perhaps explains that.

Due to your short stature it's important for you to watch your weight. You have a slow metabolism so you will be more or less chronically overweight in a couple of years if you go on like that.

No one has ever claimed only Nordic women look good. That's something you dreamt up. You constantly compare yourself to Nordics, like you have some kind of obsessive inferiority complex and have to prove yourself.

Listen carefully, godis. There are Nordic girls who look better than you, and many do, as I can tell based on your recent body photos.

The slim ones are more the norm here. There are also Nordic girls who have less good-looking bodies than you. Leave it at that, and stop sounding so desperate.

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 12:36 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I mean it made my ribcage, waist, etc. look BIGGER! lol not better, worse.

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 12:35 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I should add that the pink shirt actually shrunk it the wash. Which is the reason it appears so much tighter. But it didn't do me justice when it was loose, because it made my waist, ribcage, and everything look better. It didn't show off my true silohouette.

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 12:28 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I forgot those photos were deleted, so I know you can't go back and look at my point about the headband. Here is my point:


Black headband, with rhinestone, over my hairline. See it?



Here are the rest of the photos. BTW? When did you show your boyfriend those photos? I mean you didn't bring it up before, and those photos were long gone...

I think Emily said before that my body is revolting? Honestly, even fat it's a nice hourglass and far from revolting...












You and Emily have SUCH a hard time I gained so much weight in a few months. Look at the photos above. I wasn't THAT skinny. I still had some extra meat on me even then. I have been thinner than that. I look better when I'm thinner than that. That is me at an average weight, but not even my most feminine weight, clearly.

Even this photo, which Emily LOVES to use, is FAR from revolting. I can gain a lot of weight and still mantain an hourglass figure. That is all it proves:


This photo is misleading. My shirt is lose and it hanging off at the side, but it makes my whole ribcage look bigger than it is:


This tight shirt shows a better idea of my rib cage:



So there are all the photos. I hope they don't get deleted again.

Now, that you can see them please look before you make assumptions again. Memory often fools us.

Besides, I want to move on from the whole race issue. The point is a Romanian girl, who gets her body shape from her Romanian mom, can be feminine and can have an hourglass figure, even at a bad weight. Nordic women are not the only ones with hourglass figures or feminine features. The point also is that white genes are not going to die out. I have people with blue eyes to nearly black eyes, from white blonde hair to black hair in my family. We have it all. From people who can pass from Nordic even on my 100% Romanian no admixture side, to people who can pass for the typical Italian. We have a big gene pool and a wide range of characteristics, which I believe makes us an attractive group.

The "whiter" people in my family are not more attractive than the darker ones. My cousin is more attractive than me in all honesty, she has everything I do plus more. She has a similar body shape, except with olive toned skin, dark thick curly hair, fine features and fuller lips.

So your theory on color and femininity is off. A person can be feminine with dark features.

Point and case:


I want to move on from the whole race thing. I know the truth. I see it just by looking at myself and my family. You don't have to be Nordic to be attractive, you don't have to be Nordic to have good genes.

So I'm moving on. What I want to know now is how Mila Jovovich went from this to this in a matter of years:

Milla in her teens, she is masculinized but she still looks ok:

Milla Jovovich - young & beatiful Pictures, Images and Photos

Milla Jovovich - young Pictures, Images and Photos

Milla Jovovich soon after, ends up looking like a man:

Milla Pictures, Images and Photos

Milla Jovovich Pictures, Images and Photos

What happened!

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 11:56 Visitor The aesthetics of the eyebrows


Wed, 08/19/2009 - 11:08 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Damn my concious. Now I feel bad for saying that your boyfriend would prefer me if her were straight. The truth is I don't know how you look Barberella. For all I know you could be one of the most exceptional looking people on Earth. But I highly doubt that a boy wouldn't appreciate a nice body. I don't have the best body out there, but I know from years of experience that my body looks good. So, even if your boyfriend preferes you over me, which I really don't believe you showed him anything anyways, it means you just have an amazing body. It doesn't mean that the majority of men wouldn't appreciate my body ok? Even if you are MORE attractive than me, it doesn't mean that I'm not attractive or that I'm not more attractive than the average Nordic or majority of Nordics even. Thank you.

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 11:02 Visitor The aesthetics of the eyebrows


Emily is the only sane one here!? That's funny. I'm pretty sure everyone here agrees Emily is the only INSANE one here. And no it's not because they are jealous. It's because, despite what Emily thinks, the average person knows what is considered normal behavior and Emily doesn't exhibit that.

I'm sure you caught on that Karen was Godis. Not.

Maybe you should check your boyfriend's orientation? From my experience the majority of men prefer my body type over most body types. Unless you have a more drastic hourglass shape than me, (which is rare, since I have the "average" hourglass shape) than I can't really see why your body would be any better? I never really get envious of other people's bodies, and there is a reason for that. My envy is usually directed towards things I don't have like coarser thicker hair and angelina jolie lips for example... So unless you have those qualities, I don't see why your boyfriend wouldn't be impressed as he compares me to you...

My roots are dark? Honey, I'm wearing a headband! You can't see any hair. I cut it out! The point was the pull all the hair back to show an objecive photo of my face shape. I'm wearing a black headband, and you can tell because there is a circle type of rhinestone thing on it. It's in the photo. My headband lies on my hairline. You can see no hair, trust me.

My hair is lighter than Marilyn's hair, but it is still like a light brown color. I liked that example of Marilyn because the tone for it was my hair tone. My hair it technically dark blonde because my hairdress matched it up to her little coloring palette thing. It doesn't even make it to light brown, it's a few shades off. My hair looks darker on my head, then when you cut it off. When it's piled on it looks darker. Jeez? Don't you know anything about blond hair? I'm starting to doubt you have blonde hair which is strange. Besides, who cares if I am a blonde or not? I don't need the so called "feminine" blonde hair to make me look more feminine or attractive. I am feminine and attractive enough as I am, mousy hair or not. Yes, my hair is mousy. It's a dark blonde light brown color, what do you expect? It's boring and bland. That is why I get highlights, to liven it up, both color and texture wise. Well, God had to be fair somehow honey. He couldn't give me cool hair plus everything else and a bag of potato chips. He had to give me boring hair, otherwise no one could compete:)

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 00:45 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Well Godis, just wanted to let you know that I thought your last few posts were extremely indicative of your true self: A FAKE. An envious, childish, manipulative fake. And may I assure you as well, I did show my boyfriend your pics, he's not as impressed with your body as he is mine, yes, even the "before" photos. NO, you're NOT the kind of girl that would make my very handsome, fit, and sexy boyfriend look your way, at least not if I'm around :) I'm not so sure what kind of girls you made jealous, you say NORDIC, I say, YOU WISH.

I'm with Emily, once again, and OH, how you people HATE that, but she's the only sane, honest person here. No more about Godis. It's just not that interesting anymore, I don't think. It's funny though, I thought Karen sounded like her, but thought, no way would Godis resort to staging a pretend "argument" with someone she invented herself. Even GODIS wouldn't do that. You're even more ridiculous than I previously suspected. You're still not so good at psychology :)

In addition to being right about most of her other points, Emily's reference to the "authenticity" of your pictures is valid. How could those pictures only be a few months apart? Posting your photos on a public website is and was a poor idea. Your assumptions of what you might think I "really" look like, based on my refusal to post photos does not concern me. I am pretty confident about my appearance, and my gut instinct, as well as my boyfriend's opinion, are not in favor of my doing something so irresponsible.

I don't see how you manipulated anyone to reveal the truth. You flat out lied, invented a poster, and showed your truly twisted personality some more. No wonder you're always on this and God knows how many other sites, with a personality like yours, you couldn't possibly have real friends. You're done as far as I'm concerned. Oh, one more thing, as for your "natural" ash blonde hilights, not so natural on a girl with your complexion. Those types of colors would look far better on, oh I don't know, maybe Emily, if she needed them, and I bet she doesn't! She says she's a natural blonde, and I'm inclined to believe her. She hasn't proven herself to be a liar. The photos of your face, with the red outline, showed your hair pulled back, and the roots were DARK, and somewhere else, a while back, you admitted you had "mousy" hair, and compared it to a very brunette Marilyn Monroe. For once, stop making a fool of yourself and wasting anyone else's time here.

You did admit you didn't have time for logic, at last, the truth.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 18:31 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"Even in Scandinavia few people have platinum blonde hair past the age of 7!) "

Why don't you show your ignorance some more. There are many adult people here who have naturally light blonde hair. It's not a rare thing at all, on the contrary.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:34 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Sorry Godis,

Its not ''more average attractive Swedes/Nordics on average as compared to women in other populations'' shes (Emily's) arguing but its a ''ahigh general average of attractive people''. Note 'general'. LOL.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:32 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

link | Submitted by Emily on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:20.

''A country can have both extremely attractive and many attractive people, making for ahigh general average of attractive people. It's not like it's mutually exclusive, you know.''

1)extremely attractive + many attractive people = making for ahigh general average of attractive people (LOL)

''I know, for an Indian it's probably hard to grasp. ;)''

What do you know Joker you know nothing I know for a Joker like you that cant be grasped!

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:20 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

A country can have both extremely attractive and many attractive people, making for ahigh general average of attractive people. It's not like it's mutually exclusive, you know. I know, for an Indian it's probably hard to grasp. ;)

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:12 Visitor The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"Well they proved everything. Here are your own words,"Excellent, godis. That is a very nice figure, feminine and curvy." Well thank you Emily:) You see you thought you were just mocking me."

No, godis, I wasn't mocking you. I genuinely thought those photos were very nice and I told you exactly how I felt about them.

However, since you had shown photos just before where you looked nothing like the person in the other photos, AND stated that they were taken just months apart, I was confused and didn't know what to think.

I didn't think you could gain so much weight in so little time. If you had said they were taken the year before it would have made more sense.

I was prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt, but asked you to verify it was you in the slim photos by posting new ones with the same dress you had on in the old ones.

Don't forget that the face wasn't there in any photos so there was really no way of telling that it was the same person.

Your paranoia is getting worse, it seems. This IS my last reply to you about you, your favourite subject, since this site is NOT about you or me.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:04 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Sorry Godis,

This is what shes(Emilys's)actually arguing:

link | Submitted by Emily on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:00.

"I think Emily is making the case for average attractivness of swedes as compared to some other populations and not above average attractiveness/highly exclusively attractiveness."

No, actually, Swedes are among the most beautiful, AND also has some of the highest average of attractive people.

There are negative things about Swedes, but beauty and attractiveness are not one of them, that's for sure.


Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:00 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"I think Emily is making the case for average attractivness of swedes as compared to some other populations and not above average attractiveness/highly exclusively attractiveness."

No, actually, Swedes are among the most beautiful, AND also has some of the highest average of attractive people.

There are negative things about Swedes, but beauty and attractiveness are not one of them, that's for sure.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 16:55 Emily Nicotine enhances perceived attractiveness of faces in non-dependent smokers


"Our unique product and packaging design offer both novice and seasoned electronic cigarette smokers a fantastic smoking experience that accurately simulates that of a traditional tobacco cigarette. By combining the battery charger and case into a single unit, Halo eliminates the need for separate cables, offering a convenient way to carry and charge the electronic cigarette. The Halo electronic is of course capable of being charged via your electronic devices USB port as well. "

What is this?

I think it's best to just stop smoking. Both for your health and for your looks.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 15:07 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

The aesthetics of the eyebrows 08/18/2009 - 12:24

by Godis link

''They are on average attractive, but they exhibit a very average attractiveness and they are not what you are making them out to be. The only thing that makes them look interesting is the bright colors they wear, their bright hair dye, and their bright sunny tans''

I think Emily is making the case for average attractivness of swedes as compared to some other populations and not above average attractiveness/highly exclusively attractiveness. In terms of average attractivness it appears Emily thinks there are more average attractive Swedes/Nordics on average as compared to women in other populations. Such a perception may only warrent your attention for long if you are interested in numbers/statistics and I think this is where you are getting frustrated Godis because it doesnt warrent your attention because you are not interested in the numbers/statistics of how many average attractive people there are in a country you are interested in above average attractiveness/highly exclusively attractiveness and I think on this note you should stop arguing with Emily because she doesnt appear to be basing her argument on this point.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 14:03 Johnny Blaze Nicotine enhances perceived attractiveness of faces in non-dependent smokers

That's probably because the 99% of the people surveyed were at the bar with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. It was actually the beer goggles that were taking over and not the nicotine.

Johnny Blaze
Smoke Electronic Cigarettes instead, but don't wear your Beer Goggles

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 12:24 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Oh Emily you are such a piranha. I'll don't think I'm going to give you much more attention because it seems you are always ready for an argument. I have other interests on this site besides proving you wrong, and since I've already done that to a certain extent, I don't see the reason to constantly argue with you. I am not jealous of you or any of the photos you post, trust me. I am more attractive than the majority of the photos of the women you post with their fake tans and fake dyed hair.(yah, I get highlights and sometimes I apply fake tanner, but my fake tanner looks natural because I personally make it out of cocoa which stains the skin and I choose a much more natural blonde. I'm saying the photos of the women you post do not look natural. Even in Scandinavia few people have platinum blonde hair past the age of 7!) You post photos of average women that are well groomed. How many times do I have to tell you this?

They are on average attractive, but they exhibit a very average attractiveness and they are not what you are making them out to be. The only thing that makes them look interesting is the bright colors they wear, their bright hair dye, and their bright sunny tans.

I'd also like to add that I cannot possibly be jealous of you personally because I have no clue how you look.

I mentioned I have been jealous of other girls. This is true. I've been jealous of other girl's thick curly hair, or their effortless tans. Actually, one common thing I am jealous of is height. I always wanted to be tall, I always believed tall women to be more elegant. But after reading this site, I realize that I like my height and body shape and am happy with everything.

I'm not really a jealous person overall. I have mentioned I have gotten jealous before and probably will at times be jealous! If you have never been jealous at any point in your life, then you are not human.

I am not overall manipulative either. If I was so dishonest, I not have told you the truth over and over again. Although I am temporarily manipulative at times to make a point, I always reveal the truth. This you don't understand. I have been completely honest about everything! Where I come from, what I look like! Jeez... What more do you want?

You are the one that manipulates yourself and tries to do the same with others by forcing your beliefs with cherry picked photos and personal descriptions and opinions that you claim to be facts and "logic".

At least my manipulation has a point: to dicredit you and reveal you for who you are.

For example, I specifically posted photos that looked like your photos. I made sure that I had a nice tan and a little skirt. I made sure you can see a hint of my blonde hair in one of the photos. I knew you would study those photos like a hawk, and so everything about them was planned. Since those photos were so similar to yours, I knew you would deny they were of me. Honestly, what was the point of posting photos that didn't have Godis on them? The prove nothing.

Well they proved everything. Here are your own words,"Excellent, godis. That is a very nice figure, feminine and curvy." Well thank you Emily:) You see you thought you were just mocking me. You challeneged me to post photos of myself in that shirt and belt, and I DID! So you set yourself up, and I knew you would.

If you had positivley known that was me from the beginning, you would not have complimented my figure in any way. Instead you would have found faults or made up insults that were hardly truly relevant. That is how you are. You are biased and you cannot admit anyone can be attractive besides Nordic women.

I have simply manipulated you to reveal the truth. It's as simple as that.

My only other manipulations were Karen. I wanted to see how you and Barberella and even everyone else would respond to Karen. I wanted to see if you could recognize Karen was me as well.

Oh and I wanted to see if Erik was reading the site lately. So I created a fake email and a fake story, to see if he would fix it. And he did, and that was sweet:) It also proved that he is reading everything on here and that is something I wanted to know.

Mon, 08/17/2009 - 18:13 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"I get jealous of other girls all the time."

Good that you admit your envy since it shines through your posts.

You are an envious person, yes, just as I said you were, and disgustingly self-centered. What makes you think anyone is interested in your constant self-analysis? Or doesn't it matter? Of course it doesn't. You go on like some mental rapist, forcing yourself on others.

You admitted now that you have been dishonest in a manipulative way. The very thing you accused me of, falsely, is the thing you are guilty of yourself, creating another nickname and pretending to be someone else. I bet it's not the first time either.

You also admitted before that you are manipulative. That's an understatement. You obviously judge others by your own very low morale or standard, so your childish prank says everything about you.

As for jealousy, by the way, I doubt that even jealous people will be jealous of someone who disgusts them. Your body disgusted me, literally. I was repulsed by your photos and that's why I didn't think it was you in the other, older photos.

Any kind of good looks you might have had when you were slim has zero importance due to your absolutely awful personality. There is enough material there for an entire psychiatric convention. Enough about you now. This tap is closed.

Mon, 08/17/2009 - 16:55 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows



I actually get my hair highlighted for texture purposes over color. I don't mind my natural blonde color, although it is a bit boring. I a lot of hair, but the strands themselves are very fine. Fine hair is often limp. Getting highlights gives my hair body. Damaging it well enough makes it coarser, instead of baby soft. My hair really is almost as soft as it was when I was a baby. It is literally impossible to do anything with it. So that is why I get highlights, not necessarily because I want to be blonder, although that is always nice, but because it needs body. You should know yourself very well blonde hair is naturally very fine... I'd also like to mention that the peach hair around my hairline is white blonde. My eyebrows are naturally thin, I barely ever pluck. I obviously am a natural blonde, so get over it. Just because I disagree with something doesn't mean it's becaues I'm jealous of something I don't have. I have a lot more than you would think.

Mon, 08/17/2009 - 16:49 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

It's not that I can't take constructive criticism, it's that your criticism was irrelevant to the subject.

Besides, I'm Karen, believe it or not. Ask Erik to check his IP adresses. I needed to be Karen for several reasons. But I was planning on admitting it as you can see. Karen was an experiment, and it told me a lot. Some people here have mistakenly quoted Karen, and believed it to be Godis, intuitivley knowing it was. I too have strong intuition, it's almost as if the subconcious does some reasoning and your concious mind "knows" something is the way it is, but not why. Either way, good job to whoever did that!This is because the writing style was sooo similar. It had to be. Go back and look and you will see how she writes almost exactly like me. It was a good experiment.

No, my hair is not red like I claimed Karen's hair to be. However, that was part of the experiment. Karen had to be caucasian, so I had to mention a typical caucasian, specifically Nordic hair color in there. In reality, my hair is blonde, despite how in denial Emily is about that for some reason. I actually got it highlighted today. I specifically asked my hair dresser to identify my color. I always thought it was a light brown. It actually still doesn't qualify as a light brown. It is actually just a dark blonde. It is cool toned and ashy. If I stay out in the sun it turns into a strawberry blonde then to a yellow blonde, until finally it gets to an almost white bleached color like it was when I was a kid. This is if I stay in the sun for like most of the day for months and months, like in California. So there, that's my hair. I told you the truth about everything 100%.

As for Emily,

I have to make some more points on your Italian paintings depicting light haired women as more feminine. I will later, on the right page.

I agree but disagree when it comes to the paintings. They are innacurate for your argument. The genital argument was more of a joke. But those paintings as an argument to what is more attractive and feminine to the average man are a joke.

I believe light hair to be more feminine to a certain extent. Are you happy? My natural color, the ashy color is probably less feminine than a warmer tone. I believe warmer tones are more feminine than cooler tones.

And back to Barberella,

I'm done with arguing about maturity to you. I don't care if you think I am mature or not. I do think your jealous. What makes you different from the other girls that don't know me who give me nasty looks if I as much as walk near their boyfriends? What? Because your NORDIC? Trust me, those other girls were as Nordic as you can get, and they were still jealous. I'm sure your attractive, but even attractive girls get jealous too. I get jealous of other girls all the time. Although overall I wouldn't trade any of my features for any of anyone elses. I feel your jealous has clearly shown in your posts. I feel the same with Emily too.

I can be immature. Often my arguments lack logic, but you have to realize I don't spend a lot of time on arguments or logic. On the other hand, I make some very good points. I am very observant as well. I can be very logical, but in order to really be logical you have to carefully read everything, and I don't have time for that.
