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Tue, 08/11/2009 - 18:05 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by A Perfect 10 on Tue, 08/11/2009 - 15:27.

''I don't know who you are. My question was to Erik. Why did he refer to the pics in the collage as belonging to A.) Hindus B.) Upper Caste C.) North Indians.

Unless the collage and the people pictured specifically stated all three, there is no reason to assume they are any of the three.

Indian people DO NOT have "European" features. He have South Asian features. Whoever said Aiswarya Rai has "Nordic features" is an un-travelled and un-educated laughing stock of a human being. Aiswarya's features are very typically Indian. If any Nord has her features, then if anything, it perhaps can be said that such a Nord has "Indian features".''

Lets hope he answers it for you then. If youv read the site enough you should get the answers to the rest of your questions too.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 17:12 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I didn't mean to post the black and white twice, I meant to post this:

Cute Irish Blondes

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 17:09 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows


Girls Aloud

Girls Aloud

Irish Girl

Northern European, but a little south of Scandinavia...and an accurate representation of my ancestry. Hope this clears things for you, Godis, Barberella DOES NOT equal Emily. I do happen to think a lot of Emily, she's had the fortitude to weather the verbal attacks made on her, and is intellectually honest.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 16:56 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

These are lovely Romanian girls, NOT cherry picked, meaning that I did not have to look far and wide to find them, as you can see, Emily and I are most likely one and the same because I doubt that she'd post this, do you agree, Godis?


Hot Romanian Girls

Romanian girls

When looking at pictures of Romanian girls, I've noted the diversity in the coloring, and features, as you can see above. Though these two girls coloring will probably darken a bit, at least their hair, they are very light eyed, and have fine features, though I would not describe them as "Nordic" looking.



As you can see, I am very appreciative of all kinds of beauty. I am a bit more relaxed about this than Emily, being an American, the average person is not going to be as beautiful as Nordic women, who I do believe are the most beautiful on average. But, I find the looks of these women, and the two little girls to be (I hope) fair.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 16:46 mary Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

To Emily-All of the women i posted are feminine and beautiful.
Rhianna's look i don't like but shes still feminine looking and Janet Jackson has a strong facial structure but still has feminine features.Even Michael her brother had somewhat feminine features so i don't know if it is genetic or due to their upbringing.
Anyone that considers the women in the photos that i posted ordinary,average must either be dishonest or beautiful beyond measure.
My comment about hate being spewed out was not an attack on your looks-which i obviously don't know you or havn't seen,nor was it coming from hate,envy,or attack on Nordic women's looks.It had nothing to do with your nationality-which i assume is Scandinavian background? nor with the womens photos that you posted-which i agree that some are beautiful-but it was about the way you respond to peoples comments.Some of the comments that i saw appeared to not just be stating your view but almost seemed to border on "white supremacy"/feelings of superiority.
Everyones going to have personal preferences but that doesn't necessarily mean that we are right and we need to be humble and accept that and that people find beauty in different things.
For example i am south slavic background and i find south slavs and people from ex USSR most attractive but that doesn't necessarily mean that i am correct and that everyone will agree-its just my view not a universal 100% proven fact.

I also think there is beauty in many nationalities including scandinavian women who in many case have beautiful fine facial structure.
I also think strong bone structure can look good too-its just another type of beauty.
Also its not fair or honest to say that asians all appear a certain way or androgynous as asians all appear different depending on the country:for example an malaysian woman is not going to look the same as chinese and philipino's again look different because of their background.
Theres some chinese and korean women that look very pretty and feminine.
Miss Finland 2004 is very beautiful

Miss Peru, Maria Julia
miss peru

Thai Miss world Apasara Hongsakula

Beautiful Russian woman 1
beautiful russian woman

Beautiful Russian woman 2
russian model

Beautiful Finnish Woman
very beautiful finnish woman

Miss Croatia:Ivana Vasilj
ivana vasilj miss croatia

Vietnamese beauty

Vesna Krizan Miss Slavonija

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 16:35 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Oh, and to the "perfect 10 indian goddess", I am not suprised that you would assume jealousy here. Of course an Indian woman is going to "sympathize" with a Romanian girl, and assume that the N. European American girl, and the Scandinavian girl are "jealous and catty". I can assure you, and I happen to agree with you, Godis looks great. I have enough confidence in my looks to say that I think she looks great before and after. But don't make such assumptions. You just invited yourself into this "catfight", by insulting Emily and I, saying that we're envious. I can't speak for Emily, as we are two entirely different women, that live on two different continents, seperated by that little pond called the ATLANTIC OCEAN, but I wouldn't assume jealousy here. It's the general attitude of Ms. Godis, and what appears to have been "jealousy" on her part.

Sorry Godis, if I've just insulted you by taking the liberty of calling you jealous. I think I just proved my point. The point being that assuming one is jealous because of disagreement is usually incorrect.

I happen to have enough self confidence to say that Godis has a lovely figure,and myself, being the daughter of a Dutch/Danish(N.German) mother, and an Irish/English father, I am not a pure blood Nordic, but have enough confidence to agree with Emily about the beauty of Scandinavian, particularly, Swedish, women. I have no issues or envy here. I take issue when people, because of THEIR own issues, take liberties and make incorrect assumptions of their own. Like assuming that people are envious for example.

By the way, I can't wait to see what Emily, the SWEDISH GIRL WHO IS NOT ME, has to say about being accused of being jealous!

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 16:03 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Emily and I are two entirely different women, we write and speak differently, I think.

I also told you, if you would read my posts, that I thought you had a great figure, then and even now.

I'm not worked up, Godis, are you insinuating that I'm jealous? I have a very feminine, yet athletic shape myself, as I would think you'd be able to conclude that based on the description of myself that I've given. A recent, and accurate desription.

If you're stating that Northern European women can't be as feminine as you, than it appears we disagree. There are a lot of Nortern European women that are extremely feminine, just because they're not as short, or "voluptuous" as you, doesn't mean that they don't have feminine physiques. The correlates of feminity are low waist to hip ratio, not weight or height itself, as Erik has said many times, as well as saying that Northern European women are more feminine, on average, based on his scientific data, that's presented here.

My self-esteem is fine, Godis, and as far as the athleticism issue... whatever, we'll just agree to disagree about that,as I am not interested in that debate anymore. You see what you see, and then believe what you want to believe. If you don't appreciate my comments on your "athleticism", that I observed, than DON'T POST PICTURES OF YOURSELF, INVITING COMMENTS.

Godis, you have a lovely and feminine figure, weight or not. But you're puting down others now, saying things about N. Europeans that aren't true, once again. And no, I don't have to be Emily to disagree with you about that. What is it with you? Why do you have to believe that two women who happen to agree with some main points here have to be the same woman? I see all kinds of people here that can't stand her, and insult her, but am I to believe that you are all one and the same person? If it sounds absurd, it's because it is.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 15:39 A Perfect 10 In... The aesthetics of the eyebrows

This has turned into a cat fight between Emily, Barbarella and Godis. Ladies, take it outside!

Godis, I don't know where you get the idea that you are "over-weight" in any of your photos. In fact, you might even be under-weight, because the camera adds at least 10 pounds in the photo and YOU STILL LOOK PERFECTLY FINE, THIN, PROPORTIONED AND WONDERFULLY SHAPED.

You have an awesome body and you have absolutely NOTHING to worry about weight wise and you know it. You are just trying to not intimidate the rest of the women here by being humble and saying you are "over-weight".

You already got Barbarella and Emily all jealousy and catty, LOL. Give it a rest!


Tue, 08/11/2009 - 15:27 A Perfect 10 Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"The fact is it is Northern Indians who are admired for there beauty not the south indians and northern kashmiris fall under North india. It is the majority judgement that matters not the minority. Erik has pointed out that the upper caste hindus are admired on three accounts by the indians which are there light skin, face shapes are closer to European norms and there ethnic characteristics."

I don't know who you are. My question was to Erik. Why did he refer to the pics in the collage as belonging to A.) Hindus B.) Upper Caste C.) North Indians.

Unless the collage and the people pictured specifically stated all three, there is no reason to assume they are any of the three.

Indian people DO NOT have "European" features. He have South Asian features. Whoever said Aiswarya Rai has "Nordic features" is an un-travelled and un-educated laughing stock of a human being. Aiswarya's features are very typically Indian. If any Nord has her features, then if anything, it perhaps can be said that such a Nord has "Indian features".

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 09:36 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

link | Submitted by Godis on Tue, 08/11/2009 - 02:25.

''I think what you have just realized is that it doesn't matter who is attractive ON AVERAGE. In the end, it comes down to who is attractive individually.''

link | Submitted by Erik on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 00:12.
Regarding self-esteem related to looks (body esteem), if you were to ask Europeans whether they have a higher opinion of their looks than those of other ethnic groups, then the majority will indicate a higher opinion of European looks, but if you were to survey how individuals feel about their own personal looks, then European will on average have lower regard for their own personal looks than those in a number of populations,

As Erik stated the majority of europeans will indicate a higher opinion of the looks of there ethnic group but on an individual basis with respect to there own looks many of them dont express the same satisfaction that could explain why it appears europeans seem to prefer to talk on ageneral level about the looks of there ethnic group as a wholerather than being independent thinkers. Ofcourse when it boils down to the beauty of people an individual can only be judged individually.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 07:27 anonymous A preference for placement along the ancestral-to-derived discriminant in an European population

A preference for placement along the ancestral-to-derived discriminant in an European population
Submitted by Admin on Thu, 12/13/2007 - 14:48

''Yet, if I point out that non-Europeans prefer overall facial features among their co-ethnics that are somewhat shifted toward the more overall derived end of the ancestral-to-derived discriminant or seek aesthetic plastic surgery along this direction, then a number of people take it to mean that the implication is a preference for white/European features. No, the preference is for somewhat more overall derived facial features compared to the average of one's ethnic group, and it also exists among Europeans.''

Yes I agree with the above statement. Also to add a shift towards or in the direction of europeanization is not the same as a shift TO europeanization or to european looks (talking specifics)

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 07:08 anonymous Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

link | Submitted by Der Wanderer on Thu, 03/27/2008 - 15:32.


zonneschijn :

according to the case of kashmiri with blond hair and rozasea cheeks or arabs with blue eyes somewhat, can be explained only one reason that is all races could develope their own beauty.

Sure, it's their "own beauty" ... as long as they resemble Europeans.

Kashmir throughout its history since the begining of time has been subject to mass invasions by various tribes including turkish/middle eastern/Possibly greeks (alexander the greats army) etc.. and the appearance including the light skin of many kashmiris can be attributed to these invasions. Kashmir therefore has a mix of different ethnic looks and although there are probably some many kashmiris who do look or may be mistaken for europeans with respect to there light skin, light hair/eye colour and overall phsical appearance. There are also a certain section of the kashmiris (muslim kashmiris) who not withstanding there light/dark eyes and light/dark hair (even red hair is not unheard of or uncommon amongst the kashmiris) whoose ethnic features are certainly not european by any stretch of the imagination and whom if you stuck one amongst a group of europeans would stand out due to there sharp prominent features (noses)which would certainly differentiate them from the europeans. If you stuck a european amongst a group of sharp prominent nosed kashmiris a european will without doubt blend in. These kashmiris do not look specifically ''european'' with respect to there physical ethnic features though you could say they look white i.e they are light skinned.

J. B. Ireland in his From Wall Street to Cashmere,
''The women have a composite face of Greek, Jew and Indian.8 ''

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 06:25 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Alot of hate being spewed out by username "Emily"."

Why do you lie? I don't "hate" anyone. I don't hate people because they are not as beautiful as Nordic women. How silly would that be? It doesn't make sense. It would make more "sense" for people who are less attractive to have an immature reason to "hate" and envy when they are not up to I think this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. :)

Your photos confirm this. The women in the photos are average, ordinary. There is nothing particularly beautiful about them. Another personal attack in other words by someone who posts photos of women who clearly are not up to the North European standard of beauty.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 02:25 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


If you are not Barberella, I have one thing to say to you:

Get over it!

Get over your ego.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 02:25 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


Why do you continue to focus on my weight? I usually am active, but for a student that stays up at night consuming soft drinks before a big test, and on top of that works until 2:00 in the morning many times, being active isn't an option. I have a busy schedule. I can stay active, but I chose to sacrifice that for a good grade on a test instead. Don't worry about me. I have mentioned before that no one in my family has EVER had weight issues. It simply is not a problem for me. I have gained 20lbs with extreme habits. It's not like I had some potato chips and MAGIC I gained 20lbs. No. I have extreme and unusual habits. I should be 50lbs overweight, but I am not thanks to my high metabolism. I doubt pregnancy will be an issue for me. As I have said before my mother lost weight after each pregnancy with no problem. I am athletic. I excel at dancing, track, and believe it or not, soccer. I've picked this up from high school gym classes that required us to do these things. I always excelled in these areas and I have been told I excel. It really is quite obvious. I don't care if you don't believe I am athletic.

I do wonder why you and Emily are so worked up all of a sudden? Ever since I have posted photos of my body you both are working VERY hard to find any faults you can. Honestly, whats the deal? Why are you getting so worked up over those photos? Is it because they prove something you do not want proven? Yes, to a certain extent I do believe you are Emily. Sorry, don't want to, but I do.

I am attractive and you don't like that. Period. Most Nordic women, as beautiful as they are on average, do not have a figure like mine. Period.

I think what you have just realized is that it doesn't matter who is attractive ON AVERAGE. In the end, it comes down to who is attractive individually. You and Emily are lucky girls. You have the benefit of the doubt that you are attractive. I guess I'm even luckier though, because according to Emily I should be an "ugly round broad faced brown eyed brown haired hooked nose fat Latin SouthEastern European Romanian!"

Haha. Guess I'm one lucky bitch if us Romanians are like that huh?

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 19:23 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Of course, Emily is Nordic, and she argues that Nordics are the most attractive people on average and that no other Caucasian sub-race can compete. How is this not narcissistic?"

Just because I am Nordic I can't be right, you mean? You simply cannot stop making a fool of yourself, can you? You say you are manipulative, well, that certainly is true. Anyone reading your posts here sees what kind of person you are.

It is not narcissistic expressing admiration for Nordic beauty. If I own a Ferrari would it make it any less valid to say I think it is the most beautiful car, on average? Is that opinion suddenly useless? Just because you possess something of value it doesn't make you disqualified to have an opinion.

It is not exactly MY opinion, only, it is the opinion of a vast majority of people who have been to my country, and know for a fact what we look like here.

Swedes simply are an extremely beautiful people. I would say that even if I wasn't Swedish. The fact that I am does not make my statement any less valid since people can verify that for themselves.

I don't really care what envious women think. Their own words and immature behaviour here reveal them for what they are, envious, self-obsessed and insecure. This site addresses femininity and beauty, and I try to stick to the topic, even though some find it impossible to write here without turning the focus on the posters and on themselves. Obsessive, immature self-analysis interests no one.

To appreciate beauty is not narcissisim. I don't go on and on about my own looks, like some here. I don't need to. A narcissist however NEEDS to do that..and constantly. The attention HAS to be on them personally, in some way or form.

I can appreciate beauty of another type than the Scandinavian one, and have shown that many times here, so your endless false claims godis, doesn't change that fact. Romanian and Turkish beauty are not high on my list, though, which hardly makes me unique. I'm sure there are beauties there too, but I just don't think the average is that high.

When it comes to ultimate beauty, yes, I do think it is usually and most often seen in Northern Europe, and in particular in Scandinavia, not because people are necessarily more beautiful here than in other parts of Northern Europe, but because the sheer NUMBER of beautiful people - the average - is unusually high here.

You can find gorgeous beauties everywhere in an instant here, both men and women. I have never experienced that anywhere else, quite frankly. Saying that doesn't make me narcissistic, it simply makes me in agreement with a huge number of other people.

Here is one guy's perception of Swedish women. There are countless similar stories;

"Growing up, I’ve always heard about hot magnificently beautiful Swedish girls are supposed to be. Blond beauties that are second to none…except perhaps the Spanish girls if that’s more your thing. Regardless, I didn’t know how true that really was. I’ve been studying and living in Copenhagen, Denmark for the last few months and there are beautiful girls everywhere. A few weeks ago I went to the hot new club, Celsius, and I have never seen anything like it. Attractive girls (and good looking men, I’m confident enough to say) were everywhere. I had never seen anything like it.

Until Now! I got off the plane in Stockholm, Sweden today and was kind of tired, but determined to go out on a Saturday evening. I am by myself at this point, and don’t know where to go, but based off my Internet research and the not-so-helpful hostel staff, I figure out the two main areas to go. Up north, near my accommodations, are the high-end clubs, with strictly enforced dress codes and large cover fees. Well, I hate paying cover for places that could suck, and all I have with me are blue jeans and my Nike Air Max 360s (the most comfortable shoes ever), and so I head to the south of town. Much to my delight, there are numerous clubs and bars in this area that seem to be doing well, and I was never asked about my clothes in the four places that I went into during the night.

Which brings me to the purpose of this post. Swedish girls are official the most beautiful in the world. I’m going to Russia in a few days, and if they can change my mind then great, but I highly doubt it. Every other girl is just absolutely stunning. On my way home I saw a girl who didn’t appear to be very cute; she was skinny and had large glasses and a strange haircut. Yet, as I saw her, I realized that she was in fact beautiful if she just took care of some of those issues.

I simply don’t have words to say. The girls in Denmark and in Norway (I was in Oslo last weekend) are amazing. There is no denying that. However, I think that the Swedish girls may be just a step above the rest. Now this isn’t to say that I’d prefer to live in Sweden. One thing I’ve gotten used to in Denmark is the fact that clubs don’t open until about midnight and the party doesn’t end until the sun has risen…literally. Here in Stockholm many of the bars and clubs close at 1am (unheard of in Copenhagen) or maybe at 3am.

As for myself, I did end up making friends with a girl named Josephine, but I didn’t make the right moves and/or she was drunk and anyways, I got bored and left the table that I was invited to hang out at (she had some nice friends). Overall, I can’t say the night was great, but it wasn’t horrible either. I’ll be honest, I’d love to have a story about hooking up with a Swedish girl to bring back to my friends when I come home, but in reality, it doesn’t matter that much. More than anything, I realized that beauty is actually common, and that I need to work on my approach anxiety a whole lot more if I want to be as successful with women as I both want and think I can become.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 18:24 man surfing web A woman with small breasts

Nice curves, pretty skin, and lovely face.
Looking good!

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 17:40 mary Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Alot of hate being spewed out by username "Emily".
Theres beauty and femininity in all races.
Personally i don't find scandinavians noses at all attractive.They're too short,stubby,sometimes piggish like and give a "snobby" look.
Apart from that many of their overall faces are attractive.

Turkish miss world 2002 has a real classic feminine beauty:
The older style indian actresses who i think are much prettier then the ones now who put on a "seductive" image
Prior Miss Bosnia:Sanja Tunjic:
Beautiful feminine Chinese actresses:

Janet Jackson:
Very beautiful Olivia Hussey-i think portugese and english

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 15:03 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows



Mon, 08/10/2009 - 14:59 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Hopefully it will wake you up and take you out of your denial."

That athletic girls are also 20 lbs. overweight, or something else?

If anyone's in denial, it's you.

Anytime you think that you can somehow "use psychology" on me, and that I fail to understand the simplicity of your language, mentality, and than I think, it's you, who again, has to look at denial.

Whatever Godis, peace, and by the way, people really don't want to know all about your personal life. :)

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 14:51 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

And Godis, I don't "fail to realize the psychology that you're using" on me. Nope, your posts are pretty simple. I fail to realize NOTHING! Got that?

And one more thing I'm interested in, is your nose "Roman, with a bump" (your words), or does it look like Katherine Heigl's? You do realize that those two types look nothing alike.

I hope...

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 14:44 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, I meant no offense, but an ATHLETIC person does not carry the extra weight that you do.

Yes, you do look good now, but looks aside, what about your overall health. You're only 20, and if you don't get more active, pretty soon, you won't look as good, if you continue to gain weight.

I am an athletic person, I go to a gym 4x per week and play volleyball on a league twice a week. After telling you my height and weight, I think it's safe to say that athletic women tend to look more like that, than as someone who looks like they're 15 lbs. overweight, even if you do still look good.

Saying that you only need to cut out softdrinks, but don't need to exercise is false. At 5'3", you will need to be more careful, and vigilant, if for nothing more than the sake of your health. Even if you think you look "damn good" as a "fat" person, your word, by the way, not mine, an attractive 20 year old girl, like yourself, has to be careful, if the propensity is already there for weight gain. You say you want to have kids, you'll have to get into better habits now, or you will really have weight issues then.

For the record, I don't think you're fat, but you're not athletic either. And "how do I know that?", as you asked. By the pics of yourself that you chose to show. That's not fat, but NOT ATHLETIC, either.

And don't do the skinny thing backlash on me, I work hard, and I'm slender but also feminine. I have a WHR of .66 and a BMI of 20.6.

I like fealing healthy, as well as looking it, I'm closer to 30 now, than 20, and I believe that MY, not your, overall quality of life is enhanced by the physical activity that I so enjoy.

Hope I've clarified. You have a lovely pysique, even now, but you're on the borderline, and you've even said that you'd already realized it. Sorry, I didn't realize you'd take it so personal. But, it was your decision to post your own pics, and people, whether you like it or not, will give their opinions because the pics are there, by YOUR decision.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 13:03 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

The aesthetics of the eyebrows 08/10/2009 - 10:56

by A Perfect 10 link

''Ever been there?''

I dont need to go there when I have seen enough of them to know what they look like and I have a good idea what they look like.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 13:00 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by A Perfect 10 on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 11:48.

Erik, how do you know that is a collage of upper caste Hindus? Did the site you got it from say that?

Also, that collage does not represent what Indians would think is "good looking". As an Indian I know. We have very high standards of beauty because we have really beautiful people amongst us. I assure you that none of the men in that collage represent what an average Indian woman would consider "handsome" or what an average Indian man would aspire to look like. Although maybe non-Indians would find them attractive - I can't speak for them.

The fact is it is Northern Indians who are admired for there beauty not the south indians and northern kashmiris fall under North india. It is the majority judgement that matters not the minority. Erik has pointed out that the upper caste hindus are admired on three accounts by the indians which are there light skin, face shapes are closer to European norms and there ethnic characteristics.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 12:16 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Ever been there? I can assure you that I do not crave for the features of most Pakis and Kashmiris I've met. However, there are some of them that are very good looking, just like you get some very good looking people everywhere in the world, but most people look just sort of "OK" at best.

No need to assure me I never asked for your assurance.

My Indian ideal is the SOUTH Indian -

Thats Good enough for you then I hope.
