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Thu, 08/13/2009 - 14:50 anonymous Estradiol and face shape in women

link | Submitted by Erik on Fri, 05/11/2007 - 11:06.

''Of course, unattractive features will diminish overall attractiveness. This does not mean that that there is no strong correlation between femininity and beauty; strong correlation does not imply perfect correlation''

Correct. Strong correlation does not imply perfect correlation. I do not believe beauty equals perfect correlation with femininity from head to toe. I believe there is a limit and beauty falls short of perfect correlation with femininity. In other words femininity alone is not the deciding factor for ones beauty. As respect to unattractive features if you give and take depending on the number of unattractive features an individual has they will not neccesserily diminish ones overall attractivness for example a single unattractive feature can add to ones overall attractivness by giving one as you noted somewhere else in this website a strange appeal that one may not see in someone else not withstanding these shortcomings.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 14:35 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Her names Mallika Sherawat. Have to agree i think in terms of overall looks Mallika has the edge over aishwarya."

Dark, hard and unfeminine woman with coarse, almost negroid features. In some photos she looks like a transvestite. She also has the typical unattractive Indian skin colour that makes you wonder if she is clean. No wonder they bleach their skin in order to look more caucasian.

Aishwarya's lighter and softer colours give her more femininity. Comparing that masculine and hard woman to Aishwarya is ridiculous.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 12:45 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by Emily on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 12:27.

''Wrong. Hair colour and eye colour are very much related to femininity. Soft, light and sweet colours are more feminine on average than hard, blackish-brown ones, and therefore add to the femininity of a woman.''

Your argument NOT mine. Stick with it.

''Soft and light colours inspire emotions and make men fall in love, not in lust.''

This is proof for them being ''objectively beautifull'' the never ending so called ''emotions'' one is supposed to be feeling when one sees light eye/hair colour?

''The "evidence" lies in the visuals. I don't need any evidence in order to state something men and women have been aware of throughout the ages. Asking for that only makes you seem ridiculous.''

Asking for evidence makes one seem riduculous?. You feeling alright Joker?

''The Nordic fair woman has been idealized and adored throughout history, and has been the icon of beauty, and this because she is objectively AND subjectively regarded as more feminine and sweet.''

Where is the evidence again? The above statement is evidence of light hair/eye colour being ''objectively'' beautifull?

''Of course, but not only there but in many other men's hearts as well.''

You sound like a real life Jekyl and Hyde JOKER! and I do feel sorry for you.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 12:27 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"hair/eye colour is not related to femininity "

Wrong. Hair colour and eye colour are very much related to femininity. Soft, light and sweet colours are more feminine on average than hard, blackish-brown ones, and therefore add to the femininity of a woman.

That is why dark-haired women all over the world constantly bleach their hair. They know the blondeness will add femininity, and men love that. It often turns out bad since they have too much masculinity in their face to pull it off, but that's another story.

Dark colours can add sexyness in a non-emotional way, and sometimes vulgarity. The hardness of black takes away softness, sweetness, vulnerability and femininity - things men need in order to feel romantic and protective.

Soft and light colours inspire emotions and make men fall in love, not in lust.

The "evidence" lies in the visuals. I don't need any evidence in order to state something men and women have been aware of throughout the ages. Asking for that only makes you seem ridiculous.

The Nordic fair woman has been idealized and adored throughout history, and has been the icon of beauty, and this because she is objectively AND subjectively regarded as more feminine and sweet.

Dark women come across as dynamic, sexy, sultry and also impure at times. They play on those things since that is what they often transmit. Blackish brown colour adds hardness, and therefore contradicts femininity.

"Ofcourse nordic women hold a special place in means hearts in there own NORDIC mens hearts exactly where they should."

Of course, but not only there but in many other men's hearts as well. Men are romantics, you see, but there is a certain physical ideal that will bring out that side in men more easily.

Painters know this, for example, and often use the natural blonde beauty in works where love and emotion is being suggested.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 11:25 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

link | Submitted by Godis on Thu, 08/06/2009 - 01:05.

''I also wonder why you have to always post photos of such unattractive Asians. There are many attractive Asians, and I still believe that many times certain Asian features mixed with caucasian ones would increase the attractiveness of a Caucasian female. My examples:
Kate Beckinsale is a feminine woman:''

I dont know if you were using Kate Beckinsale as an example for the above if so she is not a good exmaple as her ethnic appearance is clearly more tilted towards european looking and not asian in fact if it wasnt pointed out that she had some asian ancestory it would be very difficult to decipher from her looks. If you want to show HOW ''Asian features mixed with caucasian ones would increase the attractiveness of a Caucasian female'' then you need an example in which the asian DNA is evident in the apperance i.e someone with recent asian DNA and I dont believe Kristin Kreuk is a good example either.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 11:10 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

link | Submitted by Marie on Wed, 08/12/2009 - 13:55.

''i think this woman is much more beautiful than Aishwaraya''

Her names Mallika Sherawat. Have to agree i think in terms of overall looks Mallika has the edge over aishwarya.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 11:03 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by Emily on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 08:20.

''Lighter hair and eyes suggests femininity, vulnerability and a need for protection, purity and youth ( children have lighter pigmentation, lighter hair etc).

Blonde/blondish hair and light eyes have always inspired men to be protective and to be emotional rather than just sexual. Traditionally the romantic heroine is portrayed as blonde, fair, and with blue eyes.''

Its a simple question-which hair/eyes colour is ''objectively beautifull''? Nothing whatsoever of the above written constitutes evidence for fair hair/eyes being objectively beautifull.

''Blackish/dark brown eyes and hair are a very uniform and monotonous colour that is found all over the world with little variation. Women with those colours have always envied the blonde and light-eyed Nordic woman and tried to emulate her through bleaching, plastic surgery and contact lenses - seeing in her a romantic, soft and feminine ideal that men dream of.''

Since the majority of the world has dark hair and dark eyes and a small minority out that huge majority experiment with contact lenses/hair dying this again is not evidence that the MAJORITY of ''Women with those colours have always envied the blonde and light-eyed Nordic woman'' apart from that small MINORITY who experiment with contact lenses/dying there hair.

''If a woman is feminine and dark she will be so in spite of her dark colours - not because of them.''

Ofcourse she will be no one has argued otherwise because hair colour is not associated with femininity its associated with beauty. Different hair colour is not going to stop a woman being more feminine/masculine or make them anyone more feminine/masucline than they are but it may stop a woman or make a woman more beautifull than they are.Femininity and beauty are two seperate concepts its how they work with each other is the area where they are related .

''The blackish/darkbrown colour in itself adds absolutely nothing in terms of sweetness, femininity and softness.''

Ofcourse it doesnt how can you expect it to be when hair/eye colour is not related to femininity but it related to the beauty aspect of a woman.

''The Nordic woman with her gracile and harmonious facial features, blonde hair and sparkling lighter blue, green or grey eyes hold a special place in men's hearts.''

No ones interested in emotional language and use of emotions to justify arguments they are not conclusive of objective evidence but mere emotions. Ofcourse nordic women hold a special place in means hearts in there own NORDIC mens hearts exactly where they should. Nordic women are not the only women throughout history who have had ''blonde hair and sparkling lighter blue, green or grey eyes''. ''hold a special place in men's hearts''? My God you are a dreamer!

''Throughout history women with light colours, white skin, blonde hair and light eyes, have been the ideal as portrayed in art, so this is hardly something new.

Look at angels and mythological figures in art. Overwhelmingly they have been visualized blonde with Nordish colours, often uncharacteristicly for the region in which the painter himself worked (Italian painting, for example).''

This is not tantamount to ''objective'' evidence.

''The rarity of these colours have also added to the mystique and the admiration''

Rarety is not evidence for such eye/hair colours being "objectively" beautifull.

Dark lustrous black hair/eyes are warm but dangerous looking unlike light hair colours.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 08:47 abc The facial and body attractiveness of women as shape

I think No.1 has the most attractive face, especially the way her eyes/eyebrows are set and her cheekbones...No.2 looks somewhat washed out and plain, she also has a 'mature' looking face when you study her facial features (eyes and eyebrows especially). No.3 is too skinny. No.2 has a body very similar to mine though except my waist is smaller, and thighs thicker, I don't think her breasts are saggy, it's just the shape of them that may make it look a little saggy. They all have great bodies though, and no.2's body look better in profile view than from the front compared the other two.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 08:20 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Therfore in relation to hair and eyes colour a certain hair and eye colour maybe a correlate of beauty the question is which hair/eyes colour is "objectively" beautifull? I highly doubt that except perhaps for europeans it is light coloured eyes."

Lighter hair and eyes suggests femininity, vulnerability and a need for protection, purity and youth ( children have lighter pigmentation, lighter hair etc).

Blonde/blondish hair and light eyes have always inspired men to be protective and to be emotional rather than just sexual. Traditionally the romantic heroine is portrayed as blonde, fair, and with blue eyes.

Blackish/dark brown eyes and hair are a very uniform and monotonous colour that is found all over the world with little variation. Women with those colours have always envied the blonde and light-eyed Nordic woman and tried to emulate her through bleaching, plastic surgery and contact lenses - seeing in her a romantic, soft and feminine ideal that men dream of.

The very dark colours are generally more suited to men since they are more aggressive, masculine and strong. There is nothing feminine about blackish eyes and black hair. If a woman is feminine and dark she will be so in spite of her dark colours - not because of them.

The blackish/darkbrown colour in itself adds absolutely nothing in terms of sweetness, femininity and softness.

The Nordic woman with her gracile and harmonious facial features, blonde hair and sparkling lighter blue, green or grey eyes hold a special place in men's hearts.

Throughout history women with light colours, white skin, blonde hair and light eyes, have been the ideal as portrayed in art, so this is hardly something new.

Look at angels and mythological figures in art. Overwhelmingly they have been visualized blonde with Nordish colours, often uncharacteristicly for the region in which the painter himself worked (Italian painting, for example).

The rarity of these colours have also added to the mystique and the admiration.

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 13:58 Marie The aesthetics of the eyebrows

also godis...i think you have a really nice feminine body with or without extra weight.
ignore emily...she is jealous
you shouldn`t change anything!

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 13:55 Marie The aesthetics of the eyebrows

emily you are so deluded its not even funny!
People going to India thinking they will see Aishwarya Rais everwhere will be disappointed...
I don`t find Aishwarya Rai to be very attractive, she looks decent though. i have seen much better looking indian women in person.
the only reason YOU and other europeans? may find her better looking than other indian women is because of her light skin, hair and eyes
but if you ignore the pigmentation there are far more beatiful indian women out there
i think this woman is much more beautiful than Aishwaraya
she has better features but obviously darker pigmentation so she won`t be as beautiful in the eyes of your people.

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 07:55 Saerain Top-50 high-fashion models

I'm surprised that you'd consider Pitt feminine. I'm always expecting him to bash someone with a club and drag them back to his cave for dinner.

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 07:22 Saerain Top-50 high-fashion models

The range of perceptions of human beauty is fascinating, isn't it?

Models Gemma Ward, Elyse Sewell, Lily Cole, Jessica Stam and Monica Jagaciak have long had probably the five most attractive faces I've ever seen. I must be gayer than a pink Christmas tree covered in dildos and Elton John-shaped rainbows.

But seriously: for attractive bodies, I look especially to nude models from the likes of Met-Art and Hegre-Art (though definitely not the particular models chosen here), yet I've scarcely seen prettier, sexier faces than those that walk the catwalks, I'm afraid.

On the occasions that the two ideals meet—oh, my....

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 05:59 Saerain Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Can't anyone simply say, honestly, what it attractive to them, without exercising the immense ego required to commit the fallacy of then presuming their preferences to also be that of anyone that's sane?

This coming from quite an egoist, mind you.

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 05:50 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I am not Barberella, godis. Try not to sound paranoid, please. I am a Swedish girl writing from Sweden. Very simple. Barberella is correct. Erik would know the IP addresses, so he will see that I post from Sweden and Barberella from the US.

Also, you will note that I often post at this hour, around noon my time in Sweden. My computer clock is now 11.27 AM, and that is 5.27 ES and 3.27 PS time, isn't it? So, very odd hours for someone posting in the US, and since Barberella posted earlier we would have to be up at all hours if we were the same.

The truth is that many people disagree with you, godis. Most of them won't bother commenting, but Barberella decided she wanted to. Thank you, Barberella for you kind and reasonable voice. :)

For the record, those photos of Romanians are not the ones I would have chosen since I find them to be fairly unrepresentative of typical Romanians. I do believe it was an olive branch from Barberella to you, as she said.

I never said Romanians cannot be beautiful. You continue to put words in my mouth. Very weak kind of argumentation, if you ask me. How about sticking to the truth, for once?

I said there are surely beauties in Romania and Turkey, too, but that the average is not that high so they are not high on my list. Perhaps you remember now.

There will be beauties in ALL and every country on Earth. That is not the issue. That is only relevant when you talk about beauty pageants, when the standard average of a country obviously doesn't matter. If there is one outstanding girl she will win, so that country needs to produce one such girl.

That is of little interest to me. What people usually look like when you visit a country, and how high the level of beauty - the standard - usually is, is more interesting. People going to India thinking they will see Aishwarya Rais everwhere will be disappointed, and most Venezuelans don't look at all like their beauty contestants.

In Scandinavia, people who visit say that they get the feeling that every other girl looks just amazing (like that American guy told you in his blog that I posted), and that is because the standard is very high here. So that difference is clearly there.

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 00:52 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


There is nothing on your posts that show any time zone. At least not on MY computer. Who cares if Erik has logs on who posts from where. He obviously hasn't been on here for a while, so that proves nothing.

I'm not immature, I think you are. I don't think you are reaching out to me. I'm sorry. I just don't think those Romanians are attractive. I don't know how hard it is to find photos of attractive Romanians. LOL I don't have hundreds on my computer like hrrmm other people have of their country's people. I'm sorry but I see subtle insults and many assumptions coming from you.

Like the whole " you are unathletic thing" and the whole focusing on my weight.

How the shit do you know how athletic I am, really!? LOL and why did you post like FIVE posts on mentioning my weight! The only reason I even mentioned my weight was because weight gain causes masculinization and any person who has any logic can assume from that, that my photos represent me at a more masculine stage than what I really look like at a normal weight.

So, I don't get why you have to make a big deal about stupid things like that? And I don't care if Romanians are attractive. I'm just saying that A Romanian CAN be attractive. Because your friend Emily believes that it is impossible that a Romanian can be attractive. She is the delusional insane one, and yes for your information I shadowed a psychologist for career day back in high school because I was thinking about going into the field. She told me I was a natural psychologist actually.

And you are not convincing with your whole, "I'm trying to reach out". Someone that is trying to reach out doesn't criticize every damn thing I say. You concentrate on things not even related to any points I make. My point is I have a relativley feminine body and that a Non-Nordic CAN be attractive. Your points have revolved around weight and athleticism. Anything relating to my athleticism or testosterone levels were not directed towards you in the first place, yet you went with it and ran. It's like you have to hang onto every negative thing. You supposedly can admit I look good, but then you find stupid ways to insult me because deep down inside GOD forbid a Non-Nordic look good. Do you see why I associate you with Emily to thepoint I believe you are her?!

There is no possible way I can tell what time zone you are from. I don't see where you are seeing this.

I see a name, a date, and a time. No time zone.

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 00:16 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, what is it about contrasting pictures of N. Europeans and Romanians that makes you uncomfortable, or angry. It wasn't meant to be defamatory in any way, to you, or to Romanians.

Why you take offense, and yes TWIST, peoples arguments, photos, etc, is what you need to discern, not why Emily or I post appears that the problem is YOURS....

I posted the photos of the Northern Europeans AFTER the Romanians, not to "contrast", but as a way, so to speak, to "introduce" you to who I was, where my ethnicity lies, but I see that you got me all wrong. You are so hell-bent on insisting that I'm Emily. You couldn't even see that someone was trying to reach out to you, and have a normal conversation. YES, GODIS, YOU GOT IT RIGHT, I AM GOING TO SAY THAT YOU GOT IT TWISTED, AND THAT YOU ARE TWISTED.

You took my comment out of context about the "voluptuous" statement. I shouldn't have used quotations, but I really wasn't trying to be a smartass. Of all the things that I've actually said about you that were positive, or in agreement, and you take the things that are negative and run with them. You say I had no point, so then, what was yours?

I have to conclude that you are overly sensitive, or childish, maybe both.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 23:44 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows


I see what you mean, and I have let her toy with me, she's really beginning to aggravate me. As I've gone through these posts, over the last few months, I see exactly what you mean.

And yes, what you stated about beauty being relative is most certainly true.

Gee, I hope that I don't sound too much like you, and agonize poor Godis' head anymore.

OK, I am no longer responding to her proposterous

I appreciate your input at this site, as well as your honesty. I think people allow themselves to become so inflamed, and fail to see what it is that you're saying. Too bad.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 23:29 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, read the time of this post, guess what time it actually is here? 11:16 EDT, a time zone found in the US. Man, Emily was so right about you, and to think that I might have, at some point, felt she was being hard on you. I see she's been dealing with you here for months. It doesn't take long to tire of you.

I still can't believe your're "good at psychology". Or think you are. That's really what's funny. That you THINK you are.

And I've seen your rants, your calling Emily "whore","cow" and "tard". And your really good at psychology, yep you are. And so mature as well...

I think it's safe to say you need to SEEK psychological services.


If there are no good pictures of Romanian women on Photobucket, or Flickr, complain to them, not me.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 23:12 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows



Erik, however, has logs and knows who posts as doppelgangers, and of course, who doesn't. Not that he should concern himself with your bizarre, paranoid delusions, that there's "multiple Emily's" out to get you.

There is no way that a sane, rational, intelligent person could possibly have any kind of conversation, debate, etc, with you. It seems as soon as more than one person disagrees with you here, you start thinking that they're the same. And you haven't yet realized that it's idiocy.

You're obviously NOT so good at psychology. LMAO!!

You take every comment that is not in perfect agreement as an insult. You're constantly lecturing Emily about her ego, but what about yours?

I was, actually, offering up the proverbial "olive branch", and trying to appeal to you, that I'm not Emily, so that one day, maybe we could converse about some real issues...but I see that your maturity level isn't what I thought it was. I'm sorry you felt insulted. That wasn't my intent.

I'm an American, through and through. My father's a war veteran, and you're starting to piss me off. I may agree with Emily, but I'm as patriotic as she is. She loves Sweden, her home country, and I love the USA, mine.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 22:56 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Oh and I can see your reply right now:

Godis you are so twisted and you twist things!

That's going to be your argument. That I am paranoid and I twist things and make them out to be something they are not. The truth is I read inbetween the lines. That's all.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 22:55 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I'd also like to note Barberella that every time you post photos of "attractive" Romanians, you have to post photos of Nordics too. Why are you constantly trying to contrast? You pick out average or below average photos of Romanians, pretend you think they are attractive, than contrast them to better photos of Nordics and try to tell me you are complimenting me when you really are trying to make a point by contrasting ugly or average Romanians to better looking Nordics. You are trying to make a point disguised as a compliment.

I agree the first photos you posted of a Romanian girl featured an attractive Romanian girl. However even then you had to post photos of attractive Nordic women, as if God forbid someone will see those photos of that ONE attractive Romanian girl and think Romanians are more attractive. Just look for yourself, you have to post photos of Nordic women after you post photos of "attractive" Romanian women. And, as everything gets more intense, you post more and more subtle insults disguised as points.

You also mentioned you did not have to cherry pick those photos. You are trying to convince me that you didnt' specifically pick out those photos to really make any point, so they should be a good representation of "attractive" Nordic women. The truth is you specifically picked each photo making sure it featured slightly more attractive women then "Emily's" photos of Romanian women, but still ugly enough to make your point. Which was, "Hey look, I didn't cherry pick these girls, these are your average Romanian girls, see they are pretty or really I'm just saying that to make Godis feel like I am a nice objective person when really I want people to see the contrast of non-cherry picked photos of Romanians and Nordics."

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 22:34 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

So what I am trying to say is that Northern European women may be the majority of that 8%, I am included in that 8% and I doubt that the majority of the women in Scandinavia or Northern Europe ARE included in that 8%

Sorry I typed this out so fast, I didn't word it right.

I am saying that 8% is a small number so only few women from Northern Europe have hourglass figures, and even fewer from other parts of the world. The point is few women from ANYWHERE have hourglass figures. So I think that few Northern European women or women from anywhere else have as feminine a figure as me.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 22:30 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

A Perfect 10 Indian Goddess:

Thank you! I am happy with my body and I have my insecurities but I am thankful for the fortunes that I have such as great family and friends and health! Again, thanks for the compliments, it takes someone who is secure with themselves to be able to acknowledge others like that!

And although I have my suspicions that Emily is jealous, because I proved her wrong, I don't tell people what they feel,unlike Emily. I will never tell Emily she is jealous. However, I will admit I have my suspicions:)


I am sorry but I am not "toying" with you on this one. I have a very hard time even diffrientiating between you and Emily. Before I explain though I'd like to say one thing:

The photos you posted of "attractive" Romanians featured no actual attractive Romanians. Really.

So, here's whats going on in my head right now about why I think you and Emily are alike:

Well, I feel like you have subtle ways of insulting me and getting a point across that often resembles insults Emily would have mentioned earlier. Like when you said this:

"If you're stating that Northern European women can't be as feminine as you, than it appears we disagree. There are a lot of Nortern European women that are extremely feminine, just because they're not as short, or "voluptuous" as you, doesn't mean that they don't have feminine physiques. The correlates of feminity are low waist to hip ratio, not weight or height itself, as Erik has said many times, as well as saying that Northern European women are more feminine, on average, based on his scientific data, that's presented here."

What are you trying to prove? I have never said height or weight were correlates of femininity. I have posted photos of my body shape, which is an hourglass, which only 8% of women on planet Earth have. So what I am trying to say is that Northern European women may be the majority of that 8%, I am included in that 8% and I doubt that the majority of the women in Scandinavia or Northern Europe ARE included in that 8%. So although more women from Northern Europe have hourglass figures, very few women in general have that figure. I am one of those few. So, yes I would say that I probably am more feminine than most Nordic women, simply because although they are more feminine ON AVERAGE, it doesn't mean every single one or even the majority are feminine.

You use the words, short and voloptuous to imply that I look bad because I am short and "voloptuous cough cough fat". Your whole paragraph there really revolved around an insult than an actual point because there was no point since I didn't refer to height or weight in any of my posts and their correlation to femininity. BTW: Weight gain actually masculinizes a girl.

I pick up these subtle insults from you disguised as actual arguments or points.

There are many more reasons I think you are Emily:

Similar writing style that has slightly changed since I have mentioned you have similar writing styles.

Similar photos posted for similar reasons.

Arguments that are basically identical. I mean people are allowed to agree but you two just have the exact same arguments.

There are A LOT more elements that you two share from personality to writing styles, etc. I'm not going to go into detail or talk about every incident or post that fueled my suspicions, but if there is something I am good at its psychology and I'm sorry but I just feel too strongly about you two being the SAME person.

I think Barberella is just Emily's nicer alter ego. Emily poses as Barberella in an attempt to make her outlandish arguments more objective.

I would feel horrible if Emily and Barberella were not the same people, but my brain is screaming at me that they are.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 18:10 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"By the way, I can't wait to see what Emily, the SWEDISH GIRL WHO IS NOT ME, has to say about being accused of being jealous!"

Barberella, try not to take obvious troll baits. I don't for a second believe she thinks we are the same, and she is obviously toying with you, as she basically admitted here before. She is that kind of person that would pretend to think something just to see the effect that would create. Some people have nasty personalities like that. You can't assume she will be honest with you.

What can I say? Jealousy of godis? Well, anyone saying that must be used to a rather low standard, and/or not be particularly good-looking themselves.

I guess everything is relative, and you will see and appreciate things through the eyes of what you are used to.
