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Sat, 08/22/2009 - 00:28 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Yes, Romanian women often dye their hair a comical yellowish blonde so it was funny that you accused the people who more often than anybody else on Earth have naturally blonde hair of faking it."

Actually, many Swedish women in your photos clearly dye their hair. I can post photos proving this if you would like, your very own photos that is. Then my point was that those Swedes who actually do have naturally blonde hair as adults, have a very undesirable color. A very yellow bleached color that is far from attractive. It's funny that "Romanians dye their hair a very comical yellow", because Swedes don't even have to dye their hair a comical yellow, it grows naturally on them:)

Generally, from my experience, I have noticed Romanian women dye their hair black. Most don't dye it blonde and I agree blonde hair looks horrible on women who are naturally dark, just like dark hair looks horrible on women who are naturally light. So,what are you trying to get at?

I don't dye my hair a comical yellow. I dye it an ash color, advised by my colorist, since she accuratley identified my natural color as an ash blonde. Actually, I don't even dye my hair. I get highlights. My natural color blends in with them.

I also fail to realize why you keep attacking Romanians. Actually, I do realize why. You believe that by attacking Romanians you can personally attack me. There is no reason to attack Romanians otherwise. It would not be logical. I have even claimed I believe South Eastern women to be the least attractive out of the Europeans. I then went on to claim that Nordic women are the most attractive, specifically Irish and German women. Why are you not attacking those claims? I just put your Swedes,the most beautiful people on the planet and perhaps even the universe according to you, below the Irish and Germans. Why don't you argue your point against that since you clearly disagree? No. Instead you attack Romanians, because if you attacked Romanians it would be more personal. The insults would sting me more, no? Well, I could care less. I don't even like the majority of Romanians. At least not the ones that live around here... I identify with Romanians, because it is a part of who I am. But I am also an individual, and in the end I am very different from any other Romanian or German or Swede or anyone. I take the good from my culture and any other culture and learn from the bad. It's as simple as that.

In the end, my only point was to show that although South Eastern European women are less attractive on average, it doesn't mean that there are not attractive South Eastern women at all and that they cannot exceed the attractiveness of a Swede or Nordic in general. Then I backed this up with my very own photos, since I do honestly believe I am more attractive than most of the photos of those Swedish women you post up. You and Barberella can laugh at this all you want, but I have come to this conclusion by reading this site and applying the information and logic. I tried to bring this big point in a way so that you two wouldn't realize exactly what I was trying to do, but clearly it didn't work well and came off too strongly. But in the end that is the whole point, to use myself and even my family as examples of how it doesn't matter if a population is more attractive on average, in the end it comes down to the individual. It doesn't matter if Emily is Nordic and Nordics are on average more attractive, she may have the benefit of the doubt and the higher chance of being attractive, but in the end it depends on herself as an individual in comparison to any other individual not a whole population.

At least I posted photos of myself, and honest photos at that. I don't see that from anyone else. No one is asking anyone to post photos of their faces or any identifying features. I was against posting photos at first, but then realized that if one is smart about it, very little can be taken from them and used in dangerous ways. Besides, I can bet you that Emily and Barberella both have social networking sites. These are not any safer. Those sites can be hacked into easily. Similarly, someone can obtain plenty of information about you even if your profile is set to private. In addition those sites contain plenty of photos with identifying features, like faces. I have been smart enough to post photos on here that are not on any of my social networking sites, so if anyone comes across them, they cannot associate them. You can be smart about these things in all honesty. So I feel that is a poor excuse...

In the end though I understand that no one wants to post photos of themselves for whatever "reasons". But, then they cannot make the arguement that they have more attractive bodies, because those arguments are invalid.

I have not seen anyone here post a photo of regular average Swedes in comparison to my body to prove Swedes are more attractive? Why hasn't this been done? Why instead just point out my flaws, and claim your body is better? That makes no sense. There is no argument there. I have never claimed anyone has a bad body on here. Unlike Emily who told me I had a broad round face,naturally brown hair, brown eyes, a hooked nose, and fake yellow hair. I believe she also claimed I was a gypsy? lol

Do you see what I am getting at? I have never personally attacked anyone's looks. I have instead attacked the looks of Swedes as a group or certain photos. However, both Barberella and Emily have personally attacked my body which is not where it goes bad, because my photos were posted to be a comparison. However, not a comparison to their own bodies. That is the mistake. There was no reason to compare my photos to their own bodies. The point was to compare to an average Swede. Only if they themselves posted photos of their own bodies, would it make sense to compare my photos to theirs.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 15:14 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Godis sound desperate? Lol, that's the understatement of the year. She tries to question my boyfriends sexuality, tries to say that she wasn't that "that skinny", but compared to the recent pics, she looks very thin. She seems to forget that she invited these comments by posting her own pictures."

Barberella, godis is not well. There is no point in bringining up private issues with her. They are not her business. Let godis mentally strip here, no one stops her, but don't let her trick you into doing the same.

Anyone can see what she looks like so there is no point in debating it with godis. If she has some delusions regarding her body then that is her problem. No one asked her to expose heir delusions and insanity here. In fact we asked her not to. lol

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 14:34 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis the manipulator and troll;

"I don't like Scandinavian hair. I am sorry. It is very bright and it is displayed in wild colors."

You know very well what the argument was.
You were the one who insinuated that we have fake, bright blonde hair and fake tans so that's why I focused on those bright and light hair colours.

You know this so you're using improper tactics as always. What is to expect from a self-confessed liar and manipuator?

Scandinavian blonde hair comes in all and every tone you can imagine. Bright, dark, soft, muted, clear..

I showed that very light blonde hair is natural and not just seen in kids as you falsely claimed, and that it also comes with a natural tan more often than not.

You were proven wrong so now you shift the argument to say you dislike the bright hair. How desperate.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 13:51 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

You're so desperate, godis. Beauty queens and models in response to my photos of ordinary Swedes, and still, they don't compare.

Yes, Romanian women often dye their hair a comical yellowish blonde so it was funny that you accused the people who more often than anybody else on Earth have naturally blonde hair of faking it.

You have been proven wrong. We are naturally often light blonde and naturally tan well. Tough, isn't it. :)

I don't care what your hair colour is, godis. It doesn't interest me in the slightest. You dye it blonde so I suppose you aren't satisfied with it, and that shines through everything you write. Dissatisfacion and envy, I mean.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 13:50 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Yah, the Swedish guy is cute. But he's not my type.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 13:45 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Let's compare again:

Innocent and sweet:


Mysterious, romantic, sultry:


I myself am usually described as just "cute", but I think I could pull off mysetrious and sultry. I don't have absolutley tiny features, like the Swedish nose for example. I have a more elegant nose like the woman above, whom my sister and I resemble. LOL So I think that is far more romantic than a nose whose growth looks stunted. I like this type of nose, it's cute, but not elegant.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 13:38 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

More pictures of cute Emil Johansson.



Fri, 08/21/2009 - 13:24 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"It's funny, you forget what you write. Before you wrote that warm blonde tones are more feminine than cold/ash blonde tones. In your eagerness to trash Scandinavians you forget to be consistent. Hilarious."

You're hilarious. Why are you calling me a troll? The one staring back at you from the mirror is a troll, not me. Besides, I NEVER claimed ash blonde hair is more feminine,why are you putting words in my mouth? I stand by my comment that overall I believe light warm tones are the most feminine, and that warm tones in general, light or dark, are very pleasant to the eye. Go back and look at any art, the majority of it will be painted in warm tones for that very reason.

What did your photos of Scandinavian hair color prove? I see a lot of yellow in all those photos. Yellow hair is not a pleastan warm toned hair color like a honey, caramel, or strawberry blonde, it is just yellow.
I am saying that most people prefer ash blonde, cool toned as it is, over yellow. I don't think ash blonde is a very feminine color, but I don't think it really matters. It is an attractive hair color none-theless. A feminine woman doesn't need feminine coloring to be feminine. I think perhaps light skin is the most important thing to have in terms of coloring to increase your level of femininity. Beyond that the marginal difference is small if even existant.

I don't like Scandinavian hair. I am sorry. It is very bright and it is displayed in wild colors. Some people find this very thing attractive. I don't. And I believe vivid bright hair like that is not even close to as feminine as the more muted tones. Scandinavian hair needs to be toned down to be more feminine. Even though ash hair is cool toned, and often appears whitish, it is a very toned down color. I personally like ash blonde hair. I don't care if it isn't warm toned. My features harmonize beautifully and the overall effect is feminine, it doesn't matter if one feature alone, especially one like hair color for god's sake, is not feminine.

You cannot possibly believe Emily that Scandinavians are God's gifts to the world and that they posess every and any desirable feature. It is obvious to me that they do not posess every attractive feature. They are overall an attractive bunch, but in all honesty when I think of "Nordics" I think of absolutley different features. I think of Irish or German, although out of all Nordics I believe the Irish to be most attractive overall. They have different bone structure than Scandinavians. They have red hair, yes, and I don't particularly like red hair, but overall they are the most attractive Nordic race in my opinion. They also display a wide array of colors. Black Irish for example refers to Irish people that have notably dark hair, many times black. They have blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, freckles, no freckles, red hair, blonde hair, brown hair, black hair, etc. Second comes German, and then Scandinavian people, and then you need to be particular about which part of Scandinavia as well. I don't necessarily think the Haldstatt or w/e its called, of Scandinavian is attractive. It seems to me the woman are so angular in regards to this type and often masculinized, even if their hormone levels tell otherwise. I like English people, but the problem with English people is you will either get a diamond or an ugly duckling, there is little in between.

Romanians don't have yellow hair. You are so ignorant to believe that a Romanian cannot be born with lighter hair, and with a natural shade of blonde. Why would I lie about my hair color? I know the truth and I don't feel the need to lie to someone on this site that my hair is blonde when it is another color. It doesn't make sense? I don't feel blonde hair is so glorious that I NEED to have that color. This is simply my natural hair color. I wouldn't feel any different of myself if I were a brunette. In fact I think life would be easier, brown hair is so much easier to maintain it seems. Many Romanian women are born with blonde hair and blue eyes. Although the number is lower than in the Northern countries it still exists. Herodotus described Romanians to have red hair in his poem. It goes to show that Romanians actually have a long history. They have been taken over by all kinds, including the very light colored Celts. Romanian's have Germanic influence in their DNA. Why is that so hard to believe? EVERYONE took over that country, the result is an extremely big gene pool. These days Romanians generally display dark Latin features, but it doesn't mean that they cannot have varying eye and hair colors. I have many people on my Romanian side that have blonde hair and even the combination of blonde hair and blue eyes. You will find these features more commonly in Northern Romania obviously. The place I come from borders the Ukraine. There are many light people there. In addition there are many Hungarians who also generally display light features. I'm proud of my heritage. I basically think I am a good mix. I'm a mix of Latin and Northern European. It's perfect. I love my Latin side. Latin women are praised for their beauty and elegance. They display romantic looks. Red lips, dark hair, dark sultry eyes... They don't look like Tweety bird in other words...

Tweety Bird look alike:


Actual Tweety Bird:

Tweety Bird Pictures, Images and Photos

Tweety bird is cute, but there is nothing Romantic about him. The Swedish girl above is very lovely actually. I don't like her hair color or skin color, but I do think she is beautiful. I'm just using her as an example. You can see she resembles tweety.

What do these ladies have, that is more desirable and ROMANTIC than the Latin ones below?







Tell me?

So yes, I am proud to be Romanian and German, Latin and Northern European. I am proud to even have that Slavic element. It all mixes so beautifully and the result is me! Look at my body, the skinnier photos (rolls eyes) and tell me this isn't a good mix.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 12:26 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

This comment will illustrate how the blond colours work in Scandinavia, and how you almost always tan naturally and well here when you are blond.

Some get a little reddish at first if they stay in the sun too long, as this photo shows, but afterwards the tan "settles" and the redness will disappear.

I'm not saying everyone tans well since a few have what I would call the British skin type, that gets red and never brown.

It's a small minority that are like that in Scandinavia, though. Maybe that's why some think we don't tan, since the British have a real problem with it sometimes, but Scandinavians are very different in that regard.

Some people are becoming very aware of the dangers of too much sun exposure. If they want a tanned look without sunbathing they might use some kind of product that gives the desired effect, but that's not due to inability to tan but to the fact that some avoid the sun's damaging effect.

I, for example, tan very well, but I rarely lie in the sun because I know it will hurt the skin. I also like the creamy skin tone I have with my natural honey blonde hair, as it looks very feminine and sexy, so I like just a light tan in the summer.

All these guys are Swedes, except Gudjohnsen who is from Iceland.

Platinum blond Johan Wissman, top athlete;

Wheat blond Ola Toivonen, football player;

Wheat blond Johan Mjällby, football player;

Dark blond Olof Mellberg, football player;

Dark ash blonde Fredrik Ljungberg, football player;

Platinum blond Einar Gudjohnsen, football player, Iceland;

Blond Emil Johansson, football player;

Platinum blonde Carolina Kluft;

A dolled up Carolina with her husband. She very rarely uses make-up.

You see you just don't understand Nordic colours or the way we tan naturally in spite of our blonde hair, godis.

Swedish girls;

A Swedish girl with red hair who still tans a little;

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 08:33 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis has shown her ignorance when she falsely claimed Scandinavians cannot have very blonde "platinum" hair AND a natural tan.

She is angry because this means she cannot discredit my photos of tanned and light blonde Swedes.

She has been proven wrong, and now she comes up with another one of her fake theories. Scandinavians have yellow hair. Interesting. I thought it was Romanians who had fake yellow hair.

Scandinavians have all kinds of blonde hair, my dear troll.
Wheat blonde hair, golden blonde hair, honey blonde hair, ash blonde hair, dark blonde hair and platinum blonde hair, as my photos of naturally TANNED Carolina Kluft and Johan Wissman show.

It's funny, you forget what you write. Before you wrote that warm blonde tones are more feminine than cold/ash blonde tones. In your eagerness to trash Scandinavians you forget to be consistent. Hilarious.

If you like fake yellow hair it's better to look in Eastern Europe, by the way. Romania is a good example.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 03:15 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"You're by far the most immature, delusional, insecure, desperate and pathetic person I've come across, on this or any other medium, in a long time."

That's funny, your six years older than me, and I don't believe you are very different from me. Hmmm...Who really is the immature one? I have six years to be more mature than you, but I already am AS mature as you.


Then don't compare your body to mine, because you are not backing up any claims with your words.

"The pics of the blond Swedes are a perfect illustration of natural looking blond, whether you agree or not. Honestly Godis, all the things you find unattractive are things many people adore. I'll just come out with it: you have really bad taste."

Hmm... What does everyone adore? Ash blonde hair or bleached yellow hair?





I guess A LOT of people have bad taste because the majority would prefer an ash, beige, or wheat blonde over yellow hair.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 02:58 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I could give a rats ass if you don't think I have a nice body. You'll just have to take my word for it

It's interesting how you mirror my words.

I let myself go? LOL I look good whether I let myself go or not.

Swedish hair is yellow. What is attractive about yellow hair in all honesty?


I mentioned my sister because I wanted you to note that there is a lot of diversity in my family. My sister doesn't look like the actress Kay Francis, just this particular photo of her. I even resemble her. I have her chin, jaw, cheekbones, lips and ears. My sister looks more like her because her dark hair contrasts more with her pale skin, than my hair does. I think this photo shows a lovely face with character. This is a Romantic face:


Not the horse faces you post up.

Sorry, but the majority of faces you post up are not attractive. I don't think Swedes are the most attractive Nordics. I think Nordic women are most attractive on average, but I mean Irish and German in particular. Swedes look very different. What makes Swedes attractive are their interesting bone structure, height, and pretty blue eyes. But the photos of the Swedes you post just show average girls that take care of themselves.

And no, you don't understand the nature of men. Why would your boyfriend be honest of you? Of course he is going to say he likes your body more, are you blind? Uh, lets see honey who do you think is hotter? Me, the girl you have a chance of screwing, or this girl in the U.S. a girl who you will never meet...

Who do you think he's going to pick? Hello, common sense. What makes you think he'd be honest in this situation? There is no reason to be honest, unless he really believes your body is better. But, how can I know that just taking your word for it? Of course you believe he was being geniune, but how can I know? I find it funny I'm not up to his standards. How do I know he's up to mine? I was never worried about not being up to a man's standard, it was usually he who had to do the worrying.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 02:22 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Questioning that I have a boyfriend are you? You make me laugh. Envy's a bitch. The nature of men? And what does your 20 year old sorry self know about men? Not much, most guys are not attracted to girls who let themselves go. It shows laziness, lack of perserverence, and is aestheticly unappealing to many.

You don't know shit about the nature of men, or else you'd be agreeing. I am telling the truth of what a lot of men are turned off by. And like they say, the truth hurts.

You're by far the most immature, delusional, insecure, desperate and pathetic person I've come across, on this or any other medium, in a long time.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 02:09 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Look here, fool, and let me explain: I may have tattoos, scars and or birth marks that would make it impossible to post without harming the anonymity that is important to maintain on a public website. I could give a rats ass if you don't think I have a nice body. You'll just have to take my word for it....:) I get much postive feedback, and if I weren't in shape, I'd have a real hard time keeping up with my volleyball league, as well as the gym workouts I participate in. You're baiting and taunting me is rather immature. You yourself, on the self-esteem thread, agreed that Emily declining to post her photos was the right thing to do. It is the right thing. Godis, it amuses me that you'd like to believe that I'm unattractive. Sorry to disappoint you. I guess that you'll have to live with the suspense. IT IS IRRESPONSBLE AND POSSIBLY DANGEROUS TO POST PERSONAL PHOTOS ON A PUBLIC WEBSITE. STOP ASKING, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

Why would I honestly care what you think of Latin men, I don't date them, I prefer blue eyes and Northern European features and coloring on men as well. I too prefer tall men, at the height of 6'2" and 190 lbs., my boyfriend is muscular but lean, tall and solid, something that is VERY common amongst men of that background. They too have the tendency to be the best looking and most masculine of all other men, in every part of the world.

Middle Eastern women are hardly feminine in my opinion, they have coarse features, drab coloring, and I'm not impressed with their phsiques either. And how is having a mustache more feminine?

I can hardly believe you think using Sun-In is actual haircoloring. It is lemon juice and peroxide, two agents that when applied on the hair without an oxidative color, will only expose underlying pigment of the hair, usually orange and yellow. That's NOT what I meant by "warmer tones". A warm, natural, pale wheat color is best for your complexion. The pics of the blond Swedes are a perfect illustration of natural looking blond, whether you agree or not. Honestly Godis, all the things you find unattractive are things many people adore. I'll just come out with it: you have really bad taste.

The weight thing is your problem, not mine. So what if I don't find it attractive? What matters is if you do, and you keep defending it so I guess you prefer it. Not everyone does, and don't become angry when you're told that.

Your photos of Snow White illustrate what? When did I ever say that brunettes couldn't be feminine? I didn't. I just didn't think the pic you posted was of extremely beautiful or feminine. Sorry if that looks like your sister, how was I supposed to know that? Once again, you have some very odd ideas of reference, not everything is about you, or your family. I'm entitled to say if I find her attractive, or if I don't. What, she looks like your sister, and if there are some who find her less than perfect it's an insult? IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU GODIS.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 02:04 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

My boyfriend has high standards. And she's not meeting them.

This made me laugh. I question if you truly have a boyfriend now? Clearly, you do not understand the nature of men.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 01:38 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

My skin doesn't retain color well either. I can tan for weeks and have it go away in a week.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 01:36 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Oh, and I obviously can tan if I try hard enough:


I just refuse to stay in the sun for hours because I don't want to look like a raisin when I am older. I take care of my skin. I am jealous of people who are naturally darker, because they dont get skin damage as easily. Their skin is made for the sun while mine is not

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 01:28 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Oh, and see the little girl's skin tone, the first photo? That is my skin tone precisely. As you can see you don't need a pink skin tone to have it go well with ash blond hair.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 01:26 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Oh, and Emily, the photos of the Swedish blonde color ugh, its the color I try to stay away from. I have never had that yellowy bleach blonde color. My color when I was a kid was like this:



When I was a baby it was literally just white.

Note the difference between ashy blonde hair, and the typical yellow Swedish hair, for those Swedes that have a natural bleached color:

Carolina Kluft - European Champs 06 Pictures, Images and Photos

carolina kluft Pictures, Images and Photos

I mean ashy cool toned hair is dull, but I like it better than bleached yellow.

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 01:12 Visitor The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Yes, Barberella I have ash blonde hair. Why is that so hard to believe? I used to put sun-in in it. This stuff basically lightens it with heat from the sun or hair dryer. It turned it a kind of orangey strawberry-blondish color. That is the closest I have ever been to a warm toned hair color, and it obviously was not very natural. I don't mind warm toned hair. My sister's display a more brunette reddish type of hair color actually. Although they both had a caramel blonde type of hair when younger, I was the only one to have a white blonde type of hair when I was younger. Now their hair is medium to dark, while mine is a dark blonde hair. The ashiness makes it really dull actually.

My cheeks become rosy very quickly actually. If I drink a bit of wine, or do a bit of activity they become rosy. If it is warm outside or cold they become rosy instantly. Otherwise, my skin is very pale. I can never really put my finger on my skin tone honestly. My veins appear blue under my skin, while they appear green under my sister's. They def. have an olive skin tone, but I don't know mine. Although once I got a farmer's burn and my regular skin looked green compared to the red, so I assume mine is a very very light olive tone. Olive toned skin is not always tanned. I have one sister with natural dark skin, and another with skin as white as snow, like mine. Romanians and Latins can have light skin. My mom actually has lighter skin than my father, although she is the Latin one.

Honestly, Barberella, if you have such a nice body then why don't you post photos of it? You can make all the claims you want, but you have nothing to back them up. And I believe you have a nice slender hourglass frame, but why do I care? I like my body and I have little competition, especially when I am in shape, so why do I care about any competition in Sweden? Swedish men don't really attract me anyways. I like more dominant colors in men and I feel the men in Sweden are too heterosexual, in the sense that they spend more time in the mirror than I do. It's not like Latin men are perfect either, so don't get all defensive. lol My problem with Latin men is often height. French, Spanish and Italian men are often kind of short. Romanian men are often taller, but I don't like most Romanian men because of their personalities actually. Romanian men are generally man whores, especially here in the U.S. I like American men. I prefer a good mix, I like the Latin and Northern European mix, and I like them very tall. I am only 5'31/2 but honestly my ideal guy is like 6'2 or even taller! lol I like tallness and I like chiselled bone structure, but there has to be some kindness in his face. I like quiet shy guys, but ones that will talk to me because I'm special:) Any guys like that in Sweden? Idk.

In all honesty, the most feminine woman I have ever met was Middle Eastern. Now, I don't usually like Middle Easterners for personal reasons, but this girl was alright and she was the funnest bitch to be around. I would get jealous of her but she was such a great person to be around it passed quickly. This girl had crazy curves and huge boobs. Probably a little too big, I wouldn't want to carry those around, I'd have a bad back. lol So, in all honesty, the most feminine girl I have known was not Latin or Nordic or even European. Middle Eastern women are probably not very feminine on average, but did it matter to this girl? No. Because she was more feminine than any girl at the university. On top of that she had gorgeous black curly thick hair that went down to her butt. THAT made me jealous, because my hair gets split ends so easily I have to chop it before it can grow that long. And when we took belly dancing classes, I always felt she got more attention than me. I wish I could post photos of her, but I'd have to ask permission and she wouldn't want those photos of her on here, I'm sure.

I have one more thing to add, what is it with the weight thing? lol I don't care. I know my body and I don't care if you tell me I have a weight problem. I know I don't. Honestly, if it makes you feel better to believe I put weight on easily( and I know it does honey, because you so desperatley hang on to it!), then go ahead and believe it. I don't care! lol

So yeah, in the end post your photos up! I will be the first one to compliment you:)

BTW: what do you mean I could have used a better example of a feminine woman with dark hair? I think that woman is lovely! She resembles my sister to the extreme, except she has black hair, while my sister's is dark brown. So don't insult, it gets personal there.

Besides, haven't you heard of snow white?

Snow White 2.1 Pictures, Images and Photos

snow white Pictures, Images and Photos

Skin white as snow, lips red as blood.

That's my sister.

What can I say we are an attractive bunch:)

Thu, 08/20/2009 - 21:10 Lykaois Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Sheesh! After reading this, I can't help but wonder when Erik and Sarah are going to admit their unspoken mutual attraction.

By the way, Erik, yes, black males really are masculinized - they have more testosterone, narrower hips, longer hands, etc, and to claim that they only dominate a small subsection of the athletic arena is untenable considering that they're all over televised sporting events. And I shouldn't even have to discuss genital sizes to make this point, because I think you know that sufficient data exists for me to bludgeon naysayers into submission should I decide to do so. Seriously, the only people I know of who can't see this are the same bioegalitarians whose synapses shut down as soon as race is mentioned in conversation.

Also by the way Sarah, based on my readings white women really aren't fat, they just look that way. Yes, really. If ethnic Euros were overall fatter than ethnic Afros, we would expect them to have a higher incidence of type-II diabetes, when the reverse is the case. Europeans are overall more stocky in their bone structure than Africans - which, by the way, explains why they are better at weightlifting; for this reason they appear fatter than they really are. (As a related aside, whites have less dense bones which makes them better swimmers and also predisposes them to osteoporosis. If you're wondering why, probably this relates to their heavy reliance on milk as a food source during their evolutionary past. Milk is a good source of calcium, and ethnic Euros have by far the lowest rates of lactose intolerance in the world.) Also, Sarah, before insisting that (East) Asians tend to be more feminine than Whites, you are probably going to have to somehow quantify the relative importance of various traits - it's true that Asian females do have smaller jaws, but also smaller breasts and flatter buttocks, than do Euro females.

My own suspicion regarding this issue is that Africans tend to be most masculine and most feminine, and Asians least, while East Asians tend to be most neotenous, and Blacks least; in fact because sex differences become most pronounced after puberty, it seems somewhat inevitable that this would be the case. East Asians do go through puberty latest and have the lowest rates of dizygous twinning, and Africans have earliest puberty timing and highest rates of twinning among the three most frequently discussed racial groups.

Thu, 08/20/2009 - 19:56 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

As far as Milla Jovovich, youth as well as the higher amounts of subcutaneous fat that is typical of one's younger years, will enable someone to look more feminine because the face is fleshier, more filled out and less angular, angularity being an apparent correlate of masculinity. Milla didn't really look more feminine as a teen. It was pseudo-feminization, or at least it appears to be.

I have NEVER said that other nationalities couldn't be feminine. Neither did Emily for that matter. I think the black and white photo, of the darker complexioned woman that Godis chose is not making her point. There are much better examples that could have been used.

Thu, 08/20/2009 - 17:24 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Nice photos Emily!

Godis sound desperate? Lol, that's the understatement of the year. She tries to question my boyfriends sexuality, tries to say that she wasn't that "that skinny", but compared to the recent pics, she looks very thin. She seems to forget that she invited these comments by posting her own pictures. Everyone knows that they can't be attractive to everyone. My boyfriend has high standards. And she's not meeting them. I have a slim, toned hourglass shape, with curves in the RIGHT places. Can't slender women be feminine? You bet your ass. THAT'S why my body's better than hers, and it is, believe me, godis fool.


Thu, 08/20/2009 - 17:02 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Sure Godis, you fooled us all!! Uh, no. You didn't. Karen sounded like the rambling fool that you usually do, so of course, someone with half a brain was going to suspect. It's just that I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

My boyfriend's orientation is VERY straight, you twit. Just because he doesn't like the looks of you, doesn't mean otherwise. He saw your pics when you first posted them. How typical to see that you've re-posted them. You don't look any better, so why bother. Just because a guy doesn't think that your body is hot (at least not compared to mine) doesn't mean he's gay, and you accuse Emily of having an inflated ego? LMAO, fool. He also doesn't like girls who don't have lean, toned bodies. Oh, wait, the shirt shrunk in the wash. You do realize that's ridiculous right? The shirt is tight because you have gained weight. Not for any other reason.
And please, no more assumptions that people are saving your photos to their computers, that's proposterous, and another example of how your over inflated ego works.

I do know that people of your nationality tend to look better with warmer tones for hilights because of the olive undertones in your skin, that are obvious in the pics you posted. Even if it is a fair or lighter olive. Ash blond tends to compliment peachy or rosy complexions much better. I am postive that I know this more than you do, just like I'm positive that Emily knows what Swedes look like more than you, for instance.

To Minionette: You're welcome for the cheap entertainment, and if you'd looked this site over, you'd have seen Godis baiting and trashing Emily, as well as the site admin. for quite some time. Fatphobia? I think it's an unhealthy and unattractive ideal, and just because I have the fortitude to tell the truth, doesn't mean that many others' don't agree. Rascist? Sure, if a Northern European or a Northern European American aren't allowed to profess admiration for their poeple and the looks of their poeple. I don't find it rascist. We don't tell non-whites not to profess their pride, now do we? Whatever. That's a troll comment if there ever was one.

And yes, godis fool, Emily is sane. She's not misrepresenting the looks of the people she posts here, she is honest and fair in her evaluations, is consistantly mature and able to handle the absolutely ridiculous comments that attack her, and call her names, by people like you, as well as many others. It's envy, pure and simple. I guess the truth really does hurt, why else would people become so inflamed by her comments? Because deep down, they know she's right? That would be my guess. Maybe that's why it did NOT bother me. She's right, so what?

Thu, 08/20/2009 - 16:30 Violetcorpus Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

...Hell, Maxim has horrible taste in general:

Barely manages to beat out "hotties" like J. Lo and Britney Spears. Good lord.
