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Fri, 08/14/2009 - 07:46 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


"As a blonde, I understand the bias. I do."

You are not a blonde. You are a self-confessed bleached blonde. Don't confuse yourself with the real deal, honey. lol

In my experience, some of the worst and most envious and catty comments directed at natural blondes come from women who bleach their hair. It is anyone's guess why..

Regarding bias, I am biased in favour of femininity and beauty. Lighter hair and eyes are more feminine, on average, and that's why I will naturally prefer those colours.

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 07:41 Emily Estradiol and face shape in women


"She claims every Nordic has a perfect oval face shape"

Why can't you write even ONE single comment without making false statements about me? You have the attitude of a troll. "Strawman godis", will be your nickname from now on.

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 07:36 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Thank you for putting up the photos of the brunettes, which so beautifully prove my case.

Not even ONE of those women are actually helped by their blackish hair or eyes. Blackish-brown as a colour adds no femininity whatsoever to a face. It adds hardness, as the last photo godis put up shows.

Why is the girl in the photo above the last one much more appealing? Because she has lighter brown hair that adds softness. Soft = feminine.

If you look carefully at these photos you will see that the LIGHTER and SOFTER the brown colour is the MORE femininity it will add, and likewise, when the colour approaches black it will add hardness to the face.

A woman who is very dark will be feminine inspite of that hard colour, as her face will have to work in its own, so to speak.

Elizabeth Taylor is one example. Her beautiful blue eyes compensate for the hardness of her blackish hair. Vivien Leigh is another. Dark brown hair, but amazing, sparkling light bluegreen eyes that compensate for the dark hair colour.

Black, as a raw colour, is in UNfeminine, hard and masculine. That colour signals masculinity, and that is why men are generally more pigmented and darker than the women of the SAME ethnicity.

The blonde hair colour will add softness and femininity and youth to a face, and that is why so many brunettes put highlights or bleach their hair as they will seem more feminine and young.

Half of Spain consists of blonde wome, lol, and almost all men are dark brunettes. It must be because their women want to be more masculine that they bleach their hair!

PS. When I speak of blonde I technically refer to light brown, too. My beef lies with the blackish-brown/black. That colour, which most of the world has, adds masculinity. That is why women throughout history have envied blondes and tried to bleach their hair so they can look more feminine.

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 05:54 mary Estradiol and face shape in women

I love those photos of Audrey Heburn Submitted by zonneschijn on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 08:46.
Shes so beautiful

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 04:54 mary Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Saerain-I agree

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 01:05 Godis Estradiol and face shape in women

I would just LOVE to see Emily's perfect nose. She always picks on noses, its soo weird. Why? I think if you are obsessed with a certain body part there is a reason. Either Emily thinks she has a perfect "Nordic" nose and feels the need to compare it to everyone else's nose or she has a bad nose herself and feels she has to find worse imperfections in other people's noses to make herself feel better about her nose. Either way, she is obsessed. Again, posting photos of Indian noses. She is also obsessed with face shape. She claims every Nordic has a perfect oval face shape when that is far from the truth. She used to pick on Slavs for their "broad" face shapes. For Indians on their noses... For the rest of the world for their dark hair and eye colors, even though Nordics express these tooo.. sigh... when will it stop?

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 00:56 Godis Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site



You do know that writing styles can change, just like accents. If I move to Australia, chances are I will start speaking in an Australian accent. This is because you start to mimick the people you are around or talk to. Similarly, people pick up writing styles. I've used some words I've never used before, but have used because I've read other people's posts using those words. The reason I don't see this as a possibility for why Barberella writes like Emily is because she wrote a lot like Emily from the minute she posted on here. Unless she has been watching the site and reading a bit of it, like you have, I doubt she would have automatically picked up on the writing style.

And Emily like to call ME manipulative, but I am manipulative on little things and at least i can admit it. Emily is the BIG manipulator here. I'm not saying you can't agree with her. Just make sure you understand 100% what she REALLY means in her posts before you do. That's all I'm going to say.


I can see how diversity makes a population seem more attractive. You simply have more colors to choose from. In the end though it depends on the individual. It doesn't matter if your race has tons of colors. In the end if the most attractive girl in every aspect has black hair and brown eyes, that is what your getting. It's not like you get to screw 50 women with 50 diff. hair and eye color combinations. In the end it's about 1 girl. So diversity ends there. You get what you get. If you get a blue eyed blonde, your diversity ends there. You will see blue eyes and blonde hair everyday. Period.

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 00:47 Godis Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


Nobody said you can't agree with Emily. I just disagree that blonde hair and blue eyes are the most feminine. I don't think that colors are really feminine or masculine, except how you said, in extremes. But, I do think brown eyes or say hazel eyes are warmer toned and therefore slightly more feminine than sharp blue eyes. Similarly, I feel warm hair colors are more feminine. Maybe I'm being slightly biased, but I do feel blue eyes are too light most of the time. I like grey eyes on guys though, I agree grey eyes are masculine.

I probably do have an ego problem but who are you to judge anyways? Another thing I don't get is how nobody judges Emily for her ego problem. The girl's every argument centers on how HER race is better than anyones. You claim her terms for dark colors "vulgar" and "impure" are subjective? That's all you could say about that! They are downright rude! How the hell is a hair color "impure"? Get real people. Get real. She obviously feels the degrade anything non-nordic.

Lastly, I don't recall calling Scandinavian skin "pig pink". I think I just referred to it as pink. I did call Nordic noses pig noses, but that is a whole different story. If I did call it that I was probably angry and not serious, and of course I'm sorry. But the truth is I don't like pink skin. I get how other people can like it, but I can't! I just don't find it attractive. Big deal. I'm sorry but the photo you posted of the Nordic girl with pink skin doesn't appeal to me. I think she is very pretty and feminine, but I think if it were just her cheeks that were pink and not her skin she would look better. Hey, I can have my preferences too. I have pink cheeks, and the skin on my face can sometimes look slightly pink if I drink a bit of wine or when I used to run. That's when I take the cover up out. lol Some people have told me I look good right after running. So there you go, some people like pink skin. And ok ok, its technically a "skin tone". W/E.

As for where I live, how can you possibly know that? Honestly. By my writing style? Ok. W/E. I'll never say on here where I live. I guess I can convince myself Barberella is not Emily, but in the back of my mind I will always feel like she is. But I def. don't think you are Emily, although I have a slight suspicion too. I am always a bit suspicious Emily creates alter egos to appear nicer and more objective. I don't think you are one, but I always will suspect Barberella subconciously no matter how hard I try not to. For now, I'll just treat them as different people and stop accusing.

And one of your photos, the one where she is in a swimsuit, is bad. That is just not a good representation. I also want to add that Rose McGowan is not ideal. I know she is in Erik's attractive women's section but I think she isn't all that feminine:

Rose McGowan Pictures, Images and Photos

rose mcgowan Pictures, Images and Photos

Rose McGowan 30 Pictures, Images and Photos


What can I say. You always find a way to bring up the whole "blue eyed blonde thing". As a blonde, I understand the bias. I do. But, at the same time it's lame you can just barely see the beauty in other things. I mean you tried. You really tried. But after you added some compliments of dark hair you called it "vulgar" and "impure". Please.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 22:52 Karen Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Oh, now I know how I posted that email by accident! Silly me! I am like dyslexic and I have trouble spelling words or I sometimes add an extra letter or something. I have a list of words I can never spell. One of them is darken. I always spell it darkin. So, I copied my classmates email which is darken.dtec@ etc. etc. So, that is how it got on there. Please take it off Erik Thanks!

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 22:35 Karen Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I didn't add my name before, but obviously it is Karen. I posted all the photos up above. Please don't hate me because I agree with Emily that blonde hair is more feminine! I am not a blonde BTW! I am a red head:) Yes, I do think red hair is more feminine although it is a flamboyant hair color!

I didn't agree with Emily 100% though, because I am an objective person.

I have been watching this site for a while!

I have a few more notes:


I noticed the tension between you and Emily. I think it was mean in a post where you said that you didn't like "pink pig skin" or something like that. If you look at the photo of the blonde girl with "pink" skin above, you can see that pink skin is very attractive. Besides, her skin is not actually pink. It is her skin tone that is pink.

I also think you have ego problems too! Sorry, but you do. But I do have to say that I agree that Asians and other races can be attractive too. Not just Nordics. That is why I tried to post photos of Asians too. I got most of these photos from the site by the way.

I also wanted to note that I think Barberella is telling the truth. I can tell by her writing style that she is from the Great Lakes area. I am from that area too. I actually think from your writing style you are too!

I'd also like to note that I noticed there is an email on one of my posts. This is one of my classmates email. I don't know how I accidentally posted it. I don't remember copying it? Erik, if there is any way you can take it off I would appreciate it because even though they may never find it I don't think they'd be too happy if they knew I accidentally posted it on a public forum. They are in my chemistry class and we are doing a group project and we will be using the internet for it, so I hope we don't come across it! Thanks!

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 22:23 Karen Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I got this photo off of one of Emily's post. This is the case where a bright blonde hair color is offset by the skin tone. See how her skin tone is pink? This makes her look more feminine overall. See how her eyes are blue, but not too light? She has a very feminine eye color. Her eyes are not black brown or grey. They are blue, which are probably more feminine than just plain brown eyes. However plain brown eyes are neutral. They are really not masculine unless really dark.


Thu, 08/13/2009 - 22:16 Karen Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

First I would like to note that Emily's photos contrasting how blonde hair can be more feminine are innacurate. In her first set of photos she has dark haired women at premieres where there is camera flash and the lighting is generally harsh, while her photos of blonde women feature studio lighting and obvious airbrushing. Except for the photo of Naomi Watts, however the photo has obviously been altered since there are white smokey streaks all over the bottom near the bottom of her hair, face, and neck. I doubt Emily did this, but one must note it.

I have to say that to a certain extent I can agree that blonde hair is more feminine. First of all, generally light colors are considered more feminine. Lighter skin and lighter hair. I do think lighter eyes are up to debate though and I can explain that later. Children often do have lighter hair and as they grow it will darken. This is primarily true in Caucasian children however, and not other children. However, anyone could say that as we age our hair lightens as well.

Either way, I know for a fact that light hair will direct the eye away from the faults and imperfections in the face, while darker hair will direct the eye to any faults or imperfection in the face. That is why as most women get older, they try to look younger by lightening their hair.

However, does this mean that dark hair is masculine? I doubt it. I can see how darker colors can be viewed as more masculine and lighter colors more feminine. However, a woman that is feminine will look feminine whether she has light or dark hair. A masculine woman with light hair will look only slightly better, because the light hair will take away any concentration of her masculine features. However, a beautiful feminine woman with soft features will look just as feminine with dark hair. This is because she does not need blonde hair to soften anything up. She is soft and feminine in the first place.

Elizabeth Taylor for example:

elizabeth taylor Pictures, Images and Photos

Now does this mean that a feminine woman with blonde hair will appear more feminine than an equally feminine woman with dark hair? NO. This is simply because once someone is as feminine as they need to be, any additional femininity won't do much. Too much femininity isn't attractive anymore anyways. Besides, dark hair does add a sexy and mysterious edge. It would be nice to have soft feminine features with a touch of mystery and sexiness, and that is something that dark hair can accomplish.

Then we have a small dilemna. The masculine features are the really extreme features. There are extreme shades of blonde. Once you get to that extreme shade, I think anyone can agree the feminine aspect of soft blonde hair, diminishes. White blonde hair starts to look harsh. Of course with the right skin tone and rosy cheeks to balance it out, it won't. However, really white blonde hair can have a masculine edge as well. It's an extreme hair color. People who dye their hair platinum blonde are not trying to be more feminine, nor do they look more feminine because their hair is that color. People who dye their hair that color either want to look more interesting, or they want attention. It's a LOOK AT ME, flamboyant hair color.

So the closer you are to either side of the light dark spectrum, the more masculine that color will be. Anything in between is more feminine, although the closer you get to the lighter colors the more feminine. However, after a point the lighter color starts to go towards masculine. White hair and black hair is harsh. Period. These are extremes.That's my point.

Now I don't believe that light eyes colors are more feminine. This is because light eye colors appear more cat like. They are piercing and cold. These are not feminine qualities. On the other hand, I think light eye colors are extremely sexy. I think eyes are similar to hair color. The closer you are to either extreme, the more harsh and extreme the color. Eyes that are so dark they appear black are more masculine appearing. Eyes that are so light are more masculine appearing. Anything in between is well in between.

In the end though, I think color has little to do with femininity. Color can suggest either or, but in the end it is in the bone structure, body shape, fat placement, etc. Color is something that is great, but not very solid. A person's frame is more important. It doesn't matter if you have the perfect and most feminine shade of blonde hair, if a woman with black hair and black eyes with a better figure comes along, she has lost to the competition. That is unless someone puts more value on a certain feature, such as hair and eye color, over body shape and structure. This is usually a fetish though.

I'd like to address some of Emily's other statements regarding this subject:

Emily, you claim that even Italian painters depicted beautiful women as blonde. Yes. They also depicted the ideal man as having a small penis, but that doesn't mean it is ideal or what every woman desires.

Louvre Italian sculpture - Michaelangelo Pictures, Images and Photos

Describing blonde hair and light features as: romantic, pure and innocent, and dark hair as: vulgar and impure is not good way to make a point. Those are subjective terms. Although many times they can be described in subjective terms, for example I claimed dark hair and eyes are more mysterious, it is still not a good way to argue anything.

I also always disagree with your notion of what is romantic. Romance is strong. It is associated with blood red roses, blood red lips, dark hair, and dark eyes. This is because Romantic is a latin word! The latins invented the word and made the idea popular. Latins are dark. Latins are stereotyped as being more passionate. Passion is romantic. Are you making the connections? If you want to argue that anything is romantic you have to consider the origins of romanticism.

Now I don't believe that blondes cannot be romantic. FAR FROM IT! But I do have to say that the meaning of Romantic has a cultural tie to it. That is the culture of the Latins. You absolutley dismiss that culture when you claim that dark features are NEVER romantic.

You also claim that in literature romantic women are portrayed as light and blonde. This is not true. What about the greatest romance stories of all time? What about gone with the wind? Both characters have strong coloring, which is viewed as romantic. The women's name is Scarlet, a romantic and rich color associated with passion. Get it? Deep, rich, passionate, strong= romantic.

Gone with the wind Pictures, Images and Photos

Now in one of my all time favorite movies, the Notebook, which was equally as romantic, both characters are light featured:

the notebook Pictures, Images and Photos

So I am not saying that light features are not romantic. I am saying that the idea of what is romantic is tied to a rich culture, and that culture heavily emphasizes dark and rich features. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that dark and rich features cannot be romantic.

I would also like to add that although light hair can be viewed as more feminine, dark features can be viewed as healthy too because dark hair is usually thick and rarely unhealthy. Blonde hair is often limp and fine. So the color makes up for the texture, and its nice that its soft, but it never looks as full as dark hair. So, I believe it balances out.

Here are some more beautiful women with dark hair and dark eyes that are feminine. Their dark features enhance their beauty:

Amrita Rao:

amrita rao Pictures, Images and Photos

amrita rao Pictures, Images and Photos

Salma Hayek:

Salma Hayek Pictures, Images and Photos

Natalie Wood:

Natalie Wood Pictures, Images and Photos

Natalie Wood Pictures, Images and Photos

Audrey Hepburn:

Audrey Hepburn Pictures, Images and Photos

Ashley Judd:


Rose McGowan:

Rose McGowan Pictures, Images and Photos

Mackenzie Rosman:

1 Pictures, Images and Photos

Lacey Chabert:

lacey chabert Pictures, Images and Photos

Camilla Belle:

camilla belle Pictures, Images and Photos
























Thu, 08/13/2009 - 20:07 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by Emily on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 19:53.
''In truth, this will always be more feminine and attractive..''

In truth femininity will always be feminine, femininity will be more feminine than non-femininity or masculinity thats reasonable I can agree with that.LOL. Attractivness is assessable.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 19:53 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

""The Nordic fair woman has been idealized and adored throughout history, and has been the icon of beauty, and this because she is objectively AND subjectively regarded as more feminine and sweet."

I, and many others, have posted profound levels of evidence against this, and you can do nothing but spew your own bile and post photos."

No, you have not. Why do you lie?

As for spewing bile, anyone who reads your comment can see you are projecting on me your own sins.

In truth, this will always be more feminine and attractive..

than this....

This has nothing to do with "contempt" for people, it has everything to do with femininity and beauty, which this site is about. Try to understand the difference.

You just can't stand that white women of Nordic type are more feminine and beautiful, on average, and that most other women don't compare when you assess and compare femininity.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 19:32 marie The aesthetics of the eyebrows

The nose looks like an alien that got there by accident and doesn't know where to fit in.

just like Ashwariya`s grey eyes got there by accident? or do you think she wears contacts?

not everything you see is fake you know. so what about peter`s straight and upturned that also a result of a nose job?
i have seen many indians in real life with straight upturned noses.
YOU are beyond naive

I suggest something ... take a trip to India so you can see the diverse type of people and appreciate the rich culture for what it is instead of sitting your fat ass on the pc all day and spewing hate.

also what about mallika`s features and face shape...if you think thats close to negroid then your blind. also she has a very feminine physique. look at her ass and see if it looks negroid lol

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 19:16 Violetcorpus Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

In these posts, I've never seen Emily proclaim nordic beauty as the ideal until now. I mean, she's given evidence to it, but she's never outright done it until now, albeit she has trashed on slavs before. She's pretty much argued for white women generally being more beautiful.

Considering how she bespeaks not only of nordic cranio facial features and body structure (a profoundly variable trait) being envied the world over, and painting non-whites, especially east asians, as lustful, destructive, nihilistic beings who only care for the beauty of nordic white women, I guess this must really apply to non-nordic whites too, since THEY really can't get enough of that blonde hair either!

Emily seems to hold profound contempt in her heart for about 95% of the world's populace.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 19:12 Violetcorpus Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Are you an idiot? They are of two people - a man and a woman - before and after plastic surgery to get rid of their mongoloid traits."
They are only AFTER PHOTOS. That's why I said it doesn't tell us much compared to how they looked BEFORE.
"As you clearly are an idiot I apparently have to explain that the upper three pictures of the man are him prior to the operations, and the lower three photos show him after the completion of the operations."

Yeah, I guess I'm an idiot because I couldn't percieve it's the same person since they look so incredibly different afterwards. Once again, male beauty is MUCH more variable than female beauty. Putting up pictures of asian males is inane.

"Yes, indeed, you are an idiot. I know it is supposed to be their opinion. I was asking you if it is also yours, since I find it hard to believe anyone could actually believe in that obvious lie."

You didn't ask with me, you and your little clone Barbarella ran with it and spammed pictures of light eyed women.

And... you HONESTLY don't believe someone can hold such a view?

Emily. Listen to me. Amazingly, light eyes aren't a universally attractive trait. You might understand this if you would shut the hell up for once and drop your nordic fetish, FOR ONCE.

"Lighter hair and eyes suggests femininity, vulnerability and a need for protection, purity and youth ( children have lighter pigmentation, lighter hair etc)."

Hahaha, NO, neotenic traits are NOT across the board considered more attractive. THIS SITE ARGUES AGAINST THAT. Prominent epicanthic folds and flattened nasal bridges are also more neotenic traits, but you of course would NEVER consider those to be attractive. By the way, just how is lighter hair going to be considered innately more attractive, as a function of neoteny, when this is only visible amongst light-haired humans, a VERY infrequent trait?

"Blonde/blondish hair and light eyes have always inspired men to be protective and to be emotional rather than just sexual. Traditionally the romantic heroine is portrayed as blonde, fair, and with blue eyes."

Proof of this. Have non-white cultures depicted their romantic heroines with hair and eye colors unnatural to them?

"Blackish/dark brown eyes and hair are a very uniform and monotonous colour that is found all over the world with little variation. Women with those colours have always envied the blonde and light-eyed Nordic woman and tried to emulate her through bleaching, plastic surgery and contact lenses - seeing in her a romantic, soft and feminine ideal that men dream of."

No. They. HAVEN'T. Why is blonde hair dye a rarity in east asia? What about all the whites that don't have these traits? Did you know that, after red hair, blonde hair is the LEAST common among whites? I'm a white male. I've never noticed all the non-blonde and non-light eyed colors eyeing the ones with those traits with horrendous envy.

"The very dark colours are generally more suited to men since they are more aggressive, masculine and strong. There is nothing feminine about blackish eyes and black hair. If a woman is feminine and dark she will be so in spite of her dark colours - not because of them."

You can do nothing to support this outside of metaphoric associations or outright denying non-white peoples with little western contact not liking these colors. By the way, wouldn't men with these colors be more feminine?

"The blackish/darkbrown colour in itself adds absolutely nothing in terms of sweetness, femininity and softness."

Still waiting for some objective proof of this, my corrosive little nordic fetishist.
By the way:

"This frequency dependence has been shown in humans. Thelen (1983) presented male participants with slides showing attractive brunettes and blondes and asked them to choose, for each series, the woman they would most like to marry. One series had equal numbers of brunettes and blondes, a second 1 brunette for every 5 blondes, and a third 1 brunette for every 11 blondes. Result: the rarer the brunettes were in a series, the likelier any one brunette would be chosen. This rare-color preference is also shown in a Gene Expression (2008) study that found an overrepresentation of blondes and dark brunettes on the front covers of Maxim magazine in relation to the white American population. Women with the more common light brown hair were underrepresented. This frequency-dependent preference may have produced the wide range of human hair and eye phenotypes we see today."

Man, what's wrong with these guys?!?!

"The Nordic woman with her gracile"

East asians have lower testosterone features, thus softer bones and thus more gracile facial features.

"and harmonious facial features,"

Not a single ethnic group holds a monopoly on facial symmetry. This is a profoundly variable physical trait.

"blonde hair and sparkling lighter blue, green or grey eyes hold a special place in men's hearts."

Only in the minds of demented little nordic fetishists like you, who love to block out or twist anything that goes against them.

"Throughout history women with light colours, white skin, blonde hair and light eyes, have been the ideal as portrayed in art, so this is hardly something new."

Hah, even in cultures where these were non-existent?

"Look at angels and mythological figures in art. Overwhelmingly they have been visualized blonde with Nordish colours, often uncharacteristicly for the region in which the painter himself worked (Italian painting, for example)."

Bullshit. Greeks and Romans almost never portrayed their mythological figures with light hair colors, for example. Please trash on non-nordic whites some more, please.

"The rarity of these colours have also added to the mystique and the admiration."

Which is pretty much the only reason its like that. By the way, in a previous discussion, someone pointed out how blonde hair can show less of a contrast on very white skin. While this is variable due to lighting conditions, under some, it can look just... bad. The same can hold true for darker women with dark hair, though. But it's dependent on lighting conditions.

"Wrong. Hair colour and eye colour are very much related to femininity. Soft, light and sweet colours are more feminine on average than hard, blackish-brown ones, and therefore add to the femininity of a woman."

Soft, light, and sweet on the basis of what? Metaphors?

"That is why dark-haired women all over the world constantly bleach their hair."

PROOF. OF. THIS. Again, blonde hair is a RARITY in east asia.

"Dark colours can add sexyness in a non-emotional way, and sometimes vulgarity. The hardness of black takes away softness, sweetness, vulnerability and femininity - things men need in order to feel romantic and protective."

Once again on the basis of your idiotic metaphors. Hey Emily- I prefer dark hair, and like really feminine looking women. Dark hair doesn't at all come off to me as a "masculine" color. What's wrong with me??!?!

"The "evidence" lies in the visuals. I don't need any evidence in order to state something men and women have been aware of throughout the ages. Asking for that only makes you seem ridiculous."

To hell with the evidence, let me just photos of dark haired wops with masculine facial features compared to light haired nordics with more feminine features, along with baseless coverings of human history. I do this because I have nothing else!

"The Nordic fair woman has been idealized and adored throughout history, and has been the icon of beauty, and this because she is objectively AND subjectively regarded as more feminine and sweet."

I, and many others, have posted profound levels of evidence against this, and you can do nothing but spew your own bile and post photos.

"Dark women come across as dynamic, sexy, sultry and also impure at times. They play on those things since that is what they often transmit. Blackish brown colour adds hardness, and therefore contradicts femininity."

I guess this must mean white men are really feminine.

"Of course, but not only there but in many other men's hearts as well. Men are romantics, you see, but there is a certain physical ideal that will bring out that side in men more easily.
Painters know this, for example, and often use the natural blonde beauty in works where love and emotion is being suggested."

Yeah, pretty much in Renaissance paintings.

You really amaze me, Emily. There has been so much opposition to you. Some of it vitriolic, but much of it well backed up. For other people amazed by this insane little cretin, just search her name on this site. She just won't stop, no matter how hilariously refuted she is.

I mean hey, Emily, I posted some of that evidence too! I posted opinions of japanese who've had minor contact with westerners, who thought light hair and eyes were unappealing, and you THINK ITS A LIE.

You are goddamned WARPED.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 17:05 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

If you think that is her untouched, original nose you are beyond naive. It screams nose job. And yes, I do think she looks like a mulatto in many photos.

The nose looks like an alien that got there by accident and doesn't know where to fit in.

Ooops, where did my Indian nose go? It used to be three times larger!

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 16:44 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Are you serious?....she has more Nordic featues/refined. straight upturned nose,"

Are you serious? lol You mention a feature that is obviously not her own. You just have to look at her face to see that her nose is altered. She, like almost all Indian actresses has had a nose job.

Yes, indeed, her nose almost looks Nordic..coincidence? I think not. Those are the features you Indians admire and envy.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 16:35 anonymous Estradiol and face shape in women

''I believe there is a limit and beauty falls short of perfect correlation with femininiy''

Should Read

I believe there is a limit and beauty falls short of perfect correlation with femininity and beauty (parts related specifically to beauty).

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 16:22 Indian Autos Blog Fashion models with and without make-up

I just saw the movie "War" and OMG!! Devon looks so hot in it. Having a look at her here without make up, is well, scary!

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 16:10 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

link | Submitted by Emily on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 14:35.

''Aishwarya's lighter and softer colours give her more femininity.''

link | Submitted by Emily on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 14:35.

''She also has the typical unattractive Indian skin colour''


''Aishwaryas lighter and softer colours''??? ''unattractive Indian skin colour''??? (middle one)

Aishwaryas ''lighter and softer colours'' Hell yeah!
No one was contrasting Mallika against aishwarya with respect to lighter features and in any case if you wanted to make your point about softer and lighter features your using the wrong people in south asia to make it.

South Asia- ''lighter and softer colours''

link | Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 11:10.

''in terms of overall looks Mallika has the edge over aishwarya.''

link | Submitted by Erik on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 19:02.

Leroy: With respect to South Asian norms, Mallika Sherawat appears to have normal/average masculinity-femininity and above average attractiveness.

ink | Submitted by Erik on Thu, 04/05/2007 - 20:12.

Barry: Aishwarya Rai looks decent, but she is not an example of feminine beauty. With respect to masculinity-femininity, she is normal. Her face may look feminine in some pictures, mostly from her twenties and especially if they are airbrushed, but her physique is not feminine.

ink | Submitted by Erik on Sat, 04/07/2007 - 21:04.

Barry: Look carefully at Aishwarya Rai’s pictures, especially shoulder-width to hip-width ratio, width of rib cage, flattened backside, etc. She is not feminine.

link | Submitted by Erik on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 17:54.
Simon: If you look at her physique though, there is no doubt that Aishwarya is not feminine, though once again one would not call her manly. Her backside is flattened, her ribcage is broad, her shoulders and waist lean toward wide and her physique doesn’t come anywhere close to an hourglass figure.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 15:53 A Perfect 10 In... The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Children, children, children........... can we just make nice now and agree that this world is full of beautiful (and ugly) people everywhere. Or, as we do in the great United States of America, just "agree to disagree"???

Here kids, have some samosas and hot chai.

Courtesy of your loving and domesticated Indian Auntie

Hugs and smiles.....

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 15:39 marie The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I haven`t laughed so hard....emily your a joke ... a BIG FAT JOKE!
your last entry proves it.
i dont have time to post pics at the moment but whats this?
Dark, hard and unfeminine woman with coarse, almost negroid features.

Are you serious?....she has more Nordic featues/refined. straight upturned nose, no robust cheekbones, gracile jaw etc.
if anything Ashwariya looks more Indian...hooked nose, thick lips, round and robust face.
wow so its all down to pigmentation then?
so as long as the indians have light skin, blue eyes they are attractive?
i can post pics of mallika`s body and face when she was younger to show you how ridiculous you sound
she is feminine! get over it
if not i think erik can help
Erik do you think mallika is masculine and looks negroid?

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 15:09 Emily Estradiol and face shape in women

"As respect to unattractive features if you give and take depending on the number of unattractive features an individual has they will not neccesserily diminish ones overall attractivness for example a single unattractive feature can add to ones overall attractivness by giving one as you noted somewhere else in this website a strange appeal"

Well, that would probably not include the infamous Indian nose or their hard, unfeminine and dark colours and facial features, for example. I suppose there is a limit to everything.

