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Mon, 08/10/2009 - 11:48 A Perfect 10 Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Look at this collage, featuring upper caste Hindus, presumably from the Northern regions, and specifically note the ethnic characteristics. In this collage, all people shown are ordinary Indians, not models or actors. The images are not supposed to be representative, but my point will become clear shortly. These Indians will be found to be among the better looking ordinary Indians by Indians in general because their face shapes are closer to European norms and also because their skin is lighter, on average. These Indians will also be found to be among the better looking ordinary Indians by Swedes because their face shapes are closer to European norms – skin color will usually not be an issue for Swedes or Europeans in general"............

Erik, how do you know that is a collage of upper caste Hindus? Did the site you got it from say that?

Also, that collage does not represent what Indians would think is "good looking". As an Indian I know. We have very high standards of beauty because we have really beautiful people amongst us. I assure you that none of the men in that collage represent what an average Indian woman would consider "handsome" or what an average Indian man would aspire to look like. Although maybe non-Indians would find them attractive - I can't speak for them.

As far as Aishwarya, there are many women in India who have her face shape. She is a beautiful woman, but who can say she is the most beautiful in the world? We would have to see ALL the women in the world first and then decide.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 10:56 A Perfect 10 The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"The Northern muslim kashmiris and the Pashtun/Pathan tribes of north west frontier of pakistan have the craved for features and beauty the south asians (india/pakstan) admire."

Ever been there? I can assure you that I do not crave for the features of most Pakis and Kashmiris I've met. However, there are some of them that are very good looking, just like you get some very good looking people everywhere in the world, but most people look just sort of "OK" at best.

My Indian ideal is the SOUTH Indian - Sendhi Ramamurthy. He has beautiful chocolate skin and does not have a hook nose, neither does John Abraham, another Southie Hottie. However, Hritik Roshan, who has a strong almost hook nose is also good looking. Perhaps he has some Pashtun in him as well. Shah Rukh Khan claims Pathan blood, and no, he's NOT hot looking.

I like Punjabi sardars with their long hair and poetic features.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 07:26 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

link | Submitted by A Perfect 10 on Sun, 08/09/2009 - 21:11.

"Wrong. Actually a prominant and slightly hooked nose was once a characteristic of "classical Indian beauty" in old poetry, but NOT something we all had - just wished for."

The Northern muslim kashmiris and the Pashtun/Pathan tribes of north west frontier of pakistan have the craved for features and beauty the south asians (india/pakstan) admire.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 04:59 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Barberella on Sun, 08/09/2009 - 23:34.

"anonymous, I find it funny that you just can't leave this alone!LOL...Every time you see something I post you just have to respond, it's like throwing a dog a ball. Run, anonymous, go fetch!!!HaHaHaHa"

There is no logical/valid reason for me to fetch that which was always in my hand LOL. Im ecstatic to hear the above is the way you see everything as thats EXACTLY how you should be seeing it and exactly how I WANT you to be seeing it as at least Im confident in the knowledege that I know Im on the ball but where are you??? your far far off the mark sister...sorry I mean Joker! SO er you wanna play catch? LOL. What a Joker!

"You and your "rubbish", that's barely readable...

Have a nice life, and no, you're still unable to make sense."

For all the "unable to make sense rubbish" that was still worth responding to it says alot about you...

"Why does someone like yourself, with such an intense dislike of White women who express their pride come, to a site that clearly focuses mainly on women who look like me, and NOT YOU..."

If thats the impression/feeling you get and how you wanna see things feel welcome Im not under any obligation to prove otherwise nor offer explainations to you why I come to the site but im glad your getting the message. An interest in beauty does not put me under an automatic obligation to be enamoured and blown away by european looks which cearly by now you have probably gathered im not. You dont need to point out to me what the site is about and what it focuses on "to a site that clearly focuses mainly on women who look like me, and NOT YOU..." I have never made any claims to the contrary love. There is nothing that states non-europeans are not welcome to browse the site so unless you can offer me evidence to the contrary you are welcome to enjoy making a fool of yourself.

"You need not respond, really, what you think, will never matter to me, and your looks are not the topic here, mine are, and maybe that's what's got you so angry?

I can respond to what I like you are not anyone to stop me. If what I think will never matter to you then the question is what are you/have you been wasting your time responding to me for? Nothing better to do with your time Love?If anyone in that case need not respond it is you so LETS SEE IT.

"Don't know, don't care either."

I agree you cant care about what you dont know by virtue of the fact you dont know it.


Mon, 08/10/2009 - 01:54 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

One more thing to add:

Even if I did need approval it would not equate to me being unattractive.

If the most beautiful woman on Earth were to exist, she too could be convinced she is not beautiful or inadequate.

I would also like to note that the only true reason I was posing as a girl in distress is to get a certain response from Erik. If I were to ask my questions any other way,
I feel Erik may not respond in the manner I wish for him to respond. This is because I am usually very accusing on this website, so naturally Erik would respond in a different manner if I were to ask my personal questions in the way I usually adress Erik on this site. He actually may not respond at all actually. I'm not saying this would work, but I am naturally psychologically manipulative. Honestly, most of the times I don't even try. This doesn't mean I am an overall dishonest person though. It is simply the way I analyze people and situations. Everyone is to a certain extent manipulative like this. No one can't tell me that when they were younger and they wanted something they didn't ask in a nicer or different manner than they would usually ask. Unfortunatley, since Barberella and Emily keep accusing me of having self-esteem issues, I have to completley diminish this act. I, like any other person will have issues with myself but not to the extent you two, Emily and Barberella, believe me to have or to the extent I had led on,on this site.

And no one is questioning that Emily is attractive. I believe she is an attractive woman. I admitted many times that Nordic women are on average more attractive than other women, so Emily has the benefit of the doubt.

I don't think Emily is the way she is because she is unattractive. An unattractive woman would not post photos of skinny tanned bleach blonde barbie type women to prove how attractive women like her, Nordic women, are. Naturally,I believe Emily to be somewhat similar to the photos of the women she posts, and therefore logically she must be attractive. Even if she were not like the photos of the women she posts, she is confident enough in her looks to post these photos. However, I think Emily believes that the world is against the Nordic race and it is her job to defend them to the bone. I agree to a certain extent. It seems everything "white" people do is wrong. Then, especially here in the United States, everyone but white people get exceptions. An average white person will not get into a university as easily as a below average African American person will for example. This is because every sytsem these days is designed to pay for the white man's past mistakes it seems. However, to a certain extent, this doesn't work. No white person is responsible for what their ancestors have done, and it doesn't make sense to make a right with two wrongs. The system needs to be changed, I agree.

There is nothing wrong with helping minorities. It is understandable that these communities have a hard time advancing because even today there is prejudice and racism. However, the way we are solving this problem is not working. Clearly.

Similarly, now there is prejudice and racism from both sides. It is true that a anyone else can be proud of their race except the white person. Hopefully all that will change. Everyone should be proud of who they are and why they are what they are. However, taking it to a certain extent is just letting your ego run your life. The ego is a very primitive thing and exists for very small and specific purpose. It should not be allowed to grow beyond that.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:59 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Emily is right,you're not athletic"

How can you possibly know that? My body does have athletic features, but even if it didn't, all you would have is your assumptions but you could never possibly know how athletic I was until you have seen me perform feats requiring athleticism.

Also, my sex drive is important, because supposedly pretty women with hourglass figures never think about sex.LOL

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:57 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

And I am not saying that features shifted towards Northern European are not the ideal. They truly are. However, why do we say shifted towards Northern European? I believe that Northern Europeans on average exhibit these well balanced features, but why claim they are theirs? I believe these features are attractive because they are middle features. Well balanced and proportional. Northern Europeans hold a monopoly on these features, however, as someone else mentioned before, just because someone wants more balanced features it does not mean they are tyring to look Northern European.

Similarly, I believe a true beauty is one who is overall balanced but has a feature that is off. A feature that evokes wonder and interest, that beautifully blends into what it seems it should not blend into, and at the same time remains strong, unique, and is characteristically hers.. Many of us yearn for such a feature.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:51 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

sorry I meant to write can, not cannot

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:50 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

That is your denial that a woman who is not Nordic cannot be beautiful in every way...

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:49 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Pretty, confindent girls don't have to seek attention and approval like you are doing."

What you fail to understand is in the end none of this is for your approval. You fail to understand the psychology I am using on you. Hopefully it will wake you up to reality and take you out of your denial

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:44 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I find it so funny how I am the one being called a Narcissist, when Emily is the one whom from day one has posted countless arguments as to why HER Sweden has the most beautiful women on Earth.

Of course, Emily is Nordic, and she argues that Nordics are the most attractive people on average and that no other Caucasian sub-race can compete. How is this not narcissistic? How is she not showering herself and those like her with compliments every time she posts something on here? On top of that Emily degrades others in the process. At least I do not degrade whole countries like she does!

I posted my photos up for various reasons. One reason was to prove to Emily that I have absolutley nothing to be jealous about. I am attractive on my own, and there is no reason I argue with her based on envy of the Nordic race. I know very well where I get my looks from, it would be quite obvious to anyone who met my 100% Romanian mother as well.

My other reason is to hear Erik's opinion as to why I look the way I do, but am not feminine in many other ways. I don't know if I have high estrogen levels, but I do know that during fetal development I had high testosterone levels which is the reason my index finger is significantly shorter than my ring finger, something common among men. My finger lengths are not in the normal range for women, but for men. Why is that? I would assume a woman that was exposed to high testosterone levels at any time should not have an hourglass shape, with fat in the right places, with at least a C cup, etc. Get the drift? Something isn't adding up here...

I have asked other questions, ones not related to myself on this site. I, unlike Emily, am able to admire the beauty of those not like myself. I admire Asian eyes. I like epicanthal folds. I can see many types of beauty. Maybe this has to do with the fact that I am an artist, and artists can see things in a way ordinary people can't, just like a mathematician, for example, can see patterns where most people don't, but I really don't think I am taking a long shot by saying that one could find breath taking beauty outside of the Nordic race. Also,since when has beauty become a product? Would everyone be happy if every woman was basically the same with slight customizations for each man?

On another note I find it hilarious how now I am "Southern European and Latin" where before I was an "Eastern European". Is this because it is now more convenient to refer to me that way, as it is easier to associate me with women who allegedly gain weight easier? Because if you said this about Eastern European women, then everyone would laugh in your face. But no, now the fact that I am Eastern European has mysteriously disappeared. Instead I am now not associated with Slavic broad faced women, but with fat Latin women. It is interesting how facts are presented in a different manner for the convenience of the points you try to make Emily and Barberella...


What is the point of telling me you are six years older than me and weigh less? Who cares? Why are you and Emily so desperatley focusing on weight? My focus is not on weight, but my body shape. Weight is something that can be changed, body shape is not. Besides, I look good fat or skinny. Why the rush to be skinny when I look damn good fat as well? I can be comfortable either way and can change my weight like I change clothes, depending on how I feel about myself because I look good either way. I understand as I get older I'll gain weight easier, but I don't see that as a problem for myself in the future. No one in my immediate or extended family has weight issues. No one.

Besides Barberella, I have to post personal information such as my eye color because my biggest argument for why Romanians can be just as attractive as Nordics is because I as a Romanian am just as attractive as a Nordic. I, myself, am the biggest proof for this.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:29 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Should I talk about myself some more?

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:24 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Emily is right, you're not athletic, and women of your national origin DO tend to put on weight, you give way too much personal information, things that aren't relative to your looks, and that is the truly creepy thing, things that are too personal. Things about your romantic/sex life, for example. And countless other things.

Hi, I'm Barberella (Veronicka), and I'm 5'5", 114 lbs. My bra size is a 32c, or 34D, depending in the manufacterer. My shoe size is a 6, and my ring finger , which is shorter than my index finger, is a size 4. My waist is 23", and my hips are 35". I'm slender, medium hieght, light green eyes, that are more blue around the pupil. My hair is a dark, reddish blond.

The point of that, was to say that "um, who cares?"

I don't have to prove it's true. I get a great deal of positive feedback in real life, on a regular basis.

Emily's never had to post her photos, and for some reason, I totally believe that she looks like she says. Pretty, confindent girls don't have to seek attention and approval like you are doing.

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 00:08 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Emily is right about women of your national origin putting weight on, and you say it's the other way around.

I'm 6 years older than you, 5'5", and weigh 115 lb.

Bra size 32C,34D, dependant on manufacturer

waist 23.5"

hips 35.5"

shoe size 5 or 6

Yeah!!! Now it's all about me....

(Now do you see how ridiculous it looks, to read descriptions like this?)

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 23:54 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I go away for a weekend, I come back and now it appears that this site is now all about Godis, and her figure? Godis, you think Emily's creepy? You're the one who is constantly now, it appears, posting pics of yourself, but, of course, you want your privacy...hmmm

This site's not (or shouldn't be) about one particular commentator and HER own self, what difference does it make if you cut you're wallpaper out of your photo? Narcisistic much?

I guess you need reassurance from people on this website that you're feminine and attractive, don't people compliment you in real life?

This is just getting weird, I don't even know if I care to come back here because it's just not a normal discussion at all anymore, it's Godis' "Look at me" site.

I understand that you were asked to post the photos, but every post, in the last 3 days was about you...pretty much

Yes, we understand you're curvy, and feminine.

Is there any possible way, we can talk about, oh lets say....the topics? Ever again?

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 23:34 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

anonymous, I find it funny that you just can't leave this alone!LOL...Every time you see something I post you just have to respond, it's like throwing a dog a ball. Run, anonymous, go fetch!!!HaHaHaHa

You don't bother me, but it seems I bother you, as soon as I express my opinion, here you are......

You and your "rubbish", that's barely readable...

Have a nice life, and no, you're still unable to make sense.

Why does someone like yourself, with such an intense dislike of White women who express their pride come, to a site that clearly focuses mainly on women who look like me, and NOT YOU...

You need not respond, really, what you think, will never matter to me, and your looks are not the topic here, mine are, and maybe that's what's got you so angry? Don't know, don't care either.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 21:32 A Perfect 10 Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The Levantine (Dinaric) man pictured in number 5 (Syrian, Lebanese) has what would be considered in India "classic handsomeness".

We Indians have traditionally found the long, prominant and even slightly hooked nose to be considered "regal, aristocratic" and "distinguished". Such a nose was often described in our ancient and medieval poetry, and even now.

That is our aesthetic.

Unfortunately, not many Indian men have that type of nose, nor am I blessed with the nose of Aiswarya.

But there are enough of us that do (Punjabis) to keep the fetish going.

We also have a thing for thick, dark, but well-shaped eyebrows.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 21:11 A Perfect 10 The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, from one woman to another, you have an awesome figure - in ALL your pics - 20 pounds on or off.

As for this:

"He never proved me wrong since I am not wrong. A huge, hooked nose is a trademark of the Indians. There are always exceptions, but an exception does not change the rule."


Wrong. Actually a prominant and slightly hooked nose was once a characteristic of "classical Indian beauty" in old poetry, but NOT something we all had - just wished for.

Peter's nose is found all over the sub-continent. We have all kinds of noses. All kinds.

I am still partial to old concepts of "classic Indian beauty" (blame my grandmother) - I like strong, prominant and slightly hooked noses. Unfortunately the only Indians who seem to have that on any consistent basis are Punjabis.

Peter, are you Desi? At first glance I thought you were middle-eastern.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 18:57 A Perfect 10 Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

PS: by "blonde girl" I was referring to the pix of Keeley Hazel (Skeezy).

Not a 10 by a long shot.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 18:54 A Perfect 10 Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

The blonde girl's face pictured here looks ugly and masculine in the first two pics, but decent and somewhat feminine in the last two.

Peter - you have perfect, heart shaped lips. Not too big, not thin. Just kissable.

I also vote that you are better looking than the blonde girl pictured above, in any case - masculine or feminine.

Also - love the eyebrow threading, yaar.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 16:42 anonymous A preference for placement along the ancestral-to-derived discriminant in an European population

Submitted by Admin on Thu, 12/13/2007 - 14:48

"Yet, if I point out that non-Europeans prefer overall facial features among their co-ethnics that are somewhat shifted toward the more overall derived end of the ancestral-to-derived discriminant or seek aesthetic plastic surgery along this direction, then a number of people take it to mean that the implication is a preference for white/European features. No, the preference is for somewhat more overall derived facial features compared to the average of one's ethnic group, and it also exists among Europeans."

Possibly because you mentioned europeans have more overall derived features.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 16:40 anonymous Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"Therefore, the extent of Europeanization is not a correlate of beauty that applies within populations other than European, but placement along the overall ancestral-to-derived discriminant is a correlate of beauty that applies within all populations though not between populations"

As with some correlates of beauty there is obviously a limit before which something becomes unattractive/unappealing and in this case there must be a limit to how derived ones features are along the overall ancestral-to-derived line.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 15:49 anonymous Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?
Submitted by Admin on Sun, 06/11/2006 - 07:41"

It may not be possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations due to differences in ethnic features and so there exists different types of ethnic beauties/beauty but one "ethnic beauty" can be more attractive/beautifull than another based on a majority judgement.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 15:29 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis you have a nice physique it looks to be in the feminine range where in the femiine range im not sure but it looks either to be above average feminine or perhaps in the normal to feminone range.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 15:24 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Barberella on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 23:36.
"You still obviously don't get it, it is still preferable to be seen as, ahem, "Joker", since you obviously don't know many other words, than to be THE JOKE, THAT YOU ARE."

You dont have to proclaim loud and clear the "Joke" that you are by doing that your not going to stop being the "Joke" that you are!
