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Sun, 08/09/2009 - 08:11 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site 08/07/2009 - 11:39

by Violetcorpus link

" By the way, exactly WHAT makes a population with more hair and eye color diversity more objectively beautiful?"

Good question. Diversity is not an indicator nor evidence of a race being more "objectively" beautifull if anything it appears to indicate the opposite though perhaps for europeans as diversity signifies a greater variety of looks for them it indicates them being "objectively" more beautiful on a group level hence they have a higher opinion of the looks of there ethnic group but not on an individual level because they have the pick of different looks. This again is not evidence that more diverse looks of a race means they are "objectively" more beautifull it merely indicates that they are "objectively" more diverse. As one gets closer to beauty one narrows the gap down with respect to alot of features. Not every hair and eye colour is a correlate of beauty but even within this area one can narrow it down to a single hair and eye colour this is not to say people who are not of that hair and eyes colour cannot be more attractive that thoose who are of such a hair and eyes colour because in final judgement of beauty one takes the "overall" appearance of an indiviual into consideration when judging beauty and so give and take some features that may not be exclusively related directly to beauty these features may on an overall level still increase the "overall" attractiveness of an individual. Therfore in relation to hair and eyes colour a certain hair and eye colour maybe a correlate of beauty the question is which hair/eyes colour is "objectively" beautifull? I highly doubt that except perhaps for europeans it is light coloured eyes.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 07:44 anonymous The aesthetics of the eyebrows

link | Submitted by Visitor on Sun, 08/09/2009 - 05:58.

"You should know you will find nothing extraordinary about my face and that I am indeed what I say I am. A Romanian Hungarian German TurkishOttomanEmpirish?+God knows what else? Figure out what that looks like. lol"

The Turkish ottoman empire stretched so far including southern and central europe that it compromised people of various racial origons and many of the ancient turkish tribes had migrated to parts of india so you would need to be more specific when you say "TurkishOttomanEmpirish". Are you saying you believe you have turkish blood?

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 05:58 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Also, in order to tell race you have to provide a picture of your face, godis. You're the funny one for ignoring this. ;)"

Forget it, I am NEVER posting my face on here. Do you think I'm stupid? Once I post my face on here my identity will forever be known. Even if I remove the photos you would have them saved on your computer forever.

You should know you will find nothing extraordinary about my face and that I am indeed what I say I am. A Romanian Hungarian German TurkishOttomanEmpirish?+God knows what else? Figure out what that looks like. lol

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 05:01 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"You will have to be careful since you really have a tendency to put on weight, and metabolism will become slower as you get older. A lot of Southern European women are like that. They used to joke and say that Italian girls are slim - until they get married. Kate Winslet is another such type. She has a very good and feminine figure but she has a hard time maintaining it sometimes."

What you fail to realize is that I am a grand mix of Southern, Eastern, and Northern European DNA. Do not try to link weight issues with a specific European race. I doubt Italian women are really known to put on that much weight compared to Northern European women. I actually believe it to be quite the opposite. Right now Britain is having trouble with obese women, hence why the average bra size went up in the past few years. I don't read articles about Italy's obesity problem.

I don't have a tendency to put on weight. I have actually been underweight for the majority of my life. This is the most I've ever weighed and I still maintain a shape, unlike most women who by this time would be shapeless. I lose weight just as easily as I gain weight, that is what you have failed to comprehend.

I think that it just makes you feel better if you were to believe that I will continue to put weight on and would have a tendency towards being obese. Quite the contrary. If I try even a little I can easily improve my body. I highly doubt that I will put on much more weight because I am planning on losing some. Actually, my mother lost a significant amount of weight after all of her pregnancies even. I don't know if it was intentional or natural, but either way she didn't even seem to have a problem losing pregnancy weight. I am a lot like my mother so don't you worry, I won't be overweight for much longer and plan on staying a healthy weight my whole life even after that pregnancy period. One of my goals from a very young age was to never let myself get past a certain weight and look the best I can as best I can and I will stick to that.

Since I can show you that I have an hourglass figure, I am athletic,and I do have an oval face, you have little negative physical characteristics to associate with me. You keep mentioning a non-existant hooked nose, and now that you see that isn't working you will try to pin the "you're only going to get fatter and be a fat person your whole life" issue. You keep trying to find my faults. Don't worry, I have my faults. I am sure you are happy to hear that. But you wont know them and you won't know if they are physical or otherwise. Everyone has faults. No one is perfect or even close to perfect. There were many times I believed people to be extremely close to perfection physically, mentally, etc. only to find out they were oh so far away.

That is what makes life interesting. If everyone were perfect everyone would be boring.

I had a boyfriend say to me once, "Once you see 1 nice body, you have seen every nice body." That bummed me out. He had a point. There is an ideal body out there. There is a body every man out there wants. On the other hand, once you see a woman with an hourglass shape and big boobs and all the fat in all the right places, you have seen the perfect body and every body you see that is optimally attractive will look just like that one. What is the point? The point is that is boring. It made me feel bad for having an hourglass body. There is relativley little that is interesting about my body. Every woman has something unique or quarky about her body that a man loves. I don't. I have a pretty ideal body, but that is just it. It gets boring. It's fun but sad too, because I know that although I have a nice body there is nothing characteristic about it. I have to provide character in other aspects. Catch my drift?

A woman should embrace what makes her unique and shouldn't try to become the perfect "body". Once she achieves that she is physically boring. There is nothing interesting about her. Her looks will evoke little wonder or thought. At first maybe a bit of mezmerization and then nothing really. I think every woman will want to shift towards an hourglass body, but at the same time every woman should keep something that is characteristic to herself. If you have small breasts why get implants? You can't change them and implants will never be like real breasts. I say embrace your small breasts. Try to find what is attractive about them. If I had small breasts I'd only occasionaley wear a bra.If I wanted to be playful or tempt a guy I'd wear little slinky t-shirts that look as if they could be easily lifted off my body. It would drive him crazy! A girl with large breasts generally has to wear a bra. She can't go on a date with her boyfriend in a little slinky shirt because she'd have to wear a bra, how boring. That's what I hate about big breasts. It's actually harder to be sexy sometimes.

My cousin has small perky breasts and she takes advantage of that look. She doesn't make her breasts appear larger, she emphasizes what is attractive about her small breasts from their shape and perkiness to their low maintenance.If you asked anyone who they think they'd have more fun with in bed me or my cousin they would say my cousin right away. She has a cool laid back look to her. She is low maintenance. She goes skinny dipping, she barely has to cover up because she has little to cover up lol. She has long thin legs, little shoulders, a little waist, a little butt and little boobs. How can I be envious of her? Because she takes these things and makes them work to her advantage. She knows how to give her body sex appeal, even though it shouldn't be very appealing theoretically, it is appealing. She has tons of guys after her, even though she isn't trashy or a tramp. She taught me so much about what truly makes a woman attractive. It is the attitude, the charm, the way a woman works with what God has given her. Period. In the end sex appeal is all in the mind. My cousin has a beautiful mind and that translates to every cell in her body.

That is what I have learned from her. That is what I tell any other woman. Take what you have and make it beautiful. Don't be fake about it, just emphasize the good parts. And remember most of it is in the mind.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 04:36 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"You will have to be careful since you really have a tendency to put on weight, and metabolism will become slower as you get older. A lot of Southern European women are like that. They used to joke and say that Italian girls are slim - until they get married. Kate Winslet is another such type. She has a very good and feminine figure but she has a hard time maintaining it sometimes."

What you fail to realize is that I am a grand mix of Southern, Eastern, and Northern European DNA. Do not try to link weight issues with a specific race. I doubt Italian women are really known to put on that much weight compared to Northern European women. I actually believe it to be quite the opposite. Right now Britain is having trouble with obese women, hence why the average bra size went up in the past few years. I don't read articles about Italy's obesity problem.

I don't have a tendency to put on weight. I have been underweight for the majority of my life. This is the most I've ever weighed and I still maintain a shape, unlike most women who by this time would be shapeless. I lose weight just as easily as I gain weight, that is what you have failed to comprehend.

I think that it just makes you feel better if you were to believe that I will continue to put weight on and would have a tendency towards being obese. Quite the contrary. If I try even a little I can easily improve my body. I highly doubt that I will put on much more weight because I am planning on losing some. Actually, my mother lost a significant amount of weight after all of her pregnancies even. I don't know if it was intentional or natural, but either way she didn't even seem to have a problem losing pregnancy weight. I am a lot like my mother so don't you worry, I won't be overweight for much longer and plan on staying a healthy weight my whole life. One of my goals from a very young age was to never let myself get past a certain weight and look the best I can as best I can and I will stick to that.

You keep trying to find my faults. Don't worry, I have my faults. I am sure you are happy to hear that. But you wont know them and you won't know if they are physical or otherwise. Everyone has faults. No one is perfect or even close to perfect. There were many times I believed people to be extremely close to perfection physically, mentally, etc. only to find out they were oh so far away.

That is what makes life interesting. If everyone were perfect everyone would be boring.

I had a boyfriend say to me once, "Once you see 1 nice body, you have seen every nice body." That bummed me out. He had a point. There is an ideal body out there. There is a body every man out there wants. On the other hand, once you see a woman with an hourglass shape and big boobs and all the fat in all the right places, you have seen the perfect body and every body you see that is optimally attractive will look just like that one. What is the point? The point is that is boring. It made me feel bad for having an hourglass body. There is relativley little that is interesting about my body. Every woman has something unique or quarky about her body that a man loves. I don't. I have a pretty ideal body, but that is just it. It gets boring. It's fun but sad too, because I know that although I have a nice body there is nothing characteristic about it. I have to provide character in other aspects.

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 02:30 Confused Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Although there is a ton of scientific evidence behind what is considered feminine and what is masculine, it seems the author seems to like to pick and choose certain traits from women he either likes or dislikes causing an extremely unprofessional subjective quality about the article. Although he uses scientific research to back up his claims, the method he uses to identify whether a female as feminine or masculine cannot even be remotely considered a scientific process.

The bottom line is that there are significant scientific evidence that proves there are noticeable differences between what is considered feminine and masculine, but the author himself lacks the knowledge, understanding, education, or even credibility to assert his own opinions as truth. The author needs to understand that a subjective interpretation of an objective certainty cannot be considered truth.

Not to mention, Camille, from the pictures posted, does not even possess the feminine characteristics claimed. What WHR? What feminine posterior protrusion?

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 00:15 Ano The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

This is an incredibly dumb site. Beauty is all subjective. I find most of the women in the "attractive women" section unattractive--and it certainly doesn't help that half of them are porn models. Audrey Hepburn is my idea of ideal facial feminine beauty, not any of those bimbos you have listed here.

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 21:48 Tammy A woman with small breasts


Sat, 08/08/2009 - 19:41 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by hmhm on Wed, 05/20/2009 - 09:06.

''dude, i don't know what you're talking about. i know a lot of mixed race people who look good. so what if they get most of their good looks from their white genes? they still are better looking than mos whites and your beloved nordic race. and both the whites and the coloreds agree about that. except maybe you''

In some instances racial mixture can not only increase attractiveness but can also make one more sexually appealing.

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 15:58 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by Violetcorpus on Fri, 08/07/2009 - 11:39.

''I guess whites with brown eyes, who constitute the majority of whites, should fall in line with all those hideous non-whites. Unless you have some evidence for light eyes being objectively more attractive?''

Though I do not support the view it would be interesting and to see if there is evidence that supports light eyes being ''objectively'' more attractive.

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 15:10 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Dark lustrous eyes and dark lustrous black hair is a correlate of beauty.

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 15:08 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Barberella on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 23:36.

''Is it just me, or does anonymous sound like someone whom gets weekend passes from the asylum?''

Ouch did I touch a raw nerve LOL. Yeah its just you at the asylum nothing to worry about. One only need to read your comments and theres no doubt who admits defeat! Abusing people is an indirect way of admitting defeat but dont tell me you didnt know that either.

''The "joke", or "Joker" would be the one who sounds like they cannot speak and express themselves clearly''

Yeah I agree and thats why your not only the Joker but the Joke too :-)

''which is why I laugh every time you say "joker"''

Yeah I forgive you for laughing at yourself you've got to laugh at the JOKE you are because if you cant laugh at the JOKE you know you are then what can you laugh at?

''You can keep calling me joker, I know it makes you feel smart and clever, but you're not smart and clever, which is why I called YOU a joke.''

Thanks for your permission you obviously accept the cap fits you and are keen to wear it so dont let me stand in your way. I dont accept Im smart but I know Im alot smarter than you. The Joke will never know there a joke and thats how your a Joke.

''You still obviously don't get it, it is still preferable to be seen as, ahem, "Joker", since you obviously don't know many other words, than to be THE JOKE, THAT YOU ARE''

Ive pretty much answered this and everything else too "Youv made the correct choice,it's better for you to be known as the 'Joker than the joke itself' because uderstandably you don't want to be known as the 'joke' because a 'joke' woudn't know there a 'joke' thats the reason your a joke, I mean Joker oops"

''Sincerely, JOKER''

You got this last bit right about yourself again.

Now stop bothering me with your rubbish. Tata!

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 05:51 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Thanks fo taking the time to post those photos. Quite frankly I found it hard to believe it was the same person, since you wrote that the other photos were taken just a couple of months ago. You sure seem to put on weight fast and easily.

In the photos of you now you are not in shape, and that's why your claims of athletism really seemed very funny. It's true that slimness in itself doesn't prove you are athletic, but it usually goes hand in hand. A lot of body fat "padding" simply isn't characteristic for someone who is athletic, so there really was nothing in those photos that indicated any kind of athletism.

You will have to be careful since you really have a tendency to put on weight, and metabolism will become slower as you get older. A lot of Southern European women are like that. They used to joke and say that Italian girls are slim - until they get married. Kate Winslet is another such type. She has a very good and feminine figure but she has a hard time maintaining it sometimes.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 18:32 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

As promised, I'm uploading my photos with the shirt I was wearing and the belt. I don't have the necklace, because that was during spring break when I was visiting my cousin who lives in a tropical area btw. She borrowed that necklace and never gave it back lol so its very far away and not with me.

It looks more like I was 15-20lbs skinnier actually. Either way I lost weight for that in a pretty unhealthy way. I stuck to a strict diet and exercised here and there. The diet or exercise were not the unhealthy part, the fact that I lost it so fast was unhealthy. But, then I gained it all back with some lovely stretch marks that took a while and lots of vitamin E to get rid of. Here they are:






compare to:



I don't think most girls would touch this LOL:


Fri, 08/07/2009 - 14:08 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Ok, Emily. Will do.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 13:21 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Excellent, godis. That is a very nice figure, feminine and curvy. You sure did put on a lot of weight in just a couple of months. Be a sport and how us a recent photo of you in that necklace and the belt, with the word "godis" written on it, like before.

Also, in order to tell race you have to provide a picture of your face, godis. You're the funny one for ignoring this. ;)

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 13:11 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"These are obviously "after" photos- it doesn't show a thing as to how they looked prior to such surgery."

Are you an idiot? They are of two people - a man and a woman - before and after plastic surgery to get rid of their mongoloid traits.

As you clearly are an idiot I apparently have to explain that the upper three pictures of the man are him prior to the operations, and the lower three photos show him after the completion of the operations.

The girl you see in the very upper left photo is the genuine her, prior to surgery. All the other photos are of the same girl during different stages of her "transformation", ending up in the result you see in the bottom photo on the far right.

"Oh my god you're pathetic. These are NOT MY VIEWS- these are the OPINIONS of east asians prior to substantial western contact."

Yes, indeed, you are an idiot. I know it is supposed to be their opinion. I was asking you if it is also yours, since I find it hard to believe anyone could actually believe in that obvious lie.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 13:04 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

and I am in an awkward position in the second one, i'm hunching my shoulders over they look a little large and so does my waist, but its the best I could do. I never did learn how to pose for photos.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 13:01 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I'm a bit burned on my chest, don't make fun I spent like weeks trying to tan.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 13:00 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Alright Emily, I found some photos from just a couple months ago when I was like 10lbs lighter, but still slightly overweight. As you can see I still have some belly fat, my waist isn't as pronounced, but I am clearly athletic.




You're so lame. You are still going to go on about how I am a gypsy. Funny girl.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 12:47 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"Mixing with gypsies is extremely frowned upon in Romania"

Sure. That's why nearly every other person there seems to look like one.

Give it up, honey. You don't look like Katherine Heigl and you don't look like Lara Croft, and no, you are not in any way, shape or form athletic.

You obviously have some deep mental problems and difficulties with the truth. You have provided comic relief, I give you that. I think you ought to take Barberella's advice and seek professional help. Living in a dream world and envying the beautiful is never a good idea.

"I showed you it is a lot like Katherine Heigl. I explained to you before that I really resemble Katherine Heigl, and I think the photo of my face shape now proves that."

Yes, a covered face, showing nothing of the face itself, proves your little world.

"Lara Croft has a body type like mine."

Uhm..sure. Not that anyone else sees it. She is a cartoon figure, by the way. Who cares. She is as much reality to you as your other delusions.

"I would like to keep things private."

Yes, obviously. That is why you posted your photos here.

No wonder you can't get a man. I bet they run for cover as soon as they hear you talk. lol You are so pathetic it is almost pitiful.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 12:12 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Listen, when I'll lose weight I'll post those photos up and then we can have this debate again. It won't take long.

Of course it may be harder to prove I'm more athletic because with gain weight comes masculization and with weight loss one appears more feminine. But I do think it will still be obvious.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 11:58 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

And you are so extremely creepy saving my photos on your computer Emily. I cut that out because my wall paper is showing and thats too personal. Now, the world can see it! Damnet Emily, stop being so inconsiderate. I would like to keep things private.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 11:53 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


I am more athletic than those women. Anyone that can intuitivley recognize an athletic body will understand why. The fact that I weight more and am chunkier than them does not make me less athletic than them. Being in shape and being skinny doesn't alone determine how athletic someone is. Haven't you ever heard of the term "dancer's body"? That's the type of body I have. It's strong and symmetrical and it's just athletic what can I say? I'm not a professional dancer, my mom didn't expose me to dancing. However, I am sure I would be right now if I were. I love it!

Lara Croft has a body type like mine. The artists who thought her up knew very well a woman can be curvy and be athletic as well.

Lara Croft Pictures, Images and Photos

Of course if I were in shape, Lara Croft wouldn't stand a chance lol

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 11:46 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"You are Romanian, have a hooked/Roman nose, and you make yourself the topic of discussusion"

I don't understand why you keep accusing me of having a hooked nose. First I had a ugly broad round face,I proved that wrong with the photos. Well, now I MUST have a hooked nose. Emily, dear, I would post hundreds of photos of my nose, but I can't because there is no way I am posting photos of my face on this site, or any of my most identifying features. That gives away too much information, I'm sorry. It's very tempting to prove you wrong once again, but my face is too personal.

I understand that it would be convenient for you if I did have a hooked nose. If I don't have a hooked nose, than I am probably just as attractive if not more attractive than the average Nordic woman. I personally believe I am more attractive than the average Nordic woman. Simply because I was indeed just blessed with good genes. I am not 100% positive about how masculine or feminine I am because I clearly have high testosterone levels, but my body and face show no indication whatsoever I am masculine. My face throws me off even more so. It's what makes me look 14 instead of my real age. People always tell me there is so much cuteness in my face. Honestly, I wish I'd be called beautiful or sexy, but no it's always "cute" ugh...

Anyways, my nose is not hooked Emily. From the side it is straight but still soft. I showed you it is a lot like Katherine Heigl. I explained to you before that I really resemble Katherine Heigl, and I think the photo of my face shape now proves that. Here is a pin up cartoon I resemble.


I think you should be getting the idea of how I look. I don't have a hooked nose honey.

Also, why do you keep implying that I am a gypsy? Even if I were a gypsy, by the way I look, I wouldn't care. I have no negative features you can associate with gypsy. Who cares that 1 in 10 Romanians have gypsy blood. I am simply not 1 in 10. If I had any gypsy blood it would have to be so far back it is untraceable because I know my ancestry extremely far back.

Besides, I don't know where you got your statistics from. Mixing with gypsies is extremely frowned upon in Romania. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, however it is discouraged by society there. However, like I said before, I garauntee you if you ever go to Romania you will come across at least one just absolutley stunning gypsy girl or guy. Some of them have such exotic features that are so beautiful.

I am Romanian basically. I am positive I have Roman ancestry. I may have some Turkish ancestry but I am not sure, they took over Romania a long time ago and stuff happened. Nothing I can trace, but I assume most Romanians were affected? Although I come from Northwestern Romania which was far less affected. I have a little bit of Hungarian ancestry. I am half German.

That is what I am and I think that makes a hell of a girl. I am much more attractive than the average female. I do get noticed a lot. I could be in movies and stuff like that.

However, none of that stuff makes you happy. Being beautiful doesn't make anyone happy.

I'd also like to add that I truly do believe white women age worse. Why is this so hard to believe? White pale skin is most sensitive to the sun. Who cares? I know I'm going to age fine. My parents are aging well, my grandma has aged well and I am taking care of my skin. Putting on sunscreen, using natural moisturizers, etc.
