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Mon, 03/02/2009 - 09:13 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ok Eimly for a moment lets believe 99% of Indians have dark brown eyes....which means 1% of 1.15 billion people don't. What is the population of Sweden? less than 10 million....YOU DO THE MATH HAHAHA....meaning there are more people with light eyes in India than Sweden! hahaha
ohhh Emily such a must be boiling with rage right now :)
love you!

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 08:49 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Hmmmm you lost Emily yayyyyyy!

I was assuming you could tell the difference between real and "fake" eyes but you can't. So you agreed some of them are real?
None of the pics i used are fake....ever heard of people saying he/she has got cat's eyes? apparently not! And please girlfriend look closely, the last pic is certainly not fake! oh so you want close ups? sure we can arrange that :)

Indian with light eyes Indian with light eyes Indian with light eyes

Don't even tell me these are photo shopped or fake.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 08:20 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Yes, photoshop can work miracles. Several of the photos look fake. The last one, for examp0le, not to mention the older woman who apparently has cat shaped irises! LOL

99% of you have dark brown eyes so let's stop the nonsense. Posting photos of dark skinned, black-eyed and black-haired Swedes would make just as much sense. I won't comment on this nonsense further.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 08:11 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

LOL Emily your a joke!
The last girl with the pig tails has blue eyes, the boy above her green and the girl above with grey/green (like Aishwariya). Where did i say all or even the majority of Indians have light eyes?
I am just "challenging" your monopoly on Nordics only having all those "gorgeous" eye colors.

I don't understand why you stick to such stupid things as hair and eye colors??? really?
Do you ever hear me going around and saying that NO other type of people (maybe except Latinos...who are recent) have a huge diversity of skin colors. In India you can find people with black, dark brown, medium brown, light brown and white skin. Should i be proud of this diversity and rub it in people's faces? Who decides eye color or hair color is more "beautiful" than skin colors? After all skin is the largest "organ" on the body and a ready indicator of health.
What do you say to that my Dear Emily
I could easily post pictures of tons of Indians (i mean many) with naturally light eyes....but then where would we be?
Here i am posting blue eyes enjoy!

1.A Sikh...North West Indian eyes or yellowish brown?

Sikh, North West Indian soldier, blue eyes

2. North West Indian eyes or yellowish brown?

North West Indian eyes

3. The sister of the girl with pigtails i posted eyes or yellowish brown?

Indian with light eyes

4. An Indian man with blue eyes and his grand son also with blue eyes

An Indian man with blue eyes and his grand son also with blue eyes

Is that enough or you want more? There are many many Indians with light eyes!

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 07:35 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I said blue, green and grey..not yellowish brown. lol

Of course the vast majority of Indians look like this,

Indian women Indian women

..and have these colors, but who cares, right? You people like to post pictures of the exceptions, not the ones who are in any way representative of the people you discuss. Interesting.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 07:21 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily - "WE like very much, gorgeous blue, green and grey eye colors"


Asian Indian with light eyes Asian Indian with light eyes Asian Indian with light eyes

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 07:12 Emily Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

I'm sorry, I made a mistake. The comment on Rai's nose was meant for the Nordic nose section, not here. That's not trolling, though, that's what's called a mistake.

To keep it on topic some more pictures of cheap Indian women so we can set the record straight. They are not at all superior to white women in that regard, nor saints like you imply. Also, before you compare women and their sexuality you have to have a FAIR and EQUAL base.

Western women have a unique freedom. Women in many parts of the world might be killed by their relatives if they so much as look at the wrong man. It is EXTREMELY UNfair to compare sexually free women to those whose freedom is totally taken away from them.

Give Indian and Arabic women the EXACT same (sexual) freedom that Western white women have today, and THEN we might compare! THEN we will hsee a TRUE and FAIR picture.

My pictures show that Indian women have a lot of potential to become cheap and promiscuous, given the opportunity. They'd behave in EXACTLY the same way as Western white women had they not been living in a totally male-dominated and oppressive culture. In fact, they would probably be a lot worse since they would have a lot to prove. The first taste of freedom encourages exaggeration.

I strongly dislike promiscuity and vulgarity in anyone. Race doesn't matter. To behave badly is bad for women, period. The sub-culture that promotes promiscuity and vulgarity in women, making them behave indecently and ultimately with self-contempt is an illness of the mind and does not work for women but against them. Sadly many women don't understand the brain washing they are subjected to and they seem to think that freedom of expression is the same thing as the loss of moral values.

Indian woman posing seductively or acting cheaply Indian woman posing seductively or acting cheaply Indian woman posing seductively or acting cheaply

Regarding homosexuality and Erik's book I think you have to understand that there is a limit to that kind of discussion here. Erik has told you that he doesn't want to discuss it here and that's his decision to make, not yours. I can understand that things in his book might be hurtful to read if you are homosexual. Apparently he also warned you that it might be. That doesn't grant you the right to force an argument on him here.

He has the right to form his own opinions regarding homosexuality, and apparently he has. If you disagree with his book find another one that you like better. If you can't stop obsessing over Erik's book it will only make it seem like he has hit a nerve, and that there is truth and validity to his arguments.

Homosexuality is discussed here only in relations to homosexuals' ideas of ideal female beauty which they promote in the fashion industry. Homosexuality as such is not the topic of this site, as far as I can tell, only when it is directly related to homosexuals' taste in women, and the undoubtedly disproportionate power they have due to their total dominance in the fashion world.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 06:51 Peter Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

Yes Emily Darling i am getting tired of your prejudiced mind.
Just for your clarification...I did not post the pic of Ash in that regard! READ THE WHOLE DAMN THING!
I posted her as an example of eye color diversity! Since you were "claiming" only Nordic women have eyes the color of the sky, grass, trees, honey etc etc
The post of Indian women with straight noses was before and there was no comment by you on it. I say it like it is....and i know what Ash's nose looks like and wouldn't post it as an example of a straight nose.

HMMMM quite a short post by you! giving up already my love? I see you were not left with much to say :D thats ok sweetie.

"I don't know you and I don't like you, nor respect you." Didn't know it was possible to dislike someone without knowing them? lol
respect me? haha did i ever ask for it? I will call you whatever i like! You have certainly called me many things such as an idiot, retarded, sick, disgusting, shit etc etc Never asked you to stop. Give it your best shot! see if it affects me in the least.

Darling this racist nonesense is very tiring and old indeed. I suggest you give it a rest for now and find something better to do. For example learn to "accept".

Regarding the gypsy comment...I don't know what Godis's background is or yours for that matter. Your word is as good as Godis's.... For all we know you could be a self hating non Nordic person who thinks only they are attractive and in your dream world imagine yourself to be one. For example calling your self Nordic online without any "proof" can be a means of doing it.
In my case i "think" of myself as feminine more than i look it maybe? Anyone looking at my pics can tell i am a man. But without posting any pics and saying ohhh i am feminine, many people would have assumed maybe i am a cross dressor/drag queen etc. Truth is i hate any make up on me.

So in other words Darling if your not brave enough to post any pics to show who you really are...i don't think your in any position to tell/determine what/who other people are! Not all Nordics think like you do....THANK THE HEAVENS!
I would know....I get most attention from Nordics :)

kisses and hugs :D ;)

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 05:45 Emily Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

"For example what was the point of bringing up Ashwariya's nose here? Did i or anyone even mention her? troll anyone? straw man anyone?"

"As well my darling Emily i have posted pics of Indian women with straight noses which you completely ignored because that left you pointless and confused on what to "pick" next."

Your words. That's obviously why I commented on Rai's nose, since she was in one of the pictures you posted. You truly are an idiot. So when I don't ignore it I'm called a troll by you, the big troll of this site. How comical! lol

Don't call me darling, love, or other terms of endearment. It is hypocritical and ridiculous. It's also a form of passive-aggressiveness. It's not meant to be nice but to upset. I don't know you and I don't like you, nor respect you. The gay routine is getting old.

I will not answer you again. You are trolling. That's all you do here and it was a mistake to answer you in the hope of a normal response, which you are clearly incapable of. You and the washed out Romanian gypsy godis with the naturally blonde hair and light skin (lol) have more in common. Gypsies and Hindus have the same origin. Why am I not surprised..

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 05:21 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Why post the same comment 13 times in three minutes? Are you crazy?

A Romanian Gypsy! Now, that makes sense, doesn't it. Still "white", but clearly not anything remotely approaching the Nordic/German beauty ideal.

I will take your self-serving self-description with a HUGE grain of salt. After all, it was YOU who called blondes with fair skin "washed out". VERY strange description if you belong to that group yourself, to say the least.

Dark brown hair, probably bottle-blonde, round, broad and coarse face, large hooked nose and tan skin. That's the truth in the mirror for you. No way you are a natural blonde. All your attacks on Nordics and blondes here make anyone see that you have a deep envy towards them.

NO natural blonde on earth would describe Nordics as "washed out". You are a liar. I'm sorry to have to say this but you are a liar.

As for the women in the picture they are very much Slavic with heavy features, so of course you will prefer these coarse and robust women to Nordics. There is nothing delicate and refined about these two, and there is nothing delicate and refined about you, either.

Suddenly your attack on Northern European "washed out" women makes so much more sense! Envy..? No, not at all, surely totally unbiased..cough, cough.

Finally, OF COURSE you like race mixing. After all, gypsies and other similar swarthy ethnicities with hooked noses in that part of Europe have everything to gain from it, don't they.

Interesting, it says on Wikipedia that gypsies have Hindu origin.

The problem is that WE blonde, washed out, Northern Eurpeans don't have anything to gain. We stand to lose a lot, however. Our "washed out" hair colors that WE like very much, gorgeous blue, green and grey eye colors and light, creamy skin, for example.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 03:16 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I honestly consider myself beautiful in every way and there is absolutely nothing anybody can say to me to make me think otherwise. Stop being such a try-hard, Emily. You're getting absolutely nowhere. And I bet your friend who said I looked terrible would be lucky enough if I was ever to even speak to him. Hey, I have an idea Emily! How about you post pictures of yourself and then we can pick your face apart? And after that, you can dare to tell me I'm unattractive. Swallow your pride.
Either way, this is completely ridiculous and pointless. I suggest we end all of this nonsense altogether.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 01:30 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Russian women

The woman you posted with the brunette to reddish hair in this pic has a more feminine round face than ANY of the Nordic women you posted with round faces. Also, look at the nose area, now look at the nose area of even the FIRSt woman you posted and compare.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 00:13 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I forgot to mention about my ethnicity: I have Swabian family in Germany, my father was a Satu Mare Schwab, yes. However, within that we know that we have Prussian genes (dont know what Prussian is).

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 00:09 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"For the record, I don't for a second believe that you are 100% white"

Ok Emily, I'm going to try to be as honest as I possibly can with you right now on this thread. Where my motivation lies, why my opinions are the way they are, my true ethnicity, exactly how I look etc.

Ok, so firstly my ethnicity: I was born in Romania in Satu Mare, Transylvania. The thing about Satu Mare is that it borders countries like the Ukraine and Hungary. However, I am not 100% Romanian, nor do I look Romanian. You see Romanians generally look like Slavicized Southern Europeans, such as Spanish and Italians. Romania has a long history of being taken over by the Ottoman Empire,Roman Empire (*most Romanians have a large % of Roman blood) and even the Mongolian Ghengis Khan may have been there. There is also a large percentage of gypsies (or ethnically Indian mixed with Caucasian). Now, I have no known Gypsy blood, and you can tell just by looking at my family. My father is from Romania, but he is an ethnic Schwab. This means basically that he is descended from a place called Swabia in Germany. I am not sure how these people are ethnically, however my German family have long faces, light skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

The way I look:

I think I often resemble what a Roman statue would look like. I have the "Roman nose" you often see on Roman statues. My eyes are hazel, my skin is light but can tan, and my hair is blonde. I am 5'3 1/2, I have an hour glass figure, large C cup breasts, small feet and hands. My face is rounded, but can be confused for oval. My bottom lip is thicker than my top. My eyes are very wide vertically giving me the wide-eyed look. I am very feminine from what I have read from this website. My best feature are my teeth and boobs lol! They are naturally a very white color and they have a nice shape...
My worst feature: My nose. Too Roman looking.

Blonde hair does run through my family and my extended family. Since we border the Ukraine and Hungary, I am sure there is a large percentage of that in our genes. I believe I got my light features (because Romanians are generally darker like most Southern Europeans) from my German side, probably some admixture from the Ukraine and Hungary as well. However, even Romania has a high percent of Germanic genes because the Celts, Goths, etc. were over there for a period.

So, now you know what I'm made of. Like it or not, it's me.
Now, I think I am attractive. I don't think I am the most beautiful woman in the world, but I wouldn't want to be anyways.

Why do I care soooo much about other ethnicities?

Well, like I have said before, I have a lot of friends that are different ethnicities. I honestly think they are attractive, even based on this sites standards. Even though this site is aimed towards caucasian women.

I just want to try to show you that YES, Nordic women are beautiful. No one in the world will argue that Nordic women are not among the most beautiful. But, I am trying to show you that a high percentage of attractive people CAN be found in other cultures too.

Also, race mixing is happening whether you like it or not. I try to find the good in it, because it's going to be there, period. I am generally attracted to white men. All the men I have dated have had either blue or green eyes, which confuses me because I have read somewhere that blue-eyed men are more attracted to blue-eyed women, and I believe it. However, my eyes are light, and so are my features. I do date attractive men. I am actually attracted to more dominant colors like brown eyes and brown hairs in males however.

Anyways, this is where I am coming from. As for your ideas that Slavic women in general have more robust features.

Yes, they probably do. Sorry I don't live in Romania anymore so I can't really tell. However, many don't. Now, I don't know if you are taking pics from the most attractive part of Sweden, however most of those women have more robust features than I have seen on Slavics in general. That is just my view on it, and I am trying to be unbiased. Those pictures you post do not resemble the Nordics I visualize, which I believe to be more attractive.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 22:32 Brett The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

It's amazing that you can put so much effort into attempting to make a scientific argument (which you clearly believe lends credibility to your stance) only to completely forgo it once you get to the analysis of individual models. I strain to see any real consistency at all when it comes to your judging of individual women. The fact that you compare each "masculine" model to a unique "feminine" model should be your first clue that you are straying from any form of standardization. Also that you simply conclude models are "masculine" because it is obvious, self-evident, or clear, without pointing out lines, angles, measurements, or even referencing your standards, is absurd. Theres also a discussion to be had about the fact that you are choosing photos with ambiguous angles that specifically suit your intent. I won't even get into your "should make a man say, 'damn'" argument, or your ridiculous comments on each glamour photo.

All that being said, I can't say I disagree on all your observations, just a couple of them. More importantly, nothing you have written can convince me one way or the other, since it simply lacks substance. As stated, your figures are nearly meaningless. Have we forgotten the "label your graphs" rule? Show me that you can put more effort forth than pairing what you believe to be bad SI photos with what you believe to be good glamour photos and maybe I'll give it a second read.

Brett - A life-time heterosexual man, but more importantly, a man who understands logic, argument, and the scientific method.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 18:33 Peter Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

"As homosexuality progresses and becomes more acceptable in society so will many of Erik's "observations".
I meant to say those observations might go down as number of partners will likely decrease.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 18:26 Peter Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

Thanks for the nice words. You do not have the mental capacity to understand what i am trying to say/do.
You get very "defensive" about "attacks" on Nordic people and continue preaching about race mixing...WHY? How is race mixing relevant to this site when it is purely dealing with European women? Why are you telling/making people aware about the disastrous? effects of race mixing for example of Nordics with Asians. How is this site relevant to that message?
You contradict yourself, lie, and totally twist words.

Now imagine...I know this will be extremely difficult for you but if you were a gay man or were close to one and read some of the things Erik has said about homosexuality such as paedophilia being its correlate etc. In other words statistically homosexuals having higher "probablitiy" of being paedophiles DO you not think someone like me will get defensive? If your getting so worked up for Nordics why do you think other people shouldn't feel the same way about their "belonging/group"???

"Arguing that someone portraying unflattering [and true] correlates of homosexuality" - Erik
"So, regarding HIV infection/AIDS as a homosexuality-related illness isn’t that off-base." - Erik

Homosexuality was brought up and adressed by many people on this page, just look up and do some reading. Why don't you attack these people too regarding bringing up homosexuality? Why just me?

When i used the example of white women being promiscous...UNLIKE you apologised for it offending people before....neither did i say it is the whole truth or those are my words.

LETS SEE STATISTICS.....Women have higher rates of mental illness compared to men (Emily i wonder....are you ok love?), the age range(s) of women most likely affected with mental illness include menopausal women and especially young adult females (Many/most women in Erik's attractive women section's age category), Men are more promiscous and also more prone to uninhibited sexual behaviour, men also have greater likelihoods of carrying and transmitting STDS.

I believe many people will agree as these being correlates of one another. What i was trying to convey to Erik is that anyone can use such statistics to "attack" a group of people and call it the "truth". I personally believe Erik isn't telling the whole truth here. Just like he mentioned it is not objectively possible to compare beauty across ethnicities. I don't believe it is objectively possible to "compare" Homosexuality to Heterosexuality. The former being a minority and recently of a liberated nature. For example gay men on average had more sexual partners in the late 70's and early 80's than a decade later. Why? Because many gay men chose to express themselves by having multiple partners....freedom. As homosexuality progresses and becomes more acceptable in society so will many of Erik's "observations".

"Take your disgusting homosexual rantings and other off-topic discussions somewhere else." - Emily

Now if i say take your disgusting white/Nordic rantings and other off-topic discussions somewhere else. Does that sound racist? (such as? why only use the word disgusting with homosexuality? isn't everything i say disgusting? or is it just homosexuality?)

"I don't think it's appropriate to throw your sexuality in the face of strangers on a site that does not deal with homosexuality, or any sexuality for that matter, and you have been asked repeatedly to stop by the owner of this site."
Are you sure this site does not deal with homosexuality? Do some more reading darling. A BIG component of this site deals with the role of HOMOSEXUALS choosing masculine models, Whether heterosexuals will find a feminine vs masculine woman attractive, "exclusive heterosexual", "narrowly escaped homosexuality" etc etc
Wonder what/where you have been reading?

The owner of the site will tell you (I hope) to stop posting off topic discussions as well. For example what was the point of bringing up Ashwariya's nose here? Did i or anyone even mention her? troll anyone? straw man anyone?


"All you do is come across as a sickj neurotic with deep problems, a "man" who calls himself feminine and sounds proud of it. How weird is that?!"
Your ignorance amuses me....Do you realize what you have said? Who the F&%^ are you to be judging how people want to live/act? So you dislike men who dress in drag or are feminine? its wierd to you? Yes dear there is nothing wrong with being queer and proud...loose the prejudice.
Erik please next time (if you ever have a chance) do a correlational study on different prejudices accompanying each other. For example a person who is racist is most likely to also be homophobic....the PEOPLE i am referring to know this :D
love and peace to everyone ... be who you want to be and don't let people (some whose names start with E) tell you its "wierd" to act a certain way. They can live on in their own fairytale/dreamland. is a kiss MUAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Later sweet heart!

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 16:41 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Swedish girls with rounder faces are still more refined and delicate, and less robust than most Slavic girls with similar face shape;


Swedes Swede

Then there are those who have more oval faces;







Eastern European women;






Sun, 03/01/2009 - 16:17 andrea Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

Rai's nose only points downward when she smiles or moves her her mouth.
otherwise it's pretty straight. There is nothing wrong with her nose itself it is just that her mouth and chin stick out.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 15:41 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

We will have to agree to disagree. For the record, I don't for a second believe that you are 100% white.

As for race mixing your attitude doesn't matter since only men who are hopeless and can't keep a Nordic girl will import an Asian woman. She is always a last choice for Scandinavian men, so the reality is that these men take what they can get, and an Asian woman is better than no woman at all. These men will race mix since that's their only option.

The pictures I have of Nordics are almost all of Swedes. Since I am Swedish I know my people very well, better than people who don't live here and try to be experts on something they don't see every day like I do.

There are several types of Swedes, and there are different face shapes. Some are less oval/long than others. They are not Slavic in type, though. A Swedish girl can have an oval face approaching a "roundish" face, without looking Slavic OR being robust, and actually many of them do have those types of faces.

And there are also non-Nordic girls who have oval/long faces but who still look Slavic. Try to understand that concept. There is a difference which you will see right away if you are truly white.

If you are not white you may have a harder time setting sub-races apart, obviously. My goal was to show normal and attractive, REPRESENTATIVE Swedish or Nordic women. Some may have less delicate faces than others. So what? That doesn't make Ekaterina's face less robust.

Generally speaking, Slavic women without the Nordic genes are much more robust and coarse than Nordics, and have less delicate features.

As for Ekaterina, she does have a robust and broad face by our standards, not by Asian or Indian standards, and an unattractive, robust nose area, very, very much NON-Nordic, which probably ruins her modeling career.

No one would ever mistake her for a Nordic woman here. She looks very much Slavic and in fact she is Russian. I won't go into this again since it was discussed before in this thread, and the subject is getting boring now, I think. If you like her looks, fine. Who cares. Obviously most people don't agree with you.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 14:39 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to imply that I am Asian. Let me clarify some things:
A) I am not Asian. I am 100% white, I am just not 100% Nordic.
B) I am not endorsing race mixing. I believe in letting nature take it's course. I currently have a WHITE boyfriend and I have dated all white men, because it seems only white men are attracted to me. I am guessing I am going to end up having kids with a white man.
C) I do have an underlying motive: I have many attractive friends of different ethnicities. I have Eastern European, Nordic, Southern European, Central European, Asian, Indian, Mexican, etc. friends. The list goes on! I just want to prove to you that Nordics aren't the MOST attractive. My one Asian friend looks like a beautiful doll, literally! She probably has one of the most feminine faces you will see, although I don't believe super-femininity is always as attractive as being really feminine but not super feminine.

It's interesting you claim Ekaterina's face is soo round. Look at the face shapes you post up of Nordic women. Very few actually have oval faces. Very very few. In fact the majority seem to have round faces, and pretty robust. The fact you call Ekaterina's face robust is a joke. It's soft and rounded and feminine. What you are calling robust, is that she has a bit of definition. If she didn't her face would look like a blob.

Now go back and look through your photos! I don't know where you are getting these and how well they represent Nordic women. Look at their face shapes... How many have oval faces? How many have round faces? How many have square faces? etc.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 13:12 Emily Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

And since when does Rai have a straight nose? It is much smaller than usual for an Indian woman so in that regard it is a much better-looking nose, but it isn't straight.


Sun, 03/01/2009 - 13:00 Emily Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

Also, regarding beauty, comparisons of beauty and discussions about different types of looks, that is the topic of this site, homosexuality is not. IDIOT.

"For example what is this Asian race nonesense? Are you "retarded" that you haven't figured it out?
Ok lets say i agree that East Asians are hideous and Nordics are the best in the world...aha and your point? your gain from this?"

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 12:52 Emily Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

Pathetic? That's a laugh coming from you, you disgusting waste of a human being. I knew you would accuse me of homophobia. You are so predictable it is laughable. I don't think it's appropriate to throw your sexuality in the face of strangers on a site that does not deal with homosexuality, or any sexuality for that matter, and you have been asked repeatedly to stop by the owner of this site. You ignore it over and over. Why? Why don't you respect what he tells you? Are you just an idiot or are you malicious?. What you do here is off-topic and off-putting. Can't you see that?

You lack decency and you are disgusting, and it doesn't MATTER if you are straight, bi or gay, what matters is that this site does not deal with that issue, and it is clearly not appropriate to bring it up again and again. You try to force that discussion on him, so yes, it is harassment insofar as he does not want that discussion with you. No one here wants to know that you are a "bottom". Erik has told you he is heterosexual. Respect that and back off. Not every straight man is a homosexual in disguise, no matter how much you want them to be.

By the way, you do NOT do homosexuals any favors. All you do is come across as a sickj neurotic with deep problems, a "man" who calls himself feminine and sounds proud of it. How weird is that?! Yes, I have lost patience with you. I normally don't address other posters but you are clearly in a league of your own.

Your little stunt here, totally off-topic, about white women being trashy and promiscuous was so transparent. All you do here is provoke, and then you cry foul when you get called on it. You are also provoking Erik constantly and you WILL undoubtedly cry foul when he calls you on it. People like you, who harass others and who force their sexuality on others, always demand understanding without EVER giving any in return. People like you make me sick.

Now, if it is racist to want to protect your own race from extinction then I am racist, and so is everyone else who wants their own race to survive. It's easy for you to judge me, isn't it..Indian. There are so few of you, aren't there? I happen to like my own race and I want to see it survive, not die out through race mixing. THAT is what matters to me.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 11:24 lovely Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


No man would ever drop a woman who looks like the girls on the link I posted above.
Here it is again.

These two girls are universally attractive, that is why you were unable to critisise them. Women like you
go through various cosmetic surgeries in order to qualify, and that is a fact!

Remember, people are different, so stop trying to impose your preferences.
