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Wed, 03/04/2009 - 18:02 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Wow, that's low Emily. I dare not stoop to your level..but in all honesty let's see your face. Maybe we can compare it to a pig.

You can't possibly say I look ugly in these pictures..where I'm not mid-sentence..You should also realize that lighting plays a huge part in how a person looks.

How do I even remotely resemble a pit bull? You're such a troll hahah.

Oh wait a minute...could it be? I'm mid-sentence and I look good? Shhiiiit.

Now wouldn't you look at my disgustingly hooked nose? Oh horrible..

Here's a chick that resembles a dog..

You see,'re too scared to post your own picture because you realize that you're not too great yourself, thus you will be judged horribly especially due to the fact you have a disgusting personality.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 17:00 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ekaterina, at least that model doesn't look like a pitbull dog. I'm surprised you even bring her up again. You could only wish to look like her.




Wed, 03/04/2009 - 16:30 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Romanian women generally look like an odd mix of gypsies and Slavs. I suspect the gypsy blood is heavily present in most of them. The Slavic blood takes away some of that gypsy look, but it's not a beautiful people however generously you look at them. They generally have coarser and heavier facial traits and less romantic faces than Northern European women.

They are overwhelmingly brunettes. The eyes are most often brown or yellowish brown (hazel)to very dark brown. Their skin looks dirty and not truly white, as if they are not entirely clean. There is often a yellowish hue, probably due to the gypsy/Hindu influence.

Many like to tone their hair blonde, in a vain effort to look like Northern Eurpean women. In pictures I have seen they sometimes add a blue color over the brown iris, resulting in an unflattering and fake effect. They seem to admire the nordic blonde and blue colors but these are off-limits to them. The result can be clown-like and I think it's best for them to work within their own natural color range.

They have a tendency to look cheap and vulgar so it is important for them to put on make-up sparingly, and to use clothing that is not too vulgar, for the same reason. Garish colors should be avoided.











Wed, 03/04/2009 - 16:11 Interesting vie... Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

I am not going to be drawn ino the scientiffic side of the argument here but i am instead going to post comment purely on the side of her role as playing Mystique as Mark S made comment. Yes although some of the depictions of her throughout the years in the comics is usually that of the attractive feminine type, in reality on a purely gymnastic and practical side, in order for her to do some of the gymnastic or indeed martial art moves she is portayed as doing in both the comics and the films she needs the more masculine shoulders as the more normal feminine depictions, as in your example pictures, is not physically able to pull them off. take a look at the builds of most female stunt performers for example, not heavily built but well built upper and lower body muscle groups, as they are needed for them to actuall do their job, which involves fighting climbing and gymnastic work.

Now the other girl you post here or indeed the rawn depictions of Mystique, while to some they might look like the better visial appearance for Mystique, they wouln't actually be a beter Mystique purely on the lack of ability to perform due to the fact that it is not a comic artists job to draw the characters in a way that they would be able to do the stuff they draw them to do, their job is to just draw something that looks good, varyign from just slightly toned to the almost gymansticly toned but still retaining the large boobs which would A infact not be physally there due to the muscle and B would proove a hinderance in excecuting moves, and are an almost open target in a fight.

I post this based purely on the fact that in my 20 years of martial art and gymnastic instruction I have never seen someone built like, and staying like this Layla perform overly well, they are the types who can usually just pass gradings and stay just on the level of what is required but they never over achieve in it because, as they usualyl tend to not train often enough to gain more build and strength yet retan flexibility and chose instead to turn up for the minimum hours neede to pass yet to still look the same way they do. Now while they can learn and perform most techniques to a decent degree, if you took two peopel one of Layla's build and compared her to someone of Rebecca's build over a fixed period of martial and gymnatic training the subect with Rebecca's build would perform better because of the build, and the fact taht they have the ability to put more into a punch and a kick due to it.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 14:22 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


This woman, that you posted to compare to me...also has a bump on her nose. Her nose isn't hooked and neither is mine. We both have bumps on our noses. Oh dear, this must be so horrible for you! You found a picture of a woman prettier than me...but *GASP*!! She also has the same bump. She must be hiddeous to you now.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 14:12 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

OMG more Romanians! Why do they all look diff? Why don't they all have round coarse broad faces with ugliness written all over them? WHY@!@

OMG! This girl has freckles... and she looks gasp... white?

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 14:00 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


No way! A romanian with blue eyes! WHAT?

OMG this Romanian girl is so ugly with her ugly big hooked nose and her blue eyes and blonde hair... what wait? blue eyes and blonde hair? WTF! That can't be!

She is ugly though lol but its interesting because I've noticed many women in Eastern Europe that have hooked noses seem to have more "Nordic" genes overall. This is not surprising since Nordic genes bring in a higher nose bridge, and kind of mess up the nose. I think I got away lucky, I think it was the Hungarianess because they don't have high nose bridges.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 14:00 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


No way! A romanian with blue eyes! WHAT?

OMG this Romanian girl is so ugly with her ugly big hooked nose and her blue eyes and blonde hair... what wait? blue eyes and blonde hair? WTF! That can't be!

She is ugly though lol but its interesting because I've noticed many women in Eastern Europe that have hooked noses seem to have more "Nordic" genes overall. This is not surprising since Nordic genes bring in a higher nose bridge, and kind of mess up the nose. I think I got away lucky, I think it was the Hungarianess because they don't have high nose bridges.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 13:48 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

And yes I actually look very Hungarian or German. This is not surprising since
a) I am half German, particularly Prussian and Swabian
b) The part of Romania I am from is Satu Mare Transylvania was actually part of Hungary until Romania reclaimed it in the 1920s. A lot went on between the Hungarians and Romanians, even though they often do not like eacother over bickering over the land, that doesn't stop them from doing the dirty and producing little Hungarian-Romanian offspring...
c) Satu Mare Transylvania is in the North West of Romania, bordering Northern countries. keyword: North=light hair,skin and light eyes for environmental adaptive purposes...

It's hilarious that you seriously think I would lie about something so stupid as what color my skin, hair and eyes are. The hilarious thing is I even get little freckles on my nose when I am in the sun, and even when I have a tan the freckles are there. I used to hate them, but now I think they are cute.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 13:36 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

And if you are as ignorant as I think you are, you probably believe that ethnically Romans were very similar to Italians. Wrong. Romans were a great big mix of things, but they too had a lot of Nordic influence and so the Romans had Nordic genes. Caeser had curly blonde hair and blue eyes for example...

So yes, Romania and a lot of Eastern Europe has original German ancestry from invasions (Roman, Celts, Goths, etc.), and they also have neihboring countries with Germanic blood with which they mixed. Ukranians, Russians, Hungarians, etc. all obviously have Nordic genes and you can find many blue eyed blondes in any of those countries...

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 13:32 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Pictures of beauty queens and models are hardly representative. Ordinary Romanians are not attractive, they are unattractive for the most part

Emily, please... This is a regular girl at the beach. I have been to Romania and I see girls like this at the beach ALL the time. In fact I'm one of them...

It's hard to find photos of regular Romanian teens. It's not hard to find photos of Swedish teens who are obviously obsessed with posting photos of themselves everywhere. I would get you more attractive photos. Yes, Romanians that have a stable income and good nutrition are attractive if not generally more attractive than Nordics. I always tell my cousin who has warm brown eyes and beautiful ringlets of dark brown hair, and tan olive skin that I wouldn't mind giving up my lighter looks for hers because like I said sometimes blonde's look washed out. However, I don't live in lala land. I can admit sometimes I look washed out.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 13:26 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

It is also ignorant that you believe Romanians look the way they do. Here are your misconceptions:

1) All Romanians have hooked noses, actually ALL Eastern Europeans have hooked noses. Um... not really. In fact I see just as many bumpy and hooked noses in Nordics. If you look at George Washington or Thomas Jefferson they all had hooked noses. Many Nordic women have large, high-bridged hooked or bumpy noses. It's funny if you never noticed that because I have. Some Eastern Europeans DO have hooked noses. I believe almost every race and sub-race has hooked noses. I have never seen a hooked nose on an Asian, but that is about it. In fact many British people have hooked noses... The funny thing is that Eastern European nose bridges are generally lower than Northern European who have very high defined nose bridges in general.

2) All Romanians have brown hair and brown eyes. Wrong. Romanians had a lot of Germanic influence in the gene pool from long long long ago. In fact Herodotus described "Romanians as having bright red hair". This was not uncommon a while ago since the Celts, Goths and tons of Nordic types of people invaded Romania. Romanians also have a great big pool of Roman genes. Yes, many Romanians can look Roman. Look, gasp the word Roman is in the word Romanian. OMG Gasp again, the Romanian language is the closest language to the original Latin language EVEN closer than Italian! OH MY! Just like all of Southern Europe the norm is that most Romanians have brown hair and brown eyes. However, move to the North and West of Romania bordering Hungary, Ukraine, etc. and you will find blondes with blue eyes, green eyes, etc. There is actually A LOT of diversity in Romania. It is very ignorant of you to believe that Romanians are so homogenous. Besides, I am technically half German. Why don't you look up Satu Mare Swabians and then you could figure out a little bit more about my Germanic influence ADDED on to general Germanic influence in Romanian genes. I have extended family that is not Swabian like me and they are still blonde. Even rarer: blonde hair and brown eyes. It looks pretty.

3) All Slavs have broad round coarse faces. Not true, and with better nutrition face shapes are changing and becoming less coarse. Not that most Slavs really had such coarse faces to begin with. Again, the ignorance is overwhelming. Having a softly rounded face with low cheekbones, that is wider is feminine, not coarse. What you post up is coarse and robust. Look at some of those pics. Tell me this is feminine and delicate and not coarse or robust:





Explain to me how Ekaterina's supposedly coarse and robust face compares to these. It doesn't because her face is not coarse or robust. The women's you post are. You just have this idea in your head so much so that you believe Slavs to be this way when they really are not.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 09:42 Kay Natalie T. from only tease

Ok originally I read Erik's bollocks on this site and thought there were rascist undertones but Emily you disgust me, you're extremely rascist and arrogant. This seems to be a website for people who want to promote Hitler's Aryan ideals and other rascists who want to dis other Europeans who don't meet their warped ideals. Get over yourselves, no nation is more attractive than another in reality because they all comprise ugly, average AND beautiful people. You've put up a load of pictures of very attractive Scandinavians on this post but I'm sure there are plenty of butt ugly Scandinavians (Erik seems to find them and a few of the people in the group photos you've posted here are actually ugly).

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 09:02 Kay Welcome!

Oh yeah and by the way, pear shaped women who have small waists and flat stomachs compared to their curvy hips and bottoms also have high oestrogen levels despite their proportunately smaller breasts - so they are feminine. Also top heavy women who have small waists compared to their big breasts have high oestrogen levels (even if they don't have the hips and bum to match) and straight/ruler shaped women who are slender and petite don't have high androgen levels/masculinisation because they are small boned (men are not small boned thanks to high testosterone - so androgens).

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 08:38 Kay Welcome!

Wooah, this website is something else!! I stumbled across it on google because I'm looking up mate selection stuff (I'm studying Evolutionary Psychology as part of my Psychology degree) and I'll say that at points it IS informative (has some scientific basis) but the evidence you use is very one sided- you have to show counter evidence (from scientific research) if you want your argument to be more convincing. Also at points this website is just outright hillarious (because you're so convinced there is only one type of feminine beauty) or disgusting/disturbing (there are definitely racist and pervy undertones to this website). Well unfortunately (for you) your website has failed to convince me that Scandinavian (Aryan) women with "fine" features e.g. long thin faces, long thin noses, thin lips, small eyes, sunken cheekbones are the definition of feminine beauty. There are some very beautiful Scandinavian/Northern European women out there but primarily not the ones you've picked for display on this website. Some of the women you've chosen are pretty to be sure (I even thought one of them was hot) but many of the women you've chosen as "attractive" are very plain or just plain weird looking (they look like neurotic, deformed children- sorry). If you haven't convinced me or many of the other people who have left comments here I don't think you'll manage to change public opinion on what's beautiful in women. Although there are scientific findings suggesting what is and is not beautiful in a face or figure not all research has found exactly the same things (believe me I've done plenty of reading around this topic). Ultimately beauty is subjective and although there are rough guidelines we don't all fancy the same people and women you would deem masculinised are still perfectly capable of conceiving beautiful, healthy children- as have some of the fashion models you so loathe. This implies they are actually healthy, fertile and have good genes and a heterosexual man in their life who likes to have sex with them! I think this website is more about YOUR tastes than science and I think you're tastes say alot about YOU. Either, you're intimidated by strong/sexy/sensual/sophisticated women (hence the love of submissive, naive and neurotic looking females) because you have mother/woman issues (weak women make you feel like a strong man) or you're desperately trying to convince the world (and yourself) that the only attractive women you could ever have a chance of pulling (who are really only attractive in the realms of average looking people) are actually THE most beautiful women in the world. Therefore rendering YOU a beautiful or high status male. Chances are you are neither high status or attractive. Whatever, this is a self-serving website in my opinion.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 07:04 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Pictures of beauty queens and models are hardly representative. Ordinary Romanians are not attractive, they are unattractive for the most part. Their looks are a matter of more or less unattractive. That is the zone in which they belong. There are always exceptions, of course. There are many Eastern European nations that have more beautiful women, sadly, for you.

I see you try to make a case for Rumaninan women and it is quite touching. Talking down Scandinavian women, or my pictures of them, makes you seem very envious and people here see it for what it is.

It would help if you stayed in your own league, so to speak. For example comparing them to Ukranians, Bulgarians or Turks. The most beautiful group of people there is would hardly benefit you for comparison purposes. Just a well-meaning piece of advise.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 06:52 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I don't understand why you and Erik have this thing with hooked noses??? I mean come on....
When Nordics look at a woman and she is beautiful do you ask her to turn her head sideways so you can see if she has a hooked nose or not? and if she does she is not pretty anymore? I really don't think a hooked nose matters personally...and i have a straight nose.
Do you think it will be difficult for me to find Nordics with hooked noses? NO!
Will Nordic men or women think that she is ugly? even though she has a hooked nose? yeah right!

Wow Emily you don't know your own people??? Genes for eye color and hair color are independent of one another. The vast majority of blue eyed people are not blonds! Also many Blonds don't have blue eyes.
I believe Godis when she says she has hazel eyes and darker blond hair. I have seen many people with a similar look. Now if you consider hazel eyes the same as dark brown eyes is another thing!

Yes Emily Darling only Nordics have "those beautiful" eye colors.....all these people must be definately fake and have "ugly" eyes in real life *rolls eyes*


Wed, 03/04/2009 - 06:41 argentum Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


I have posted many pictures of tanned Nordics, so that's not my intention to do that again. Those who are interested can look at pictures of Nordic girls that I have posted here and elsewhere on this site, in order to get an idea what they look like.

If you posted a series with the intention of demonstrating their tans could you post a link or the name of the thread? If they're dispersed among the many images you've linked to it won't answer my question to direct me to sift through them: I want to know what you consider an example of a tanned Scand.

Another good idea would be to actually visit our countries instead of posting ignorant remarks about us.

As an alternative to requesting a few pics? Er, I don't think so.


I think what you meant by short was stocky but lol one of my best features is my body, and I take care of it and take great pride in it so you can't even go there lol I have a classic hourglass figure, I am slender but I have fat in the right places. It's called being feminine. lol

Whatever you do, don't enter a beauty contest while Emily's on the prowl. ;)

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 06:32 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Romanian girls are sooo ugly, I am soooo ashamed to be one:

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 06:28 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Oh and Nikola Luciu does have natural breasts and you find breasts like these common in Romania actually. What I noticed particularly is that Romanian women often have large breasts with strong underlying tissue. This makes them perky and look rounder. That is how mine are and I have even been asked if they were fake before:)

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 06:22 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Look at these hideous Romanian women. They have such ugly brown eyes and dark hair and they have such broad faces! LMAO

The truth is sometimes I do wish I had a more exotic Romanian look.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 06:16 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Another thing:

About being short Romania has their fair share of tall people. Miss Romania, while not particularly feminine, was very tall. Romanian has tall women, in between women, short women, feminine women and masculine women. Overall however women in Romania are of an average height. Not particularly tall or short. Although the trend is that they seem to be becoming taller, but this may just be the result of overall better nutrition as most Romanians used to and still do live on about $200 a month for a family of 5.

I think what you meant by short was stocky but lol one of my best features is my body, and I take care of it and take great pride in it so you can't even go there lol I have a classic hourglass figure, I am slender but I have fat in the right places. It's called being feminine. lol

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 06:05 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Godis troll lol

I think you are just mad because I make good points. My point with the video was:
a) I was angry and getting tired of your idiotic arguments. You only have two: I am jealous or not white.
b) I wanted to show you how anyone can be portrayed negativley. Just as you portray other cultures besides Nordic cultures negativley

Another good point I make is how the photos you post are Ok, but they aren't great representations of what attractive Nordic people look like. Are the people in your photos attractive? Yes, but they are not especially feminine or refined. This site deals with femininity. The women in your photos often have very robust features. Some don't but many do. I think you need to find better photos of Nordic people. There are much more attractive Nordic people out there than that. All your photos represent is a group of well groomed individuals. Their bone structure however is nothing special and not particularly feminine.

Your statements:

Try telling them that..that they are "slavicized". lol Romanians "generally" don't look anything like the Italians and Spanish. Give me a break. I have lived in Italy and I know what they look like.

So you have lived in Italy? But have you lived in Romania? No. You don't know what they look like. Romanians are SouthEastern European. So naturally they look Southern European, however yes they are Slavicized just as they were Hellenized and all that jazz. A lot went down in Romania. That is why it has a lot of diversity, but overall the population resembles Italians with slightly different bone structure as obviously it is more Slavic looking.

Very beautful people can be found in all countries and regions. A high precentage of, not in most parts of the world, not in relation to the size of their populations. Scandinavia does take the top spot there and will do so in the future, unless the Asians ruin our gene pool.

LOL You act like the Asians are raping the white gene pool. You shouldn't worry about this, but obviously you are worried that your own kind would choose someone of another race over their own. No one is forcing Nordics to mate with Asians. What an idiotic idea you have here.

There are several types of Swedes, and there are different face shapes. Some are less oval/long than others. They are not Slavic in type, though. A Swedish girl can have an oval face approaching a "roundish" face, without looking Slavic OR being robust, and actually many of them do have those types of faces.

Really? That is surprising since you claim that all Nordic women have perfect little oval faces. lol Give me a break. Eastern European women have SUCH robust faces. Oh my! LOL Besides a face that tends to be a bit on the wider side is overall more feminine and attractive than a narrow face.

You are ethnically Slavic with a short body, round, broad face, a hooked nose and brown eyes, and that's it.

LoL Would it make you feel better if I were Emily? Here lets look at the truth:

You are ethnically Slavic: check
Short body: hmmm... well 5'31/2 is on the shorter side so check
round face: check
broad face: lol you wish
hooked nose: no *rolls eyes
brown eyes: lol hazel, or dark green w/e you want to call them
and that's it: Not really, you forgot something: I'm beautiful


Besides Emily what's so bad about being short? My height is a very feminine one. A perk that comes with a small feminine and slender frame is small hands and feet. I can wear the cutest heels too!

I wonder how people in real life react when they hear you talking about how Asians are ruining your gene pool? You would fit right in over here in the U.S. down South in the trailer parks...

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 05:46 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

There is nothing wrong with having a hooked nose or dark brown eyes....Please don't "rub" it in people's faces."

No one is saying there is anything "wrong", but it is oftentimes not something that improves your looks, and in many cases, as in Ekaterina's, it ruins the looks. Personally, I think the more robust and coarse Slavic women and Indian women have noses that are bordering and sometimes crossing the line of being ugly.

Rai is an example where it doesn't offend, and her nose is smaller, too. Would she have looked better with a straight nose? It's hard to tell. Most people benefit from a straight nose, I think, and it is a commonly performed plastic surgery operation.

I looked at pictures of Romanian women yesterdeay and I must say that they are very unattractive for the most part, so I see why someone with envy in their hearts would be trolling here, like godis, since Nordics are so much better looking it is laughable. Most of them are dark-haired and have more or less hooked noses and coarse appearances with very round and broad faces. In other words, they don't look like Roman statues but like very Slavic and coarse women. lol

As for brown eyes I am doubting anyone who claims to be a natural blonde when she has "darker hazel eyes" and is from Romania. Everything about her story was ludicrous.

As for godis.. do NOT use a photo of a Swedish girl, trying to say you look like her. You do NOT look like her unless you prove it to us. Use your roman statues that you say you resemble.

And yes, she is Swedish. I put great pride in using Scandinavians, only. In fact, I have been far too strict in that. I could use German, British and Dutch Nordic girls, for example, too.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 05:25 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I have posted many pictures of tanned Nordics, so that's not my intention to do that again. Those who are interested can look at pictures of Nordic girls that I have posted here and elsewhere on this site, in order to get an idea what they look like. Another good idea would be to actually visit our countries instead of posting ignorant remarks about us. No offense. :)
