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Wed, 03/04/2009 - 05:20 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I have a sense of humor, godis troll, and that's why I can laugh at this video. I can however understand why it wouldn't be appropriate to use it as a commercial, just as it would be improper to make a cartoon about Germans and show it to Swedes. Why would you do that unless you have to? There is no point for IKEA in looking unkind or vulgar.

And "Sweden" didn't ban it. Swedish IKEA did. Maybe you are as ignorant when it comes to this as you are being ignorant on issues pertaining to Nordics in general, looks included. IKEA is owned by Swedish Ingvar Kamprad and is one of the largest privately owned companies in the world, and he is one of the riches men in the world.

IKEA Germany is fairly independent when it comes to many issues and this piece of film, which is very funny but not appropriate as a commercial for IKEA, was made without the ruling Swedish division's knowledge or concent. The bosses, when they saw it, apparently judged it to be inappropriate, and it is since it can be seen as a cartoon, and cartoons can be offensive. This one does have elements, obviously, that are offensive and vulgar to some, so they obviously thought it wise not to hurt or offend people.

What makes it funny is that you are trolling here and posting this link in an attempt to hurt me and Swedes who you say you "like". You are a liar and a troll, as usual. However, I saw this one several times before and I happen to find it hilarious. It is too ridiculous to be taken seriously, but I can understand that for example older people would be offended by it, so it wasn't appropriate as a commercial.

As for German-Swedish relations they are more than excellent, so don't you worry about that. lol

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 17:55 Joe Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Emily--you rock!

Some of these people cannot accept facts, and that is their problem. They get too caught up in the race issue and blindly revert to ad hominem when in fact you are presenting evidence that happens to go against what they want to believe.

Thanks for remaining so persistent in this issue.
I was beginning to doubt the fortitude of white people.

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 13:07 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

See, this girl doesn't look washed out:

She has darker eyebrows, even though her hair is very light. She does have the pink skin I don't find particularly attractive, however it doesn't matter because although she is making a strange face she has feminine and soft bone structure. Her bone structure is not as robust as the photos of the women you post, and she is closer to my idea of what an attractive Scandinavian looks like.

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 13:03 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

By the way:

The only called Scandinavians "pig skinned" because they often have pink colored skin and I find pink skin unattractive. No offense, I just do.

I would never want skin like this girls:

I don't like her skin toe. Nor do I like her bone structure. I'm sorry I just don't find her attractive.

This is what I mean by washed out, people this blonde look washed out. They seem to have no eyebrows or eyelashes. My hair was not this color when I was younger either, it was an ash blonde that was so light it looked white. This is just Scandinavian platinum blonde and in my opinion it is not as attractive.

The girl herself however has feminine bone structure and it is less robust than the photos of the women you post up.

However, even darker blondes can look washed out. I look washed out sometimes but I always have a healthy tan and glow, I also wear mascara everyday so I don't look washed out. However, even without mascara my hair is dark enough to have well defined lashes and eyebrows that are nice. It doesn't take a lot of pigment to have this.

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 10:48 argentum Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


You have shown your immence ignorance in describing Scandinavians. You have no idea what you are talking about and it makes one wonder if you are even white. Most Scandinavians tan easily and well, so don't confuse us with the British, and so do most Germans.

Very few people would be aware that Scands "tan easily and well." Do you have some pics of tanned Scands you could share with us? (To forestall the likely: yes, yes it's just part of my nefarious plot -- I'll tell them how could good they look so that they proceed to mix themselves with "darkies.")

Would this girl be an example? (Warning: full nudity.) Or is that a consequence of her extra-nordic ancestry?

There are exceptions to this and they need to stay out of the sun. They have a unique beauty of their own, though, and the porcelain white and raspberry color of their skin and red hair can be very pretty.

Hmm, occasionally, yeah, if the person is good-looking. But then they're good-looking despite those, well, when you get to it, "flaws" (sneer quotes because I'm not as nasty as you). Otherwise, I don't think Edgar J. Steele ever inspired too much envy. That said, though, I hold that it's completely possible, perhaps even likely, to be genuinely fond of such features if you belong to his race.

I just looked at the video you put up and it is hilarious. I have seen it several times before and I laugh every time because it truly is very, very funny. So there you go..sorry to disappoint you. lol

Is there some inside cultural joke to it? Otherwise I don't get it. I found it neither funny nor "offensive" and I doubt it was filmed with the intention of being the latter.

One more question for you, does that Swedish model in the red dress sitting on the bed have a name? To nitpick, her head seems just a tad big for body, but otherwise she's breathtaking.

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 10:17 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

There is nothing wrong with having a hooked nose or dark brown eyes....Please don't "rub" it in people's faces. I felt the same way as Godis when you kept insisting "all Indians" have hooked noses and only models/actors may look good. Thats why i posted my pic for you to show that i don't have a hooked nose and by many people i am considered good looking and especially Nordic people find me very attractive. I also happen to be what you call a "typical" Indian and not a "rare" one.
Regarding eye color diversity ... the statistic is closer to 5% of Indian people having light eyes - blue, green, hazel etc.
I have posted many pics ... of different people and the best you could do is say they are fake or photo shopped. Denialism anyone? Come one girl...most of those people look too poor to afford contact lenses or professional photography!

You think you know a lot about what Indians look like? Have you ever been there? Don't judge by what you see in photos on the web. Actors you see in Bollywood are a good representation of North Indian/high caste equivalents.

I really hate when you keep posting "unflattering" pics of Eastern Europeans.....You should think twice. European population as a whole is much lower than the rest of the world....why not unity? Why are you putting down other Europeans? Lets say for example Scandanavians lose their "genes" by inter mixing with Asians...where will one go next to find blonds? rest of Europe.

I have a straight nose, oval face, "refined" features and am 6 feet tall....So in other words my "phenotype" is more preferable to the Eastern European "phenotypes" you mentioned? off course not.
Please be least when it comes to groups of people.

Again I know many Nordics who don't like themselves for many reasons....some say they wish they were darker, marry/mate with blacks etc...
So don't think all Nordic share your "Nordic unity" idea. How is your word more trust worthy than Godis's? Don't make make too many!
Have a good day

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 07:54 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Oh and my hair is a dark blonde/light brown. However, I do get highlights put in to make it look overall lighter. The highlights are a light ash blonde color and they look very good thank you:)

So I guess you could call me a bottle blonde, but I had an even lighter color as a kid so I'm still technically a natural blonde. Even without the highlights, its just dark blonde.

I am really really tempted to post my pic up to show you.But I don't want to be associated with this site, and wow would my family be pissed if I was posting pics up on a website like this.

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 07:50 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

As for my nose:

It's similar to that girls but it is more Romanesque, meaning the bridge is a tiny bit higher, but that's about it. No its not hooked. Not that I am 100% sure what your "hooked" nose looks like anyways. As for Ekaterina's nose, its not really a big deal. I am sure most guys don't mind, besides she is more feminine than women with a straight nose that are masculine so...

This is what I mean by Romanstatuesqe looks:

My nose looks like that. But it's not quite as long. My face kind of resembles the statue as well. I would say my face is between the pic of the girls I posted, and the Roman's statues. The eyes shape and face shape closer to the girls. My lower lip is similar to hers but my top lip is smaller. My nose is in between the statues and the pics.

I'm not going to lie I like the way I look. I used to hate having a childish face like that because people always thought I was 16,17,18 as opposed to 20. Now though I am beginning to realize its just feminine not childish.

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 07:41 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


I am done arguing with you but seriously for good now. Reasons:

1) It's useless. You believe what you want to believe and you wouldn't believe the truth if someone slapped it in your face.
2) Your arguments bore me. The "you're just jealous and you are another ethnicity/race and you're a liar" argument is lame and boring.

So have a nice life in Sweden. lol

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 07:38 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Actually I do strike a resemblence to this girl:


However, there are differences. My eyes aren't really that color. They are a darker green. My hair is a bit darker. My face shape is strikingly similair, my lips are a bit different, my nose is a bit different, my ears are really similair. But, there are many similarities.

I do look very "Hungarian" and believe this girl does as well. I have to question whether this girl is even Swedish as she looks more similar to German or Hungarian?

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 07:33 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

If I were ethnically a gypsy I would have no problem with it since often times Gypsies can be extremely attractive. My fit was thrown over your arrogance. You really believe you have me all figured out. Please Emily. I told you I was 100% honest. I am done, and you can kiss my round ass because I don't give a damn how you think I look. I know what I look like and I know who I am.

Why do you think the video is so funny? The rest of Sweden didn't. They banned it.

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 07:17 ----------------- Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

by Emily

In real life I wouldn't have given you even a moment of my time.


Tue, 03/03/2009 - 06:55 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

There is nothing wrong with having a hooked nose or dark brown eyes....Please don't "rub" it in people's faces. I felt the same way as Godis when you kept insisting "all Indians" have hooked noses and only models/actors may look good. Thats why i posted my pic for you to show that i don't have a hooked nose and by many people i am considered good looking and especially Nordic people find me very attractive. I also happen to be what you call a "typical" Indian and not a "rare" one.
Regarding eye color diversity ... the statistic is closer to 5% of Indian people having light eyes - blue, green, hazel etc.
I have posted many pics ... of different people and the best you could do is say they are fake or photo shopped. Denialism anyone? Come one girl...most of those people look too poor to afford contact lenses or professional photography!

You think you know a lot about what Indians look like? Have you ever been there? Don't judge by what you see in photos on the web. Actors you see in Bollywood are a good representation of North Indian/high caste equivalents.

I really hate when you keep posting "unflattering" pics of Eastern Europeans.....You should think twice. European population as a whole is much lower than the rest of the world....why not unity? Why are you putting down other Europeans? Lets say for example Scandanavians lose their "genes" by inter mixing with Asians...where will one go next to find blonds? rest of Europe.

I have a straight nose, oval face, "refined" features and am 6 feet tall....So in other words my "phenotype" is more preferable to the Eastern European "phenotypes" you mentioned? off course not.
Please be least when it comes to groups of people.

Again I know many Nordics who don't like themselves for many reasons....some say they wish they were darker, marry/mate with blacks etc...
So don't think all Nordic share your "Nordic unity" idea. How is your word more trust worthy than Godis's? Don't make make too many!
Have a good day

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 05:58 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I just looked at the video you put up and it is hilarious. I have seen it several times before and I laugh every time because it truly is very, very funny. So there you go..sorry to disappoint you. lol

Tue, 03/03/2009 - 05:54 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

The problem when you lie is that the story usually ends up full of inconsistencies. You are not blonde and German-looking at all. Those who are don't trash Nordics. Who are you trying to fool? That is what you want to look like, though. By the way, you are so for race mixing, all kinds of ethnicities (except Nordics/Germanics, which you hate, but resemble...cough, cough) and so open-minded, and yet you threw a fit over the gypsy comparison, so I guess we see some *gasp* racism here. When it comes down to it you desperately wants us to know that you look nothing like the Slavs and gypsies of your home region. Haha.

You are ethnically Slavic with a short body, round, broad face, a hooked nose and brown eyes, and that's it.

You identify with the coarse and robust Slavs with round faces and hooked noses since that is what you look like. You might very well be little gypsy since you said yourself you have "no KNOWN gypsy blood". Who on earth says something like that if they are a German-looking person?

I would never dream of saying I have no "known" gypsy blood since there is no doubt. It tells us that you suspect some kind of ethnic kinship with them. Why would you suspect that if there is no visual similarity at all?

You also clearly root for people who are NOT Nordic in type, calling Nordics "pig colored" and washed-out, and me you call "cow" and "whore". What gutter did you crawl up from?

Each and every time you have "argued" with me it is to say something negative about Nordics and something positive about Asians, Slavs or Southern Europeans, at the expence of the ones you say you most closely resemble, Nordics/Germanics...EACH and EVERY time! You are a liar, and a nasty and malicious one at that.

In real life I wouldn't have given you even a moment of my time.

A round-faced, brown-eyed person with a hooked nose will look at home in Romania - not in Germany. Fool. Hair color doesn't matter since half of you have yellow-t(a)inted hair anyway, in an attempt to look like those you LOVE to put down.


Romanian "blonde".

You have shown your immence ignorance in describing Scandinavians. You have no idea what you are talking about and it makes one wonder if you are even white. Most Scandinavians tan easily and well, so don't confuse us with the British, and so do most Germans. There are exceptions to this and they need to stay out of the sun. They have a unique beauty of their own, though, and the porcelain white and raspberry color of their skin and red hair can be very pretty.

These are KNOWN Swedish actresses;





And again, typical Swedes;



"I fuckin said I WASN'T a Gypsy. I am 100% white cow."

This type of thing, along with the rest of your nonsense here really makes you seem so white..
Besides, why is that so important? You love all races (except Nordics/Germans) and race mixing, so why bother defending that so hard? To me you seem more gypsy than ever after these rantings. lol

"I look very German actually, so much so everyone thinks I am 100% American when I go to Romania. They dont' believe I am Romanian."

Oh sure... By the way, 100% American, what is that? Don't offend Peter now! lol

"I think I often resemble what a Roman statue would look like."


"My eyes are hazel"

"I have darker hazel eyes"

Yes, you have dark brown eyes, we get it.

"Romanians generally look like Slavicized Southern Europeans, such as Spanish and Italians."

Try telling them that..that they are "slavicized". lol Romanians "generally" don't look anything like the Italians and Spanish. Give me a break. I have lived in Italy and I know what they look like.

"I am not a washed out blonde."

No, that is very true...

"But, I am trying to show you that a high percentage of attractive people CAN be found in other cultures too."

Very beautful peope can be found in all countries and regions. A high precentage of, not in most parts of the world, not in relation to the size of their populations. Scandinavia does take the top spot there and will do so in the future, unless the Asians ruin our gene pool.

"Those pictures you post do not resemble the Nordics I visualize, which I believe to be more attractive."


Well, it's good for the world that we have the attractive Romanians, then, instead of the washed out Scandinavians who no men could possibly admire..


Ultimately it doesn't matter what you look like. It's just that envy and malice really bother me.

I won't continue this tragic conversation.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 23:44 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

The point of the video is to show that people can be portrayed in any manner. The Swedes were portrayed in a horrible way not by other ethnicities who are "jealous" but by their own: Nordics. The Germans are obviously Nordics, however it is evident they don't think so highly of their fellow Swedes.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 23:43 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


I am sure Swedish people don't act like that. It's was a dumb joke done by a German company. The Swedes banned it for obvious reasons...

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 23:42 C Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

You are silly, using fancy words to try and sound factual when you are speaking of opinion. This bashing of attractive (masculine? What?) models to make the attractive girl next door look better is all based on opinion, and you are allowed to that opinion and to express it, but your style of doing so is going to annoy us. I came here for artistic inspiration, but I can't stand looking at the girl you are trying to make look good anymore. The approach is yucky.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 18:47 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

That was actually a little uncalled for....
The video is funny! Didn't realize some Swedish people still act like savages? hehe

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 18:01 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Anyways Emily,

I am sorry I was being so hateful. I am just angry because I was 100% honest with you and you just dismiss my testimony of who I am as if it meant nothing. Then you go trying to tell me how I look and what is wrong with me.

I just don't believe that it is worth fighting with someone like you. You will believe only what you see with your own eyes. I am sorry but you are going to be in for a rude awakening.

I don't believe this website or you Emily are worth any stress or too much time. So I apologize for my barbaric behavior.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 17:37 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I don't want to sink to your level. But here is a video portraying what many Europeans actually think of Swedes:

I like Swedes. Just not you Emily.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 17:29 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

What I truly find HILARIOUS though is that those pics you posted up:

None of those women are the "ideal" Nordic. It makes me wonder where you get them, it can't be from the most attractive areas in Scandinavia, or else that is a shame.

I am by far more attractive than most of those women, if not all. I honestly found very few that were ACTUALLY feminine. What this site deals with: femininity.

The pic of the woman you posted to compare to Ekaterina was a joke. Seriously? Seriously?

I was shocked. She also has a bad nose. It has a bump on it, and it looks to chiseled and unfeminine.

Goodbye Emily. Have fun continuing your obviously miserable life.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 17:26 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I am seriously never coming back on here. It's useless to argue with someone whose only arguments are to claim someone is not white or jealous.

I am sorry but I can only have conversations with someone of a certain brain capacity, and Emily you have a below-average brain capacity and little understanding of simple concepts so I am going to have to end this for good. You are an absolute waste of my time and a disgrace to your society. God bless those poor Swedes who know you. I didn't mean those insults towards them, but holy shit I hate stupid people.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 17:23 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I don't have tan skin either. I just don't have Scandinavian pig skin thats all.

I CAN tan, something you people in Scandinavia pay tons of money every year to do. You look like plastic tan cows.

and yes I hate the washed out look, and I WISH I was brunette, but I look sick if I go darker than my natural color.


You I was 100% honest with you. You piss me off so much. Bitch, one day you are going to get your nose broken by a fist. Then you'll have that "hooked" nose you fuckin despise so much. I'm going to laugh.

Mon, 03/02/2009 - 17:20 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

A Romanian Gypsy! Now, that makes sense, doesn't it. Still "white", but clearly not anything remotely approaching the Nordic/German beauty ideal

Ok you fuckin bitch. Now you are fuckin pissing me off.

#1) I am not a washed out blonde. I do not have pig pink skin and eyelashes and eyebrows that match my skin. I have darker blonde hair (was platinum only as a kid), and I have darker hazel eyes. I am probably as attractive a blonde you can be because I have visible eyelashes and eyebrows WITH blonde hair whore.

I fuckin said I WASN'T a Gypsy. I am 100% white cow.

Now fuck off. You don't know me. I hate ignorant people.

I look very German actually, so much so everyone thinks I am 100% American when I go to Romania. They dont' believe I am Romanian.

Go fuck yourself because obviously no on wants to fuck you.
