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Sun, 03/01/2009 - 10:34 Peter Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

So now we know that your not only "racist" but also "homophobic". You are much worse than Erik! (Erik of the present anyways).
I have called you "my love", "my darling" etc....So was i pushing any heterosexuality on you? If i make you puke then good! make sure its sudden and goes where you don't expect it.
I would NEVER EVER go for a woman like you. Although if "circumstances" were different i would be attracted to Erik due to his "intelligence" and "appreciation of femininity".
The reason i posted my pics is to show "unaware" people like you that there are many Indians with my looks...not all have hooked noses etc... As well i am not mixed or a model/actor which you keep insisting as the "only situation" for any "good looks" in Indians.
You are a very "confused" woman...I pity you. So you don't mind hooked noses in men but in women? why the double standard? media influence anyone? So Nordic men with hooked noses can "mate" with Nordic women with refined and straight noses? What do you think the offspring's noses will look like? Are hooked noses a dominant characteristic? Isn't someone going against what the say?

As well my darling Emily i have posted pics of Indian women with straight noses which you completely ignored because that left you pointless and confused on what to "pick" next.

You think i should be blocked? Who are you to say that? If Erik decides to block me then fine...but i won't let him bully me without a reason or "evidence of a double standard". Where he tolerates the likes of you because you are a so called heterosexual Nordic female and i am not.
I can post a lot of your "material" about how it is irrelevant! For example what is this Asian race nonesense? Are you "retarded" that you haven't figured it out?
Ok lets say i agree that East Asians are hideous and Nordics are the best in the world...aha and your point? your gain from this?
what a pathetic human being...

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 09:32 Peter From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Dear Erik,
I am posting two of my pics in order to get your "expert" opinion. Is my face on the derived scale? Also about my nose...I believe you posted numbers for nasal projection such as 11, 13... What number am i? from the pics i posted. I have a "pretty smooth" forehead to nose continuity although i also have prominent brow least thats what i think.
*Note this is a topic related post :D

Peter the Indian Peter the Indian

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 09:21 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

White/Asian REAL person - not a fake plastic surgery altered half-Asian model. This is SUCH a shame! Imagine him with normal, non-mongoloid eyes, and for example a sea green eye color.

This is what race mixing is truly all about. Destroying the white race so that others can benefit.


Sun, 03/01/2009 - 08:52 Peter Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

"There is no way 25-33% of people in India have greenish eyes;"
Oh really ... wanna bet?

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 08:48 --------------- Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

by Emily

Men LOVE pure Nordic women and come here from all over the world in order to see the famous Nordic women. Women in Stockholm, for example, are often "extremely white", as you put it, and many men regard these women to be the most beautiful on earth.


Sun, 03/01/2009 - 08:38 Emily Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

You are harassing Erik, and that is not discussing. To me it looks like you are trying to force your sexuality on Erik, writing things like "my darling Erik", and that you are a "bottom". You make people puke. Take your disgusting homosexual rantings and other off-topic discussions somewhere else. He has asked you to, but you blatantly ignore it over and over. Why he doesn't delete your comments is beyond me.

You have nothing of value to contribute and you are trolling. Everyone here who has read your comments knows this.

I haven't commented on your pictures since they are OFF TOPIC, period. This site is about women and beauty in WOMEN. What part of that don't you understand? Furthermore, I have nothing against a hooked nose in MEN.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 08:21 Peter Ilona from Twistys

I think she is very pretty and cute :)
I don't understand why she was removed? and why do you say she is prone to obesity?

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 08:17 Someone Highly ... Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Honestly even your study of male vs. female faces was full of bull to me. The changes are so subtle and depend on so much more than what you discuss.

Beauty is a quality that is formed by opinions, not formulas.

And not all thinner models are automatically masculine, for the record, and the reason for lack of "feminine"-or as I see it, the extreme end examples of feminine you CALL properly feminine- models in the high fashion industry is because they are passed off as fat. In today's world, Marilyn Monroe would be called a fat cow and told to lose weight if she tried to model. It's because of Twiggy and the low bmi's, not masculinity and homosexuals dominating the industry (wtf, give me a friggin' break, it has nothing to do with the topic!). And those women who have a skinnier body type without starving themselves are prized BECAUSE of this new cultural idea of thinner=better. It has nothing at all whatsoever to do with feminine vs. masculine.

oh, and by the way, I am a WOMAN typing this.

And the most feminine-looking women I know could blow your examples out of the water. A body does not make someone. Honestly it's the face.
MOst of your examples of masculine women are actually quite feminine, and high cheekbones are a beauty standard set thousands of years ago that cannot be ignored-Look at the bust of Nefertiti, for example. Still seen as a symbol of beauty today, and she is sculpted with high cheekbones.
And hourglass curves are almost impossible. Your argument is screaming for a minority-a HUGE minority-to emerge.
My sister has an hourglass build-I've only met two women that have one. I am myself more feminine in build and -I- definitely don't have one. A girl can have broad shoulders and still be masculine, and your examples of teenage boys for comparison were frequently more feminine than any I've seen.

In short, get a life, this page is atrocious, and you must be half blind. If you want to judge beauty with math, you may as well try to keep jello nailed to a tree: it ain't happening. I suggest you close the site. All you're doing is hurting the esteems of the many women you'd blatantly call too masculine with nothing more than a fancy skull sheet to base it on, NOT their eyes, NOT their smiles, NOT the things that really appear feminine.

And most of the women on the site you said look like men in drag look feminine to me. They're all feminine to a degree because they are all WOMEN. This is atrocious.

Ps. Guinivere-good for you for sticking it to him. Your thinner frame has nothing to do with how feminine you are. And you have a lovely smile.
and uh, "pock marks" on peoples' asses are kind of part of having skin. People get marks on their bodies. Grow up, folks. We all have one somewhere. If you want something "perfect" go masturbate to tanning lotion-coated asses in your shitty overglossed porn.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 08:04 Peter Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

What is wrong with you? I am "discussing" this with Erik so stay out of this.

Interestingly you have made no comments about my looks from the two pictures i posted...i wonder why? I am a 100% sure if i had a hooked nose you would have slaughtered me!

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 08:03 brownielocks Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I have to agree. It's a complete waste of time. At first, reading the posts of EmilyandErik, I was frustrated that there was so little I could do to get a sane point across. They tend to ignore questions whose answers would place them in a negative light, and basically show them to be body and color fascists seeking to substitute their own agenda. Yeah, I said it... It's incredibly frustrating that someone could be out here, on the net, using outmoded and tainted, scientifically unsound terms like Nordic, Slavic, and Aryan, (all while ignoring other scientific markers of attractiveness)... Posting pictures of brown and black skinned women which look more like post mortem shots of Sarah Baartman (may her soul rest in peace)"for contrast," and measuring and defining female beauty as if it is something that could be quantified every single time. (Such actions smacks of someone looking to conquer and quantify that which has power over him, namely, female beauty). At first, I was frustrated. Until I realized how frustrated Erik must be, one man at his computer, trying to save the world's women from homosexuals so he can have them for himself. Trying desperately to turn a media stampede. It won't happen. Erik's theories are not particularly relevant to the fashion industry. Even if he were completely right (he does make some good points), and didn't come across as a bit of an ass (he does), he still wouldn't have enough of a say to make any headway. My advice to you DN is to take Erik as lightly as any runway show, something which has no bearing on real life, real faces, or real bodies. Only, a runway show is much more vibrant and fun.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 07:59 Peter Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Also, what you call washed out colors happen to be what most men dream of, including yours,....honey blonde hair, the color of the sun..eyes that are bright and sky blue, sea green, or gray like the clouds over a stormy sea."

Who are you kidding!? I can show you tons of pics of Indians with real light eyes
So by your "definitions" these women/girls should be pretty?


Good enough? I can post many many more....Indians can also have eyes of different colors although majority have brown.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 07:58 Peter Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Also, what you call washed out colors happen to be what most men dream of, including yours,....honey blonde hair, the color of the sun..eyes that are bright and sky blue, sea green, or gray like the clouds over a stormy sea."

Who are you kidding!? I can show you tons of pics of Indians with real light eyes
So by your "definitions" these women/girls should be pretty?


Good enough? I can post many many more....Indians can also have eyes of different colors although majority have brown.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 07:01 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Yes, laugh all you want to, Asian troll. That's all you are good for.

The fact remains, who on earth wants to look like Asian mongoloids if they can help it? No wonder they want to race mix with us.

Actually, I'm sick and tired of the fake race mixing propaganda you people spew out, showing half-asian models who have had tons of plastic surgeries. What does that prove? Those people in no way whatsoever represent REAL, ordinary people of mixed race.

That is NOT what they look like. Most look like hell, actually, like the two REAL pictures of Asian/white mixed persons that I showed here. I'll find more of these pictures, more real people of mixed race, instead of the misleading propaganda pictures of models and actresses we are constantly presented with, unless it stops.




Sun, 03/01/2009 - 06:31 --------------- Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

by Emily

If an Asian man could have any one of these girls he would drop any half-Asian or half whatever like a hot potato....unfortunately


Sun, 03/01/2009 - 05:32 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Also, something about Spanish and Italian women. If you for one second believe that that mixed race "woman" compares to a good-looking 100% Italian or Spanish woman who actually will look like an adult first of all, you live in a world far removed from anyone else. LOL LOL and LOL

You really want to promote race mixing, and the promotion failed miserably. You just cannot stand your own Asian mongoloid looks, can you? Well, we whites don't want it either so keep it, please.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 05:20 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Washed out? Yes, in your dreams! If an Asian man could have any one of these girls he would drop any half-Asian or half whatever like a hot potato....unfortunately.















Sun, 03/01/2009 - 05:01 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Also, what you call washed out colors happen to be what most men dream of, including yours,....honey blonde hair, the color of the sun..eyes that are bright and sky blue, sea green, or gray like the clouds over a stormy sea. This is just envy rearing its ugly head. Most women of other races never have these colors and they are so full of envy that they don't even realize how transparent they are.







Sun, 03/01/2009 - 04:34 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

NOT ADULT WOMEN but adolescent girls, I ones you showed here. Unfinished faces, mongoloid traits remaining, but higher nose ridge, white skin lacking life to it, instead with the greenish-yellow snakebelly color often seen. It lacks the translucency of the skin of whites. Hard eyes with the same color as usual, and the awful mongoloid shape. I'm sorry but it is not flattering to any face.

The black eye color, the mongoloid eye form and the flat nose is VERY often passed down to whites when you race mix. It destroys the white race and improves the Asian race at our expence. White genes are recessive and the dominant Asian genes will almost never entirely go away once introduced.

This is what your child with an Asian woman or man might look like if you are white;



Instead of this;


The ONLY way true Nordics can get these mongoloid traits WITHOUT the Asian admixture is by having a child with the serious disease called Down Syndrome.

Is that not strange? Isn't that odd?

The arrested, ball-like and unfinished face shape we see in Asians shows up in white people with this illness. To me it's an indication that many Asians indeed ARE unfinished and underdeveloped. They never mature into adulthood physically, except for being able to reproduce. They often remain childlike, with round, puffy, too large and broad heads (with poor profile development) in comparison to their bodies. They often have childlike figures and very short, tiny bodies their entire life.

White girl with Down Syndrome. What do her facial traits remind you of?



I'm not talking about HALF-ASIANS that Asians LOVE to post pictures of - FALSELY presenting them as Asians - I am talking about 100% Asians. The mongoloid in pure form - undiluted - without the borrowed feathers of white genes, or the plastic surgery magic that models and actresses there almost always use.




Nordics don't need Asians. Asians need Nordics to improve their looks. The proof lies in the fact that they always show photos of Asians mixed with whites. On their own they cannot compete unless they have operations (see picture above).

This actually doesn't matter to me. BUT, many non-whites seem to be awfully keen on promoting race mixing, ignoring what it does to the white race.

They want our genes to improve THEIR looks, since they don't like their mongoloid traits any more than you do, destrying our looks and, more importantly, our racial identity in the process. And THAT does matter.

It destroys a race that has recessive genes, and by that definiton, it is genocide.

Do not contribute to it, please.




Sun, 03/01/2009 - 02:49 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I never defined her looks in terms of masculine or feminine, now did I? She is an example of a real model who is pretty and attractive, and that's about it.

Ekaterina does not even look good. Come on, who are we kidding here? She looks like hundreds of thousands of Eastern European women. There is nothing "unique" or special about her (and the photographers, agencies and even some models told her so), and she does not look feminine to me at all.

Ekaterina's face is far too robust to be feminine, ands she has a weak chin which is not more feminine than having a clearly defined one. I repeat, a WEAK chin is NOT = feminine chin. Asians want to think that since they often have poor chins and often run to the plastic surgeon to get a more defined one.

Unlike the other model's chin, which is within normal size, Ekaterina's nose area and almost ball-round face shape ruin her whole face. The extra weight she put on recently ruins the definition around the cheek area, which look puffy like in Asians, as you can see if you compare her older and more recent pictures.

This is obviously a matter of personal taste but I think it is VERY safe to say that the men who prefer Ekaterina's face to the real model's face are very easily counted. I actually showed one guy the pictures and he laughed when he saw Eakerina's unattractive face, told me she looks terrible, and said that the model is very pretty.

Since she other woman is a model she is probably not extremely feminine, but in comparison to many others we have seen here she is not particularly masculine either, and she IS very pretty in that picture, unlike Ekaterina.

Ekaterina "wins" nothing here - on this site or elsewhere - except a one-year free supply of lollipops and bright red nylon underwear, perhaps.

This is what happens if you work outside the protection of a reputable agency. You could be offered these kinds of assignments. Of course it is up to the person being offered them to accept or to refute them.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 23:42 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ekaterina also has an interesting look. She looks like a feminine Roman godess or something. Seriously, look at the depictions of Roman godesses. Or she looks like she has an angelic face. Soft and rounded with delicate features, and yes that is including her nose.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 23:39 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

You want to compare this girl:


To this girl:


Now don't get me wrong. Both girls are attractive in my opinion. They both have a lot going for them lookwise.

However, I feel the first one is more masculine, and following this website's terms Ekaterina wins simply because she looks more feminine. But, I have to say feminine or not the other girl IS attractive, and I'm sure any guy would want to date her as well.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 21:18 Peter Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

I have been meaning to say this but what do you think of your "real life observation" coming true? :D
Its so hilarious! Rebecca actually plays a transexual on Ugly Betty....Don't even tell me that didn't put a smile on your face? Wonder who is next Gisele? hehe
When ever i see that show i think of you Erik...i mean this site :P

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 20:02 TomL Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

>Oh my can you compare a Hollywood goddess to a cheap pornstar?
Exactly. You can't compare someone who is attractive in (in some cases) a decent, delicate way and thus showing he/she respects himself/herself and others and is a decent person TO someone who has big boobs and hips and dresses in a sexual way in public and is, to me, not presenting any own standards of decent behaviour thereby responding only to other people's will to satisfy their sexual tension.
Thereby you promote moral relativism, and state that there is no such thing as principles of coexistence in a society.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 14:40 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

First of all, yes, it was classy. It was promotional modeling for a very expensive store that sells European lingerie. Don't assume things before you truly know what it's about.
I have already stated that I model for fun and only in my free time. I'm not making a career out of it. And you're saying it's wrong to model lingerie? Take Victoria think that's wrong? Get that pole out of your ass, seriously. You're welcome for me calling you a joke. Glad you accept something about yourself.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 14:39 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Spanish and Italian women can be very beautiful, for example"

And many times they become even more beautiful mixed with Asians. I agree, I see more attractive Spanish or Italians than I do plain Nordics. Probably because Spanish and Italians resemble Nordics, but do not have the washed out features.

Here is: Ellen Adarna
She is a Spanish-Chinese-Filipina mix!

ellen adarna Pictures, Images and Photos

ellen Pictures, Images and Photos

Ellen Adarna Pictures, Images and Photos

Ellen Adarna Pictures, Images and Photos

Ellen Adarna Pictures, Images and Photos

Does she look more white to you or Asian?

A: Asian

Does her Caucasian side add to her attractiveness:

A: No doubt!

Do her Asian features add to her attractiveness?

A: No doubt!

Can an 100% Nordic or Med or any white girl benefit from whatever she got Asian wise?

A: No doubt!

Can Asian women benefit from what she got from her Caucasian side?

A: No doubt!

Do you want a beautiful Indian woman?

Sanchita Chowdhury from Slumdog Millionaire
There are many attractive Indians in that movie. Some unattractive, yes. But many attractive!
