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Sat, 02/28/2009 - 14:16 Samara Let there be video: Keeley Hazell, Carli Banks, Natalia Vodianova, more

Every guy does NOT love big boobs. You need to study more, Keeley.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 09:53 anonymous Abbie Gortsema

I'm going to have to agree with Erik. Those girls seem like stupid little seventh graders that think they are soooo cool. I mean its okay to show some love to your friend, but only leave it in one comment. and dont leave stupid comments such as "Also stop telling people to play with barbies because you need to leave this site and go pick up a life instead of your barbies gaywad." Gaywad? seriously. Grow up.
And i personaly think Abbie is gorgeous and has the model look to her and could definitly get very far.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 07:28 Emily Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

Peter seems to be under the illusion that practically all white women are cheap and promiscuous and all Indian and Arabic women are virtuous and completely flawless saints. That also of course happens to be what Peter WANTS to believe.

How come the entire net is flooded with pictures of easy-looking Indian women? Since they are so virtuous shouldn't these kinds of photos be hard to find? Indians are in no position to talk. There are many very sweet, decent and wonderful white women and many of cheap Indian women.











Sat, 02/28/2009 - 05:59 Visitor Cure worse than the disease? The No-l-ita ad: how not to tackle anorexia

hey i reckon this website brings out the truth about he fashion industry.
And yes man usually do have an effect to make women feel bad about their body size and those are gay fashion designers. we are all adults here no need to get all aggressive unless you are gay and you like to defend yourself. but this is not about you its about the world and the sterotypes in it.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 04:59 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Thank you for calling me a joke. In light of your recent pictures here I think that is pretty much the pot calling the kettle black. Posing in cheap lingerie at the LollyPop show, yes, that is very classy and stylish. I see your career is really taking off..but in the wrong direction. lol

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 04:51 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Sorry, I'm not going to waste my time going through that entire post, much less answer it.

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 01:00 Godis Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

I don't get it Erik. Isn't her body a bit boyish? Isn't her body a bit masculine, including her belly button?

I look to be about the same weight as this woman, but my waist clinches in more, my breasts are fuller, and my belly button is a more oval shape, it's smaller as well.

I feel she is masculine compared to an "average" girl like me. I'm feminine but I'm probably not super-feminine. Also, her face is not really feminine either. If this woman lost weight, she would look more masculine. Why am I confused? Isn't this site about feminine women and how women farther on the feminine scale are more attractive?

I don't think you follow your own criteria.


Regarding ALL your comments, no one is Nordic bashing. Everyone on here probably agrees that Nordics are among the most attractive. You will easily find tons of attractive Nordics, where it is true that you won't with other ethnic groups. But look at everyone's comments. Has anyone called Nordics pre-pubescent dwarfs, etc? Not in a while. Maybe some bashed earlier on, but these are diff. people. I have never heard Peter or Petite say one bad thing about a Nordic. So what's the deal?

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 22:50 Samara Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

I would have more respect for Katie Green if she told Wonderbra to go stuff themselves, and not give in to them and their demands for her to lose weight. It's just ridiculous that a woman with such a fabulous body should give in to pressure to change her body to something "more normal" which, I doubt a size 8 is anyway. Size 12 is fabulous. I hope she can now find the strength to be herself and the weight and size she is. She's gorgeous.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 22:39 Samara Amy from spunky angels

Nothing special, and the miserable expression doesn't help.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 22:38 Samara Rene from only tease

She's gorgeous.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 20:34 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Haha thank you :)
Some people are simply close-minded.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 19:17 hffhgfgh Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Sorry about the lack of spaces between the arguments- I put that together in word and forgot to check that.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 19:17 hffhgfgh Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"No, I'm not telling you that. I'm telling you that the issues it deals with are by its very nature superficial. Flat out poster bashing is one thing, addressing the issues - beauty and femininity - is another. Try to understand the difference."
The topic of innate beauty standards IS an important topic because it concerns an issue with great social implication. I bash you because of how vitrolic you are. People like you deserve little respect.
"No, it is what most Westerners see with their own eyes. The majority of people here don't like underdeveloped dwarfs with mongoloid traits, looking like pubescent girls when they are 25. Sorry but it is the truth. Asian women constantly emphasize the little girl look so I guess they don't mind the consequenses of that."
Emily, YOU are the only one in this discussion who has been calling ALL examples of attractive east asian women here to look like "little girls", "barely changed out of the womb", "underdeveloped dwarves" etc. I would love for you to show the east asian women posted here to people other than yourself and see if they're as disgusted by them as you are.
"That's not my statement. Do not purport to speak for me. That's what they call a strawman, isn't it? To twist and distort the argument, making it something that is more easily refuted. Nice try. Spanish and Italian women can be very beautiful, for example."
You haven't stated it directly, but the way you act damn well implies it. Besides, you citing spanish and italian women does nothing to curtail your extreme biases, considering there's little physical differences between northern and southern europeans overall. That's why I said "barely anything".
"What false information would that be? That Asian women generally look underdeveloped and that mongoloid features are not attractive to most people? LOL That is the truth."
Again, if you ACTUALLY payed attention to my arguments, I already know that many east asian women look under-developed due to their lower testosterone levels, but this is not a major point of contention compared to cranio-facial features and skin color, since testosterone isn't a true "ethnic trait"- it can change greatly over a period of a few generations within a population, even in an individual's lifetime. I also know that extreme ethnic features of virtually all ethnic groups are considered unattractive as well- I'm simply arguing agains your insane idea of how almost anything outside attractive nordic features are reviled.
" I'm not "attacking" all non-Nordic women, I describe the ones I find blatantly unattractive, and I also explain why."
You frequently call most non-nordic women unattractive and ugly, and that this an innate preference. Is that not an attack?
"Bashing Nordics will open the door for counter-arguments. If they can't take it they shouldn't bash Nordics, I guess. I see no reason not to state my opinion since everyone else here seems more than eager to do so. If it happens to go against your opinion, then that's too bad."
So you fight extremism with more extremism?
"This site deals with physical beauty and compares beauty so I suppose you could choose another site if the topic offends you. One could argue that you are usually against something because you fall short of the standard or don't measure up."
This site isn't arguing in favor of a glorious "nordic ideal". I already showed you anthropological studies from THIS SITE showing how attractive korean women still fall greatly outside of the american white female average. If you want to see more, here's an example of their nostrils:
The shift towards european features in this regard is minute. In fact, most people probably wouldn't notice it at a first.
Admittedly, I misinterpreted this same data piece to be using examples of "attractive" american white women- they're just "average" in this study. The american white woman depicted looks quite attractive from a general artistic standpoint, but then again, these illustrations aren't the best examples of what these people would really look like.
My point still stands on how this site greatly contradicts you.
"According to you it doesn't exist since you don't want it to."
You and I obviously have our own personal reservations, but I'm obviously more motivated by actual empiricism because I'm- *gasp* providing more evidence than you!
"Poster bashing when the arguments fail. Very impressive. I can tell the truth and still be the most terrible person on earth. It would still be the truth. Attacking the opponent never made anyone win an argument."
You really have a reading problem, don't you? I said there's nothing wrong with the truth. It's just your attitude that's the problem, and your piss-poor evidence.
"100% East Asians are often extremely unattractive to most Westerners."
And you have cites on this?
"The mongoloid look is not attractive, it is disgusting and is in fact very much associated with a disease here."
Wow, wonderful choice of words you have here. Asian features are "disgusting" and look "diseased". That's the same attitude nazi psychologists had when they pushed off the idea of mentally retarded whites having asian admixture. I'm not calling you a nazi, but it's interesting how much your attitudes align with such an archaic and dejected outlook.
"Thai and Vietnamese women for example can look good sometimes, East Asians..very rarely."
In my personal opinion, thai women are generally unattractive. Vietnamese women have significant chinese admixture and look more east asian than other southeast asians. I'm amazed you'd say east asians are less attractive than them. That attractive ones are a "rarity". So is this something you know as a fact among population preferences, or more of your own bullshit opinions?
"No, dear, I don't need proof when I say Nordics don't need admixture in order to look better. "
So an unattractive nordic female wouldn't look better with admixture from an attractive non-nordic female?
"Regarding Koreans that is good news for their women. Tell them to stop their plastic surgery operations right away. LOL"
This is your response to actual antropometric measures? Goddamn, you are dense. Really, really dense. Or just in denial.
"Slavic women are often too robust and have heavy facial features and a hooked nose. They benefit from Nordic blood, and the ones who look best are often those whose Slavic features are less prominent thanks to their Nordic genes."
I've never heard of this idea of slavic women having more hooked nose extremities than nordic women. Besides, overall facial robustness- IE, the size of the facial bones- has absolutely NOTHING to do with overall femininity.
"Elitist, how so? Do I have to find Asians and Indians attractive and on the same level with white women in order not to be elitist?? What if I don't think that is the truth? Should I lie?"
I call you elitist because you even attack the looks of ethnic groups who are extremely close to nordics genetically.
"Not sure what you mean by that but Asians who have plastic surgery try to look like something they are not, namely more white and less Asian. Denying that is ridiculous. Go ahead, no one will believe you. Some of them will look Eurasian after surgery instead of pure Asian. Why is that if they adore their mongoloid features?"
You're not sure. Try re-reading that again. I have NEVER, EVER denied the idea of attractive women of any race being shifted more towards attractive northern european norms. You act as if they have to be HEAVILY shifted towards attractive northern european norms to be considered attractive.
"I think it's stupid to post photos of Asian women having the lolita look since it helps me prove my point. Their faces, to us, look like that of a 12-year-old when they are 25, and it's creepy. Understand? We are not Asians. We are not used to that and it freaks people out and turns on the pedophiles."
There. You. Go. Again. All attractive east asian women posted here look like "children" to you, even if it's just their faces. Something "pedophiles" would go for. That's just your own extreme biases coming into play.
"Maybe they should try looking like adult women for a change, instead of catering to men who like the pre-pubescent/ pubescent girl look. That would help."
I guess showing you attractive east asian women is futile. They all look like little girls to you.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 18:40 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

you go girl! Best of luck.
Also regarding your does not look "hooked". Emily is confusing the bump in your nose as it being "hooked" as it deviates from her ideal.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 16:30 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

To Emily:

What is the point of posting snapshots of me? I'm either mid-sentence or in the middle of doing something. Most people don't look attractive in those. And you happen to nitpick through the entire album and find the most unattractive images of me just to prove your worthless point. I also suspect that you wouldn't look too great in snapshots either. It rare to look good in those.
Just for the record, my nose isn't an issue. I used to hate it but I have learned to love it. It's unique and gives me my own look. I look European because of it.
About this whole situation - Erik, I accept your apology. I would also like to add that the thread I made about agencies was posted a while back. I was feeling low and wanted some critique to motivate me. Time has passed and I have given up on agencies because they are a waste of time in my case.
As for my got me all wrong, Emily. I am completely confident in myself and I welcome critique. You learn from it. Although considering opinions of people such as yourself, who enjoy spewing negativity at others to make themselves feel better, I disregard. Everyone has different views on certain aspects. Some people may hire me while others won't. I know I don't have a marketable look, nor do I have the height to be a fashion model, but that doesn't stop me from doing what I want. I honestly don't understand why you care so much about my life and my career choices. You don't even know me. I'm not trying to pursue a modeling career, I only model in my free time. You're a joke on a stick, Emily. Thanks for your concern. LOL.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 16:04 pitul Eva Herzigova

Yeah, maybe Eva has hair on her arm, but Nikky has all hairy legs and hips in the last picture... what's more gross? If I had to choose, I'd like to have Eva's face with Nikky's body, with smaller breasts and ass. Eva has a gorgeous face.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 15:40 Joe Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ekaterina is attractive. She is also 100x more attractive then the models in those fashion or swimsuit magazines. The hooked nose does little to detract from attractiveness. If you have one bad feature, but the rest are nice and feminine, that one bad feature will do very little to the "big picture". Ekaterina has a really nice body. Hourglass figure and feminine.

I never really cared if your face is slavic or nordic or whatever. As long as your face looks good, it doesn't matter. Ekaterina's face looks good.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 13:44 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

You really don't "personally attack" people huh?
"Seriously, you seem to me to be disturbed or just an attention-seeker."

"and unlike Indians and Asians in general most white people look good in profile shots (well, unless you have a Slavic face type and hooked nose like Ekaterina)."

Unlike you Emily, i "talk the talk and walk the walk". I don't have a "hooked" nose or a Slavic type face. I am North West Indian and even though i am dark skinned my facial features are closer to Europeans than to East Asians or Africans.
If by your definition a hooked nose makes profiles of Indians look bad...then i must look good? by that definition. So yes i don't have a hook nose but i still find Ekaterina's face (hooked nose or not) pretty. I never said i find her Gorgeous or stunning.

Now before you start calling me Ugly, dark etc etc I only posted my pics to show you that i do not have a "hooked nose". At least i am "brave" enough to do that. Can we say the same for Your highness Emily?


Fri, 02/27/2009 - 12:47 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I have no idea who the real model is. Maybe someone else here recognizes her. That's the only photo I found of her in that set of photos and her name was not on it. I would gladly have posted more pictures of her, and unlike Indians and Asians in general most white people look good in profile shots (well, unless you have a Slavic face type and hooked nose like Ekaterina).

How on earth is a picture of an Indian model a personal attack on you? Seriously, you seem to me to be disturbed or just an attention-seeker. She was at the same event as Ekaterina, and it was relevant to show her since I made the claim that to Indians Ekaterina might be good-looking since most Indian women look bad. Everything is relative.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 11:49 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

* I meant to say throw in the picture of the Indian model
Also Emily claims she doesn't "personally" attack people. So what was the purpose of the Indian model's pic? I did not mention anything related to Indian or make any comparison. Could it be that i am Indian and you wanted to "show" how Indians are "unattractive" maybe?
nice try but its a FAIL with a long F sound lol

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 11:28 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Emily oh Emily.....My dearest, my beloved, my love LOL why must we "fight"?
especially if i am winning hehehe

First of all My look at the "beautiful" model's pic you posted shows someone with a "strong jaw" and square chin or did you turn a blind eye to that one? Off course i can't tell by looking at one pic...thats why i asked you to post pics from multiple angles so i can "judge" better. You obviously ignored that comment/request and HOW THE HELL did you manage to through in the picture of the Indian model???? straw man alert indeed!

The face of the model you posted seems to be robust and posting a picture of her posing with an ASIAN MALE is not going to change that.
Where Ekaterina's is concerned...her face shows someone with a gracile jaw and rounded chin (don't you agree?) and my pumpkin pie...there are more pictures of her from different angles to prove this.
For what its worth even the Indian model has a gracile jaw and rounded chin compared to your beautiful model!!!

"A good-looking anorexic model, who is NOT masculine, could become an outstandingly gorgeous model if she put on weight. That's what I said. And quit trolling for god's sake! I like healthy, slim models who are good-looking and not masculine."

Have a second look at the jaw/chin of your model and answer who has a more masculine jaw/chin area? yeah... thought so....your statements about not liking masculine models are quite credible.

ALSO just for your info sweet heart a model's face is secondary!!!! You are soooooo misinformed. She (Ekaterina) wants to become a fashion model, and that is the context in which Erik posted this entry. She is not becoming a cosmetic model such as L'oreal, lipstick etc...
The emphasis is on the body. Are you seriously telling me that the wierd make up and head gear some models have to wear is to make their face look more attractive???? wrong!
Its all about the body and how clothes fit on them. Now if she was wanting to become a cosmetic line model....masacara, tooth paste, lipstick, creams etc...then her face would be of focus.

Try harder next time darling :)

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 10:53 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Please ignore Emily...for "obvious" reasons. I think you have a unique and different look. Also i really like your body!"

She may ignore me, but not professional fashion photographers who have said the same thing.

"Since when did Ekaterina's face (which is pretty) come into the Q? Isn't modeling about the body? and Ekaterina has"

No, it is a question of the entire appearance, obviously, body and face.

"a nice non aneorexic body which you have said you "prefer"? Wow you are totally confused!"

Nice body? Nice does not cut it. However, her body is much better than her face, which totally ruins it for her.

"So you would rather have an aneorexic / masculine good looking model than a healthy looking and feminine model like Ekaterina? way to contradict yourself!"

Straw man alert. Do not make false arguments and attribute them to me.

A good-looking anorexic model, who is NOT masculine, could become an outstandingly gorgeous model if she put on weight. That's what I said. And quit trolling for god's sake! I like healthy, slim models who are good-looking and not masculine.

By the way, I don't think her face is feminine. I think it is too robust.

You can't just say that because someone has a normal weight she must be able to model. It obviously takes more than that. Ekaterina is not good-looking enough, and thin or not thin doesn't matter. It won't change that fact.

A model who doesn't have the face doesn't have the face. Weight, however, usually can be lost or gained.

"And who made you the judge here???"

And who made you the judge here???

You have your opinion and I have mine. For Indians she is probably a knock-out, so everything is relative.

Here is a picture of an Indian "model" participating at the same event as Ekaterina.


Fri, 02/27/2009 - 09:24 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Please ignore Emily...for "obvious" reasons. I think you have a unique and different look. Also i really like your body!

People here are soooooo confused! One minute they say they don't "like" masculine models and then they post pictures of them?
Emily why don't you post pictures of your beauty from multiple angles? unless there is something to "hide"? Since when did Ekaterina's face (which is pretty) come into the Q? Isn't modeling about the body? and Ekaterina has a nice non aneorexic body which you have said you "prefer"? Wow you are totally confused!
So you would rather have an aneorexic / masculine good looking model than a healthy looking and feminine model like Ekaterina? way to contradict yourself!

And who made you the judge here??? This isn't a beauty contest! Who cares about the face if she is interested in modeling. Give credit where it is due, and please do go out of the house and get some sunlight sometimes lol

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 09:11 --------------- Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

by Emily

And for the record, I don't "believe" Nordics and whites in general are the best looking, they just are.


Fri, 02/27/2009 - 09:01 Peter Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

*NOTE* This will be a slightly off topic entry. Since the troll Emily is going on her usual buisness of digressing East Asians with no "reaction" from you Erik, I feel i can post slightly off topic posts as well. Or is it just that i make an easier "target" because i am of a certain "orientation"?

Uggghhhh!!!! ERIK my darling what is this none sense! I mean i only had to read two sentences here and it made me upset.

"Arguing that someone portraying unflattering [and true] correlates of homosexuality is repressing homosexual urges in himself is an old ploy that should have died with Freud, and a sign that you have no valid counter arguments."

"So, regarding HIV infection/AIDS as a homosexuality-related illness isn’t that off-base."

I think its time that i went further into this. *NOTE* i mean no disrespect to Europeans/whites, and i am sorry if it comes across as this.

Erik consider the following scenrio (note "similarities").

I am an Indian and once an Arab guy commented "White girls are so easy", an Indian guy asked me "Why is the white race so promiscous? How can they have children without marriage?". "They have no culture" etc etc.

I was left wondering....could this really be true? I will treat this as unravelling a puzzle. I am going in with the assumptions that the White race is indeed the most promiscous. This is visible in their media and to any Arab, Indian, East Asian/equivalents living in the West. Not only that even Whites living in the east...such as many living in the Middle East continue to be promiscous! They are not disturbed by the native police within limits. For example when i was living in the Middle East. The Arab police tolerated American unmarried couples living together, "knowing" they were engaging in sexual activity. While they would not tolerate such behaviour by Arabs...especially women.
Oh why oh why is the white race so promiscous?
Now i am doing a "study" and guess what? statistics do show that the most promiscous group of people are indeed white! not only that they also have the highest rates of "non conventional" sexual behaviours along with STDS. YES! i have figured it out!
Sexual selection might have given Nordics their looks but it has also meant they have higher rates of promiscouity and hence STD's and "unusual" sexual behaviours.

Looking at AIDS statistics from the middle east would show one how low the HIV rates there are...most being under 5%. The interesting thing to note is that many Arab men practise "situational homosexuality". In many Islamic countries this is well known and rates are substantial maybe even approaching half the population of males. When the sexes are segregated, this is what usually happens. Will you deny this Erik my love? I can give you sources!!!

Also another thing to note is that condom use is rare in these countries. Shouldn't these countries then be a breeding ground for AIDS? but why isn't this so??? could be related to promiscouity levels?

Now off course your going to throw cultural/religious issues at me! My ASS! Christianity doesn't permit pre marital sex. Culture....what do you know about culture? Is "open/liberal" homosexuality a new culture? is it a fair comparison to the heterosexual majority "culture" which has existed forever. What about the homosexuality culture that "sells/focuses" on sex? Will not gay men be influenced by it? Has this culture had sufficient time to evolve?
Is there any link between what the media shows and its effects on people? For example lets take this model issue....does it have any link to eating disorders among females? So if homosexual culture throws sex at you, will it not effect gays?
The homosexual "culture" is very recent...maybe a decade or so old. Let it evolve!

In conclusion, I can easily create a book backed by statistics of the promiscouity of whites and try to use that as a "standard reference". I can easily make claims about white girls being "much easier" to get than others in general. I can easily point out the under representation of Arabs/Indians in porn and especially including "non conventional" sexual behaviour. Also i can easily point out that even among gays the most uninhibited will be overwhelmingly white.
How well do you think by book will sell? or will i have to self publish?
Erik....i can feel you becoming enraged. My oh my why do i feel like being a masochist at the moment? :D
tee hee i am such a girl!
