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Fri, 02/27/2009 - 08:51 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

That apology doesn't include me. There is no reason to apologize to this person. She has a bad attitude, trying to prevent free speech on a subject SHE herself brought up, just because things are not going her way. A good model doesn't need to act like that, obviously, since her work and pictures speak for themselves.

Trying to prevent people from talking is usually done because you fear what they have to say.

On the issue of weight, I am very much opposed to the anorexic model look, and those who have read my comments on that issue knows this. However, in order to work as a model you HAVE to have the looks for it. She does not have the looks for it according to professional photographers who answered her question on the site where she asked for opinions.

An unattractive model who is not anorexic is not a substitute for a good-looking anorexic model. The good-looking model, if not masculine, could gain weight and become outstandingly gorgeous. That is the way to go. Sub-standard models who are not even pretty is not the answer, unless you talk about the "Lolly Pop fashion show" Ekaterina participated in, and similar things.








In contrast a model who is actually pretty;


Fri, 02/27/2009 - 06:25 Erik Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ekaterina: I am the person who posted the article on you that people have been commenting on. Please accept my apologies for anything here that offends you. A lot of it has nothing to do with your looks. My intention has not been to disparage your looks. I would pick you for fashion modeling any day over the models typically picked by the fashion industry.

Your case study serves as a good illustration of the nature of the fashion world: it considers a fresh, attractive 18-year-old woman with a healthy body weight as overweight and bordering the ‘too old’ to start modeling clothes to adult women! Why? The politically incorrect reasons have been described in sufficient detail within this site, and these are not facts you can officially acknowledge, let alone complain about, or else you will lose whatever modeling gigs you have secured. Important advice: feel free to talk about these politically incorrect facts at various discussion boards and blogs using a pseudonym but not your real name.

You should let those of us not seeking employment within the fashion world talk about these politically incorrect matters. Had you been short, obese, middle-aged, or something similar, I could not have used your example, but your looks serve well, when placed in context, to indict fashion industry homosexuals, and if you know of others like you, feel free to forward their details to me. Alternative fashion industries await.

Good luck with modeling.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 04:40 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Hearing the truth about one's mediocrity is never fun, but you asked for opinions and now you have them, both on that site and here. By the way, if you google her name this page appears right away. lol No wonder she tries to censure our discussion. Honey, this is not communist Russia.

Since you think we must ask your permission before talking about you it must be a relief to know that there most likely will not be much attention coming your way. For a "model", and I use the term lightly, you have a lousy attitude. You just come across as someone afraid of negative critique.

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 00:59 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

You should honestly stop acting like you know everything. It doesn't make you look very intelligent. I don't tolerate my issues being discussed on the internet without my permission. I'm not disturbed by the fact that everyone is judging me by my looks, that's the modeling industry..It's the fact that my issues have been taken to a whole new level where I never wanted them to be.

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 23:32 HughRistik Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Congratulations on your publication.

Have you seen the Ask Men Top 99 women of 2008 yet? I would be interested to see you do a post on it.

This list has very view substantially attractive and feminine women. Misa Campo and Hayden Panettiere were some notable exceptions. Unfortunately, "personality" and "accomplishments" are supposedly part of the ranking.

What is cool is that the website allows viewers to vote on the appropriateness of the ranking of the women. This allows a quantitative, though flawed, method of measuring the agreement of heterosexual men with the attractiveness of women promoted by the mainstream media.

- Gisele Bundchen was rated higher
- Allesandra Ambrosio's ranking was rated as appropriate
- Marissa Miller was rated slightly lower.

Overall, I don't see the voting decisively refuting or confirming your hypotheses. This suggests that if your hypotheses are correct, then people who are voting are (a) not typical heterosexual men, (b) fooled by posing tricks, or (c) voting based on personality/accomplishment (which is less plausible if we think only men are voting, but more plausible if we assume that women are voting also). I can't understand what's wrong with the voters who ranked Misa Campo down, for instance.

I think the comments are also very revealing. Even though the quantitative evidence doesn't show a dramatic dislike for masculinized women, the comments do. The number one women had lots of negative comments. There are now no comments on her entry, which suggests that they were taken down because of their negativity (maybe Askmen will realize that they fucked up with their choice).

Here are some of the comments on Marisa Miller:
"Jessica Simpson on roids."
"a man with fake boobs, ugly old hag face"

On Allesandra Ambrosio:
"Is it me, or does she look like a tranny?
Just imagine her with short hair and a flat chest."
"This is that one Victoria Secret model that was born a man but switched over. Can you all see it now? It's true. But he makes a hot sHE!"

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 18:13 Holcombe The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I think you have a point. I was watching "DollHouse" last week and pointed out to my wife that it seems like everyone that they try to put forward as a beauty generally doesn't have a tiny waist and curvaceous hips. They said on the "Science of Beauty" that men think women are most attractive when their waist-to-hip measurements are in the proportions of the waist being 70% the size of the hips. I guess that's the thing I focus on the most besides the face. The size of the breasts do not matter, unless there are implants, which ruins everything for me.

I enjoy the women of SI Swimsuit editions, especially because of the lack of implants in most, if not all, of the current models. However, I prefer feminine traits over masculine traits, and some of the examples, like Rachel Hunter, do strike me as having manly facial structure. That doesn't mean I think they are transvestites or men or anything of the sort. It's just that I noticed that there are an awful lot of women who are supposed to be the feminine ideal that are very manly. The way I put it is that "she's the brother she never had".

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 17:23 lovely Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Hey Emily,

What is your problem?!

Most of your men like women like me, so stop whining and get over it! I am better looKing than you and that is a fact! You don't even dare to post your own photo, but I did.

Now go on and cry about it!

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 16:28 DN Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Yes, she does have a broad nose and she's beautiful!!!!!!!

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 15:37 DN Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

A Website with this content was bound to stir up hatred, so people, please do not be drawn in by it or suprised by your strong feelings towards another. Please see things for what they are. Why should we let people have such control that they can have us hating each other? There is a sense of self hatred and hatred of human life implicit in the ideas on this site. Why act upon it and speak of it as though it is true? Why allow it to get to us? There is room for everyone. everyone has a measure of beauty. We are all important and valuable. Everyone is loved by God. Sometimes people take their own points of view, i.e., the spurious intellectual theories disseminated on this website too seriously, so Emily and hffhgfgh, I pray you wont!

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 13:33 DN Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

The sight is virtually awash with European women held up as the "ideal" and their features also. It is all quite-small-minded and there seems to be a white-supremacist agenda, if not Euro-Centric assumptions, thinking that the whole world begins, ends and revolves around our own subjective opinion. I dont have to look like that in order to be attractive nor do I want to: I dont need to be accepted by people with narrow minded thinking! Its very unkind to compare peoples, inc. those from different races and pit them off against each other in crass judgements. God made us as we are! The world is a big and diverse place! Its a waste of time.

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 13:05 DN Pamela Anderson: an example of fake femininity

The article is discussing "fake femininity". I started to read because I was interested in notions about "natural" and "fake" and also in the idea of us (women) being happy with how we are and how we're made. The model you have chosen to represent "ideal femininity" as opposed to Pamela Anderson's style is clearly very pretty. however, I coudnt help but notice that she is not far from the sterotypical views of beauty either: she is blonde-haired which is bleached, also straight and long; she appears to have blue eyes, be a "twenty-something" year old, white and very "pinked up" with the pink accessories and make-up. So very typical to stereotypical "beauty". Most people are not like this: even the model has had her hair treated with bleach in order to conform to the sterotype. She also has the large breasts and a vacant facial expression that portrays little except general sterotypical ideas about beauty and availability for sex devoid of any personal voice or character. So for me I would never aspire to this: I am not blonde and do not wish to be! Or white, etc. In the article the aim is to try to "redifine" feminity in a way which is not a million miles from, well is actually more or less the same as the usual, finding new ways to "judge" women on a one-dimensional way which is impossible for all of us as we cannot easily, i.e, add hips etc to match those very precise mathematical, rather cold and unforgiving proportions as acceptable standards. I think to go much further than this and be more helpful, from my point of view, it is good when men want to interact with women, encouraging them to aspire to be happy, healthy, 'real'. Also to accept themselves for what they are without any fakery, look after themselves, be mature enough to challenge others including men themselves who live in a diverse society that if they wish to have open, honest, fair, real authentic relationships with women, platonic or otherwise why not love, respect and accept them for what they are?

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 11:19 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

A "model" who doesn't tolerate her looks being discussed on the internet? Maybe she should choose another profession, then. Get real. lol

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 11:03 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

""You can abase yourself and insult me all you want to. This site deals with shallow issues such as beauty and physical appearance. So why are YOU here?""

"Are you telling me this whole issue has no importance? And besides, why are you crying about being insulted when YOU'RE trashing virtually all non-nordics in existence?"

No, I'm not telling you that. I'm telling you that the issues it deals with are by its very nature superficial. Flat out poster bashing is one thing, addressing the issues - beauty and femininity - is another. Try to understand the difference.

""Femininity is not the same thing as arrested physical development, or women looking like pubescent girls. Sometimes the truth is not what you want to hear.""

"I know what femininity it is. And there you go comparing all east asian women posted here to "little girls". That must just be your own vitrolically biased, idiotic perceptions."

No, it is what most Westerners see with their own eyes. The majority of people here don't like underdeveloped dwarfs with mongoloid traits, looking like pubescent girls when they are 25. Sorry but it is the truth. Asian women constantly emphasize the little girl look so I guess they don't mind the consequenses of that.

""It is still the truth.""

"..your ridiculous assumption of almost ANYTHING outside of this mythical "nordic ideal" being lousy compared to it. That's exactly what you're doing."

That's not my statement. Do not purport to speak for me. That's what they call a strawman, isn't it? To twist and distort the argument, making it something that is more easily refuted. Nice try. Spanish and Italian women can be very beautiful, for example.

""I am sick of the false information about Nordic women that I saw here in many threads.""

"And in my case, I'm sick of much of the false information spread about non-nordic women spread around here. You, though, seem to be going to an extremity by attacking the looks of virtually all non-nordic women."

What false information would that be? That Asian women generally look underdeveloped and that mongoloid features are not attractive to most people? LOL That is the truth. I'm not "attacking" all non-Nordic women, I describe the ones I find blatantly unattractive, and I also explain why.

Bashing Nordics will open the door for counter-arguments. If they can't take it they shouldn't bash Nordics, I guess. I see no reason not to state my opinion since everyone else here seems more than eager to do so. If it happens to go against your opinion, then that's too bad.

""Had I been negative towards Nordics you wouldn't have said a thing since my views then would have been in line with your preferred version of the truth.""

"You assume too much. I'm against any of these idiotic ideals of racial beauty espoused in this kind of debate."

This site deals with physical beauty and compares beauty so I suppose you could choose another site if the topic offends you. One could argue that you are usually against something because you fall short of the standard or don't measure up.

""Indians, blacks and Asians cannot get over the fact that the Nordic/Germanic white woman is the standard of beauty.""

"Must be hard to get over something that doesn't exist."

According to you it doesn't exist since you don't want it to.

""How sad. I must be a terrible person for speaking the truth. Political correctness doesn't allow that, you see, while bashing of white women seems to be encouraged and is never criticized.""

"There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth. It just so happens you're full of shit. And you EMBRACE this idiocy. You act so hilariously arrogant, childish, snobbish and crude. You're despicable."

Poster bashing when the arguments fail. Very impressive. I can tell the truth and still be the most terrible person on earth. It would still be the truth. Attacking the opponent never made anyone win an argument.

""Asians are not most people's idea of beauty. With few exceptions they need to be mixed with whites in order to look truly attractive, as do Indians and blacks.""

"Hahhaha, asians needing white admixture to look attractive? I've often heard people from your camp saying blacks need white admixture to look attractive, but never in the case of east asians. Where's your evidence for any of this bullshit?"

100% East Asians are often extremely unattractive to most Westerners. The mongoloid look is not attractive, it is disgusting and is in fact very much associated with a disease here. Thai and Vietnamese women for example can look good sometimes, East Asians..very rarely.

""A pure Nordic girl doesn't need black, Asian, Indian and slavic blood in order to enhance her appearance.""

"Proof of this? I've provided concise anthropological evidence, from THIS VERY SITE, on how women considered attractive by koreans fall greatly outside of attractive white female averages. You just keep providing your own "personal bial."

No, dear, I don't need proof when I say Nordics don't need admixture in order to look better. People know what I'm saying and the only one looking ridiculous is you. Regarding Koreans that is good news for their women. Tell them to stop their plastic surgery operations right away. LOL

"And you mention slavics as well? Slavs are pretty closely related to northern europeans. There's not much of a difference between the two physically either. You sure are one elitist little shit, aren't you?"

Slavic women are often too robust and have heavy facial features and a hooked nose. They benefit from Nordic blood, and the ones who look best are often those whose Slavic features are less prominent thanks to their Nordic genes.

Elitist, how so? Do I have to find Asians and Indians attractive and on the same level with white women in order not to be elitist?? What if I don't think that is the truth? Should I lie?

""They need ours, apparently, or why else do they always show pictures of half-white models and actresses when they purport to show Asian, black and Indian beauty?""

""Asians constantly remodel their faces in order to look less Asian, so what does that say about Asian beauty? An ideal face doesn't need a complete make-over in order to look like something it is not.""

And are these shifted so heavily within attractive northern european averages? Answer me. "

Not sure what you mean by that but Asians who have plastic surgery try to look like something they are not, namely more white and less Asian. Denying that is ridiculous. Go ahead, no one will believe you. Some of them will look Eurasian after surgery instead of pure Asian. Why is that if they adore their mongoloid features?

I have yet to see even one person who underwent surgery to look MORE Asian, black or Indian. The alterations made are always towards the Northern European/Nordic standard.

""By the way, the girls you posted look like the ones pedophiles are attracted to, so I don't think they help your case in any way.""

"There you go again with your arrogant bullshit. Those women only had their faces showing, so pray tell, what looks "

I think it's stupid to post photos of Asian women having the lolita look since it helps me prove my point. Their faces, to us, look like that of a 12-year-old when they are 25, and it's creepy. Understand? We are not Asians. We are not used to that and it freaks people out and turns on the pedophiles.

"I swear to god, I could probably throw as many attractive east asian women at you as possible, and you'd still be screaming they look like something a pedophile would go for."

Maybe they should try looking like adult women for a change, instead of catering to men who like the pre-pubescent/ pubescent girl look. That would help.

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 09:15 --------------- Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

by Emily

Sure. I'm open - not silent. How naughty of me. And what a pity for some who would have liked the bashing of Nordic women to continue here unchallenged. It was time to set the record straight and I will continue to do so when I feel it is appropriate, while addressing the issues - not the posters.

And for the record, I don't "believe" Nordics and whites in general are the best looking, they just are. Political correctness will never change that fact. Since most other races are not even remotely good looking, generally speaking, that in itself isn't such a big accomplishment.

By the way, to take someone's sentences totally out of context, cutting and pasting them into one fake comment, is in exceptionally poor taste. It says everything about the person who does it, and about the persons applauding it. And to even take the time to do something like that...that's just lame.


Thu, 02/26/2009 - 08:22 Emily Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

"Her arrogance is open where as a truly proud person who believed there race/group of people were the best looking would have a silent arrogance about them"


Sure. I'm open - not silent. How naughty of me. And what a pity for some who would have liked the bashing of Nordic women to continue here unchallenged. It was time to set the record straight and I will continue to do so when I feel it is appropriate, while addressing the issues - not the posters.

And for the record, I don't "believe" Nordics and whites in general are the best looking, they just are. Political correctness will never change that fact. Since most other races are not even remotely good looking, generally speaking, that in itself isn't such a big accomplishment.

By the way, to take someone's sentences totally out of context, cutting and pasting them into one fake comment, is in exceptionally poor taste. It says everything about the person who does it, and about the persons applauding it. And to even take the time to do something like that...that's just lame.

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 02:06 Gloria Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Girls are bitches. Ekaterian is beautiful. All woman are beautiful if they choose to be. The creater of this thread is a jealous whore though, for creating a hate-thread against how "ugly" you think a girl is. You are probably ugly yourself. Even if you're pretty on the outside, your personality is the shits. Fuck you and everyone like you.

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 01:40 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Oh, and one more thing..

I'm Russian. Making me East Slavic.

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 01:26 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Also, for all your satisfaction, I am booking jobs. Thanks for the concern. I am 5'8 at 120 pounds. Measuring at 33-24-35. I guess there is hope after all, eh?

Thu, 02/26/2009 - 01:21 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Hi there.
I am Ekaterina. The girl who this is all about.
I find it extremely degrading and rude that you posted about me without asking my permission first. Please delete this.

Tue, 02/24/2009 - 21:48 Visitor Anna S. from Hegre Art

lol the picture of the first woman that you compare her to, the one with the fur coat thing, I literally thought she was a man at first! Seriously, that is not a woman! You do have a point: fashion models are very masculine. But not all, and they get less masculine as you move away from "high" fashion.

Tue, 02/24/2009 - 21:05 Visitor Anna S. from Hegre Art

Look at her jawline at the side in comparison to the other one as well. More masculine. Beautiful? Yes.

Tue, 02/24/2009 - 20:55 Visitor Anna S. from Hegre Art

Interesting how she replaces a woman that is more volouptous ( I'd call her fat though) with a "less impressive face". Because the other woman had a smoother more feminine face. While this woman has a more masculine face, with higher cheekbones (or so they appear that way. My cheekbones are low but they are very full and sometimes appear high) and an overall more masculine face shape. I think she is beautiful however.

Tue, 02/24/2009 - 18:14 Sean Anna S. from Hegre Art

Anna S is one of the most beautiful women in the world of nudes, in my opinion. Picturesque and sculpted, long and lean, and beautiful top it all off. But everyone has their own opinion of what beauty is. I personally love the long slender torso, small hips, and long legs. That doesn't mean I like my girls to be anorexic. You can, as Anna shows, be of a certain shape and still be healthy.

Tue, 02/24/2009 - 14:49 Visitor Fashion models with and without make-up

These women are not all ugly...especially Adriana Lima, you can not say that she is not beautiful.

Tue, 02/24/2009 - 12:52 Peter Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

I don't really understand the relevance of this post...Now i do think your being really picky!
I think Miranda is cute and one of the better looking "top models". Personally i think her nose blends in and doesn't distract too much from her face.
Afterall didn't you yourself say in the Maria McBane post that one or two features won't alter from the attractiveness of the face (something along those lines)?
Also didn't you say Megan fox's nose job was "fine" since it only was a slight change and did not distract from her attractiveness?

Come on...Yes i think you are being biased here. Wow what a crowd you have assembled on this page!
"she has broad and thick lips" ? yeah...right
"abnormality" she looks very normal to me
"thick eyebrows"? maybe some men prefer the natural look instead of the alien like...drawn in with pencil look.
