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Fri, 02/20/2009 - 19:00 Peter Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

Erik i know you did not respond to my previous questions but seriously do you think there were no other females in the mainstream other than Pamela Anderson? She was the only choice!? I mean the other ladies of Baywatch maybe were more feminine looking then Pamela.
What about Sarah Michelle Gellar? Jennifer love Hewit? Spice Girls (some of them)?
All these were "big" in the ninties. So men not having options doesn't resonate with me. I was a teenager when Pamela became big. I overheard my classmates talking about her and i asked who she was, to which they replied "Your a guy and you don't know who Pamela Anderson is?"

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 17:42 TEEJAY Melisande aka Guinevere

Jealous much? I have only one piece of advise for Melisande. Stay with the brunette hair. It suites you better.

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 16:31 Petite Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

Erik, no need to get up in arms.

Just before you "explained" men that like small breasts by saying they are not "lifetime exclusive heterosexuals". That is implying that men who do not agree with your model of what men are supposed to like are somehow less heterosexual than men who do. What about in the case of a woman who is overall very feminine but has small breasts or narrow hips? Is any man who find her physically appealing not a lifetime heterosexual man? What about if a man has varied tastes in women; one moment he finds a thin, shapeless girl attractive and the next he is after a voluptuous feminine one? Is that men also not a lifetime exclusive heterosexual man? Personally, I find it absurd that you think you can decide how heterosexual a man is by which women he prefers. Until you show some sort of reliable article or study that demonstrates a link between men who find small breasts attractive and their degree of homosexual tendencies, I'm going to think it's complete bollocks. Homosexuality is defined by a man who finds other men sexually attractive and performs sexual acts with men, not by how "masculine" the women they prefer are.

I am not saying you should focus on everyday women. I get that you are trying to show examples of women men prefer, as in, women who are at the peak of "feminine beauty". I understand more clearly now what you mean by your use of the term "The feminine norm" to describe a women who is higher on the feminine scale than the masculine one.

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 15:53 Erik Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

Petite: Why do you have such poor understanding? Where have I called men who disagree with me nonheterosexual? The simple point is that beyond some level of masculinization in women, men attracted to these women will start leaning toward nonheterosexuality. This should be intuitive. And I am not calling nonheterosexual men less masculine, as I have already explained to you. The masculinity situation as a function of heterosexuality-nonheterosexuality is not straightforward, and there is no point to describing it here.

Regarding “feminine norm,” this reference is to the masculinity-femininity distribution among women. As a rough notion, people should be able to discern about a third of women who look more feminine than most women, a third who look more masculine than most women and the remaining third who are in the neighborhood of average. So only a minority of women are feminine in this sense, and the feminine norm refers to these women. I know that the women whose pictures I have posted are not what the majority of everyday women look like, but what would be the point of focusing on everyday women?

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 11:28 Peter Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

...[T]his is not what I said at all. I provided you with some reasons why some men may be into small/very small breasts, one of them being that the men lean toward nonheterosexuality or are not exclusively heterosexual (more likely to be true if the men prefer slightly masculine shapes elsewhere also). ~ ERIK

THANKS so much Erik! You have made me soooooo Happy. Not only have you made me realize that i am feminine and beautiful. You have also made me realize that there is this untouched world of men out there for me! 20% of men, narrowly escaped heterosexuality, not exclusively heterosexual! My word Erik you have made me a happy bottom ;)

So now whenever i see a man with a masculine woman it will be safe to assume the position...uhm i mean safe to hit on them :D
What would work best? sticking my ass out or tongue or getting on my knees?

Erik you have called several masculine women it is safe for me to bet that you will find my combination of femininity in terms of looks and masculinity in terms of sex drive....Irresistable??? LOL

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 10:18 Peter Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Whoever posted the comments of emily THANKYOU!
I was going to do the same! Now what do these statements say??? Liar, hypocrite, immature????
I maybe treating this site as a theraputic outlet...But Emily you actually NEED therapy. Go along hun you have my full support :D

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 10:11 Petite Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

...[T]his is not what I said at all. I provided you with some reasons why some men may be into small/very small breasts, one of them being that the men lean toward nonheterosexuality or are not exclusively heterosexual (more likely to be true if the men prefer slightly masculine shapes elsewhere also).

Erik, this for me is where your whole argument sadly falls apart. I agree with a lot of what you say on this site, but I cannot agree with your terminology for men who disagree with you.

By saying that men who disagree with you are not "real" heterosexuals you're implying that they are not as masculine as you or people who agree with you are. There are billions of men on this earth, and while many men follow similar patterns in what they prefer in a woman, there is no way they are ever all going to agree. I don't think this has anything to do with their sexuality, and more about just a difference in opinion. I think you could say that most men throughout history and in different cultures tend to agree with what you like in a woman without saying that men who do not like the same things in women are "nonheterosexual".

Also, I dislike how you often use the phrase "the feminine norm" when referring to these women in the attractive section of your site. If you want to see the feminine norm, go outside! Just as there are billions of men in the world, there are billions of women. The truth is that the women you've posted are actually not what most everyday women look like. So, I believe it is incorrect terminology to say things like "This women has a butt that is flatter than the feminine norm or "This woman's rib cage is wider than the feminine norm" because there is not really a such thing as a "feminine norm" because females vary so widely. It would be more to correct to say "This woman's backside is flatter than most men, as proven by the various articles and studies on this site, would prefer". There is a difference between saying "This is what is normal among women" and "This is what is normal among what men prefer in women".

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 10:08 Peter Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

Ahhh so in other words feminine beauty is "pointless". What is the use of such beauty/femininity if/when it is unaccessible to heterosexual men???
A beautiful picture that we can only appreciate from a distance and rarely in the form of porn or glamour modeling...?
In the interests of heterosexual men, if it is more likely to attain, have sex, experiment with masculinized women why go for "boring" beautiful feminine women? Is that why many married men cheat on their wives with other women because these women are more open to fulfilling their sexual fantasies than housewives? assuming these other women being prostitues (more promiscous) and hence more masculine.

I mean Mr. Erik are we still living in this fairytale land where a HETEROSEXUAL man "chases"/"courts" a HETEROSEXUAL feminine woman? So if a women is somewhat masculinized and more confident in approaching a guy for sex or whatever than her feminine counterpart....who is the winner?
Do guys mind more masculinized women approaching them? Why do some feminine women still think that a man should approach them and break the ice?

Who are we to judge? Yes ERIK i am aware how you view "unconventional" sex but really come on now....some people like you still believe that a penis's insertion into a vagina is only for reproduction and not pleasure. Sorry to break it to you...
Most crossdressors are "straight" men.
Most child molestors paedophiles are "straight" and although are sexually interested in children or women. Most have no interest in adult "masculine" men. You have no right to say some of the things you have said (false things).
Anal sex is more prevalent than you think even since historic times (women's virginity being important etc).
God did make the mouth for eating...his creations hehe (I am joking). But Oral sex cannot be justified against religious grounds.

Anyways now sticking to the topic...So in other words your saying more masculine women in porn = more uninhibited sexual behaviour? What about cultural differences? Do you think women in veils in Middle East are all feminine because they are non promiscous? LOL I can bet with your high/strict standards they won't even come close!
So a Middle Eastern person reading this should assume that Western women are the most masculinized? even the ones (feminine ones) who do glamor modeling or leave the house dressed (yet exposing)?

Please Erik, your furstating me a little....I mean what is this natural vs fake nonsense? Yes Zuzana is very attractive. But there other ways of enhancing breasts except breast implants. If breast size is irrelevant to femininity then why do you keep bringing it up so much? I mean if you really want "natural" women why do you post pictures of women with make up, fake eyelashes, penciled in eyebrows, shaved body hair, tans etc etc? So why does this double standard apply to only breast implants?

Regarding porn why do you think that men watch these masculinized women? I can really go into details here but there are many men out there (maybe unlike you) who get off on the fact that thier woman will do anything to please them and at the least someone who just doesn't lie there (unexperienced) and waits for the man to insert them and thats it.
SURE femininity is beautiful i will definitely agree BUT sexy??? In the end what do many think with their brains or???
Anyways i like you Erik.

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 09:42 Petite Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

I am very good looking. That is why I don't NEED to come here for validation.

Good for you

The white race is the only one that stands on its own feet in terms of looks. The other races need our genes to improve their looks

Your opinion. Many people would disagree with you. I know lots of white men who find Asian, Indian and Black women very attractive.

Other races feel envy and hatred towards whites

You think that all other races have that much self hatred towards themselves simply because their not white? You think it's impossible that they could be comfortable in their own skin? Don't be so full of your race. That's like saying "All the girls at high school envy and hate me just because I'm just so beautiful!" Please.

Asians LOVE white people and want to emulate us as much as they can

I wouldn't say they love white people, I would say they emulate and are fascinated by western culture, much the same way many American teenagers today are fascinated by Japan. Just because they like our culture does not mean they hate themselves, by the way. The only exception I'd make is those girls who get surgery to change their eyes. That's just plain sad. However I know some white girls who have either already gotten the surgery or are considering getting the surgery that makes their eyes look more Asian, so I'd say it goes two ways.

Remember..they want to look like us

Even if that was true for some of them, you really think that that is the only motive of an asian/indian/black person? All they care about is marrying a white person to "improve" themselves? What do you think it's some sort of conspiracy? I'd hate to go through life as paranoid as you are.

Show me pictures where the women aren't borrowing white genes in order to look attractive.

This would be pointless, because even if I showed you photos of women of other races who I, and probably many other people, believe are very pretty your personal opinion would always be that they are ugly.

What's the matter? Can't they stand on their own feet? Do they really need us so badly?

Nothing, yes, and no. Once again, stop being so full of yourself. Not everyone wants to look just like you.

Address the argument - not the person. Again, why can't you people argue without attacking and insulting?

I am.

Soon enough it will no longer be possible to tell exactly what race or ethnicity someone is

I guess that would be a shame in the same way I'd hate to see Pandas go extinct. However, I'm not about to start regulating who someone can fall in love with and marry, nor am I going to get all suspicious that other races have some sort of conspiracy against white people.

it is VERY important to address the fact that relatively few Asian- or black genes can do un unproportional amount of damage to the Nordic recessive genes/ sub-race.

Yes, because a white person NEVER wants to marry an Asian, Indian or Hispanic person. Nope, it's just these evil other races brainwashing us for the purpose of getting at our genes *rolls eyes*

You are angry because white people wish to preserve their race

I'm not angry at all, because "white people" as a whole do not want to "preserve their race". Only you, and perhaps a few more people are that interested in mere appearances. Your opinion won't change the world, sry2say, so I'm not angry one bit.

It would suit you just fine if you bred us out since many of you are more racists than any white person will ever be.

Riiight, because you're not being racist at all. Saying that ALL people of ANY other race but white all hate themselves and spend their lives searching for a white partner they can brainwash them and make babies. As if that does not sound as though you are prejudice and afraid of other races at all.

Most of these Asians obviously can't get a decent man, even if she is attractive. If he doesn't look like a total nerd or their granddad he is probably a dominering abuser. I wonder if they tell these men that they love them before they are imported into the Western countries and make sure they get pregnant as soon as possible.

First of all, as if no white/nordic people ever can't find a decent man, even if she is attractive (maybe because of a displeasing personality? Men do care about more than just looks, y'know). Secondly where are your statistics and sources for these "facts" that Asian people mostly end up in horrible relationships or ugly people? Thirdly, there you go again assuming these are all loveless marriages and asian people are just out to get you!

It's easy for an Asian, Indian or black person to take a hypocritical high moral ground. After all, you don't stand to lose a thing. We do. So shut up.

I'm white, and I'm not afraid of losing anything.

You can't be older than 15. Your immaturity shines through your comments

I don't know who you are talking to, but I am 22 years old, and I think I have reflected great maturity in all of my comment here.

The problem with Asian/Caucasian race mixing is that it does nothing for OUR race. White people don't benefit from this. They "pollute" our small gene pool in order to look more attractive themselves, offering nothing of value in return.

Who says it does no good for our race? You? Like I said, many white men actually find other races very appealing and exotic. I also know of many "mixed" people whom men find attractive. White people are not the only attractive race, which is really what this boils down to.

A pure Nordic girl doesn't need black, Asian, Indian and slavic blood in order to enhance her appearance.

She doesn't need it, you're right. She would marry an Asian, Indian or Slavic man out of love, not to improve the appearance of her children. On the other hand, I don't think other races need us either. Just because YOU believe that no other race will ever match up to the pure perfection of a white person does not mean that every other person on this earth agrees.

I never understand why people take this so personally.
think the problem is that women who feel deeply insecure browse the net for sites dealing with beauty, seeking validation from those sites

The site itself does not really bother me too much, because I am also a very attractive young woman. I actually think a lot of what's on here is true. I only have a few small issues with terminology, but that is separate from this argument. What bothers me more is these comments you're making. Wouldn't you be freaked out if someone was to come on here and say "White people are all so ugly! They just want my Indian/Asian/Black genes!" and posted a bunch of fat, zit faced, disproportionate white women (because *gasp* there are ugly white women too!)? It may sound ridiculous to you, or even laughable, when your argument isn't too different.

Seriously, this racist nonsense will have to stop

Okay, you first.

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 09:23 --------------- Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Petite, the above post is a copy and paste of that nordic Emily girls exact quotes, just thought id paste them to add a hint of humour to the site.

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 00:48 Salsa Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

The woman in the video clearly takes breast enhancement pills.

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 00:36 Erik Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

A follow-up on the article, addressing inferring men’s preferences regarding the physical appearance of women, based on top-ranked porn stars, is posted here. This would also be a good time to respond to the comments left a long time ago.

Steve: Zuzana has natural breasts. I have seen other pictures of her, from many different angles, and there does not seem to be any indication that she has breast implants.

Marissa Miller has obvious breast implants. Whereas Perfect 10 specializes in models without breast implants, it apparently has featured a handful of models with breast implants; Veronika Zemanova comes to mind.

Ryan: A search for Pason aka Red Heaven reveals a woman with breast implants.

Whipped honey: You have to be kidding yourself that fake large breasts, comparable in size to Zuzana’s, would be preferred by pornographers to natural ones.

Issues such as fake hair and fake eyelashes are irrelevant because they are minor enhancements. Similarly, a nose job will usually be appreciated because it would make the nose look better. Breast implants are a different matter. You can’t tell me that for any given size of breasts (except gigantic ones) fake ones will be preferred to natural ones in young adult women. In young adulthood, breast tissue is usually firm enough for supporting a reasonable shape except for uncommon cases of gigantic breasts.

You have digressed the debate to a different issue, the extent to which men prefer natural looks, but the article is specifically in response to your argument about the extent to which masculinization in women, more specifically pornstars, is preferred by men.

You mentioned 1990s international sex symbol Pamela Anderson as an example that men are not particular about natural looks, but the flawed assumption is that Pamela Anderson’s stardom reflects strong male preference for her looks. The explanation of her stardom is simple. She was lucky to be spotted in a football game or something like this and caught the attention of Hugh Hefner, a bisexual, who likes masculinized bleached brunettes with breast implants. Pamela Anderson had her big break in Playboy magazine and later starred in Baywatch. What other alternatives were men in general during this period exposed to? Masculinized fashion models and often similar beauty pageants contestants.

You left a note about non-looks factors that influence the success of porn stars, but the very fact that I asked the reader to question whether the looks of the top-ranked pornstars made them so successful means that I am well-aware of the non-looks factors. I mentioned “disinhibited screen presence” as an example.

You also said about me, “accusing men who disagree with your taste in women of being gay or bisexual is a ridiculous, unprovable cop out.” But this is not what I said at all. I provided you with some reasons why some men may be into small/very small breasts, one of them being that the men lean toward nonheterosexuality or are not exclusively heterosexual (more likely to be true if the men prefer slightly masculine shapes elsewhere also).

Thu, 02/19/2009 - 19:36 Petite Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Who are you talking to?

I don't see Indian/Chinese/Spanish people mating with White/Nordic people for the sake of "improving" their own genes and "polluting" ours. I see people falling in love and getting married. White people and other races are mutually deciding to date, have sex with and marry each other.

Also, since when is it all about appearances? Who actually cares that much about appearances?

Thu, 02/19/2009 - 10:42 --------------- Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

As far as I can tell I am almost the only reader right now who sticks to the topics and who doesn't insult and attacks others.

I am very good looking. That is why I don't NEED to come here for validation.

The white race is the only one that stands on its own feet in terms of looks. The other races need our genes to improve their looks

Other races feel envy and hatred towards whites

Asians LOVE white people and want to emulate us as much as they can

Remember..they want to look like us

The lolita-look of the Asian women is disgusting. Why do Asians so often cater to phedophiles? Because that is the only niche they have.

Show me pictures where the women aren't borrowing white genes in order to look attractive.

What's the matter? Can't they stand on their own feet? Do they really need us so badly?

Address the argument - not the person. Again, why can't you people argue without attacking and insulting?

Soon enough it will no longer be possible to tell exactly what race or ethnicity someone is

it is VERY important to address the fact that relatively few Asian- or black genes can do un unproportional amount of damage to the Nordic recessive genes/ sub-race.

You are angry because white people wish to preserve their race

It would suit you just fine if you bred us out since many of you are more racists than any white person will ever be.

Most of these Asians obviously can't get a decent man, even if she is attractive. If he doesn't look like a total nerd or their granddad he is probably a dominering abuser. I wonder if they tell these men that they love them before they are imported into the Western countries and make sure they get pregnant as soon as possible.

It's easy for an Asian, Indian or black person to take a hypocritical high moral ground. After all, you don't stand to lose a thing. We do. So shut up.

You can't be older than 15. Your immaturity shines through your comments

The problem with Asian/Caucasian race mixing is that it does nothing for OUR race. White people don't benefit from this. They "pollute" our small gene pool in order to look more attractive themselves, offering nothing of value in return.

A pure Nordic girl doesn't need black, Asian, Indian and slavic blood in order to enhance her appearance.

By the way, the girls you posted look like the ones pedophiles are attracted to
The "little girl" stereotype is heavily underlined. I don't think women who look like they popped out from the womb in embryo form and never developed are feminine or attractive.

Her facial features look disproportionate and she seems to have the mental capacity of a 7-year-old. Pedophile alert there

The first one looks like she's a prepubescent 12-year-old child.

You are Indian. How surprising

It's unfortunate but not AVOIDABLE, since people, tragically, browse these sites looking mainly for personal validation

I never understand why people take this so personally.
think the problem is that women who feel deeply insecure browse the net for sites dealing with beauty, seeking validation from those sites

Seriously, this racist nonsense will have to stop

Unlike many other women here I don't have huge insecurities and don't feel personally attacked

Thu, 02/19/2009 - 07:56 Olivia Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

My Waist-hip ratio is about 0.63. Would that be considred less attractice than 0.7 which apperently is ideal?


Thu, 02/19/2009 - 04:51 brownielocks Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

This is an interesting site: it almost works. The author has made all the right noises... References to the damage that the fashion industry has done to the bodies and minds of countless women... The propagation of an almost unreachable masculine ideal... A call to boycott the industries that are benefitting from the suppression of "real" women. If he goes a little too far in his indictment of the homosexual dominated fashion industry, at least he does it without overt hate... It almost sounds like he's trying to do something positive for women.
Then you see the photos of "attractive" women that he has on the site. The similarities between the women are more than uncanny, they point to an almost pathological obsession with a certain set of feminine traits. The size of the eyes (proportionally large), and mouth, the shape of the nose (small and upturned), the size and fullness of the lips. The age seems to be between 18 and 25. The major difference among the women is in eye and hair color. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Doubtless, the women chosen are all attractive. But there is also a "Stepford" quality to the whole section which is unnerving. Take a look at the photographs, you'll see what I mean.
Obviously, the author of this site is an extremely intelligent man, with an appreciation of women. It is also pretty obvious to me that there are some obsessions at play. What we have here is not quite an objective study of feminine beauty. What we have is a site (more like a shrine) dedicated to the particular type of woman who "does it" for the author. That's more than fine. It's his site. What is a might more insidious is that he tries to flesh it all out with some science, some pseudoscience, and some propaganda. We almost escaped this in the 1940's. On the more benign side, this site reminds me of the pronouncements of Max Factor, when in 1940 he measured and presented the All-American face of Mary Parker, a "perfectly proportioned" blonde who represented perfection. Worldwide, there were less benign effects of the "science" of perfection, as well.
Frankly, I'd like this site better if it were a plain old porn site. At least it would be honest in it's intentions. An attempt to justify one's own personal preferences (which by the way, need no justification) through the use of science is eerily reminiscent of darker times, and in the end may be more destructive than the fashion industry. The fashion industry is actually broader than the ideals of this site, and employs models of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Moreover, it changes throughout time. Looking at the pictures displayed here, I'd actually feel safer throwing my lot in with Lagerfelds and Versaces of the world. I might actually find a place for myself amidst the mayhem. I could say more, but it's late and I'm tired. In a word, like what you like, but your personal standards aren't the gold standard, and if you're trying to help women, we may be better off without it.

Wed, 02/18/2009 - 13:32 Visitor The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

anita looks like a crack whore.. Yesica is gorgeous..

Wed, 02/18/2009 - 13:14 Iamyouandyouareme The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Tue, 02/17/2009 - 09:54 Kendell The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Corinna from Femjoy has an extremely masculine belly button. However, I have to say she is gorgeous and it doesn't bother me at all...

Besides having large breasts,Courtney from Courtney's camera, does not have a feminine body at ALL! Her figure is 'boyish'.

Tue, 02/17/2009 - 09:48 Kendell The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Shay Laren from DDgirls has a flat backside. She positions herself to make it seems as though she does not,however she does. It is obvious... It's not even a bit flat, its really flat.

Tue, 02/17/2009 - 09:46 Kendell The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

sorry wrong one. I am speaking of Dasha from model flats. The girl with a blue bikini bottom. MASCULINE! gross. Her chest is too boney as well.

Tue, 02/17/2009 - 09:43 Kendell The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Nikita Laska has a masculine face. Look at her robust nose, cheekbones, and her face shape if very angular. Look at her eyebrows, see her browbone? It sticks out too much. She is not feminine at all, despite her figure. Her face is just screaming transexual, and in a few years it will be a lot worse! I am also sure if she gained a bit more weight her body would become a bit more masculinized as well, and her waist would not be so small. However, her body would still be feminine, where her face won't be feminine no matter what she does...

Tue, 02/17/2009 - 09:40 Kendell The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Sorry, I agree though. Anita Dark has a very transexual face. I agree with the super models you posted up. Many of them look transexual. However, even in your attractive women's section, you have "attractive" women that clearly look masculine. They aren't even in the "somewhat masculinized section". I just don't get it. There is one woman that clearly has a small waist, ribcage, and large breasts in relation to her thinness. However, her face is so masculine I wonder how you didn't notice it?

Tue, 02/17/2009 - 06:57 Candlejack The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Regarding Corinna.. well it depends of the pics and angle.... here she is that nice anymore...

Tue, 02/17/2009 - 06:51 Erik The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Petite: In my reply to you I used the word normal in relation to sexual orientation. Normal here is functioning in accordance with design. Even homosexuals know that heterosexuality is normal in this sense or they would never have been born. This is not a matter of judgment. You then went into a discussion “that men generally like the same sorts of things in women, their standards on what is attractive and what is not can vary quite widely,” which no one, myself included, would dispute. When it comes to models reaching the top for a major publication catering to the male heterosexual population, the looks that will carry the most weight will be the ones that most men find highly appealing, assuming that this preference determines the selection of models, but a different preference is behind the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.

Ross: I fail to see anything close to a masculine transsexual face in Anita Dark’s pictures from her early twenties. Anyway, there is nothing in my argument that men attracted to the Sports Illustrated/fashion models are violating the notion of exclusive heterosexuality. The argument is that the high status of these women cannot be explained in terms of male heterosexuality. Heterosexual men will find numerous women, harboring above average femininity, more attractive than the masculinized women Sports Illustrated is glorifying, which means that these masculinized women would not have made it to the top if male heterosexuality were behind the selection.

Some people above have a difficult time accepting the notion that proper heterosexuals are those that have never experienced same-sex attraction and have never voluntarily indulged in homosexual behavior. This notion is very well supported empirically, and I have described the evidence, but it is not online. I will come back at some point and list this evidence.
