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Tue, 05/06/2008 - 23:20 Erik Quick judgment of face beauty; variation in and appeal of women’s gait across the menstrual cycle

Zonneschijn: I asked you a bunch of questions and you didn't reply to any of them, but asked me a question that is unrelated to the article posted. I don't know why a lot of white males find the Asian women better looking than the white women. Do not leave comments unrelated to what the articles discuss.

Tue, 05/06/2008 - 08:57 Peter Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

I don't know how people get the idea men have longer legs than women proportionally

a) growth is estrogen fuelled (So I heard, correct me if I'm wrong), on a mutant programme, concerning the very tall they talked about amazingly tall male opera singers that had been castrated (A paradox though, if estrogen is the growth hormone then why are men taller in most cases...)
b) With girls shorter than me I've noticed more often than not their legs are equal length (Of course I haven't met that many women in the world so it's not a strong argument)
c)Women actually have short upper bodies compared to men
d)Okay these are extreme cases but look at tall men, their legs are actually shorter in ratio terms compared to average people whereas tall women have very high ratios
e) A possible answer, perhaps the women with shorter legs were less active in puberty? Boys tend to be more active than girls physically...

What does interest me is why western people have longer legs than eastern, it's very apparent (I myself am chinese and my legs were measured at 27 inches, my height is 68 inches so in comparative terms I have short legs)
Another thing I notice is for most people though our heights vary several inches standard trousers don't so much, just wondering why that is. Anyhow I know nothing and I think you need a very big sample if not population of people to justify the argument either way for leg length, plus it's no good pairing people of very different heights

Tue, 05/06/2008 - 04:10 Erik Linda D. from Met Art

Debra: There is nothing crazy, let alone hypocritical, about specifying that a well-formed nose is a criterion of beauty, and on this count the fashion world isn’t much different from the standards I am interested in promoting.

Alex: Ulya I. from Met-art has a great body but, in my opinion, not so great a face. Ulya is still shown within this site. Linda’s face has a strange appeal in spite of the malformed nose and some obvious asymmetries in her face. She is a good example of appeal notwithstanding obvious, including serious, shortcomings. I am not sure whether she will stay in the attractive women section for good, but even if not, her pictures will be posted here as those of an attractive woman.

Feminine beauty = feminine + beauty (these elements are not mutually exclusive).

Whereas a malformed nose has nothing to do with femininity, it is related to the beauty part.

Tue, 05/06/2008 - 03:44 Erik Makeup as cosmetic camouflage

Please do not leave comments that have nothing to do with the article posted. The first posting at this blog should be used for comments that don't fit anywhere else.

Irina doesn't buck the general tendency toward masculinization in SI models. You would not call her feminine, but you can call her sexy (at least in some of her pictures).

Tue, 05/06/2008 - 03:24 alex Linda D. from Met Art

sorry but why did Linda D. replace Ullya from Met Art? Ullya seems very attractive for a female and more attractive and feminine than most of the women you have pitched as 'attractive' in the attractive women section. Also, If this site is about feminine beauty, what's that got to do with a malformed nose?

Tue, 05/06/2008 - 02:54 Joe Makeup as cosmetic camouflage

I can point you to an up-and-coming fashion model who is gorgeous and defies the overriding masculine trend: Irina Shayk. Take a look at her shoot in the latest Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

Mon, 05/05/2008 - 18:06 zonneschijn Does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder?

hannah : you see? beauty lie in the eye of the beholder. I put the pictures of katrina kaif. the Indian part British supermodel on here because I find she has the weak jaw and weak cheeksbone, big breasts and wide hip following the " beauty's cristeria" of erik. some people like you may find her face looks like a horse because the jaw and cheeksbone are very weak? so what's the true beauty then if it dosen't lie in the eye of the beholder?
some woman got epicanthic fold then you find she has
disportionate eyes?
some women got sucken eyes you find she got eyes like men?
some women got big set eyes, you find she got eyes like black people?
some women got double eyelids you find she looks old?

Katrina Kaif, beautifull Indian/British supermodel/actress of India.

What do you think about katrina kaif's back, erik?

Mon, 05/05/2008 - 13:00 hannah Does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder?

zonneschijn, that lady looks like a horse.

Sun, 05/04/2008 - 10:44 Joshua Does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder?

Also if you look closer you'll find it is the same features of a skull and face that are consistently being the cause of attractiveness, e.g. large, wide set eyes in women, broad forhead in males etc. Just more evidence for the fact that beauty is universal and not in the eye of the beholder.

Many pschology journel publications have papers showing this.

Sat, 05/03/2008 - 23:54 and you're wrong Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

... and allow me to give you the references to peer reviewed journal articles to prove it.

Waist-to-hip ratio and preferences for body shape: A replication and extension

Preferred waist-to-hip ratio and ecology

How Universal Are Preferences for Female Waist-to-Hip Ratios?

Adaptive significance of female physical attractiveness: Role of waist-to-hip ratio

You see we now have this crazy thing called science that allows people to objectively determine things.

Rebecca Romijn's measurements from imdb 24 inch waisnt and 35 inch hips. Now let's see what would that ratio be? Why it's 0.6857. Hmmm seems it's almost exactly 0.69. How absolutely not strange at all given what we know about human preferences for body shape across a very wide variety of cultures. For the original work please see the above paper authored by D. Singh.

Oh and perhaps now you can stop spouting nonsense as though it is established fact.

Sat, 05/03/2008 - 22:29 hannah The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

could it be possible that the models are masculinized because the women that purchase the clothing modeled by these semi-hermaphroditic broads are actually attracted to men? sex sells, doesn't it?

Sat, 05/03/2008 - 19:59 chute de cheveux Facial masculinization in beauty pageant contestants: an example from the Miss Germany 2002 pageant

The hairstyles of these models look really outdated to me.

Sat, 05/03/2008 - 12:36 sidney The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

i really dont see what skin colour has to do with beauty? Whether she is black or white is redundant. I say this from an unbiased point of view as I am mixed race myself. I dont think being black makes you beautiful and i dont think being white makes you beautiful either. Beauty is a composition of many factors, yes face and body do matter but i cant believe that hardly anyone on this site chooses to admit that beauty is completely objective.

Sat, 05/03/2008 - 02:17 miette The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

all you're talking about is the difference between a well toned woman and filled out woman. the girls you're using as examples of what women are "supposed" to look like just have larger hips and bigger breasts.
i'm a small framed girl and look more like these victoria secret models than i do the porn models. you're simply showing your preference towards bigger breasts and larger hips than you are making any real commentary on "masculine women" or the fact that skinny is regarded as better than fat.

waste of time to read.

Fri, 05/02/2008 - 21:08 Tim Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

You people act like having a broad nose is a sin

Thu, 05/01/2008 - 02:38 Erik Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

dot: Whereas Ronnie Coleman was the #1 bodybuilder for many years and a massively muscular individual at that, the most muscular bodybuilders are disproportionately white males. White males have a muscle bulk advantage but the following disadvantages compared to West African males when it comes to bodybuilding competitions: higher subcutaneous fat (leading to less definition), fuller muscle bellies (leading to reduced separation between adjacent muscles) and lighter skin (reflects more light and doesn’t bring out shape minutiae). The skin color problem is easily addressed via a fake tan, but the other problems remain. Many really massive white bodybuilders never make it to the top because they just cannot get “cut” or defined enough. For instance, Greg Kovacs shown above was much more massive at his peak than Ronnie Coleman (and 3 inches taller, too), but never came close to winning a Mr. Olympia. Another bodybuilder shown above, Markus Ruhl, has competed at a bulk much greater than Ronnie Coleman’s in spite of being an inch shorter. West Africans tend to have more bone mass than whites, and so you can guess how much more muscular some of the white bodybuilders really are.

The evidence regarding testosterone levels is unlcear. The only testosterone-related study representative of the American population did not find a difference in testosterone levels between American white men and African-American men. In this study, if you look at the unadjusted values, it seems that African-American men tend to have slightly higher testosterone levels, but this was not statistically significant, and adjustment for age, BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activity revealed no statistically significant differences between these two groups. However, more of the testosterone was being converted to DHT (more potent than testosterone; it amplifies the effect of testosterone) in white men, and African-Americans had higher estradiol levels. This study did not report on the distribution of the sensitivity of the androgen receptor to testosterone in the groups, but there have been one or two reports that forms of androgen receptors that are the most sensitive to androgens such as testosterone are somewhat more prevalent among African-Americans (greater sensitivity translates to stronger effect of testosterone on target tissues). So a clear picture awaits more research.

Sub-Saharan Africans tend to have narrower hips than whites, but this appears to be an ethnic feature unrelated to testosterone levels. I am not aware of shoulder width differences among these two groups of men.

The evidence regarding penis length differences between whites and Africans is unclear (also this) though I think it is slightly longer in the Africans.

The slender calf muscles, more precisely calf muscles with shorter bellies, are better suited to sprinting because of a greater proportion of fast-twitch fibers, but this also makes them less suitable for long-distance running.

Thu, 05/01/2008 - 01:30 Erik Sensation seeking and men’s preference for facial femininity in women

HughRistik: The relationship between testosterone and sensation seeking is unlikely to be linear (straight line relationship), and testosterone by itself only explains a minority of the variation in sensation seeking.

Len: Megan Fox is a sexy woman indeed.

Wed, 04/30/2008 - 07:38 Colin Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

I dont really know how to say this in a friendly way, but PLEASE STOP TALKING THROUGH YOUR ARSE!!!!!

Adriana Lima, Jessica Alba and Alessandra Ambrosio are unbelievabley beautiful. why do you want to bring them down??? That Camille bird is not half as beautiful as Alessandra Ambrosio and shouldnt be printed on the same page as her.

Wed, 04/30/2008 - 05:05 Len Sensation seeking and men’s preference for facial femininity in women

What is your take on the attractiveness of Megan Fox, named sexiest woman by FHM in both their UK and US polls?

Tue, 04/29/2008 - 20:02 HughRistik Sensation seeking and men’s preference for facial femininity in women

Interesting. See also Bogaert, A. F., & Fisher, W. A. (1995). Predictors of university men’s number of sexual partners. Journal of Sex Research, 32, 119–130. All of these variables were correlated with sensation seeking:

- attractiveness
- dominance
- hypermasculinity (0.4)
- Eysenck psychoticism
- number of sexual partners

Though none of these variables were related to current testosterone levels. There is a lot of other interesting stuff in that study also.

I can think of a more likely explanation. The neurophysiology of overall stronger sensation seeking can be roughly modeled as a need for overall stronger stimuli to engage one’s mind. Therefore, heterosexual men who need stronger stimuli in general to stimulate their mind disproportionately favor more feminine women and possibly have a stronger interest in women’s attractiveness also.

I like your explanation more than theirs. Another possible explanation is that more masculine men are just wired to be attracted to more feminine women.

What may cause stronger sensation seeking? The authors mention some research on prenatal and adult exposure to testosterone. If the brain organizes and develops under higher androgen levels, then the odds of sensation seeking are increased.

I wonder if this relationship is linear? If there is enough prenatal T to disturb the fetus, then what would happen to sensation seeking? See for instance Gilmartin's study of love-shy men who sound low in sensation seeking, highly sensitive physically, developmentally disturbed, and hypomasculinized.

Tue, 04/29/2008 - 19:33 . Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

I read somewhere, that black man have higher testosterone levels,hence broader shoulders and narrower hips .

Is it true Erik ???

The top bodybuilder is Ronnie Coleman -who's black .
Jay Cutler -white one is next .

Dont know ,but it seems easier for black man to build muscle ?

I read some journal that says it .
Broader shoulders ,and larger penises and also longer slenderer calf muscle ideal for sprinting events .

True ????

Tue, 04/29/2008 - 07:08 z/zonneschijn Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?


Your examples of evolution are ridiculous. Evolution refers to change in gene frequencies, not to environmentally-induced changes in phenotype (physical appearance in your case). The reason you observe Southeast Asian women become lighter after years of living in Northern Europe is that they are exposed to less ultraviolet radiation.

erik,I do not mean that those south east asian could changed their geans in a few years of staying in northern europe. but I mean it's the SIGN of changing. you are trying to avoid that enveronment is also one factor effected to how each race are look like?
why nordic people are so pale and have narrow small nose? it's because they are living in very cold countries and less ultra-violet, with the narrow nose's hole you could breath easily in the cold. I have seen some asian with flat nose with the big hole, their nose are bleeding in the cold weather because the nose they have, do not make for breathing in the cold weather. if you are avoid to say that enveronment and physical activities could never effected on geans? so why you mentioned about the european and Inu-japanese are the first group whom begin to eat the cooked food? so their descendent have the weak jaw?

also about blue eyes are just started first time around 11000 years ago? the earlier time before 11000 years, all humans had only dark eyes. if it's not because evolution, what is it call then?

I know that the south east asian moved to stay in northern europe couldn't look like european in just a few years, but I sure after 200000 years, their non-caucasian childrens will look almost like european. yes, we couldn't see the evolution, but it just changing awhile we do not know ourselves.

I think you have to watch a lot of national geography or discovery chanel. have u ever heard of the fish without spines and rays? living in the water crave in the dessert somewhere in anatolia? or the black people in some city of africa which their anchestor were the jewish in jerusalem. you also can take a look at this link,
enveronment plays a major role on evolution.

Mon, 04/28/2008 - 21:46 dot-to-dot Eva Herzigova

There's a bit of an obsession with 'masculinity' in women throughout the whole of this site. It's, especially in this article, tenuous to say the least. The reason these women are high fashion models is because they have interesting and sculptural faces. They are not average women with average feminine features, what would be the point in singling them out if they were?
Interesting faces are, on the whole, found to be more beautiful than plain faces because, funnily enough, they would portend personality (not necessarily rightly). There is something to look at, you can explore their faces with curiosity. The girls on your 'Attractive Women' page are incredibly boring to look at! They're pretty girls, the kind that you might pick out in a pub or in your workplace but on the grand scale of all that is available, fairly average. Pleasant, but average.

The girl-next-door, wifey look is difficult to pull off because it requires a whole new set of rules, and generally is more restricting in visuals, both poses and styling, and can look tacky very easily. This is the other half of the modeling world which you have not touched upon and I might suggest looking into the correlation between these girls' features and children's features. Rounded fuller faces and larger foreheads (predominant on your 'Attractive Women' page) are main infantile facial features.

Neither is surprising, they are each the results of male fantasy, the dominating amazonian statuesque beauty, or the docile innocent naivety of youth.

That said it is all in swings and roundabouts, as is the nature of the fashion world, the fifties model was full-cheeked, narrow-jawed and had high hairlines.

It is an interesting observation but you devote too much time to it creating strong bias in your site. A compelling debater will always explore the alternatives and oppositions.

(By the way, the term 'masculinization' would suggest they've had things done specifically to create a masculine look which is highly improbable.)

Mon, 04/28/2008 - 19:04 z/zonneschijn Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

And why the fashion designers have to take their models look like they are a cartoon drawing or women in the portait. some model having very hooked nose could represent the mystery looking-cloths, somehow their face remind you of the witch in the cartoons or anythings in your immegination. from my point of view all artists learn much of beautifull arts untill they are boring of those megnificent thing. such as Renaissance art, so they are focusing more on the art that's lesser megnificent's details, plainly looking.

Mon, 04/28/2008 - 18:22 z/zonneschijn Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Erik :

For the point of view of some girl who has the shape like your glamour model and still she trying to lose her weight, to look like fashion models. the mainly is the women themselve also wanted to be deminant like male and keeping gentle looking in the same time. some girl said she wanted to get taller like natalie glebova because it's look elegrant. yes, when you are tall, everyone tend to look at you. and that girl wanted to be skinny like fashion models because she FINDS skinny shape is delicate and lovely. I know many women especially in france and south east asia find skinny to be lovely and cute, childish shape without breasts and hips. some women think men find skinny is delicate, tender and they don't like men look at them like pornstar with alot of breasts and buttocks. lately, we seen the skinny women not only in fashion magacines but now also includeing Hollywood. skinny seems to represent people the feeling of tender, fragile, childish, polit and no way think of vulgar or demeaning of sexuality. so, we are likely to see the actresses on the movie tend to be thin, slim or skinny than, tend to be buxum ( which somepeople find it's the shape of pornstar or sexuality.

From the point of view of the person who involving about art like me.
skiny and tall are counteracted the cloth that fashion models are wearing. if I'd like to take a picture of models. I'd like my photographs looks like an alternate dimension or a drawing portait than the REALITY, and this is not especially only about taking a photographs, but also in any kind of modern's arts. with the shape of average weight women or over weight, the photographs or the clothing cann't possible look like a a drawing portait because there are too much details on the average shape's models.

you can take a look at these fashion photos, such as the first one.
the picture'd not represent as it looks, like portait or looks like dreaming. if the model in the picture isn't skinny like in this pic.
you can notice she looks almost like a doll, unreality and it's art.
