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Mon, 04/07/2008 - 04:25 Movsepian A review of mesotherapy solutions for breaking down fat and treating cellulite

*stretches* connective bonds

Mon, 04/07/2008 - 04:25 Movsepian A review of mesotherapy solutions for breaking down fat and treating cellulite

There's a much better non-surgical treatment for celulite/surface fatty deposites out these days. It's an updated version of the thermage "laser" that non only breaks up surface fatty tissue, but also stretched connective bonds. I've tried both this and meso before, and there is no comparison.

Sun, 04/06/2008 - 07:44 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I find that the far east asian always look cute in anyway, however they got the fake hair and eyes' color.

Sun, 04/06/2008 - 07:42 Mae The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

Heidi Klum, Giselle Buendchen and so on are NOT UGLY. Honestly they might not be as sexy as some latin woman, but they sure are not ugly. To me being pretty and sexy has a lot to do with attidude and (I am sorry I have to say this) looking at Veronika and Grace I cant help thinking of them as cheap whores. Just because they have natural big (and to me not pretty at all) boobs and are chubby (or: because they are chubby they have bigger boobs ^^), they are not pretty to me and not sexy at all. They are plain ugly showing off their boobs and pussy like that, putting on a porn face at the same time. To me Heide and so on are much more pretty, not because they have that perfect of a body, but just because they don't represent themselves as cheap whores.
I think the pictures of Grace and Veronika are just disgusting, they make me wanna puke and that would never happen to me looking at a pic of Heidi Klum, even though I dont necessarily see her as an ideal woman.

Sun, 04/06/2008 - 03:33 Zakk Maria Sheriff

Repost, Maria sheriff, older pics

Sun, 04/06/2008 - 03:18 Zakk Maria Sheriff

When she was younger;

Sat, 04/05/2008 - 17:41 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Oh forgotten the stunning one.

Sat, 04/05/2008 - 17:37 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

De wanderer : however those girls dyned blond hair and wear color contact lense because wanted to look caucasian and they are look freak but still they are cute that's for sure.

Sat, 04/05/2008 - 14:39 Der Wanderer The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

ed :

models are purposefully androgynous because they cannot overpower the clothes with great beauty or personality and because WOMEN themselves find these types of women to appear cool and sophisticated.

Androgyny draws attention away from the clothes too, cause it's striking and unusual.
If they really didn't want to "overpower" their creations they'd be using neutral-looking women, like Robert Palmer girls, not those scary scrawny mangly scarecrows with ghoulish hairstyles and make-up.

the main problem here is that you dont have a firm grasp on either the PURPOSE or commercial mandates of the fashion industry. fashion is not in the BUSINESS of beauty.

Silly me.

I thought that the purpose of the Fashion Industry was to sell garments to the ladies, not to "sell" them the idea that androgyny is "cool and sophisticated".

I thought that they were running an "Industry" (Kraft), not an "Art" (Kunst).


Sex & Beauty & Nature are KITSCH

Bring out The Dead Walking Women !

Sat, 04/05/2008 - 11:34 jay rusovich The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Sports Illustrated doesn't do a good job appealing to the erotic sensibilities of heterosexual men because the photographs are ridiculously stagey and the models chosen for reasons other than their sex appeal. A lot of this relates to the sensitivity of their advertisers, thus one gets a clean-cut version of sexy; a kind of acceptable sexy for the guy with a wife and three kids in suburbia. I never even look at the damn thing, because it's ridiculously transparent tact is insulting. I suggest "femjoy" for guys who want more honesty from photographers and their employers. On the issue of "masculinination" in female models, I think the point is a stretch. I've date some very hot women with chiseled jawlines and boyishly athletic figures who were smokin hot. But I do agree that that particular look can be taken too far, like anything else. In summation, Sports Illustrated does come across as a kind of poster child for what's acceptable, rather than what's sexy.

Sat, 04/05/2008 - 08:28 Der Wanderer Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Nice stunt, ladies

But I'm not buying it

That's creeping Resemblance Nominal-ism and has been thoroughly refuted

Sat, 04/05/2008 - 05:41 zonneschijn The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Erik : Rachel Hunter isn't has that flat back. u used photoshop I know it looks blur and even has ugly curve on her arms. why u doing this? if u wanted t promote the feminine beauty? why don't u just accept who is real pretty and who isn't? the pictures are saying noting because everyone are all know that the slender or slim women look curve more than the women with fat women like many of models on this site.
u could see from the people with skinny legs, the skin is closing to the born so u could see more clearer shape of the legs than the women with fat on the legs because u couldn't see what's the real curving shape of the bone only the fatty on the muscel.

Sat, 04/05/2008 - 05:34 zonneschijn The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Erik : The picture of Nikita Laska, Pamela from Femjoy and manymore on this site are clearly to me that someone using some easily cheap tool curved their fat waist. the woman without chin, board face and round hip like that seems to me that they have Endomorph shape (apple shape). just like drew barrymore. it's so impossible that she got fat face, fat hip and thigns but has small waist instead of the prominent belly. from my observation any women that do not have so skinny shape, they tend to have prominent belly except u must be very skinny so u have flat belly.

P.S the one name Pamela from Femjoy looks creepy to me, especially her tiny waist that isn't going well with her wide fat hip. it's obverse that someone used the cheap tool in photoshop made that tiny waist because the left side of her body isn't balance with another side of her waist. I working graphic design and I can do it better than that much.
u could notice the waist of pamela of Femjoy is blur, also the side of her left breasts and also not straight like another side. erik, don't forget to use "sharp" tool to conceal it next time. if u wanted it to look more real.

Fri, 04/04/2008 - 09:35 Zonneschijn The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Erik : It's not fair that u doing this? erik, why don't u put every comments of every people whom argued your articles into not displaying all of them? why it's must be only me? is that because my comments are the evidents that the fashion models got young, feminine and cute shape than some of your booby models? I just wanted everyone and also U to see what's real feminine. I have seen a lot of feminine women with small shape. and most of the time I couldn't find the adolesent woman with big sack breasts and the wide hip like the models on this article, the most of women with wide hip and big breasts always a women whom passed giving a labour. I really have never seen the virgin young women with such a big breasts and wide hip like the women in this site. indeed, I find some of your articles are interesting and informative. but I do like how u try to promote that the porno girls are look better than the women whom have developed their beauty from their own brains, career and talent untill everyone around the world consider they are beautifull. anyway, I will looking foward to see your reply and yes, u can set this comment of me into not displaying.

Feminine fashion models

Feminine fashion models

Feminine fashion models

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 14:44 Erik The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Zonneschijn: Since you do not understand in plain English my repeatedly telling you that you must not leave more comments here under more than one name and that you must wait for me to respond to all of your previous comments before leaving more comments that address my arguments, perhaps you will understand what I have done to the 6 comments you left above. I have set them to not display. If you leave more comments addressed to me before I am finished replying to you, I will do the same to them. Do not waste your time. When I have the time to address your comments, I will redisplay your comments and leave a reply.

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 10:23 More of feminin... The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Feminine fashion models

Feminine fashion model

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 09:41 emily What is wrong with this video?

Erik: i think that the overall message of the dove campaign is negative. It is teaching women who are overweight and obese to "accept" their obesity and continue as if they are the most beautiful thing on the planet. But I think normal girls should be promoted, not overweight ones. there's my two cents.

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 09:21 emily The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

Z: I think that guys do like small petite women, yet they don't want skeletal shapeless women. I think the other model Isibeli Fontana, I think she is pretty and more feminine than gisele. I am not saying that guys like fat girls, but more normal sized girls. More fat on the face and around the hips, not so that they are chubby and flabby but so that they have the feminine curvature: Gisele doesn't have that. Maybe if she gained some weight she would. I think there is beauty in a variety of sizes. I've always though kate winslet was pretty.

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 08:08 feminine fashio... The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Feminine fashion models

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 07:57 z The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Feminine fashion models.

Feminine fashion models

Feminine fashion model

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 07:19 z The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Erik : which part of these women do u find pretty? they are too fat, u even could see the stretch mark around their nipples, thigns and hips same well as the cellulites on their legs and their massive nipples, sack breasts like pragnancy women? I'd rather prefer si models with small firm breasts, curving legs, slender waists just like the frechy adolescent women.

Ugly women

Ugly women

And now take a look at the fashion models below. u could notice the fashion models are look more feminine, fresh, petite, modest, innocent and smarter than many of the booby models of this site. and I find the feminine fashion models are very feminine to me, they look small for me than the booby women which I find they'd be more fatter and fatter after they have a kids. different from the skinny little woman like coco chanel, audrey hepburn that were always look smart and active even in their old age.

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 04:54 z Rose McGowan

Erik : one again, I notice the women you find pretty are the women with
flat face, droopy eyes and mouth breething. her face looks too much under developing it dosen't seems to be attactive for me at all.
I think u know the word " balance" shape face don't u? but why you are always selected the models with disporportion face?

and for me I seen a lot of transvitite gay in ..... city look a lot like
Rose McGowan

Take a look at this women below, they are much more feminine and their face are porportion, especially natalie glebova and winona ryders.

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 00:44 Blogman The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I find the SI swimsuit issue has been rather bland since Cheryl Tiegs stopped wearing the fishnet one-piece. I think that the photography has a lot to do with the stale nature of the SI shoots, and it's not the models' faults.

However, I find both the supposedly 'masculineized' and feminine features of the models on this page to be attractive in their owns ways, and not neccessarily distinct.

If given the choice between the swimsuit or the porn models, men would gladly take the one that would have them!

Wed, 04/02/2008 - 22:11 anon The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

This may have been said already, but dude. Seriously. You can mentally make most, if not ALL, women look like transvestites or transexuals if you REALLY concentrate on it hard enough.* Why? Because male transvestites and male-to-female transexuals usually look like women. Enough that perfectly straight men sometimes don't realize that they aren't women until they are in a very awkward situation. Sometimes even perfectly straight SOBER men.
Ultimately, none of the women pictured look like men (or at least none of them look like men who aren't actively trying look like women and doing a VERY good job at it). If they look like trannies, then DAYUM, they're passing! In other words, they look like women and being attracted to them doesn't mean that you're homosexual. You don't have to be attracted to them to be straight, either, but just because you don't personally find them attractive doesn't mean that they aren't.
There may be women who look more 'feminine,' but since when is that all there is to beauty? Is the most 'feminine' woman also the most beautiful? Nagging, screaming, weeping, gossiping, and retina-shearing hot pink are also usually considered 'feminine,' and yet I'm guessing that most heterosexual men could still 'function' without them.
Finally, there are probably a lot of men out there who look MUCH more masculine than male models or most of the actors in Hollywood, but hairy steroidal hulking man-beasts don't tend to sell as well.** I'll even hazard a guess that there are men who look more masculine than you. Does that mean that no straight woman in her right mind could ever be attracted to you? Then cut these women some slack, and stop griping over how their obviously feminine asses aren't feminine enough. These are people, not body parts.

*You can also make anyone look severely mentally handicapped if you concentrate hard enough. This is another example of a mind trip that has little bearing on reality.
**We have the Governator and a few more of his ilk. There isn't much demand for more.***
***Footnotes are awesome.

Wed, 04/02/2008 - 20:33 Randy Rose McGowan

It's okay to call her past her prime; we're judging her on her looks. We can football players past their prime and no one calls them anti-male. In general, we can call men past their prime.
