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Tue, 04/22/2008 - 22:20 john The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Matter of opinion pure and simple! Obviously you think huge naked boobs are more feminine. Why is it that these girls (who are a dime a dozen on the net btw) are not getting paid huge amounts by Playboy to do spreads? Yep, thats right. Nobody cares about buying playboy to see some totally average girl with a fake rack and a landing strip.

I'm a hetero guy and I see fashion models as unique looking. That is why they are beautiful not because they are a cookie cutter version of what some guys who dont get out of the house find as feminine.

I agree curves and breasts are beautiful and I am most attracted to that compared with the tiny waife look of the runway but I would'nt consider any woman Sports Illustrated photographs to be manly....Well, except R. Hunter. SHE IS average!

Have you seen Bar Refaeli? Masculine? She is all woman!

Mon, 04/21/2008 - 13:24 Ella tse What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

I think kim k. is pretty although I do think she had a butt job done.

Sun, 04/20/2008 - 09:38 z Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

beautifull Gypsy girls from easthern europe, they could be one of very stunning fashion model.

Sun, 04/20/2008 - 07:27 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Thanks Maryam she is so cute, can u post more of her picture? what's her name?

Sun, 04/20/2008 - 07:24 z What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

The asian girl I find this one is nice.

here a pictures of kim kardashian, she is very sexy somewhat strong, beautifull sweet and elegrant. I also like nancy ajram, anabella hilal, heidie tehrani and shabnam tulugi also. I find middle eastherner women are the most beautifull women of the world, some also look sweet with white skin, some olive skin with beautifull eyes, gorgeous!

Sun, 04/20/2008 - 06:41 z Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

No daubt, because eastern european women are exotic and beautifull.
the easthern european are composed off the hybride ethinic groups, such as tatar ( from the west of mongolia), gipsy, curds,hun, turk-azari, muslim, greeks, azerbijanian etc. easthern european women probably have the best hair than all other european. They mostly have rare kind of hair color, long dark or strawberry red (Bohemian), thin, curly, gorgious hair. Their eyes'color are also rare to find in any other european. I call it " robin egg's blue eyes, the pupils of the eyes are very small and unobviouse, overall their eyes look like a cat. I working about computer and art, also have been working for the fashion studio, those eastern european women are beautifull in art style, in my openion.

Sun, 04/20/2008 - 05:58 z The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Bring out The Dead Walking Women !

Posted by Der Wanderer on April 05, 2008 at 02:39 PM ??

You find those SI models as dead walking? on the contrary I find them have very good shape, healthy and elegrant. hence, whom gonna take booby models into anykind of international bussinesses? think about the policy, law, culture and tradition organize, feminist group? what'd they say when you put the women with porno shape into the fashion industry? which women gonna buy their cloth? what'd the childrens say when they walking at mall and passed the poster of the models which their breasts aren't even fit to the bikini, ( or the breasts come out of the bikini)
I find the SI models got formal, polit shape which can be promote on the public places. u can take a look at this picture below and tell me which one look more polit, formal?
between the fashion models in tankini vs. booby model in normal clothing. u will find that the fashion models in tankini look lesser impolit, infomal and sexuality than the booby model.

Fashion model vs. booby model

Sun, 04/20/2008 - 02:04 thephychiatrist The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

you obviously want to fuck your sister, don't you

Sat, 04/19/2008 - 15:44 maryam What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

what do you guys here think of kim kardashian?

Sat, 04/19/2008 - 15:09 maryam Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

what do you think of her..

Sat, 04/19/2008 - 05:11 Lucas Adams The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

All I see is a bunch of sound bite type tag phrases and a dislike for anyone who's had transgender surgery or looks like a tomboy. Personally, I think tomboys are very sexy. Not to mention, it's not like you're ever going to actually SEE a VS show, so I wouldn't really worry about it if I were you. Feel free to argue your point as you have many other times in this thread. You strike me as a 45 year old virgin living in your mothers basement who has never been given permission to look at actual women out in the open and have a very limited view of beauty based on the easiest free pictures sights you can subscribe to without paying any money. And also, by the way, Karolina has no protruding adam's apple, so that pretty much shoots your transexual theory right out the window. At any rate, as you'll never actually see a fashion show, you're probably safe from all the evil gay fashion designers(another stereotype). Kthnx.... noob

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 23:25 Marcus Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

I browsed the page for a while and, well, some of those supermodels lack curved waists or nice round bottoms, but still, the're much more attractive than all this women with disgustingly saggy breasts (big tits are more than okay, but not these looking like some old sacks), faces untouched with deeper thought, legs like massive pillars and pimples on their buttocks (what lack of hygiene do you need to achieve something like that?) Erik finds beautiful.
The Paleolithic era is over, and you're still after the Venus of Willendorf.

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 18:53 z The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

I think women like to buy lingerie just like men buy aftershave and soap. some guy prefer brand name? some prefer cheap one, some prefer the smell different from what it sales in supermarket. it dosen't mean the males buy nice smell aftershave because wanted to be attact by women? I like bergamot and citrus, don't have to do with making sexuality smell but I just like it and in supermarket just selling it, everyone have their right to choose what smell or what style of lingerie they like the most? the women prefer lingerie because it looks prettier than normal underwear. when have normal underwear with the same prize as lingerie I sure the women would buy the lingerie because it prettier than normal underwear.

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 18:00 z The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

Alicia :some women may buy lingerie to put a man in the mood, most women don’t have trouble getting men to have sex with them...women buy lingerie for themselves because they like to have pretty things, i know this because i’m a girl who loves lingerie..and i work in a lingerie store. the majority of women that are buying the lingerie are buying because they think it’s “so pretty” or “so cute”...most women know what their partners like yet women leave the store with very different things than when men buy lingerie. and NO most women do not want their partners thinking about porn when they are with them. porn is demeaning and vulgar, woman don’t think of sex that way. i can tell you for sure women are the reason lingerie sells not men.

I agree with alicia, my sister is one of the woman who like collecting lingerie and vintage swimming suit. she finds them cute and I do not think erik has seen such a lingerie or swimming suit that some women could wear it on the street in summer and those stuff just look very cute and aren't appear to be sexy at all, but more like a babydoll style. I know those women who like to collect lingerie and swimming suit are very romantic and sensitive person. they are not the kind of cheap women that wanted males to look at them like a pornstar in lingerie, but look at them like a princess.

Erik : Pardon I do not mean to adressing your argument but I only wanted to tell u that I think the reason they use skinny women or what ever masculinity women io showcase lingerie I think the mainly is the skinny women look lesser impolit and lesser sexuality looking than your glamour models. what'd the polices, feminist group etc. say when they find the poster of the lingerie model which her breasts are even bigger than the lingerie she wearing, and her breast comes out of the lingerie? I think this is the reason why they don't use glamour models in any kind of international bussinesses. plus, people likely to look at the mavalous shape of the models than looking at the lingerie.

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 17:31 Der Wanderer Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Dude... you're destroying the Ladies’ Self-Esteem

Stop it. Now.

And. I. Really. Mean. It.

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 14:38 Chris Melisande aka Guinevere

I don't know if it's possible to show that Melisande looks better than high fashion models unless you really imposed your opinion. I'm not insulting her looks, I personally think that the pilot photo is very cute. I just don't think you can site scientific evidence in defense of a proposal that's really subjective.

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 14:25 Chris Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Bad case for a white woman? Maybe you know something about white woman beauty standards, but the girl is mixed with Middle Eastern and also Southeast Asian. You can't really standardize every guy of her exact mix and get a survey on what they find attractive. There's no such thing as perfection, at least when it comes to people. Miranda Kerr is a pretty damn good combination of imperfections in that case.

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 10:45 hhh The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1


Fri, 04/18/2008 - 05:35 z Quick judgment of face beauty; variation in and appeal of women’s gait across the menstrual cycle

Erik : I do not particular like those two asian women, on the contrary I find them not pretty. as I see u as the expert of feminine beauty so I just wanted to get your openion about what do u think of those asian girls? why a lot of white males find them prettier than the white women.

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 01:35 Erik Cosmetic surgery in relation to altering ethnic features

You are sick

Fri, 04/18/2008 - 01:09 Tayla Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I would have done something similar if that little boy had been asking me questions. By the way, are you married with kids by any chance?

Thu, 04/17/2008 - 05:41 zonneschijn Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I do not find japanese to be attactive for me, I do not like their eyes and their flat shape face. I find south east asian to be more prettier. it's fuck ;O( that eric always put my arguements into not display when I tried to prove that by pictures. However as long as erik can not give the good reason to my question so many of his articles couldn't consider as the information for all audiens. it's like telling lies to other people don't u, erik?
such as some article u say the japanese has everythings close to caucasian than other asian. and everone reading here find that as the fact? so it's like u lie other people then when they walk on the street and seen japanese part caucasian look like 100 percent japanese awhile the Indian part caucasian or south east asian part caucasian look 100 percent caucasian with blonder hair and lighter eyes than erik.

I don't know what for the other people tast but for me I find deepest set eyes, long chin, curl hair to be more prettier than straight hair, inner eyelids fold and flat forhead. some people find the white skin to be more pretty no matter shape face and ugly slant eyes or flat forhead. I prefer women with deepest eyes and abit projection forhead, narrow long face. I hate chubby women and this different than many Indian and some arabs find chuby face japanese and white skin to be pretty. sdome japanese girls think they could be caucasian because of the white skin but with inner eyelids fold and chubby face could make them look more caucasian when they dyned blonde hair and color contact lense.
I don't think they look like caucasian, on the contrary when the pakistani girl with tanned skin make up her face with white powder and western style. she appears to look 100 percent caucasian for me than the japanese with fake blonde hair or fake blue eyes. what should I say about this when I do not like inner eyelids fold. it appears to be like the alian eyes for me.

I do not anti japanese and I don't thik they have higher IQ than other races like Indian, arabs or south east asian. but just many factors that seem to make them enthutiatic to have high Iq. such as the earthquck often or have no land and food enough. awhile people in south east asia and Indian have good natural resouces and don't have to rush their life because even they don't do anything they do not die because or starvation. I have been visited japan and everythings are high technology but I don't like many of their cultures that seem to be like wide people for me such as they eatting food with loud voice (by traditional it because delicious) and manythings that I find the culture of arab and Indian people, Iranian to be more higher and beautifull.

Pardon to the mother of both girls below I pressed their daugthers' pictures here.
This picture is a picture of arab little girl and her mom, both look nordic caucasian without any daubt. and I sure all of u on here also think the same.


Thisd one is the girl part northern native american Indian and caucasian. she looks 100 percent caucasian for me and why? I think because native american indian people are look like euresian people from ussr so their kids from part caucasian tend to look 100 percent caucasian.

and this one is my niece german part thai. she looks also 100 percent caucasian. I believe it because south east asian people such as thais or burmeses are hybrid and if u were thai and visit Uzbekistan or some where in central asia, u will find many people there that look not much different from people in south east asia. however, I have seen also the original thai girl with flat nose like australoid people, dark skin and small eyes dosen't look like majority of south east asian that have beautifull eyes and face. but her daugther part german is also looks 100 percent caucasian and much prettier than japanese-caucasian girl with very small eyes and inner eyelids fold. which her japanese mother dose look fine like japanese superstar.

My german part thai niece she very beautifull girl.

and now take a look at japanese part caucasian. I find he looks like japanese more than caucasian. this due to japanese has strong character of inner eyelids fold. however, I find his kid to be cute.

Last one. u could notice the origianl south east asian girl seems to look more caucasian than the original japanese girl which I find she is cute and chubby but she isn't beautifull little girl in my openion when comparing to the south east asian girl with duble eyelids and oval shape face.

Thu, 04/17/2008 - 02:48 Sunil Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

What is strange is both these races are high IQ races. Thus in my opinion both these high IQ races are the most attractive. Secondly I find the sense of aesthetics of these two civilizations (Europe and Far East) the most attractive as well. I mean traditional European art, traditional European architecture etc...Same with the North East Asians. It is as if attractive races create the most attractive civilizations. The most attractive races in my opinion are blue eyed blonds. I find traditional African art repulsive in nature. Strange eh...

I always wonder how many people share the same opinion/ taste as me?

Thu, 04/17/2008 - 02:40 Sunil Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Hi, I am south Asian Hindu. According to my taste or opinion Northern/ Central Europeans (Both Western and Eastern) and North East Asians are the most attractive races. And by attractive I mean men and women, children, young and old all. Among East Asians I would say that the Japanese are the most attractive ethnic group but Koreans, Chinese, Tibetans etc... are close by. Among whites, the differences are not that great but Scandinavians and some Slavs may stand out as the most attractive people. I find Aboriginal Australians/ Papuans the least attractive of all humans. Black Africans are the second most repulsive race in my opinion and all the other races are in between.

I just do not know why I feel this way. I think this preference is inborn.

Thu, 04/17/2008 - 02:15 Yowzer Weep Donald Trump, weep!

What a demolition job. A complete butt-kicking! Natalia Cruz destroyed her. That "beauty queen" is way out of her league against Ms. Cruz.
