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Wed, 04/16/2008 - 20:30 Erik Quick judgment of face beauty; variation in and appeal of women’s gait across the menstrual cycle

Zonneschijn: Why are you repeatedly posting comments that have nothing to do with what the article covers? And why are your comments so full of nonsense? What would it take for you to understand that you should not be addressing my arguments unless I have replied to all of your previous comments? Give me time to address your comments; it could be weeks or months, and learn English in the meantime so that you understand what I am trying to say. Otherwise I am just going to set your comments to not display until I have the time to address them.

I cannot compare the femininity of the white woman with that of the Asian women shown next to her, and I would never claim that men attracted to the Asian woman in the ethnic comparison would be homosexual.

Regarding the other two Asian women, the femininity of the physique of the first one cannot be judged because of the pose, and the second one is not feminine (she has breast implants; her shoulders are undoubtedly wider than what is seen in the pose; her arms are on the long side, etc.). Don't waste my time with silly comments.

Wed, 04/16/2008 - 18:44 zonneschijn Fashion models with and without make-up

More of fahion models above.

About Avon Aoki, it's like I said before on this site that the japanese has very strong character of inner eyelids fold, also chinesse. but as I observe more of chinese have bigger eyes than japanese. this due to china is big and has many tribes. but the most as I have seen, the people part south east asian- caucasian and the people part native american Indian-caucasian tend to look 85-100 percent caucasian. some original native american Indian in canada already look like euresian people (ussr.) awhile some origianl native south east asian people already look like Uzbekistani or central asian. that's the reason why native american part aucasian and south east asian part caucasian tend to look 100 caucasian.

Avon Aoki isn't look like caucasian but she looks okay, however she isn't pretty in my openion but she is feminine.

Wed, 04/16/2008 - 18:27 zonneschijn Fashion models with and without make-up

Male and female both are human? got nose, mouth, eyes and heart the same. with photoshoping, camera teahnic, makeup etc. u would make the different person on the picture. I find all of them are look ugly on your pictures but I see all of those fashion models look beautifull on the other pitures outside this site. I think all of them look feminine however they are not that super-beautifull but I they are quite beautifull for my standard because I sure in this world has a lot of people with dispoportion face. you can try visit the country like sudan, congo, papau new guinea or some where in south east asia. I know there are a lot of people that look terrible than those fashion models much. It's not their fault and it's because the enveroment where they are living. by the way I don't find those fashion models are masculine even they are not that gorgeous. I assume the person who say those girls are masculine would be fell from being masculine males because he even couldn't recognize which one is male ? which one is female? :) those ugly pictures of the fashion models above are the result of light condition, makeup, photoshoping.

Wed, 04/16/2008 - 16:26 z Self/body-esteem problems in relation to the promotion of feminine beauty

More of arab.

Wed, 04/16/2008 - 16:23 z Self/body-esteem problems in relation to the promotion of feminine beauty

It's not always caucasian girls have big breats and wide hip, take a look at this arab woman is the same shape as majority of erik's models. I hope u will like this arab woman, erik. howeve I do not like women with big breats and wide hip because they remind me of the cow. I prefer modesty lovely skinny women.

Wed, 04/16/2008 - 02:30 sade Fashion models with and without make-up

You have to admit that Adrianna Lima is very beautiful before AND after makeup. She looks very feminine.

Wed, 04/16/2008 - 01:18 sade Self/body-esteem problems in relation to the promotion of feminine beauty

I hate women people (in particular men) put down one type or group of women (usually models) to uplift another. Not every woman was born with an hourglass shape and there is nothing that they can do about it. Why do you make them feel even worse about there apperance? Those models are beautiful and I'm sure if given a choice, a lot of women would look like them and you would be proud to have one of them on your arm!

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 04:16 z Quick judgment of face beauty; variation in and appeal of women’s gait across the menstrual cycle

Which one is more feminine?

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 04:15 z Quick judgment of face beauty; variation in and appeal of women’s gait across the menstrual cycle

Erik : Do u think between these two women below, which one look more feminine?
why many white males prefer the one on the right side to be more attactive, feminine and sexier than the one on the left side?
and when u trying to explain the same reason u put on this site, they ignore and find that you're racist? I quite sure that more than 80 percent of white guys find that the one on the right side are feminine and beautifull, so do u think all of 80 percent of white guys are all homosexual?


I have found these two women from some websit which both of them promoting themselves on the site, there are a lot of comments from many caucasian guys to those two women as very beautifull, sexy and feminine.

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 00:39 Erik Quick judgment of face beauty; variation in and appeal of women’s gait across the menstrual cycle

I don't have her picture. To understand what is attractive in women from the perspective of most people you will have to spend some time reading this site, not just rely on the pictures.

Sun, 04/13/2008 - 16:23 zonneschijn How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

Erik : I have seen a girl from half caucasian and native american Indian from the north of canada looks nordic ( completely platinum blonde hair and blue eyes) than your models above. I wanted to show her picture to u but afraid her mom will not like that.

Sun, 04/13/2008 - 11:27 Colin Melisande aka Guinevere

I think Melisande is absolutely gorgeous, mainly because her face and body type remind me of a girl I have the hugest crush on, who is my friends girlfriend. Her personality too is very girl next doorish which is incredibly hot. What I wouldnt do to her if she let me. Also I'd be cool with just talkin to her. :coolhmm:

Sun, 04/13/2008 - 06:13 Lula A review of mesotherapy solutions for breaking down fat and treating cellulite

Good morning ,

I am currently utilizing meso products I purchased online from Brasil...I am only 1 treatment in, so we will see. I am attempting to lower my bdy fat % and reduce the cellulite on thighs, hips, butt.

Funny though that I am choosing to do this since I have a fear of needles...injecting myself proves to be quite a interesting endeavor I get light-headed & nausea anytime I even see a needle: I simply refuse to give some Doc hundreds of dollars for injecting me, when I know full well how to inject self as well as the ingredients are not costly at all!

If anyone has recommendations for where to purchase trusted meso products please email me at lbcabrera [at], I will truely appreciate it!

Or if you have any other advice, such as topical creams etc

Wish me luck,

LULA :) :bug:

Sat, 04/12/2008 - 00:29 Jack D The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Feh.. Too much mean-spirited language. Masculinization implies the act of changing oneself to look more masculine, so it's not appropriate. I won't dispute what the author thinks of as pretty. It is possible that he even has sources to back up his ideas of beauty, but his writing makes it seem like everyone should be agreeing with him. FORGET THAT. Everyone should find their own idea of sexy, pretty and beauty.

Furthermore, the only purpose of the fashion industry is to sell clothes, so let them do what makes that happen. It is the responsibility of family to educate children about beauty, and the family should keep the child from watching media that reflects a fashion obsession. We shouldn't initiate some crusade against this industry, especially if it would mean choosing this author's idea of pretty as the ONLY thing we should ever see.

Fri, 04/11/2008 - 23:49 michelle Maria Sheriff

another image of Persian model Maryam


Fri, 04/11/2008 - 23:46 Michelle Maria Sheriff


I had sent you an email regarding your opinion of Persian women, here is an example, this model is Maryam, what is your impression of her beauty,,anyone please feel free to comment..¤t=maryam8.jpg



Fri, 04/11/2008 - 01:32 Movsepian Drugs that attenuate skin aging: proven therapies

If you're looking for an excellent ingredient to aid in the prevention of aging, Spintrap is rad. More effective than L-Ascorbic Acid (stabilized vitamin C).

Thu, 04/10/2008 - 07:19 reargra Quick judgment of face beauty; variation in and appeal of women’s gait across the menstrual cycle

is it possible to get a picture of this saleslady? i'd really like to know what constitutes an attractive woman. and yes i have gone through the examples here.

Wed, 04/09/2008 - 14:33 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I want to share abit of my experience that I've been to japan. u could clearly see none of the predestrian girls without artificial hair's colors. there even have the special women boutique that sale the clothing of vintage, babydolls and lolita style. which I do not think in europe or anywhere else in this world'd have a girls ( very modest and gentle one) wearing the cloth like a princess walking on the street. but in japan it's very common, especially in diganyama. a lot of girls wearing cloth like european girls in 18 century., curling blond hair and have coloring eyes.

u also could look at this site, it's the shop in japan that salling such a dresses and accessories for those girls.

Wed, 04/09/2008 - 03:52 Erik Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

Brenda: I don’t have the time or motive to come up with an equivalent site that addresses men. I can barely handle this site. The finger length find also applies to women.

BSP: There are plenty of women with prominent cheekbones among Western fashion models, and some of them also have large/wide jaws, but on average their jaws and cheekbones will be smaller than in East Asians because they descend from populations with smaller faces. The features that contribute to a masculine or feminine look are primarily shape variables; size is a factor only when a change in size alters shape variables (allometry) that are also altered in different ways by androgens and estrogens.

You shouldn’t be looking at pictures of European/Asian models and African tribals on the same page as a type of comparison. The comparisons are based on anthropological data. The pictures are merely illustrative examples of the arguments in the text. It was necessary to avoid using pictures of sub-Saharan Africans with other-population mixture, which explains the use of tribals’ pictures, though some models of predominantly sub-Saharan African ancestry are also used. As to attractive individuals hard to come by in tribal societies, this is your opinion, and your explanation that this is so because of how tight-knit they are doesn’t apply. Why should attractiveness in a mate be less important among tribals? Whereas chronic stressors will cause premature aging, I did not address skin health. I have mostly focused on skeletal features. Chronic stress decreases testosterone levels in men but does not have a clear effect on testosterone levels in women.

The sensualism site has cited the results of a study on male facial attractiveness in relation to how masculine or feminine it is, but there have been many such studies and there is no clear find to sum up. Some such studies have reported a preference for more overall masculine faces, others for less overall masculine faces, and some others have documented little relevance of masculinity-femininity in the neighborhood of average norms. In many of these studies there has been a confound between masculinization and robusticity. Findings are clearer for preferences regarding individual features such as longer chin length and higher cheekbone placement in men, both associated with greater masculinization. There are also finds that women prefer more masculine looking men when they are close to ovulating, more attractive women prefer more masculine looking men, and more promiscuous women prefer more masculine looking men.

Justagirl: I do not have the time to come up with the images you are looking for. This website is not about men, but I was able to come up with this article to be fair. Keep in mind the skeletal proportions issue. Among thin men, those with more overall masculine skeletal proportions will tend to be more masculine, just as this will be the case among obese men or men in any specific non-European population. What constitutes average, below average or above average body hairiness depends upon the population considered, and you will have to observe enough men in a given population to get an idea of the distribution of body hairiness in it.

Wed, 04/09/2008 - 02:32 Erik Drugs that attenuate skin aging: proven therapies

Observer: Sallowness refers to yellow skin tone. Whereas there can be multiple sources of yellow skin tone, the reference here is to the contribution of keratin, a yellow protein in the superficial layer of the skin knows as the epithelium. A thicker epithelium means more of keratin and hence a stronger yellow tone. Since sun-induced aging increases the thickness of the top layer of the skin, it will tend to make the skin look yellower. Normal white skin that has little to no sun exposure does not have a visually discernible yellow tone.

Wed, 04/09/2008 - 02:20 Erik Sample artwork

The reason why more men than women would readily understand why the woman is not scared of the monster is because more men than women are into video games and action comics where one sees feminine/voluptuous women in the roles of fighters, huntresses and warriors.

Mon, 04/07/2008 - 22:56 rooper The importance of femininity to beauty in women

I agree Number 1 and 8 are most attractive. How's that for statistics!

Mon, 04/07/2008 - 08:33 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Erik : said "Population variation with respect to the extent of flatness of the orbital (eye socket) region in the transverse plane is shown below" from the chart again, japanese people seems to has eye socket than south east asia?? this is very funny beyond believe.

Take a look at this picture of south east asian kid vs. japanese kid. u could clearly see that south east asian have shape face and eyes, nasal like caucasian people only one thing that different is just the skin color. and japanese kid has flat face and no eyelids.

Mon, 04/07/2008 - 05:57 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Erik : What do u mean by
"Southeast Asian Nicobarese sample shows the flattest frontals??" how many south east asian have u meet? from the scale seems the person who make it uses the biases. it seems that the japanese is the most closing to caucasian than any part of asia. which I find it's totally fault. I have been to japan, their people tend to have flat face and flat frontal than people in south east asia and they have very small eyes. the beautifull japanese u see on tv. are the result of plastic surgery and some that is real pretty are just afew among the celebraties. I know that japanese got nicer skin than south east asian because it's cold so most of japanese are white and have rosacea cheeks but I don't think they have lesser flat frontal than south east asian.

u can take a look at the thai part caucasian children. they tend to look like caucasian 85-100 percent. on the contrary the far east asian part caucasian are look like euresian (celtral asia),latino or native american Indian because they have the inner eyelids fold.

u can take a look at a picture of my thai part german niece. she looks 100 percent caucasian with big blue eyes. ( take a look at it quikly before I removed it off from this site because I don't think her parents wanted their daugther's picture on here)

And now take a look at this boy part japanese part caucasian. in my openion I think he looks like 90 percent chinese for me even if he is part caucasian.

And I don't believe when someone say that the people in the west of china where closing to russia tend to have double eyelids. I'd say those who are chinese even with the big eyes still do not have double eyelids. u could see the distant between the eyebrow and eyes are too wide and flat. and those in the west of china who has double eyes, the most overall face tend to look like arab, not china. and they are the remnant of arab people that moved to central asia so I don't believe when someone say that those people in the west of china are chinese because they do not look like chinese but arab.
