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Sat, 03/29/2008 - 05:45 z Attractiveness as a function of eyebrow position and shape in women

I prefer low-set eyebrow for both male and female. the low-set eyebrows make face look delicate and small. its pull the center of the face up deluding the board face to appears more narrower.

you could notice the caucasian people tend to have low-set eyes because of the protruding forhead, awhile the far east asian tend to have higher placed eyebrows.

Fri, 03/28/2008 - 17:57 Emily What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

Erik, I agree with much of what u say erik, but to be honest, I don't think it is such a big revelation that being androgynous, skinny, and masculine are requisites for modeling, not that it is right. I mean, I learned that just by watching America's Next Top Model. I mean on top model, they pick the ugliest, most jacked up, skinny, lanky, androgynous girls. It is very frustrating because there are really pretty girls that try out but Tyra always eliminates them. Furthermore, Tyra talks about how being weird looking and 'ugly' to most people gets you places in the modeling world. So, anybody who disagrees with your take on modeling should really just watch that show, and they'll see exactly what your talking about.

Fri, 03/28/2008 - 15:25 Emily Acne treatment: the utility of azelaic acid, and photopneumatic technology

People really need to change their diets in order to combat acne, especially the severe forms of acne as pictured above.

Fri, 03/28/2008 - 13:28 z Miss Universe 2006: beauty pageant par excellence!

Do anyone think Nadine Chandrawinata miss Indonecia look masculine? I don't think so. and the least two, miss germany natalie akkermann and miss paraguay are look quite like Melisande as well.

Fri, 03/28/2008 - 03:19 z Earlobe proportions and attractiveness

You’re also crazy if you think the only reason she is so popular in Hollywood is because she is used as “marketing to the Latino community.” Tell me then, Erik,

Erik : I totally agree with sarah, latino themselve do not find jessica alba is attactive. I have watched latino serie. all of their actresses tend to look 98-100 percent nordic with blond hair on the soap opera which always meddling about racist. I know real mexican in mexico like white people. their history in 18 century. u need to use caucasian pedigree when u entered the job.
u also can look at this link on utube:

the actress on utube is mexican which very poppular in mexico. she looks almost like nordic woman and her style's like jean harlow or malilyn monroe on the flim the showgirl and the prince. I have watched several of mexican series. all of them are soap opera, the actor and actresses dyned have curly blond hair and the climax of the stories are always about the actress is the daugther of european's landlord and was abandoned from her upper class life because of the jealously of the bad actress which always used original latino woman who looks like jennifer lopez or salma hayek played ( which I find they are attactive and sexier more than the main actress) and then the secret is explored when the landlord could find out that the son with his new wife has tanned skin and dark hair. I find their movies are damn stupid. always the women who could be poppular actress among american people look attactive and sexy like J.Lo and salma hayek always played as the maid, bad character or farmer on the latino's series.

Fri, 03/28/2008 - 00:16 Observer Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

Aram, can you provide any evidence that men have proportionally longer legs?

I was surprised to see proportionally shorter legs rated more attractive for men. I am a recreational bodybuilder (drug-free, so nothing like the behemoths in the magazines) and I have always considered that my shorter legs detract from my appearance. I am very broad-shouldered, which normally creates a top-heavy effect, but I have countered it with very well developed leg muscles. The unfortunate part is that even though I am generally mesomorphic, even when I am very lean, I appear much stockier ("endomorphic") than the typical mesomorph. Based on the results of this study, though, it seems I should be rejoicing. :)

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 18:36 Aram Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

Actually, I think for the same height and/or torso length men actually have longer legs. So really men have proportionally longer legs than women on average which kinda makes sense in an evolutionary perspective because men don't need that extra torso length/space for pregnacy.

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 18:24 zonneschijn Earlobe proportions and attractiveness

About earlops I find it quite difficult to see nice one among majority of people. but I think I have the nice earlops since many people say that. I find all of my family such as my parents, sister, grand parents and me have long earlops. also I'd like to add more information about the smooth angle at the middle of earlops'curve make the earlops look more prettier. from my observation, I find that the west Indian tend to have long earlobs and beautifull ears' shape more than european which I find my friend who is completely 100% european has small rounded ears without the "I-O distance".

After read this article I have looked it up on internet and have surprized that the most beautifull ears tend to be the ears of Indian people who live n Jodhpur ( the west of India) and some arabs also southern european. in the same time most of northern european tend to have short round ears and have no I-O distance.

example of beautifull Indian, arabs and southern european ears.

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 15:32 Der Wanderer Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color


zonneschijn :

according to the case of kashmiri with blond hair and rozasea cheeks or arabs with blue eyes somewhat, can be explained only one reason that is all races could develope their own beauty.

Sure, it's their "own beauty" ... as long as they resemble Europeans.
Woah, that sounds pretty Eurocentric, doesn't it ?
You're re-introducing the same point you're are supposed to be refuting as an antithesis to itself.
A sort of reverse and unintented "Begging of the Question"
What a loser !

Garbled Speech / Garbled Thinking



Seriously now ...
Let's play a little game. I call it:

"Spot The Wigger"

Check out these portraits of Black Albinos

They are all Black Albinos - except one.
There's a White guy with a "Bob Marley complex"
You have to spot it.

I know you can =)

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 13:49 Fifi Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

This is a very ugly, racist, jealous and miserable website. Tara Conner is a beautiful woman, if she wasn't she wouldn't have won Miss USA 2006. She is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. She looks unfeminine, I think not. Ask the men that ogle over her! Jlo, and Salma are beautiful too. Rosario is one of the world's most beautiful women as well.How dare you pass judgment on these defenseless celebs, I bet you don't look half as pretty as any of the women you bash on your website.

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 09:41 Observer Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

why I have seen some dark skin Indian parents have white skin daugther who looks like Italian? or some tanned skin arab parents have blue eyes and blond hair children? if u cann’t give me any explanation something else more than “they are a remnants of european” so u cann’t consider that the european is the only one race that looks the most “derived” from monkey. according to the case of kashmiri with blond hair and rozasea cheeks or arabs with blue eyes somewhat, can be explained only one reason that is all races could develope their own beauty.

Arabs and Kashmiris are ethnic groups composed of hybrid racial populations. A brief study of some basic topics on genetic inheritance -- specifically on dominant and recessive genes -- should be sufficient for you to get a grasp on how the above can occur.

Arab Muslims tend to have large families, and the vagaries of inheritance in such cases often play themselves out in dramatic fashion, producing strikingly contrasting siblings -- not uncommonly to the point where a stranger might find it difficult to believe they are the product of the same parents. (This effect isn't restricted to Arabs, of course; in my experience it is more striking among Arabs than other hybrid populations I have encountered.)

Again, Z, you are being very impertinent and quickly turning this blog into a farce. Your defiant posting seems an attempt to wring some sort of admission out of Erik; if so, you would do better to state your question explicitly and be done (as have others) rather than anxiously spamming the blog.

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 09:20 zonneschijn What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

I also think this girl is pretty, though I don’t know her name.

Ella Tse : I know that girl u ask. she is chinese actress and her name is yang mi. she has her nose job and so her chin too. I do not especially like chinese or japanese and korean that much because 98 percent of their pretty actresses from plastic surgery. ( I have read from the book and also some plastic surgeon in my country told me) u can notice that our features are cooperating to our bodies. the people with curly hair tend to have long curl eyelashs or the people with flat foread tend to have inner eyelids fold. some of the korean actress I have seen on movie did too much plastic surgery untill her whole face look almost her whole face look almost like european women . I prefer natural beauty is the way better. the good example of beautifull far east asian actress is
Lee Yeong ae which I also do not especially like but she is look good in far east asian style and also gentle.

u can look at more of yang mi pictures from this link.

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 08:05 Ella tse What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

I just wanted to get your guys opinion on this girl. I think she is very pretty.

I hate to keep posting so much, oh well. Here are the pics:
Flaviana Matata,%20Flaviana%20Matata.Foto%20EFE.jpg

I also think this girl is pretty, though I don't know her name.

This next model is pretty too:
And Shirley Yeung:
coco lee:
Amy Yip:

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 06:13 zonneschijn Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

Erik : As long as u have no idea about the reason why ethnic groups like arabs in morocco dessert, some yemenien's tribe in dessert etc. have european looking? so u CANN'T CONSIDER "that European facial norms are overall the most derived among human populations"
why I have seen some dark skin Indian parents have white skin daugther who looks like Italian? or some tanned skin arab parents have blue eyes and blond hair children? if u cann't give me any explanation something else more than "they are a remnants of european" so u cann't consider that the european is the only one race that looks the most "derived" from monkey. according to the case of kashmiri with blond hair and rozasea cheeks or arabs with blue eyes somewhat, can be explained only one reason that is all races could develope their own beauty.

and I really have no idea about which race would be considered as the most derived features. I Agree with u in some point that caucasian have gracil features. but what should other races have to do with their features which u state "underdeveloping"? people having flat nose, dark skin, slant eyes or thick lips because of the geography where they are living.

How come this Idian boy with blond hair and green eyes? also the mongolian girl with blond hair and blue eyes?

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 03:58 zonneschijn Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

Erik : Another thing? u have asked me to stop leaving a pictures of
ethnic beauty by using mixed ancestry/part-white women? how about I did post the picture of european looking- ethnic childrens and women? on the article maria sheriff, what'd u consider about european looking among the ethnic group? which their culture and tradition fit them not into interbreed their blood with european race. such as muslim arabs with blue eyes and blond hair in dessert of morocco, the beduin with green eyes or clear christal eyes color in jordan? or the mongol with blond hair and blue eyes? what'd u give the explanation about those european looking-ethnic people then?

I 'm still look forward to your reply.

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 18:02 zonneschijn Welcome!

I haven’t found anything on this site that counsels against accepting women for who THEY ARE.

Observer : how about this site called the guys who like supermodels as lifetime exclusive homosexual? do those homosexual have to change their mind to like fat legs women instead of skinny little women? and how about the original skinny little women whom cann't gain their weight even when they tried? so their option is going to fashion industry and make themselve be pretty on their way? the way this site can alert people to think the same way that supermodels are super ugly? isn't it called counsels againt accepting skinny women for the way they are?

personally, I find all fashion models are cute and I like slim women u know they are lovely and gracil. I do not like women with big breasts or the women with her thigns are almost bigger than my waist. those type of shape reminds me of mama's shape. all women are be able to look like that after they have a baby. but the fresh firm body like innocent young women like adriana lima is not all women could effort to be you need to go to fitness, diet etc. to get such a shape.

Indeed I don't againt in all of erik's articles. on the contrary I feel glad that he is kind enough to invest a lot of mony for us to study this site. a lot of his glamour models have feminine face but they are unattactive I did let a lot of my european males friend ( especially scandinavian) look at this site all of them find that women with high cheeksbone, large jaw, deepset big round eyes, dark hair and dark eyes, thick eyebrow and have skin tone darker than ivory shade. such as latina, southern european, middle region- far east asian and north east region-south east asian and Indian look prominent and attacted people to look at them more than the blonde women with narrow small eyes, small nose and smooth oval face without any angles on it. this quite different for southern europe males and south east asian males. those guys tend to like pale skin women, narrow small eyes, rozasea cheeks, weak jaw, the example looking : scandinavian, ainu japanese, west chinese and central asian.

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 13:16 zonneschijn What form of women’s body shape was preferred in medieval Europe?

Observer : Are u a girl that jealous the fashion model and all famous non-white women don't u ?
what I do not like on this site that is erik or whomever they are, (de wanderer, observer, sandy, bron etc. u can name all of those names( just a few bigotry people from whole world) called the fashion models masculinity. u can delet me erik if u want but I sure the person who think like u and u ( no name girl "observer") would never stay in peace. I always say I do not mind if erik or anyone else would like to promote their individual feminine beauty and in the same time. I always keeping ask erik to stop insulting the supermodels like adriana lima, angelina joli or aishwarya rai have manly features. beauty in in the eyes of beholder. I have talked to asian guys and many of them find them find the beautifull white woman like natalie glebova or jayne wissner look like a ghost with scarry eyes color. I also got dutch friend that he refuses to date with any blonde women because he find it's look unhealthy like the women. erik, observer whom ever u are? u couldn't delet majority of people on internet who looking at this site.

About the Ophelia and lady of shalott pictures above I let u see that this type of art is eternal, skinny shape woman always look pretty and attactive.

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 11:39 zonneschijn Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

Some milky skin I also like too. such as natalie glebova, Méav Ní Mhaolchatha (celtic singer), miss finland finalis 2006 and Hil Yesenia Hernandez ( miss earth 2006 from chile) however all of them are not what I especially like. I prefer audrey tautou the french actress and Milli Avital the Israeli actess the modestly, smart women with alittle bit boyist in their thinking and gentle at their behavier. ( both of them are famous from the movie Davinci code and Arabian night) they are the way better than the altra feminine without brains.

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 10:46 zonneschijn Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

What's my comment isn't related to your article? erik, I just wanted to show everyone on here the pictures of golden skin tone girls look pretty. according to your article "Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color".

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 09:28 Observer Drugs that attenuate skin aging: proven therapies

Regarding the reduction in sallowness, is this referring to spots, or a general reduction?

Also, is sallowness a charactertic of white skin -- meaning otherwise white-skinned people can develop sallowness -- or does it refer to a general, permanent, light pigmentation?

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 09:10 Observer Welcome!


You critisize the selection of masculine models in the fashion industry, yet you’re also being selective of the so-called “glamour” models.

Erik can speak for himself, but since your point has been raised on numerous occasions, I think I can answer it for him.

Erik doesn't have a a qualm with the fashion industry being "selective." His views is that other features should be selected for ("promoted," as he puts it).

Why can’t all women just be accepted for who they are?

I haven't found anything on this site that counsels against accepting women for who they are. The site's purpose is to advocate a different set of standards than those promoted by the industry today.

If your problem is the promotion of beauty in principle, your concerns are noted, but (I imagine) Erik, I, most visitors to this site, and the general public would disagree with them.

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 08:51 Erik Drugs that attenuate skin aging: proven therapies

I came across another promising drug to improve aged skin: pyratine 6. Here is the study –


The application of 0.10% pyratine 6 (furfurylaminotetrahydropyranyladenine), twice daily, for 12 weeks resulted in improvement in 1) skin roughness and skin moisturization in 2 weeks, 2) skin spots and fine wrinkles in 4 weeks and reduction in facial erythema (skin reddening) in two weeks. There were minimal side effects.

McCullough, J. L., Garcia, R. L., and Reece, B., A clinical study of topical Pyratine 6 for improving the appearance of photodamaged skin, J Drugs Dermatol, 7, 131 (2008).

The reason I have used the word promising is that the study did not have controls and two of the authors are consultants with the companies promoting the product.

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 08:44 Observer Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Z, I'm quite sure that someone who has invested as much study, time and effort into putting up this site is well aware of the variety of Indian characteristics. However, in the case that he wasn't, your point has been made. You have been asked repeatedly, by Erik and others, to cease posting so many pics (especially when irrelevant). Ignoring those requests shows very poor form.

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 08:28 Observer What form of women’s body shape was preferred in medieval Europe?

Z, you seldom make an attempt to address the argument at hand; rather, you simply regurgitate the same material in each blog entry -- an activity otherwise known as spamming.

Erik, I think it's time you considered deleting Z's posts when they fail to contribute anything relevant.

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 08:23 Erik Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

Zonneschijn: Stop posting comments that are unrelated to the articles. I have repeatedly told you to stop using multiples names, not showcase ethnic beauty by using mixed ancestry/part-white women, and not leave more comments until I reply to your previous comments. Behave or you will be banned.
