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Wed, 04/02/2008 - 17:08 z The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Beautifull skinny coco chanel the mother of fashion.

Coco Chanel

Try to immegin? how could this little skinny woman successed in sexual intimating with all high class males like the duke, nazi officer, artists, politicians etc. how many time did this type of women win the heart of all powerfull males? just take a look at betty wallace, audrey hepburn, coco chanel.

Wed, 04/02/2008 - 14:53 zonneschijn The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I think all of the sport swimmingsuit models above this article are very attactive and feminine. slim, slender waist and curving legs, very good shape in my openion. I do not like robust women with big breasts and board round face I prefer well face's structure and well chin like Benitez, Veronica Varekova, Elle MacPherson and Rebecca Romijn. throught they look not that gentle and sweet like audrey toutu or malion cottilard but still they have good structure.

here, History of boylish fashion model.

History of boyish fashion models

Chanel was to become one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century. She was not influenced by previous fashion, but had entirely new ideas on how to make a woman look feminine. Dispensing with the frills and furbelows of the Edwardian era, she brought in a clean, uncluttered look that was to become the basis for much of the haute couture design in the following decades.

Chanel took women's fashions away from corseted styles and introduced casual, practical clothing, promoted slimy women that borrowed fabrics and attitudes from men's fashion. She was the first to introduce black as a fashion color; her versatile, semi-formal "little black dress" to sportswear. became a Chanel trademark and an enduring fashion standard.
Chanel's own lifestyle fueled her ideas of how modern women everywhere should look, act, and dress. Her own slim boyish figure and cropped hair became an ideal, as did her tanned skin, active lifestyle, and financial independence. Throughout her career, Chanel succeeded in packaging and marketing her own personal attitudes and style, making her a key arbiter of women's taste throughout the twentieth century.

She successed in sexual escapades with all high class males such as nobel man, artists, the Duke (of Westminster and Duke demitri of russia etc.) and politicians even nazi office. and all women in "s" shape were jealous of her skinny cute body, short hair and her sophisicate boylish cloth.

chanel selected the models for her brand by herself. her favourit ideal's models are Audrey Hepburn and Catherine Denurve. the women with sophisicate slim body, versatitle looking between the boy and stubburn little girl. and I think this type of women are very extremely cute and attactive, somehow sexy in very gentle and romantic way.

here chanel's models.

Coco Chanel model Sabrina Hepburn

Coco Chanel model

keira knightley

Audrey Tautou

Wed, 04/02/2008 - 09:02 Randy How often men approach women in relation to the size of their breasts

Saw the "controversial" picture of LeBron on Giselle on Vogue. I'm as hetero as they come, but couldn't help being attracted to LeBron more.

Wed, 04/02/2008 - 01:50 Erik How often men approach women in relation to the size of their breasts

Yep (otherwise going as Zonneschijn and other names): You must stick to using a single name.

Hugh Ristik: Thank you for your suggestions. I have already addressed and critiqued the study on machines judging human beauty. I had seen the “hot or not” composite images, but the find is similar to some published studies that I have addressed, and I am not much of a fan of generating facial composites in the manner used.

Tue, 04/01/2008 - 01:21 Mike The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Oh Ed, the other thing i disagree with is that Men DO BUY CLOTHES. Otherwise, we'd all be naked. Men just don't buy clothes like women because Men's clothes don't get the clearance prices women's clothes get LOL.

Tue, 04/01/2008 - 01:14 Mike The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Ed - Good job on stating what most men know of fashion models. They are absolutely not pretty. There are a few here and there that are, but most are not. I agree with a good portion of what you are saying.

I disagree with the general idea though that the models themselves are not the designers idea of what is attractive. If they are to fit the clothes, the designers do have the intent of stating they feel that women should be size 0, flat chested and tall. There are perfectly plain Janes out there that would not overpower the clothes designed for *normally proportioned* women. These could be the clothes that *make* the normally *plain* women *beautiful*. However most of the clothes that high fashion tends to show off are god awful creations of people so high on thinking they know what beauty is.

This website is just another stab at normal women and what they should find themselves desiring to look like for the benefit of men. Women should want to be healthy, not thin like a model, not fake implanted chest. There is a normal amount of fat to be healthy. This is what screws up womens minds with *what they should look like cuz its what the world feels what beauty is* rather than what they should look like because it is healthy (healthy NOT being a fashion model size 0). I would also say it is a stab at homosexuals and fashion designers as well. Though I don't mind Fashion designers being stabbed a few times LOL. It is also trying to force an image on men of what is beautiful by calling into question their sexuality (which most men would fiercely defend gay, bi or straight). Only men who have had gay experiences can find these SI models attractive? And you are the authority why? I find Elle (while not my ideal woman) to be attractive. Same goes for Elsa. I have had no homosexual attractions/urges in my life. Please explain this one.

BTW, FYI I am a 5'5" man (yep short) and currently about 10lbs overweight (seasonal gain in winter lose in spring/summer, helps keep me warm in the Buffalo snows). I do not like women that are ridiculously thin (if she weighs less than 110, she better be less than 5' tall). I tend to like my women proportionate to a 5'3" 120-130 lbs or so. This matters so you can understand.

To combat extremism, one does not have to first travel to the other side of the extreme. All it does is lengthen the trip to moderation.

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 23:37 ed The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

the main problem here is that you dont have a firm grasp on either the PURPOSE or commercial mandates of the fashion industry. fashion is not in the BUSINESS of beauty. living in manhattan I see models all the time and know a number of girls who have modeled big shows and done print work. anyone with a clue who's actually seen models IRL KNOWS as axiom that models are not "beautiful" they are not "pretty." in person models are abnormally skinny, have abnormally small heads, very masculine body proportions and the faces are unremarkable. the only truly beautiful thing you see on most girls is nice skin. on occasion you see a beautiful girl model but they are not selected for such, and a true beauty in the modeling world is a random outlier among a population selected for another, different purpose... much like occasionally seeing a beautiful volleyball player among women selected for height and athletic prowess.

models are essentially clothes hangars. they're uniformly skinny and 5'7"-5'10" because they need to fit the clothes. NOT because homos are inflicting a world view upon us. models are purposefully androgynous because they cannot overpower the clothes with great beauty or personality and because WOMEN themselves find these types of women to appear cool and sophisticated.

MEN do not BUY CLOTHES. actual MALE preferences towards beauty are nowhere to be found in the fashion equation. you seem incredibly clueless about how anything works. MEN are nowhere in the SI swimsuit equation either. JULE CAMBELL, a WOMAN been editorial chief of the SI swimsuit issue since its inception in the 60s. She personally chooses the models and controls every aspect of the issue. She is NOT A MAN. she does not CARE what you find attractive. GET A CLUE. Her mandate at SI is to make even swimsuits RELEVANT and FASHION FORWARD, NOT to give you images of beautiful women you can go into the bathroom with.

You make some points with your site but really you're ranting like you have no idea what end is up. Models are androgynous and masculine and aren't actually pretty? WOW ORLY NEWS FLASH WATER IS WET

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 22:00 A Clear thinkin... The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

This is possibly the stupidest, most pointless, deluded lot of tosh masquerading as science that I have ever seen in my life.

What a load of complete and utter crap. The simple use of the term 'lifetime exclusive heterosexual' is so riddled with homophobia and fascistic intent. So someone who once experimented with another man, and decided that wasn't really his thing, is 'tarnished' and no longer a 'lifetime exclusive' such a crock of shit.

What business is it of yours who finds what attractive and what their sexual preference is?

This website is pointless offensive, homophobic, and fascist.

Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 21:58 kevin The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Sorry but my pecker is too hard to think about comparing these chicks! As long as there is no buldge in the front other than the top, The chicks are smokin'! All of 'em, call me low-standard if the SI swimsuit models are not hot enough for you...I DON'T GIVE A FVCK!

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 21:40 Bubbav0 The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Nice website. Thought provoking.

I agree that the strong homosexual male influence in the fashion industry drives the imagery for that industry in the media. I can't look at VS or sports illustrated's swim suit edition anymore since the models look like adolescent girls (oh wait, some are adolescent girls) or boys.

Compare the fashion industry with the movie industry. I think you'll find much more examples of "feminine" beauty in the movie business. Primarily because the audience is hetrosexual. That's why Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Halley Berry, Charlize Theron are icons of the industry. All feminine.

Interesting the effects of this on commerce in the fashion industry, tv&moveis and society at large.

Keep trying to keep girls feminine!

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 19:07 HughRistik How often men approach women in relation to the size of their breasts

Hey Erik, here are a couple beauty-related things to check out:

Machine judging of facial attractiveness:

Composite photos from hot or not:

Methodology described here:

Notice that the composite of the 10s looks feminine enough that one of the comments stereotypes her as talking on a cell phone all day and loving to shop (mouse over for the comments).

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 18:49 Jerry The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Dude, you are the biggest fucking idiot on the world wide web!!!!!

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 18:16 twidget Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Sorry I stumbled onto this blog. Just goes to prove that any fucking moron can have a blog.

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 17:06 Justin The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Guy, you are totally gay. No "life-exclusive heterosexual male" actually comes up with the term, "life-exclusive heterosexual male," and then uses it repeatedly. Your fatal flaw is that you arrogantly claim to know the universal mind of the hetero male, and then spend dozens of paragraphs inadvertently proving otherwise. You doth protest too much, my friend. Not only are you gay, but you are gay fascist trying to create some quasi-Riefenstahlian aesthetic-- wait, I'm going to stop now. I've just wasted too many calories on a closet homo. Forget what I said,'re as manly as they come.

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 12:59 Yep How often men approach women in relation to the size of their breasts

It's goodluck for that girl that she has a lovely tiny breasts and could be attacted by the prince or some successfull bussiness man and all classy gentle men, than to be a whore with big sack breasts whom can be only a partner for half nights of some bastards in a Nightclub.

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 11:25 J. R. Welcome!

As a tall, in shape, broad shouldered girl, I don't appreciate this website. This is what I have to say about the subject... completley my opinion of course.

Mon, 03/31/2008 - 09:43 d. How often men approach women in relation to the size of their breasts

you're so full of shit

Sun, 03/30/2008 - 17:49 z Tyra Banks on honesty

And that girl on the vedio should go back to stay in china if she dosen't want those immoral whites treat her bad like that. indeed I disagree about the immegrants in abroad. I think they should have their own pride of their nation and build up their own countries, not by staying in somewhere that's not their own being.
however I find south east asian women are prettier than north east asian

Sun, 03/30/2008 - 17:32 z Tyra Banks on honesty

Erik : For me yes I find whites are pretty race but not all of them are pretty and I don' think all asian think the whites are pretty. in south east asian the teenegers prefer to look like north sast asian girls like japanese, chinese or korean more than to look that extremely beautifull like natalie glebova, kate winslete or claire dens also the same to the young guys in south east asia tend to like petite small eyes far east asian like yangmi, lui yi fei or kyoko fukada or lee young ae. I know from the news that's not much of south east asian girls get eyelids surgery to have slant eyes or inner eyelids fold like in north east asian girls which suth east asian males find slant small eyes are cute and look young. as I told on this site before that my dad is caucasian and my mom is south east asian. I still could remember when I was 14-15 years old I visited south east asia with my mom and my sister but my dad didn't go with us. we did heir the young chinese maid the same age as my elder sister. do u believe or not erik?
one day we sat in some resturant in the mall also the young chinese maid did go at mall with us one of my mother's old friend ( south east asian) walked to greet my mom and my mom introduced my sis and me and the chinese maid to her after that my mother's friend say to my mom.
" young maid looks very pretty" that friend said before touch the cheeks of that young chinese maid. my sister even get angry in my mind because she think she is half european and prettier than that chinese maid with small eyes, board round face, short and quite fat. awhile many people use to say my sister is pretty, she has big eyes, long face, tall, long earlobs and seems to look nicer than that young chinese maid in everything but not all of south east asian peoplewanted to look like that. yes I accepted that many of them like caucasian's look but it's not all of them. some young guys find european girls look too masculine, strange eyes'color and look like devil for them, strange hair color like animal's fur, witch's nose ( because many of asian have flat nose so for their standard all european got hookes nose for them), and also albino skin, freckle and hairy. I observe that the far east asian prefer to look like caucasian awhie south east asian teenegers prefer to look like far east asian.
indeed, I find that almost of asian people whom prefer caucasian beauty are in the age aroud 30-80 years old. when the fashion prefer the woman in "s" shape. the women like elizabeth tailer, malilyn monroe, twicky and kim barsinger were famous in asia. but now is different the teenegers prefer more natural innocent's looking girls, like come out from the wild or nature not the girls in "s" shape with a lot of artificial accessories on her body.

u could notice from this pic, the asian girl who is older than the white girl appears to look most younger than the white girl and the Iranian girl.

Otherwise, I think that girl on the vedio did herself misarable. anything is in her head I don't think white woman is prettier than asia.

Sun, 03/30/2008 - 15:14 LisaV Tyra Banks on honesty

From a asian perspective, it's not about trying to be white. That is ridiculous and the white people needs to stop accusing of it. (although a few would want that, not all)...
Approximately 50% of asian are born without a natural eyelid, meaning that the rest of the 50% are naturally born with a double crease. Even among the Asian community, bigger eyes are more prettier compare to smaller eyes. Asian eyelid surgery is to enhance the beauty, not converting to another race nor whipping out one's race identity. I truly agree about what some of you wrote. Why is the asian then trying to be like the white? African-American people have double crease too. DUMBASSES!!

Sun, 03/30/2008 - 05:10 muslim kids Miss Universe 2006: beauty pageant par excellence!

Sun, 03/30/2008 - 04:37 z Miss Universe 2006: beauty pageant par excellence!

De wanderer : Indonesian are hybrided populations just like the mexican. the native people in indonesia are Polynesians, more than 2000 years Hindu people and buddist people from India prilgrimed there, By the end of the 13th century, Islamic kingdoms had also been established, and over the next few centuries Islam slowly spread through the islands. In the 16th century, the dutch people took control Indonesia came to be called the Dutch East Indies. then after world's war 2 the sigapore's chinese traders began trading influence, so there are a variety of people's face. Oh and I haven't tell u yet that I also have seen indonesian-muslim's arab girl look pretty quite like european as well.

and moroccan muslimah in morocco.
I don't see the different between them and european women.

Sat, 03/29/2008 - 17:17 Der Wanderer Miss Universe 2006: beauty pageant par excellence!

z :

Do anyone think Nadine Chandrawinata miss Indonecia look masculine?

Errm... nopes.

But she doesn't look Indonesian either.

And the point is?

Look, bud. I told you so before:

You need to look at the Bigger Picture.

Sat, 03/29/2008 - 13:26 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

: Sorry I'd like to say not small amount of japanese girl which dyned blond hair and wear color contact lense could fit your feminine beauty's concept.

Sat, 03/29/2008 - 13:19 z Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Erik : U know why I always againt in many of your beauty concepts? such as high-arched eyebrows, small flat nose, chubby round face, narrow small eyes, flat forhead, no chin, no eyelids are feminine and pretty?
because I don't think all of what u state as feminine features'd be what general caucasian women have. on the contrary what north east asian tend to have what u find it pretty.

anyway please take a look at this picture below? can u tell me what's nationality she is?

after u take a look at this picture. I guess her type of face is what u find it pretty and very feminine? I'd like to tell u something, 3 years ago I've been to malasia. one day I was searching a picture of on flickr. and I find the pictures of this blonde girl, a sudden my girlfriend sister walk in and seen the pictures I was looking on pc. she asked me 'who's that girl? is she japanese which dyned blond hair?
u see erik? the caucasian with narrow small eyes, sall nose etc. the asian people find them look like people from north east asia.

now take a look at this picture.

all this girls are japanese.

just one of them on this pic is celeb. the least are not also I wanted to tell u I have been to japan also and I can tell u that in japan has the fashion called gothic lolita, the girls wearing a cloth like a doll, dyned hair blond, color contact lens etc. u could see many of the girls look like that in hirajuku. I'd liek to tell u that the japanese with blond hair, coloring eyes look freak for european people but also not much of them look quite like your white women concept as well. but not look like the beautifull white women like angelina joli,
anne hathaway or kate backinsale. those girls have strong character of caucasian face in my thinking, their bigset round eyes, high nose bridge, long chin and tall body.
