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Mon, 03/24/2008 - 08:26 julie Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

hi eric,

i agree that more people that disagree with you are more inclined to post a comment. i m sure many girls read over this site and feel more comfortable with themselves and less - what s the word- pathetic compared to the idealized image that fashion industries have sold us. i think it is quite sad that big businesses have sacraficed the self esteem of most girls to make a quick buck.

i do agree with others that we should appreciate all women- shapes and sizes. But in general, i think that any woman that is sold to another woman as being more desirable based on her physical appearance is wrong. the beauty competition amongst woman is ugly- and also scarring. And i dont point my finger at you- but our image obsessed pop culture that picks apart women and there bodies. it s objectifying. the beauty of a woman is much deeper and much more complex- but these days the world is teaching woman only how to look rather then how to act and how to use our minds.

i think super models are over glamorized and only draw more attention to looking a certain way and degrade the female spirit. we re more then nice boobs or nice hair. but that is all anybody wants to talk about.

i also must applaude your manner of debate. you respond and state your opinion collectively and politely. it seems that many people want to resort to name calling, fowl language, and over all aggressive combative behavior with you. i think everyone should stop screaming their opinion at you, and instead maybe you can both understand the realities of eachothers opinions.

Sun, 03/23/2008 - 10:42 feminine cute f... Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Sun, 03/23/2008 - 02:53 z Melisande aka Guinevere

Erik : Why u put melisande as attactive woman? how about Kristen kruck, Anne hatheway, Winona ryders and Milli avital? they are feminine and prettier than melisande a lot but why u have never placed them as attactive feminine women? I guess it's because they are all have some none-white heritage in them? Melisande looks very ordinary to me, her face is also too narrow, narrow eyes and large thin lips.

Sun, 03/23/2008 - 00:49 Observer The utility of makeup for women


Without speaking for Jodith, she might answer that that is the outcome of the social programming women undergo: they like wearing make-up and appearing more attractive to men and because they are programmed to; that they appear to enjoy doing so is simply more evidence of the pernicious programming pervading their lives.

I'm not familiar with the inner workings of feminist logic, but it seems that they believe that in the absence of social programming women might undertake any course of action save that wich they do in today's programmed society, ie, they might do anything except: attempt to make themselves look more attractive to men; seek a mate for life; contemplate the qualities such a man might possess; dream about a life with such a man; and plan their activities around bringing such a life into fruition.

Sat, 03/22/2008 - 19:33 Ron Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Its so funny, so many people offended and critizizing the moderator while they have not managed to read this site properly.

What people in general consider feminine is reasonably well documented scientifically. Same goes for what people consider masculine.
Are you missing the word "atractive"? Correct, thats irrelevant.

And now the moderator concludes that many contestants in a beauty pageant match the masculine definition better than the feminine definition. Next he wonders why and feels that is weird.

Thast all folks!!

Personally, I have to mention Miss New Zealand is a beauty and I do not see the masculinity. (love makes blind? :-)
Then again, to me, a woman with a "masculine" jaw-line is not attrative to me (beauty in the eye of the beholder). So maybe a picture from Miss NZ from another angle would change my mind.

Good job. Bit useless, but so what?

Good luck!

Sat, 03/22/2008 - 16:10 Melisande Melisande aka Guinevere

Wow, there are some picky judgemental people on this page! Oh well. Life goes on, and I'm not buying into any of your immature bullshit. Thanks to the people on this page who've had a word or two against the previously mentioned individuals, it's nice to know that not everyone who's never even met or talked to me is eager to hate me. I'm amused that Erik put the caption to the pic of me in glsses as me being scholarly?! I usually wear contacts, I'm blind as a bat. That particular day, I couldn't get them in. I wasn't wearing them to try and look smart, I kindof just wanted to be able to see! I was in Washington DC! Seeing your nations history clearly is a lot nicer than seeing it as a big colored blur :-D By the way, if anyone goes there, June through August is sunny, but way too hot and miserable. You can barely breathe!! Anyways, ciao! its sunny (for once) in the Pacific NW and I'm going outside!! It may not last long :-) Happy Easter/Ostara/Spring Equinox, or whatever you do or do not celebrate this time of year!!

Sat, 03/22/2008 - 02:26 z The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

Sorry, erik that I have reply this to you again. I just wanted to say the shape of this woman (grace) is not delicate that much.
- her topless are sack.
- large thigns and I see no curve on her waist.
the pictures of gisele u promote are a sort of sporting fashion so they just make those pictures that way. if you look carefully gisele got feminine smaller body than grace. try to immegin gisele having white skin I think she is almost same fragile as audrey hapburn. and try to immegin grace with tanned skin I think her shape is the same to the brazilian dancers of rio de janeiro.

Thu, 03/20/2008 - 17:50 kenya Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

why the fuck u have my sister..tamalisa jn baptiste (miss st lucia)on your shit...talking bout homo sexuals....i think the biggest homo is your mama so u better not let me get your shit packing ass you undercover biatch and if you are a girl...then u making this ass wopping a lot easier, so fuck off u hater...kiss our st lucian mother fucking assses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!braaaaaa!

Thu, 03/20/2008 - 16:32 zonneschijn The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

Emily : Gisele is elegrant and has a good shape. for me, her shape is smaller than the white women of erik's comparison. the tanned skin, fitness shape which is a result of photoshoping, makeup and acting. personally, I like slender shape women than the chubby one which I find they are too fat, unactive and lazy. but I also do not refuse that somehow they seem to look feminine but infact they are not when you were male and having relationship with chubby women. they are unbreakable, not petite and fragile. contrast, the shape of Gisele u could grap her waist with one hand. you could see from the link below Gisele was with her boyfriend and she seems to look much smaller than him and I sure she is fragile and delicate more than many of erik's glamour models.

You also can look at this link the skinny tall women, large jaw and small breasts can be delicate, tender and sexy

Thu, 03/20/2008 - 10:00 emily The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

Honestly, I never thought that gisele bundchen was beautiful at all. She has no shape, and she looks like a dude, so why does everybody think she's beautiful??

Wed, 03/19/2008 - 05:23 The doc Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Voluptuous is the feline equivilent of masculinity.

Petite is the wholly feminine incarnation of femininity.

Catch wreck. feminine V womanly.

peace to the east

Tue, 03/18/2008 - 02:13 Erik Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Zonneschijn: I have repeatedly asked you to stop leaving comments addressing my arguments until I reply to all of your previous comments, but you have ignored my requests. I have also repeatedly asked you to stop using multiple aliases. So this is a serious warning. If you do not heed, your comments will be removed, and if you persist, you will be banned.

You need to realize that by posting a huge number of pictures, including wallpapers, on the same page, which you are doing on many pages, you make it very time consuming for many people to load the page and thereby very difficult to follow up on the comments. You posted around 130 pictures above, many large/very large. This is insane. If you are going to post a large number of pictures on the same page then you need to either post links to the images or clickable thumbnails. Here is how to post clickable thumbnails when using photobucket. You should also combine many pictures into a single picture. In the article I have posted dozens of original images combined into only four separate images. You could also help by removing unnecessary parts of the wallpapers and just show what you are focusing on, such as the face.

I converted your pictures on this page to clickable links. I will do this to your future comments if you again post a large number of huge images, but these comments had better be after I reply to your previous comments or else read the warning again for what will happen. There is no need to post a large number of pictures of the same woman; three clear face pictures will do the job: front, side/profile, three-quarters view (you could use the closest approximations). If you are going to showcase Indian beauty then do not pass off as Indian white women in Indian clothing or women who are “Indian” because one parent is Indian (the other being white). You cannot defend this by claiming that Europeans result from the mixing of Middle Easterners and “Mongols” unless you have a proper response to the journal article I linked to in my previous reply to you in the latest article on the Sports Illustrated models. Again, your reply will have to wait my replying to all your previous comments or you know what is going to happen. By leaving this comment, I have not finished my reply to you as far as this page goes and I haven’t replied to most of your comments elsewhere.

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 15:42 abdulleke Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

beautifull women post more more more abdulleke(^v^)

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 15:35 Der Wanderer Welcome!

brenda :

I don’t know, Der Wanderer. Celebrities have bad angles, too, but that does not mean they’re ugly overall. I do agree that Kristin Kreuk does not look good in the photos you posted, but I think it’s mainly because you posted bad pictures and not because Kristin Kreuk is ugly.

And what's a "bad picture" anyway ?
That's the key.

If the base is good, she should look REASONABLY good most of the times, no matter the angle, the lighting conditions, etc.
Sometimes better, sometimes worse, but that's besides the point because that applies to everyone.

I didn't have to browse my way through thousands of pics to cherry-pick those I posted, there are many, many, more :

It might be argued that the lighting wasn't right (flash) or that she was performing some face-distorting activities (smiling).
Well, then let's look at another subject under the same handicaps :

No comments.

Oh, by the way ...
Megan Fox is another over-hyped non-entity :

Sorry, girls ;p

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 13:43 more of Indian ... Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 10:00 Flawless lookin... Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Indian women let us see that beauty can come in many ways. all of them have different type of hair, eyes, nose, shape face and skin color. but the most what I find it's feminine in them that is they look natural, flawless and fresh and innocent and natural.

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 01:30 brenda Welcome!

In these photos, for instance, she looks good:

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 00:17 brenda Welcome!

I don't know, Der Wanderer. Celebrities have bad angles, too, but that does not mean they're ugly overall. I do agree that Kristin Kreuk does not look good in the photos you posted, but I think it's mainly because you posted bad pictures and not because Kristin Kreuk is ugly.

Sun, 03/16/2008 - 18:51 z Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Sandy :sorry, I don't know how to put thumbnails like u said. and yes I wanted everyone to see the pictures without they have to click on anything.


This beautifull woman is name Meenakshi Karan. she was also in miss India beauty pageant 2006 the same as Neha kapur but couldn't win the contest even she looks very feminine, all of her pics in google look feminine. but her look is just too orinary comparing to masculinity naha kapur miss India universe.

Sexy Masculinity Neha kapur miss India universe.

The Puja Gupta, miss India 2007 looks fine.

Sun, 03/16/2008 - 13:31 alah Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

very beautiful women abdulleke

Sun, 03/16/2008 - 13:10 Last Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

More of Indian model.

Sun, 03/16/2008 - 12:46 Sandy Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

To "Z" or whomever you are:

PLEASE, Please, please stop posting all of those large photos!!! Can't you use thumbnails?? It has become impossible to scroll through the comments section on this site because those photos take up so much space. It is rude and disrespectful to other readers. Can't you email your photos to Erik instead or just post one or two at the most?


Sun, 03/16/2008 - 12:16 Feminine miss I... Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Erik : I think u have never seen all these pictures before, some Indian women that I chat to on msn, sent me all these pictures of random feminine Miss India finalis of different year and some Indian models that she finds them pretty. I think they look very feminine and prettier more than some of your glamour white models.

First of all I will let u see why Natasha Suri has crowned the Indian beauty pageant. many Indian people find that she looks like dark version of angelina joli.

Now take a look at Miss India universe 2003, Nikita Anand. she looks very feminine.

Now take a look at the other miss India finalis 2007. all of them look very feminine.
Indian models

The last one is the present miss India 2007. Puja Gupta

Sun, 03/16/2008 - 06:25 z Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

More if Diya Mirza, Miss Asia Pacific for the year 2000. She was also second runner up in the Miss India 2000 beauty contest.Her father Frank Handrich is German and her mother is Indian.

Koel Poori

Lara Dutta, Miss India UNIVERSE 2000, have watched her on movie. she looks very gorgeous. her father is Indian and her mother British.

Lakha, miss asia pacific from India that also crowned the sexist woman of the world. with the age 53 years old right now she still looks very young. when she was young I find her face looks quite like Glaoria estafan

This is a picture of Gloria estafan, the spanish singer who looks like Lakha.

Minisha lamba, very feminine Indian actress.

Payal Rohakit. graduated engineering, Miss Tourism World in 2001,

She was also a Femina Miss India Finalist in 2000.

Celina Jaitley, Miss India. very beautifull Indian-afghan woman with original ice-blue eyes. she was born in afghanistan I have watched her flims she looks quite like natali Glebova, miss Russian universe.
Celina was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. She was crowned Miss India in 2001.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 22:54 Erik What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

Zonneschijn: Damn, I told you to not leave any comments addressing my arguments until I reply to your previous ones. Heed! You can reply to others, but not me until I address your previous comments. I just don’t have the time to be more prompt in my replies. Learn English and some science. Here is an article for you to read pertaining to your claims about the origin of Europeans and the white women I have been showing. Don’t repeat your claims unless you have evidence to back them up.
