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Sat, 03/15/2008 - 17:41 zonneschijn Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Racism is a biased term intentionally weighted in favour of the immigrants. about shilpa shetty and any Indians or muslim, asian in europe or usa. they have to adapt themselves to the country they wanted to stay. it's bad of some poor white people that like to insult other race but the immegrants have to make up their mind before they have entered other country. like you went to stay in Islam country u cann't say you don't like their people, their food or their law because u are not the owner of the country. the same to the case of Indian and arab immegrants in europe. some of my european relative have also a problem with muslim neighbour. by the way this site is about feminine beauty and not about racist I only wanted to let erik see that
Indian women are not always ugly that's all.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 17:07 Der Wanderer Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Thomas Gregan :

I have two degrees, a masters, Post Graduate diploma, am Chartered in my field AND currenltly studying for a PHD in a research science. I understand why you feel motivated to publish on your own website, as no one would ever publish this rubbish.

Another useless blowhard


Sat, 03/15/2008 - 16:52 Thomas Gregan Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

I am with the people who are appalled at this site. I dont care how you justify any 'research'. It is tantemount to Nazi Eugenics. Please do not get me started on your research, I have two degrees, a masters, Post Graduate diploma, am Chartered in my field AND currenltly studying for a PHD in a research science. I understand why you feel motivated to publish on your own website, as no one would ever publish this rubbish.
You are using modernal (not modern) Eugenics, which in itself can only EVER be used to show trends of standards. This cannot be applied to attractiveness, as it does not take into account opinions. If your research were to have any merit- it would be to show that trend of acceptance of a variety of women has emerged since extremely narrow minded 'scientific researchers' of the last century laid down racist assumptions of what masculinity is.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 16:00 Der Wanderer What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

"Anne Hathaway, english actress"

Yeah, right :

The wide-eyed 24-year-old from Brooklyn today looks pretty as always, her long dark mane framing her rosy cheeks and pale skin betraying her Irish descent. She concedes her looks are "very Irish". "Yet not all you see is for real," she quickly points out.

"This came from a bottle," she says, tugging at her raven locks. "I'm very aware of my own background. I'm Irish, French and then a little bit of everything else thrown in, ranging from German to native American. We're talking about tiny drops of blood.

"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

Translated = Therefore = GTFO

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 14:03 Der Wanderer Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Awww... all that Brownian Motion and Vibrancy !
I'm starting to feel all fuzzy and warm inside =)

Not to mention a bit of seasickness and a vague feeling of Déjà Vu

You go, Shilpa !
We are not worth it, I know :(

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 13:42 Indian is not a... Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Miss India, Diya Mirza, she was crowned Miss asia pacific but which year I also couldn't remember. I have seen her acting in some India movies and also have seen her from far away view at one hotel in bombay. she looks quite pretty as well, she has light skin, very small body and pretty legs. she looks quite different from many pictures of her in western websits on internet. I also have seen sneha ullal, preety zinta in India movies, they have light skin and very beautifull. sneha ullal has also blue green eyes and preety zinta is the most beautifull Indian actress I have seen. my dennish fred watched her movie together with me and he even said that he find preety zinta looks like Italian woman. I couldn't explain more than this about how those Indian beauty look like? unless u have to watch their flims by yourself and I sure u will find they look different from the pictures on western websits. some Indian actress I have seen on movie look like european woman and have blue eyes and white skin and then I remember their name to serach for their pics on internet. but I find out that many of their pictures on internet do not look like them on movies at all.

This is a picture of Diya Mirza, Miss India ( also miss asia pacific)
some Indian fan took this picture.

The pictures below are Diya Mirza wallpaper from India websit site.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 13:28 Der Wanderer What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

Stop spamming us with your idiotic racialist theories, moron.
Nobody is buying them.

I can tell the Mongoloids from the Europeans without having to look at your captions. If you can't, you must be seriously undiscriminating or simply non-european. Besides, you can't make aesthetic generalizations about large populations just by looking at a few pictures of random individuals. To top it all, most of them are celebrities with heavy make-up, hair dye, colored contact lenses, surgery, photoshopping and what have you. Some examples here and there

I'd like to take a closer look at that idiotic theory of yours :

Arabs + Mongoloids = Nordics

lulz !
But you said you heard of it on the friggin' DISCOVERY CHANNEL !
Hmmm.... it doesn't look too promising.
Give us your references for this, seriously. Just 4 teh lulz =)

Or better yet, GTFO, this is not the United Nations.
Or the United Colors of Penis-tton, for that matter.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 13:00 Sylvia The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

I Think Heidi is attractive and Alessandra too...only too thin, wich makes their face look more masculin (you can see their bones trough their skin). I agree with your opinion about Giselle and Kate. But I don't understand whats masculin about Adriana Lima's face...(maybe her body is that). In summary I didnt get to know what makes you think somebody is feminine...the ideals were always different in every generation. Just watch some paintings from the you think Mona Lisa's face is feminine? Or Rubens paintings...fat, small breasted women...

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 11:37 zonneschijn Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

very beautifull Miss India 2007, flawless look, slender shape, narrow face, big navy blue eyes, small nose, worm ivory skin.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 10:36 How to verify o... What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

it's so obviose that many of erik's feminine women in attactive feminine women section have mongol features. such as the example below. first time I seen this picture I were misunderstood that se is not caucasian woman but far east asian or half asian.

Now take a look at the picture of the arab actress below. her face appears to look like caucasian more than erik's feminine woman above.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 09:19 z What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

It's quite obvious that Nordic women of your attactive feminine section have some features look quite like northern asian women as I notice before that the nordic european anchestor before 35000 bc. were mongol in central asia.
you can clearly see the picture of ordinary european women from middle of europe and southern europe looked more like original caucasian. contrast from your nordic european women in feminine women section of this site seem to have narrow eyes like far east asian, small nose, short body, chubby cheeks and the body tend to be easily to contend fat. ( due to milestone documentary people that live in very cold country like alaska, northern japanese, mongolia etc. tend to have short body, small nose, small eyes for make the skin area less touching the cold weather. different from caucasiod race before moved to europe they were lived in dry area of middle east. so their hair have to be curl and small line for make the skin head not contend to much heat. the hair's curl made the air can touch the skin on the head easily. and the slender tall body made the heat get away from the body easily.

I want to insist again that original european face tend to look like more like aryan people in Iran. deepest set big round eyes, long nose, tall body. not small narrow eyes, plump and short body like your feminine women. which I find they look more than asian than caucasian.

Comparison between feminine women of erik and asian women.

Now come to look at original beautifull caucasian woman with real caucasian feaures of ann hathaway the english actress with big set eyes, clear double eyelids and has medium deepest eyes, high nose bridge and quite tall like what original european women should be.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 04:48 Jackie The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I agree with you on most of them. Some of the S.I. women are PRETTY manly - looking, IMO though. A lot of the non-S.I. girls are beautiful, not all of them, but wow! Nikita Laska, Shay Laren, and Corinna are my favorites. Amazing!

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 02:50 zonneschijn Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Miss India 2004, not very much feminine but very beautifull, white skin and red hair, her nose is a little bit hook but still pretty. her beauty is a kind like beautifull women of civilized kingdom of egypte like Cleopatra. a little bit hook nose,
ivory skin, deepest sharp eyes, red hair, gorgeous!

Here Puja Gupta. Miss India 2007

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 01:43 zonneschijn Gay fest in full bloom at the Miss World 2006 beauty pageant

Erik : Update your articale abit, this already 2007?

here Miss India 2007, feminine enough? fair skin, green eyes, light hair.

And Can I ask you one thing? Do beautifull women must have only fair skin?

Fri, 03/14/2008 - 16:20 Der Wanderer What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

subliminal decay :

Erik - have you heard of the French singer Alizee?

Fri, 03/14/2008 - 05:59 far east asian ... What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

A picture below is the comparison between very attractive feminine caucasian women which I particulary like vs. two far east asian women that I do not like them at all. but, they both are voted in asia as the top feminine women of far east asia. all asian guys find them attactive and like them very much. however I do not find their eyes, nose, skin, hair or shape are what I like but we still can clearly notice that the far east asian women in the same age as feminine caucasian women below. the far east asian women look more younger, the whole color of their hair, eyes and skin are more darker and attacted people to look at them more than feminine caucasian women with platinum blond hair, light eyes and completely snowy skin. do u think so?
frankly, I like caucasian women. and I do not find it nice at all that u seem like to insist that much about our caucasian women having masculinity shape. I like the way ordinary aucasian women are. tall, slender, firm belly and elegrant like a princess. what u trying to promote in caucasian women are only a few of them that have pig snout, round face weak chin and short body. what u like and find it's feminine is ordinary to find in asian women. not caucasian.

Thu, 03/13/2008 - 17:34 z What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

Here on earth, how many women look feminine to u? this world seems to has only masculine u better have sex with none of them.

I like western women very much, as much as latina and afro-american. I'm very fade up a lot when I heard far east asian guys and south east asian guys said caucasian women look masculine and old. a lot of them made the websit complaining about the feminine chinese, korean or thai women are not in one of last 50 of beauty pageant. they offened me by saying that
Josephine Alhanko, natali glebova, miss srilanka and miss Indian look masculine and their thai, korean, chinese women look prettier than caucasian beauty pageant. let's say beauty is laid in the eyes of beholder. different person got different tast. personally, I like caucasian women, no matter they are nordic, southern europe, arab, Indian or latina. I find caucasian type of face is beautifull. I prefer women with double eyelids, deepest set eyed, tall or average tall, curly or weavy hair look prettier than oriental with big eyes but the inner eyelids fold and have coarse straight hair. I really sad erik when I see you trying to promote what is ordinary character of caucasian women as masculine.
you should accept that ordinary caucasian women features are slender tall, quite slim, slender legs with deepest set eyes and that's what I find it's charm and rare in any race of the world. Heidi klum is the good example of nordic women as same as brigit nielsen, kate backinsale and Josephine Alhanko. you could see that caucasian is the only one race that has slender tall women? look elegrant like the empress, smart and gorgeous, so please do not say that they are masculine anymore?

Thu, 03/13/2008 - 05:13 z What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

Erik : Malisa has round face and sexy shoulders, everything in her is full for the hands to grasp, very feminine for me. Is she looks too handsome and masculiner than you? that's why you seem to be angry alot? and may I ask?
Do u find her shape is too masculine untill you'd never make love with the women with this type of shape??

How about Josephine Alhanko, miss sweden pageant? also masculine? I remember u said natali glebova is good looking but also has masculine shape?? why you like to insult the caucasian women with same race like u? u better go to find asian women to have sex with. perhape they are the kind of women in your dream, everything in them are tiny, small shoulders, short waist and plump or small like a kid. are u like that?
personally I respect in everyone tasts.

Wed, 03/12/2008 - 19:10 Dunbar The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I think Men with more feminine features (not making them any less of a man!) would find the Sports Illustrated model with masculine features more attractive. I fit this feminine ideal you're talking about. I know I only get turned on without stimulation by men with very masculine features. I am told alot of the time I have "bad taste" but I just don't find men with femine features like Leonardo DiCaprio or even Brad Pitt sexualy attractive.

Wed, 03/12/2008 - 19:09 Dunbar Top-50 high-fashion models

I think Men with more feminine features (not making them any less of a man!) would find the Sports Illustrated model with masculine features more attractive. I fit this feminine ideal you're talking about(just so happen to be european, .69 waist to hip ratio, and just a generaly very feminine face). I know I only get turned on without stimulation by men with very masculine features. I am told alot of the time I have "bad taste" but I just don't find men with femine features like Leonardo DiCaprio or even Brad Pitt sexualy attractive. Maybe you can look into that?

Wed, 03/12/2008 - 17:07 subliminal decay What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

Erik - have you heard of the French singer Alizee?

Wed, 03/12/2008 - 16:53 sarah What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

this site is fucking disgusting
i hope you die because of this

Wed, 03/12/2008 - 13:39 Erik What goes into the selection of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models? Some video clips

Here is more on the 2008 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

Page 22 says, “We have pretty high standards, you know.” grin

Page 29 introduces the rookie models as follows.


[A list of NBA rookies]. But we’re a little more taken, we’ll admit, by another collection of eye-popping newbies who are certain to generate even more excitement and enthusiasm. And we happen to think that just about any pulse-bearing male would agree.

The rookies shown include Quiana Grant, Melissa Haro and Melissa Baker. The correct statement would have mentioned “pulse-bearing males of some atypical sexual orientations” since whereas typical men would not have a problem with these women, they would not be excited by their pictures.

Sports Illustrated has some pictures of Will Ferrell and Heidi Klum online. Contrast them and those in the magazine with the unflattering appearance of Heidi in the video. Those skeptical of my arguments should ask themselves why do they go through the trouble of making unfeminine women look as feminine as possible rather than recruit feminine models.

Mon, 03/10/2008 - 21:26 June The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

Neither of the women are exceptionally attractive, but do men really care either way?

Mon, 03/10/2008 - 13:06 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Erik : first of all I do not have attention to spam this thread but I wanted u to take a look at this theory abit. it's quite interesting.

May I ask u one question? why don't u open the section for the visitors to pose the picture of feminine women in their openion?

“Long back in the year 1900 Henry Fairfield Osborn, the head of the American Museum of Natural History, New York wrote in an article in ‘Science’ journal predicting that Asia must be the source of fourteen orders and countless species of mammals. He argued that the uplift of Himalayan Mountains to the south of Asia would have caused periods of desiccation in central Asia. Such environmental change, Osborn reasoned, would have forced the higher primates to adapt to unaccustomed habitats and the biological stress imposed by the changes would have channelled evolution towards the development of fitter and better-adapted species, ending in the origin of man.”

2. In the year 1910, Grey Pilgrim of Geological Survey of India discovered two parts of a lower jaw in the Sivalik Hills of northern India. In the year 1932, G. Edward Lewis discovered the upper jaw of a hominidae dated 15 million years ago. These findings led to a speculation that a pre-human species named ‘Rama Pithecus’ was found. However, later research proved this false. It was an ancestor of the ape Orang-utan of South East Asia and not humans.

3. Many anthropologists were biased on African origin of humans. Therefore, they discounted Asia as a possible origin of modern humans. They based their argument on the fact that stone hand axe was found only in Europe (in the western and southern India as well) whereas only pebble tools were found in Asia. An imaginary line was drawn on the map connecting Caspian Sea and Bengal called ‘Movius Line’. Left side of this line was considered as that of better-developed ‘Hand Axe’ culture and the right side as that of under developed ‘Chopper chopping’ culture (using pebble tools). Eurocentric bias favouring Neanderthals as superior toolmakers of the past strengthened this idea.

4. In later part of the 20th century Russell Ciochon pointed out that east of the Movius Line was the bamboo region and early man could have used perishable bamboo tools instead of stone for hunting. This could have helped him to develop his evolving brain as stone tools did in Africa. He went further to suggest that the mysterious, better equipped Homo sapiens who moved into Europe 40,000 years back and caused the extinction of Neanderthals, could have been these developed men from the east. They were called Cro-Magnon people who created the cave art of France. The famous writer Isaac Asimov, in one of his essays speculated that Cro-Magnons could have used bows and arrows to decimate Neanderthals (bows and arrows could have naturally originated from the bamboo region).

5. Russell Ciochon, John Olsen, & J. Jones, in their book of 1990 describe how they came across fossils of Homo erectus and Gigantopithecus side by side in Vietnam. Giganto jawbone was also found in India at Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh) and Amphipithecus jaw was found in Burma. Both of these are dated as 45 million years old. They opined that archaic Homo orders could have evolved in Vietnam who coexisted with Gigantos, even as late as 800,000 years back. Giganto’s main diet was bamboo shoots like Giant Panda of today.

6. Richard Dawkins in his recent book (2004), “The Ancestor’s Tale” refers to a family tree depicting that

a) 25 million years back the ape line and monkey lines branched off in Africa,

b) About 20 million years back the advancing ape line changed its venue to Asia till about 10 million years during which time Asian apes Orang-Utans, Gibbon and Siamangs evolved,

c) After 10 million years before present, the theatre again shifted to Africa from where Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Australopithecus and humans evolved.

I started taking interest in the human evolution twenty years back. Since then I had a common sense doubt that Asia and Indian Himalayas must have played a role in the human evolution. My line of reasoning was like this: There is only one species of humans and four species of apes (five if you count Bonobo as separate from chimps). Out of the four ape families Gorilla and Chimpanzee are found in Africa, not in Asia, Orang-utan and Gibbon are found in South East Asia and not in Africa. If the four ape families had a common ancestry, such a creature should have lived only in Himalayas if we see the world map notwithstanding credence to the ‘Yeti’ legend. As I started searching for evidence for my theory, I found the above references in US libraries.

Projecting my common sense logic and assembling different bits of evidence available in scientific writings, I am tempted to conclude a story as follows:

* Around 65 million years ago (Ma), catastrophic showers of asteroids caused huge dust storms, shutting out sun’s rays for months. Consequently, photosynthesis ceased. Eco-systems and food chains collapsed. All big dinosaurs died out. Small winged dinosaurs slowly evolved into birds. When dust cleared, small scurrying mammals gained ground and started evolving into many new mammalian species. This included “Euprimates” (Ancestor of prosimians, monkeys, apes and humans) which is said to have evolved somewhere in the tropical forests of South East Asia.

* Between 35 Ma and 15 Ma, when the first phase of Himalayan upliftment was over, the great Himalayan river systems (Ganges, Yamuna, Indus, and Brahmaputra) evolved and caused forestation of the southern slopes in Greater Himalayas (Himadri). Prosimians (Loris, lemur etc.) had branched off from Euprimates, leaving the rest to evolve into “Amphipithacus” (Ancestor of monkeys, apes and humans) somewhere in China. Then monkeys branched off, diversified and spread all over the old world. Monkeys dominated the treetops. Heavier primates, “Euhominoids” (ancestor of apes and man) occupied lower tree branches. Himalayan slopes could have had some of these advanced primates. One such identified species could have been Sivapithecus. Living on trees helped primates acquire depth vision, gripping hands with opposing thumb, and hand-eye coordination. Their brains enlarged and advanced.

* Between 15 Ma and 7 Ma the second phase of Himalayan upliftment (Central Himalayas or Himachal was formed) occurred causing great disturbances in the habitat of these early primates. One group of Euhominoids migrated to South East Asia to evolve into Gibbon (on treetops) and Orangutan (at lower levels) apes. Another group moved to Africa, as by this time the intervening Tethys Sea between Africa, India and the southern ridge of Eurasia had shrunk into Mediterranean Sea connecting the adjoining landmasses. These primates in Africa evolved into Chimpanzee (on treetops) and Gorilla (at lower levels). The remaining Euhominoids in East Africa advanced in evolution as “Australopithecines” (ancestor of Humans), as they started to compete with carnivores on the ground for meat. In the third phase of Himalayan upliftment (2 million years back), the Sivalik slopes were formed (Naimisaranya). No ape family remained in India during this period.
