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Fri, 08/07/2009 - 11:44 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"I think that even though those women do not have as shapely bodies as mine, anyone can tell they are less athletic. My body is athletic"


Yes, anyone can see that goddess..excuse me..godis is more shapely and far more athletic than these girls.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 11:39 Violetcorpus Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"You don't actually believe that yourself, do you? I love it when non-whites come here and troll, pretending they don't envy white beauty. I could post countless before/after pictures of Asians who underwent plastic surgery - men and women - and then we would see what and who they try to resemble, wouldn't we..?"

Oh my god you're pathetic. These are NOT MY VIEWS- these are the OPINIONS of east asians prior to substantial western contact. Do you doubt that huge compendium of quotes and anthropological data? And once again, ONCE AGAIN, you cretins act as if whites don't have their own ethnic cranio-facial extremities- which they CERTAINLY do. I'm white, by the way. Just because I'm not a desperate, misanthropic cretin like you doesn't mean I'm non-white.

And hey, one of those japanese liked the women on commodore perry's ship- what now?

"Take these photos, for example;"

These are obviously "after" photos- it doesn't show a thing as to how they looked prior to such surgery. By the way, as other comments have pointed out several times to you, male beauty is PROFOUNDLY more variable than female beauty. Do not tell me you're going to go on about the beauty of white males now.

"And these ones.."

I've seen you post these pictures before. Just WHAT did she get done? Most of them are blurry and of very different angles. The only differences I see is that her nose is slightly narrower, her chin is more prominent (hardly a european trait), and her teeth look better. She still looks very asian.

"Yes, Violet Corpse, homely, marginally attractive,"

I never called white women this.

"but compared to Asians, the most stunning people in the planet."

HAHAHAHHA! Yes Barberella, all white women are just super models! So what makes white men so gorgeous? Do they have a monopoly on facial symmetry compared to every single other population? (they don't) Are their facial shapes of a perfect medium unlike anyone else? (they don't) Is it their light hair and light eyes, something most whites don't exhibit? (it's not) Is their light skin that wonderful? (no, but I'll admit it's the only thing I find somewhat devisive on this topic) Is their facial femininity so soft and gracile? (not in the least)

"These, you realize are pics of regular N. and Northwestern Europeans, not the models, that all Asians have to post, in order to convince anyone that there's a single attractive one out of the entire population, lets see, more homely Irish girls...."

A bunch of them at night clubs and bars, which is where... most of these women have been posted. Did you know alot of more attractive women on average on going to frequent those clubs, especially when it comes to group photos? By the way, I don't find any of those women that particularly attractive. They're generally pretty good looking, but nothing what I'd approach as calling the most "stunning people on the planet". By the way, the girls in the second pic are all quite unattractive.

"Bitter envy was the motivation for your rambling post,"

You assume too much, you arrogant prick. Objectivity and a willingless to stamp out this kind of bile is behind it. You're basically a clone of Emily- where'd you come from? Stormfront?- and it's been shown time and time again, in spite of voluminous levels of examples shown against her, she still comes back time and time again. It's pretty obvious what her feelings are- she reviles the idea of white, nordic women not being at the center, the paragon, the ideal of human female beauty. She has some sort of ridiculous vendetta against asians, calling and comparing them undeveloped, child like dwarves, fetuses, saying they look like downs syndrome sufferers etc. She says virtually all asians hate their own looks and want to destroy the white race, because all they care about is improving their own looks, because they're just lustful, malicious beings.

How does that not sound like she can't stand non-whites?

"every Asian guy has always said how much they love the looks of whites because fo the beautiful array of colors, not the same hair, skin, and eyes for miles...."

Yeah, EVERY ASIAN GUY. Do you 2 morons EVER realize how insane you sound with this kind of hyperbole? By the way, exactly WHAT makes a population with more hair and eye color diversity more objectively beautiful? All of those colors are relative, unless you're going to take a nordicist stance on all this. And skin color? Um. Whites, as a whole, are extremely homogenous in skin color. People closer to the extremities of skin color distribution among humans, whether it be the white skin seen most commonly among europeans or the deep black skin seen commonly among sudanese and senegambian blacks, are more likely to be less diverse in skin coloration. People farther away from the extremities are more diverse. East asians are CERTAINLY more diverse in skin color than whites. Though, are you of the opinion that nordic white skin is innately the most desired? If not, that'd be great to hear.

"The one's that look good are either cartoons of themselves, or trying VERY hard to look European..."

.....The first woman had pink streaks of dyed hair. The second one only had blonde dyed hair, which is a very uncommon dyed color among asians.

"And as far as body hair goes, white women don't have a proponderance of excessive hisutism, but, adults are supposed to have some body hair, only those with arrested development fail to develop normal body hair growth."

...Just WHAT are you talking about? It's a fact that, on average, whites, and by implication, white women, are considerably more hairy than asians. A good deal of this is due to testosterone differences, though, meaning, in such a case, it's a relatively transient racial trait. Just like facial masculinity (profoundly transient), body shape, etc. Something Emily endlessly acts as if it isn't.

"Grey eyes look like dust, you say? And dark brown/black eyes look the eyes of evil comic book characters and monsters in horror movies. Just better to leave this one alone..."

No, I was only drawing up negative things grey eyes could be compared to, considering how Emily was going on about how wonderful grey eyes are, when one can easily think of more negative comparisons for that than blue or green eyes.

"and "dog eyes", right, blue and green....."

I didn't call them dog eyes. That was the japanese delegate who did. What are you trying to prove here?

"Envy is a fickle bitch, now isn't she/"

I guess whites with brown eyes, who constitute the majority of whites, should fall in line with all those hideous non-whites. Unless you have some evidence for light eyes being objectively more attractive?

By the way, I think you're much more deserving of the label "fickle bitch" when you seem endlessly set on "proving" the innate beauty of white women. Fickle bitch.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 11:31 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

He never proved me wrong since I am not wrong. A huge, hooked nose is a trademark of the Indians. There are always exceptions, but an exception does not change the rule.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 11:23 Marie The aesthetics of the eyebrows

emily you really surprise me with your attitude, i think you have issues that you need to get help for
emily said Many Romanian gypsies look just like you. Your hooked/Roman nose is very much in line with the gypsy look, since they have Indian blood.
even Indians have straight upturned noses


i am using peter as an course there are others
peter really got to you because he proved you wrong and all you did was demean his skin color
good going!

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 10:08 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I have to correct myself, as when I posted last night, I misspoke of my mom's ancestry, her family is from the Jutland peninsula which is Northern Germany and Denmark, and is ALSO from the Netherlands, I did not mean to imply that the Netherlands was on the Jutland Peninsula!! I realized after I posted it, how it appeared, and I felt the need to make the clarification.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 05:56 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"What do Romanian Gypsies have to do with me having an oval face?"

You are Romanian, have a hooked/Roman nose, and you make yourself the topic of discussusion.

It is relevant to point out that there is a very strong gypsy element in many Romanians. You said that the fact that you are fair skinned and have an oval face shape proves you are white, or "caucasian", as you put it.

That is incorrect, as I have shown it does not prove a thing. Many Romanian gypsies look just like you. Your hooked/Roman nose is very much in line with the gypsy look, since they have Indian blood.

One in ten Romanians is a gypsy.

That is the official figure. The unofficial one is most likely a lot higher.

As my photos have shown there are many ordinary Romanians who have clear gypsy traits, and there is obviously race mixing, which is inevitable when over one in ten is a gypsy there.

Even someone who doesn't possess those traits can carry those genes and give them to the next generation.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 05:42 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Kristin Kreuk is only 26. She is barely aging, she just started if even. Kristin Kreuk is practically aneorexic in those photos. That is why she looks like crap."

I didn't imply Kreuk is aging when I said she is maturing. She is losing the girlishness of her late teens and early twenties.

Now we see her "real" adult self. Just like Brooke Shields some people lose their appeal when they mature. Brooke became far too masculine, and in the case of Kristin, her bi-racial traits now make her look like a space alien in some photos, just like Gemma Ward.

Anorexia doesn't give you non-white facial traits, and those are the things that now make her unattractive. She is less attractive because she is bi-racial, not because she is slim. Her slimness bring forth her Asian traits more, though.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 02:48 Barberella Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

I mean to say that I'm a loss at assessing slight feminine/masuline elements in women's faces. I look at faces all day long, but not in that regard. I think that by giving it a lot more consideration, it could actually become extremely useful in my line of work. Obvious masculinization/feminization is apparent to me, but it's the subtleties that I'd like to get a better grasp on.

Sorry for not mentioning that more specificly in the previous post.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 02:41 Barberella Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?


Although I can very well discern what is feminine, at least below the neck, I.e. narrow ribcage, small waist, a noticable swell of hips and softly protruding buttocks, as well as hand/foot, and arm length, to be honest, I'm at a loss at assessing faces!!

I'm a female, but the topic is very interesting, your research and sources are sound, and I have no arguments, but it seems as though you assess faces as: if there is any, even if elegantly refined, discernable "bone structure" that is evident, than the face is automaticly percieved as masculine. I really can't understand why, and I've read a lot of the articles here, as well as looked at the "attractive women" section.

I can see though, at times, when you've acknowledged when a woman has a certain amount of masculinization, yet is still attractive.

I don't really have a question, just more of an observation. It seems though, that elegant, refined, and very slight definition of bone structure, even if it's slight masculization, or pseudo feminization, is still very attractive and lovely. Lots of examples have been given here, by your commentators. I suspect, though, that you may find a lot of the pics of celebrities posted are not feminine, even if there are many who do still find them very attractive.

In my observation, it would seem that the slight and what I percieve as delicate or refined bone structure of a woman's face is more attractive, by and large, than a hyper-feminine face. However, I still believe that the most feminine physiques are most appealing, and have seen women who do have facial pseudo-feminization, or slight masculination, and still maintain a very feminine figure. I believe that to be the most attractive. Kate Beckinsale is the example I'm thinking of.

I very much appreciate the very "pro-female" (as I heard someone else say) message of this site. I've seen the way that some reacted to it, making it much more political than it should be, and taking offense at European women being the focus. Regardless, continue the work you're doing.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 02:06 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Though some of the comments that I've just re-read are months old, the ignorance astounds me. Saying that no Nordic women have ever become as accomplished as Ashwairya Rai have obviously never heard of Greta Garbo, Ann-Margret, Michelle Pfeiffer, Kim Bassinger, Lena Olin, Renee Zellweger, Melanie Griffith, Naomi Watts, Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman, and countless other "nobodies".

Nordic women are known as being some of the best-aging women in the world, as most of the women (living) that I've mentioned are in their 30's and 40's, some are even in their 50's (Michelle and Kim). I'm sure that they'd be accused of plastic surgery, but that's rarely the case. My mother, whose family descnds from the Jutland peninsula, is in her late 50's, and can fool people into thinking she's in her early forties, easily, and all she does is use Oil of Olay! (the Jutland peninsula is Northern Germany, the Netherlands, and mainly Denmark.)

Charlize Theron is South African, where most of the whites are of Dutch origin, Dutch being "very" Nordic, although not technically Scandinavian.

Britney Spears is from Louisiana, where "most people of her home state are English"...has anyone ever heard of the "Louisiana Purchase"? It means that most Louisianans are FRENCH, the largest French community in the US.

I could go on and on...and I know that a lot of these comments are months old, so writing this was in effect a waste of time, but when people twist the truth to suit themselves, it negates the entire point that they are trying to make.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 01:15 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Godis, really, stop embarrassing yourself by posting your photos again. You're not in a Turkish belly dance contest. Those girls you mocked look like athletes in comparison to you"

I think that even though those women do not have as shapely bodies as mine, anyone can tell they are less athletic. My body is athletic even though I am an hourglass. I am especially good at any kind of dance, so yes I could be a Turkish belly dancer. I have taken belly dancing classes and so I actually do know how to belly dance. You can incorporate belly dancing moves into any other dance almost. However, some are too provocative and should only be kept in the bedroom.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 00:50 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Kristin Kreuk is only 26. She is barely aging, she just started if even. Kristin Kreuk is practically aneorexic in those photos. That is why she looks like crap. Anyone looks like crap that skinny.

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 00:45 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


What do Romanian Gypsies have to do with me having an oval face?

The only logical thing I can think of to make from your statements is that you would like to associate me to Gypsies, who according to you, all have big hooked noses. Because I HAVE to have a big hooked nose or else you wouldn't feel ok. If it makes you feel better Emily, I HAVE A BIG HUMONGOUS GINORMOUS HOOKED NOSE!

Are you happy?

Because even if you're happy, it doesn't make it true.

You just wish I looked horrible because then it would be so easy to claim I am envious of Nordics and that is the only reason I disagree with anything you say. Please.

Not to mention that not all gypsies are unattractive. You can find stunning gypsies. I have no gypsy blood as far as I know.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 13:18 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Sorry Godis, looked up Kate Beckinsale, she is Anglo-Burmese, half British, half Euroasian (British/Burmese mix), she is far more European looking, no doubt. The admixture isn't very recent, I agree. I can admit when I've posted an inaccuracy! She does not carry typical Asian traits whatsoever, as is the reason I had to look this up, it was so hard to believe. Yes, she is a very classy, sexy and feminine looking woman. I still stand by my statement regarding Kristen Kruek, and I totally see Emily's point, as she is aging, her features are looking much less harmonious.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 12:58 Barberella Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Is this "feminine", "pseudo feminine", or "masculinized"?


Sweet Mary


Michaela by Robert Hammar

Regardless, of what "catagory" they fall in, it is evident that they are attractive, look like women, even if there is mascluinization, or pseudo feminization present. The point is, it can be hard to tell, what with all the criteria that one has to consider, even upon reading the articles here.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 12:44 Barberella Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Charlize's face may be somewhat masculinized, but she's beautiful, with elegant contoured cheekbones, a lightly defined jaw, etc. Though she is not Erik's ideal feminine face, she is no where near as masculinized as the high fashion, and especially, the VS models that are the current ideal. No one is going to confuse Charlize for being a man, or a transvestite or transexual, I'm sorry, "masculinized" or not.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 11:55 Barberella What is sexy?

Thank you, Emily :)

I thought it was great that you posted pictures of Amy Adams, most see her as just "cute", but she is quite sexy, and not at all vulgar.

And true, British actresses don't get the credit, for their beauty, that they deserve.

I posted the photos of the Hollywood "golden age" sex symbols, because despite the very little skin being shown, it was the attitude, and the confidence, that more than just suggested they were sexy, it MADE us believe...

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 09:02 Emily What is sexy?

Wow, barberella..those photos are simply wonderful. They are incredibly gorgeous all of them.

Crown Jewels in the Crown of Beauty they are. :)

I especially think that British women need more appreciation because they can be so extremely beautiful.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 08:04 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"oh wait according to Barberella, a NORTHERN EUROPEAN, I do have the ideal face type"

So do many Romanian gypsies, for example. They have oval faces sometimes.

Most of them have "Roman" or hooked noses, and some have fair skin, maybe due to admixture with ordinary Romanians.

Gypsy women's beauty and dance contest, Bucharest, Romania;

Gypsies prefer to be called Roma people. Could it possibly be a link to..Romania? Romania has a very large Roma population, and there seems to be a lot of race mixing going on since not so few Romanians look very Roma-like.

Some people should shave before they go out, I think.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 06:58 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, really, stop embarrassing yourself by posting your photos again. You're not in a Turkish belly dance contest. Those girls you mocked look like athletes in comparison to you.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 06:40 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Kristin Kreuk is overrated. In many candid shots, without the staging and air-brushing, she looks odd, just like so many racially mixed people do.

Her worst traits are her nose, (Probably surgically altered), and her squinting, semi-mongoloid eyes.

She did have a kind of girly cuteness to her, but as she matures that fades and her biracial beauty problems will take over.

Kristin Kreuk;

Like many race-mixed people her face is identity-less, and there is lack of harmony. She is always put forth as an ideal and that is pathetic. She really is of more use to me, in that I can say that her mongoloid admixture is her great weakness, just like I could in the case of Emma Ward.

An unusually attractive Asian girl - like this Vietnamese girl - is more attractive since there is harmony, balance and racial purity in her face. There are not different forces that clash and fight for dominance in her face. I rarely find Asians good-looking so this girl is indeed part of a very exclusive club. lol

Most ordinary Asians, without the staged photos, the white admixture or the plastic surgery, are often unattractive.
Their good looks is a myth. Exceptions to the rule do not change the rule. I'm not interested in showing photos that represent a tiny minority of a population.

So, if you think my photos are unattractive it is because ordinary 100% Asians are unattractive, on average. Their round, flat heads, mongoloid features and underdeveloped bodies are simply often very unappealing traits.

These are Japanese cheerleaders, supposedly selected for their beauty. Count on that at least half of them have had some plastic surgery (double eye lid surgery and nose job being the most popular. Plastic surgery is booming in Asia as the general standard of living increases. Supposedly because they are so fond of their Asian features.)

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 02:19 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, as far as calling anonymous DUMB, she is a rambling fool with no relevant points to make. All she wants to do is call me names, have you noticed that? If you're so concerned, go back and tell her that she's mean. ALL SHE DOES IS INSULT AND BAIT ME, DAY AFTER DAY, AND WHAT'S WORSE, SHE CAN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE DOING IT!!! Catch my drift?

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 02:15 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Katherine Heigl has a primarily Northern/Western European type nose. Realisticly, ask yourself, is her nose characteristic of Medeterranian, Asian, African, E. European noses? No, it's fine and straight. Not all Nordic noses are as "upturned" as Nicole's. There are variants in all people, in all populations, as Erik's pointed out. Katherine may have brown eyes, but there are white N./N.W. Europeans that do, while maintaining other typical Northern European features, such as her face and eye shape, lips, etc.

Emily has already stated on another thread that she found Kate Beckinsale's looks to be quite lovely, after I'd posted pics there. And I'm not sure where you see Asian admixture in Kate? Erik has also mentioned, that persons of the same populations have a variety of features, it does not usually denote foriegn admixture, as much as a lot of people here like to claim that it does!!

Kristen Kruek is cute, but beautiful? I don't happen to think so. As a matter of fact, she proves a lot of Emily's arguments here, so why she is always used as an example to disspel Emily's theories is useless. Yes, she looks cute because of her Asian looks, but the refinement of those looks is credited to European admixture!!

By the way Godis, what do you think of these two young ladies? Amy Adams....


Or Rachel Hurd Wood?

Rachel Hurd-Wood

Both of these young ladies have Nordic noses, but you can see that there are variations. They both would be considered "Nordic", or have considerable Nordic admixture, but they are British/Irish (Rachel), and Amy is an Irish and German American.

So you see, one doesn't have to be a pure blooded Scandinavian to have the elegant North Europran nose!

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 01:36 Barberella What is sexy?

Sorry, I'm on a roll!! Ava Gardner...

Ava Gardner

Audrey Hepburn...

Audrey Hepburn with 'Ip

Rita Hayworth...


Veroncia Lake....

Veronica Lake 1941

Greta Garbo...

Greta Garbo

Sexiness is often what is left to the imagination, than the vulgarity that is the norm right now. All of these icons were no doubt sexy, but there was mystery about them, which is much more alluring.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 01:16 Barberella What is sexy?

I meant to grab the html and not the link, but you can see what I mean...

Michelle Pfieffer, who, despite "others" claims about N. Europeans aging badly, lets just see...

Michelle Pfeiffer colorize

Young British actress Rachel Hurd Wood...

Rachel Hurd-Wood Tim Jenkins shoot (2).jpg

Firma Rachel Hurd-Wood

Naomi Watts.....aging quite beautifully I might add, she's over 40!


Nicole Kidman...

Nicole Kidman

Meg Ryan...

The Women

My, don't Nordic women age terribly? LOL, all sexy,
